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Santa's Naughty Helpers

Page 23

by Elizabeth Knox

  “Zarah, sweetie, you have met my husband. He’s the most demanding one of them all. Did he give me a choice when he wanted me?” Zarah shakes her head no, her cheeks tinting a rosy colour. “Did you tell me to take a chance on him, because you said he gave off the vibe that he would never hurt me?”

  “Yeah,” Zarah whispers, then brings her gaze to me.

  Her eyes are soft, her cheeks are rosy, and her pink lips glisten from her licking them making my dick stir in my jeans. She looks like she belongs on the cover of a winter fashion magazine.

  “Take that step,” Ana says softly. “The step may seem big now but with a helping hand, you can make it.”

  Seconds tick by and no one says a word. It’s like the kids know something is up because none of them make a sound. My heart beats like fucking crazy in my chest. I have never wanted to be with a woman as much as I want to be with Zarah. I just hate that I wasted so much time not being with her, but hell I will make sure that for the rest of my life I will make it up to her, in every way.

  “Do not hurt me, Ash Maisley. Otherwise no other women that come after me with have anything to play with.” Comes her stern voice. I would expect nothing less of a threat from my woman.

  The boys chuckle and gather up their women and kids then make their way out the door. I move the pram and pull Zarah into my arms, my hands dropping to her lush arse and cupping both cheeks, pulling her to me.

  “I would never hurt you, Zarah. And I expect the same back for me and Faith, because you’re not just taking me on, but our girl too,” at the sound of ‘our’ leaving my lips, her eyes go wide and fill with tears.

  “Fuck, I didn’t mean to make you cry. Shit, baby.” I cup her cheeks and swipe away the tears with my thumb and she gives me a wet smile, which I return.

  “Happy tears, Maze. Who knew that you had such sweet words in that one-track mind of yours,” she jokes and leans in to kiss me which I greedily take from her.

  Her mouth is something so divine, so soft and warm. Okay I need these lips around my cock again.

  “Really?” comes her voice, startling me from my thoughts.

  “What?” I ask her leaning back slightly.

  “You just said that out loud against my lips.” She explains.

  “Oh, shit, did I?” I laugh and lean in to kiss her one more time before letting her go and pushing the pram toward the main door and joining everyone.

  “Maze?” I look over at her and she gives me a saucy smile. “Later,” with a wink she takes the pram from me and walks over to her sister. She says something to Ana, and they giggle, and I can’t stop the stupid smile from sliding across my face.

  I feel a slap on my back, and I turn to see Batch standing next to me, his smile says it all really.

  “Feels good doesn’t it?”

  “Yeah.” Is all I say.

  “Sex on tap. Make up sex is the fucking best, brother. Oh, and pregnancy sex. Holy shit that’s off the charts. Get her knocked up, ASAP, I’m telling you now, best ever.”

  “Really, Batch.” I scoff and his smile widens, and his eyes light up like a kid in a toy shop.

  “They get all sensitive and shit. Oh, and don’t forget extra juicy.” He winks before walking away and joining Gen and their three kids.

  I walk up behind Zarah and place my arm around her waist, and we all walk down the street to the Christmas market. The town went all out this year. Strings of lights flow from the streetlamps; the trees have lights in them. There is a huge arse tree in the centre, and everyone gathers around it for photos.

  Christmas music plays as the snow falls softly, giving it a full Christmas feel. Zarah shivers and I pull her close as we stand around and the older kids stand in line at Santa’s Grotto, waiting to see the big guy.

  I pull her close to me and kiss her neck and she shivers for a different reason. She turns and smiles at me and kisses me again and I feel like everything is falling into place for me. Never in a million fucking years did I think I would have what my brothers have, hell I didn’t think I wanted it, until my little bundle of joy turned up one day.

  “Maze, is that you?”

  I turn my head to see my ex-girlfriend step toward us with two friends.

  “Taryn,” I acknowledge. I see her eyes bounce between Zarah and me and I pull my woman tighter.

