Santa's Naughty Helpers

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Santa's Naughty Helpers Page 34

by Elizabeth Knox

  Her cries are music to my ears. “Are you going to come for me, baby?”

  She answers with a moan, as she begins coming. Her pussy is rippling around my cock, triggering my own orgasm. I plant myself to the root, coming hard. I take a deep breath and bury my face in her neck. “Fuck, you’re amazing.” I kiss behind her ear and then her lips.

  “You’re not so bad yourself,” she says as she hugs me.

  Aspen whimpers as I pull my softening cock from her. “Let me go take care of this.” She grabs my face, pulling me down for a kiss.

  I throw on my flannel pants and make my way across the hall to the bathroom. Once I’m all straightened out, I head into Dakota’s room. Tiny is where he was before. My daughter hugs the dog from behind, even in sleep.

  I sit on the side of the bed, stroking a hand over her head. Who knew that playing Santa was going to change my life? Thank god, I drew the short straw because our paths may have never crossed otherwise.

  I give Tiny a rub and he sighs other than that, he doesn’t move. I get up and quietly leave the room. I find Aspen standing in the hallway. “They asleep?” she whispers.

  I nod, “Yeah.” I grab her hand and lead her back into her bedroom. “Is she going to be up early?”

  “I bet she’s up by five,” she tells me.

  I pull her into my side, and she rests her head on my shoulder. She starts softly snoring almost immediately, making me smile. I’m almost too excited to sleep, but eventually I do, wrapped around a woman I hope to spend a lot more time with.

  Everyone watches Dakota open her American Girl doll from my parents. Her excited squeal was enough to burst our ear drums, but the look of happiness on my parents’ face was worth it.

  My brothers sit on both sides of her and she’s on Mara’s lap. Mom’s been snapping pictures like crazy, speaking of pictures the family picture we did hangs above the fireplace. She got Aspen a framed picture of the three of us and Tiny.

  Aspen excused herself and when I went to the bathroom to find her, she was leaning against the sink with tears in her eyes. “Everything okay?”

  “Yeah, sorry. That was just really sweet of her.” I led her back out to watch our daughter open her gifts, which has taken forever because she has to take each gift around to everyone, showing them what she got.

  None of us mind, because we just sit back, drinking our coffee, and eating Mom’s cinnamon rolls. The rest of the day is spent playing with Dakota and her new toys and everyone napping on and off.

  By the time we’re back to Aspen’s I carry my sleeping daughter inside. While she gets her changed, I let Tiny out and then back in before grabbing Aspen’s gifts. She was back into the living room a few minutes later. “She is out.”

  “Good, come sit with me.” I tap the cushion next to me and first she grabs a box from under the tree. “I wasn’t sure what to get you, but I saw both of these and thought of you.”


  I open the first box and it’s a Pearl Jam t-shirt. I hug it to my chest and point to one of Alex’s boxes. “You better open yours.”

  He rips it open and when he pulls out the same t-shirt we smile widely at each other. “Great minds think alike.” Alex grabs the front of my pajamas and pulls me toward him, kissing me deep, but all too soon pulling away. “Thank you. Now open your other box.”

  “So bossy,” I mutter, before ripping off the paper. It’s clearly a jewelry box and my heart starts to race. I lift the lid and gasp because inside is the most beautiful necklace I’ve ever seen. He’s looking at me expectantly and all I can do is look like a fish, with my mouth opening and closing, but no sound coming out.

  Instead I tackle him on the couch, kissing him with everything I have. We roll, falling off the couch and hitting the floor with a thud. Of course, Alex takes the brunt of the fall. I push up to look down at him. “Are you okay?”

  He brushes my hair back with both hands. “I’m better than ever.” Alex pulls me down to him, kissing me slowly and thoroughly. I open my mouth to him, our tongues doing that familiar dance.

  I’m not sure what our future holds, but I know that I want to see what happens.



  One year later

  So much has happened since Alex came back into my life. We moved in together about two months after Christmas. Like everything else with us, it was easy getting used to cohabitation. Hell, we were practically living together from the very beginning.

  Right after he moved in, he took the detective’s exam, passing it with ease and then got the title of Detective James.

  My most favorite thing is watching Dakota with her dad—she’s thrived having him around, of course it’s not like she was doing bad before. He is sometimes a pushover for her, and if she cries when she gets in trouble, he can’t handle it.

  I told him to deal with it because I didn’t want her thinking she could use tears to get out of punishments. Alex agreed and said he’d work on it . . . I’ll believe it when I see it.

  We’re on our way to his parents’ house for Christmas morning breakfast and presents. Unfortunately, Tyler is overseas and won’t be there, but we put together a care package for him so hopefully he feels like he’s home.

  I chance a glance at Alex, he’s been quiet this morning. Oh, he was enthusiastic when our daughter opened her presents, but other than that he’s been almost somber. Is he not happy with me? Maybe he wants to split up. No, I need to stop and just silently be there for him.

  When we get to his parents, I can’t even get out before Cameron is coming out to get his little peanut out of the backseat. Her aunt and uncles spoil her, but I love it. I grab Tiny’s leash and help him out of the back, while Alex grabs the gifts.

  After greetings are exchanged, I help Alex put the presents under the tree. I place my hand on his arm, “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, why?” He stands up and holds his hand out to me to help me up and we head into the dining room to eat.