  “Oh, wow you look good. How have you been? Maybe we could catch up like old times.” She says, biting her bottom lip. I shake my head at her.

  “I’m good, better than ever. I have my woman at my side and our daughter sleeping peacefully enjoying our first Christmas together.”

  “Woman and baby? Since when does Maze, dirty biker settle down?”

  “Since he saw what was in front of him, now run along little girl and leave the real woman to handle a dirty biker; my dirty biker,” Zarah says from my side.

  “Whatever,” Taryn mutters.

  “Cracking comeback there.” Zarah mutters and kisses my cheek but fuck me if she thinks that’s all she’s giving me after she just threw down like that for me.

  My hand meets her jaw and I drag her face to mine and take her lips in a heated kiss that really shouldn’t be seen in public but fuck if I care. My tongue plays with hers, dancing for dominance but Zarah doesn’t give up so easily. She drops her hand from my arm and cups me through my jeans which my cock is very much appreciating.

  “This is mine.” She says against my lips and I nod because her kisses have rendered me speechless. She smirks, gives my dick one last squeeze before turning to talk to Sabrina.

  Fuck my life, she’s going to challenge me through the rest of my years and fuck me I’m ready and waiting for it.

  Chapter Twelve


  Today is Christmas Day and the clubhouse is buzzing. Not only did Ana, me, and the other Old Ladies, deliver breakfast to the hospital this morning, but we have also made a full Christmas dinner for the club too.

  Everything is keeping warm while we all open presents and enjoy a few hours to ourselves before Maze and I have to dress up and be merry for a few hours. I am sitting on the couch with Maze next to me, his arm around my shoulders, and Faith is resting on my lap, dozing like today is any other day. She’s too young to notice today, or even remember it.

  The club kids are causing chaos with their new gifts, wrapping paper covers nearly every surface in the room, but seeing their smiles and hearing their excited squeals is well worth the clean up later.

  A finger traces my jaw and pulls so I am facing him. His eyes are full of love and desire as he licks his lips and moves closer, kissing me with so much feeling that I choke up. I blink back the tears and he smiles his panty-melting smile as they say before he speaks.

  “I love you, Zarah Dawkins. I think deep down I always have, just never saw what was directly in front of me. I used to hate seeing you out with other guys, and I know that’s not an excuse for my sexual behaviour either, so I just want to put it out there that I’m sorry that I wasted so much precious time, not claiming you back then. Having Faith has showed me that life can end so damned quickly and I don’t want to waste any more time. Be my Old Lady. Be Mine.”

  Tears fall down my face and I just nod, as words escape me for the first time, in well forever. I am usually the one that has a lot to say but he has taken my brain and mushed it with lovey-dovey words. Damn the dirty biker.

  Moving my free hand to his face and cupping his stubbled jaw, I lean in and gently kiss his lips. That one kiss replies everything that I feel for him and I know he felt it too, because he sighs and smiles.

  “I love you too, Ash Maisley. A family was all I have ever wanted, and you and the club gave that to Ana and me years ago, but I always felt something was missing. Then I saw you in a different light and it made my heart swoon.”

  “And your knickers wet, right?” he wiggles his eyebrows at me, and I giggle. Startling Faith. “It’s okay, Angel, mummy is being loud, but daddy said something funny.”

  “Mummy?” I

  “Yeah, ‘mummy’. You are as much her parent as I am, baby. She’s ours. We just need to correct your last name to match ours,” he winks at me and my heart goes ape shit in my chest.

  The love for this man is nothing I have ever felt before and I know for sure that no other man will ever follow in his footsteps, not that I want them too.

  He’s mine and I’m his. Faith is ours, and we are complete and full of love and joy.

  I am standing next to Maze who’s currently dressed as Santa Claus, and making the children laugh and smile as he hands out gifts. The way he’s with them makes me fall even more in love with him. I think if I didn’t already love him, after today I think I would have.

  Ash Maisley is an amazing man and I’m so lucky that he’s mine.

  He’s on his knees right now talking to a little girl who’s in a wheelchair, as she’s too weak to walk. Her smiles bring tears to my eyes, as I know that her future is uncertain.

  “He’s amazing with them.” Comes a voice next to me. I turn to look and see a young nurse standing smiling at Maze and the kids.

  “That he is.” I smile proudly. My heart melts seeing him like this.

  “Does he have kids?”

  “We do, yes. A baby girl.” Her eyes go wide, like a deer in the headlights. She gives me one last smile before stepping away. I shake my head laughing at her.

  I step over to Maze and the kids, holding a rather large red velvet bag filled with toys and gifts for the kids. Maze winks at me and his gaze slides down my body taking in my outfit, that I know he was disappointed when I showed him, but little does he know that I have a special outfit for him for tonight once Faith has gone to bed.

  I’m in a red cotton short leg dungaree suit with gold trim and a long white sleeve top underneath. Red, green, and white striped socks, with red ankle boots and a velvet Santa hat on my head. Very public friendly, as Jamie called it.

  “Here you go, Santa.” I pass him another gift.

  “Why thank you, Cinnamon,” he jokes using the name he made me use when we got here because he said that I smelt like cinnamon, after I made a ton of buns for the hospital.

  We hand out toys, and gifts to the children and the staff, plus the parents. The rest of the Unforgiven Riders help with the food and drinks, along with playing with some of the more able children.

  It’s heart-breaking to watch these children and their families go through such a tough time in their lives and be in here at this time of year, but what I do see, shining through the children and the parents, is love and courage. They are fighters and full of faith and belief that they will see another day, week, month, or year.

  I’m grateful for what I have, and I will cherish every moment I have with Ash and Faith and the club. Family is everything, you may not all be connected by blood, but you’re still family none the less.

  “Can I have a cookie, please?” comes a sweet voice. I look down and see a handsome little boy, he can’t be more than six or seven. His mum nods her head, letting me know that it’s safe to give him one, so I hand him the best looking cookie on the plate.

  “There you go, young man. What’s your name?”

  “Jasper,” he replies, then bites into the vegan, no-nut cookie.

  “Now that’s a very cool name.” I tell him and he beams with pride before running off and his mum following him after she says her thanks.

  “Are you ready to go. I need out of this suit. I am sweating my balls off and they are itching to hell and back.” Maze says as he comes and stands next to me. I smile at him and nod.

  “Yeah. I think they are starting to take the kids back to their rooms, they look tired.” Just as I say that the Sister thanks us and the kids and their parents say their thanks, has me getting choked up again.

  “Ho, Ho, Ho. You all have a wonderful evening and remember I will be watching to see who will be on the naughty and nice list next year. Sweet dreams, everyone,” Maze says in his deep, jolly Santa voice.

  The men in the club try to move in to clean up but the nurses will have none of it even with a group of large burly bikers in the room. We all get shooed out and told to have a Merry Christmas with our families.

  We do just that, all of us going to our own homes to enjoy the rest of what can only be described as the best Christmas Day in the Unforgiven Riders MC history and I’m privileged to be a big part of what they did, of what we did. Now onto planning next year.



  I am sitting in our bed, the quilt with the Christmas pattern settled at my waist, covering that I’m naked under. Zarah is in the bathroom drying and getting dressed after her shower, that she made us take separately, much to my disappointment.

  When we got back from the hospital, we settled in and ate some more food and treats, watched Faith lay on the floor in front of the log fire and take in the lights on the Christmas film we put on, everything was beyond fucking perfect. I had my girls here with me and I couldn’t ask for more.

  That little girl changed my life, hell changed Zarah’s too, but I think we will forever be in her debt for bringing us together. Sex with my woman is off the charts, never had I had it so good, than when I’m buried deep inside of her.

  She knows how to work my dick, let me tell you that right now.

  Some people will piss and moan about how quick we moved but life is way too fucking short to waste time. You want it, go and fucking get it. Make things happen because you never know what you’re missing out on if you don’t try.

  See I can be all philosophical and shit.

  “Handsome.” Comes her sweet voice from the door and I choke on my tongue as it rolls back into my throat.

  “Holy mother fucking shit, baby.”

  Zarah stands at the bottom of the bed, looking like a dream come true. Dressed in a red lace and bow number. The red bra is lace, with a satin bow between her busty tits and the red lace bottoms have two satin bows at each hip, ready to be pulled and removed. Her make-up is on point, giving her a sexy, dark vixen look with bright red lips, her long wavy hair is down and she looks delectable.

  “Come here, baby.” I growl, showing her just how much I’m turned on.

  She listens and steps around the bed, I lean over and see the fuck me heels she’s wearing. They are bright red, sparkling with a bow on each heel.

  “Fuck me,” I whisper and reach out for her. She lets out a yelp as I pull her to the bed and climb on top of her, straddling her hips, and taking in the pure beauty laid out before me.

  “You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, Zarah. I love you with all my fucking heart. Also, my cock approves of this outfit.” She giggles and her tits jiggle with the movement.

  Leaning forward, resting one hand next to her ribs, I use the other hand to untie each bow, slowly. My gaze casts up to her face and she licks her lips her eyes dark with desire for me.

  “Hurry, Ash,” she pants out and my cock responds to the sweet sound and leaks precum all over her thigh.

  “Shh, I’m unwrapping mine, sweet Zarah,”

  But the look in her eyes tells me that I need to speed this up.

  I wish I could savour the moment, but she’s right, I need to hurry this up and bury myself in my home. Removing her knickers, then pulling at the bow on the bra making it fall open so her tits spill free, my hands settle on each mound to massage and tweak her nipples so they are hard and pointing at me with need.

  “You’re sexy and all mine, Z.” I pant and lean forward, taking her nipples into my mouth one at a time, giving them the attention they need.

  “Oh, yes,” she pants, and I smile against her flesh. I kiss my way down her body, leaving a trail of goose bumps in my wake.

  I meet her sweet pussy and all bets are off with me savouring my woman. Her arousal smells fucking delicious and I need the scent all over me. My tongue swipes up from her slit to her clit and I suck hard, then lap at it with my tongue. Her back arches off the bed, and her moans fill t
he room.

  Sweet pants and whispers from her spur me on, as I slide a finger into her pussy, then adding two more. Her voice gets deeper as she gets closer to her climax and I love the sound, her pleasure is coming from deep inside of her, no pun intended but it shows me just how much she loves what I’m doing to her.

  “Fuck, yes.” She grunts and comes all over my tongue and fingers.

  My cock screams at me to get some, he wants to be soaked and strangled by her pussy. I don’t bother with a condom, because I’m aiming to knock her up by New Year’s anyway, Faith needs a sibling.

  Moving up her body, I grip my cock before sliding home. The moan that escapes me has Zarah’s eyes snapping open at the sudden intrusion of my cock inside her still pulsing pussy.

  “Fuck, yes, baby. You need to come again. I need to feel you milk the hell out of my cock.”

  “Oh shit, Ash. You feel so good. Keep going,” she cries out.

  I feel her hands on my arse, pushing me into her even more and I take it, feeling my cock bottom out inside of her sweet, warm pussy. The pussy that I will spend the rest of my life treasuring, with everything I am. The pussy that will grow my babies and be home to my cock.

  I feel my balls start to tighten and my spine does that familiar tingling again, so I decide to slow it down. Resting my forearms next to her head, I pull my head back and look deep in her eyes, where we stay locked in a love stare, as my hips move slow and deep, in and out. In and out.

  Our breathing takes a sudden deep breathy rhythm.

  Love flows through our gazes and there is no place I would rather be.

  Her mouth opens in a silent cry, her eyes widen as her pussy spasms around my dick, sucking him in more and holding him hostage. She’s coming so hard, I’m finding it hard to pull out, but my balls are happy with that because they explode, and I come right along with her.


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