  “Thank you for doing the dishes, sweetheart.” Ripley kisses my cheek. I give her a smile and dry the last plate. “Are you okay?”

  I paste on my best fake smile. “Yes, of course. Just tired, Dakota was up early.”

  She nods in understanding. “I miss those days. Enjoy them because all too soon you have to go wake your children up because if you don’t, they’ll sleep all day.” Ripley gives me a side hug, and then leaves me to wipe down the counters.

  “Mommy, hurry up,” Dakota shouts from the other room.

  I take a deep breath before heading out to the living room where my daughter eagerly sits. She’s ready to rip apart some wrapping paper. I take a seat next to Mara since Alex is sitting on the floor.

  It takes us a while to open presents. I take pictures of Dakota as she opens all her gifts. She has to hug and kiss whoever the gift is from and tell them thank you. She’s so sweet, but it takes her forever.

  I take a sip of my coffee and Alex gets up, coming over to me. I smile up at him, but then freeze because he’s getting down on one knee in front of me.

  Someone gasps, maybe it’s me. I can’t stop it when I begin trembling. He grabs my hand in his. “Aspen Winters, you are everything I’ve ever wanted. You’ve given me your love, our daughter, and a lot of happiness. Be my wife, make me the happiest man on earth.”

  I tackle him to the floor, kissing him deeply.

  He pulls back. “I take it that’s a yes?”

  “Yes, I’ll marry you.” Alex pulls a princess cut diamond ring out of his pocket and slips it onto my finger. “It’s beautiful. I love you, Alexander Karel James.”

  We stand up so we can accept everyone’s hugs of congratulations.

  I hug Alex tight. “Is this why you were so quiet?”

  “Yeah, baby, I was just nervous about asking and what your answer would be.” He leans down kissing me. “Thank you for saying yes.”

  “Thank you for asking me.”

  Once we get home and Dakota goes to sleep fo
r the night, Alex and I spend the rest of the night making love, celebrating our engagement . . . naked.

  Epilogue II


  Five years later

  “Daddy, all of my friends get makeup too,” Dakota says from her spot on the floor next to my sister, her twin. My daughter has grown into quite the beauty. I hate it though because I want to protect her from anyone that could hurt her.

  “You’re beautiful you don’t need that shit,” I tell her.

  My wife gives me that look that means I’m in trouble, especially when one of our three-year-old twins, Jagger, runs around in a circle yelling “shit”. Dad grabs him and while he holds him upside down tells him not to say that word.

  I watch my gorgeous wife while she cleans up wrapping paper, with our other son, Brock. They’re identical twins, but they couldn’t be more different. Jagger is our wild child and at three, he’s our daredevil. His brother is a total momma’s boy and a lot more mellow.

  Dakota is such a good big sister, I know sometimes it’s tough because the boys can monopolize a lot of our time, but she just goes with the flow and if she needs a break she is usually with her GiGi and Papa, or her aunt or uncles.

  These past five years have been a whirlwind. We got married Christmas Day a year after I proposed. I’m pretty sure our boys were conceived on our first anniversary . . . just kidding. It was around Valentine’s Day.

  Her pregnancy was not easy, and she ended up on bed rest the last two months. It was tough on her, but Aspen was a trooper. The delivery had started out uneventful. Jagger came out easy, or as easy as birth can be, but then Brock’s heartrate dropped, and wouldn’t come back up. They wheeled her out of the delivery room so fast.

  It was almost an hour later before anyone told me anything. While I waited to hear about my wife and son, I sat holding our other child all alone. I didn’t want anyone to meet Jagger until Brock was here and they were together.

  The cord wrapped around Brock’s neck and every time she had a contraction his heartrate got low until it just stayed that way, that’s why they took him via C-section. I felt so much relief when they wheeled her and our other son in, that I cried.

  We decided no more kids after that, but that’s okay because we’re happy that our boys and girl are all healthy.

  “Are you going to come for me, baby?” I whisper against Aspen’s lips. I thrust into her over and over, feeling her channel tighten around me.

  “Yes, honey. Please don’t stop,” she whimpers.

  I shake my head. “Never.” I grab her thigh, lifting her leg up over my hip. I lean down, sucking her nipple into my mouth and like clockwork she comes, and hard.

  I pick up the pace, riding out her orgasm as I begin to come myself. I plant myself deep, groaning against her neck. Once we both come down, I ease out of her and then situate her so she’s lying with her head on my chest.

  “Merry Christmas, baby,” I whisper against her forehead.

  She kisses right over my heart. “Merry Christmas, my Santa surprise.”

  When I fall asleep, I do it smiling, knowing that my boys are right across the hall and that my daughter and dog are next to my boys.

  As Aspen begins to snore softly, I smile because we were destined to be together and I’m thankful every day that I donned that Santa suit.

  The End

  Finding Love At Christmas

  A Christmas Crush #1

  Krista Ames

  Melanie Chambers is a slave to a job she loves. She works a lot of hours, has

  no social life but is content with her tiny apartment and her new puppy. She also happens to be in total love or maybe lust with a guy she works with. Isn’t that wrong?

  Grant Summerlin is the owner of an award-winning advertising firm in Chicago. He has everything a man could want and just happens to be in love with his vice president’s secretary.

  On Christmas Eve, alone in an elevator, can Melanie and Grant face each other and their feelings or will the job be forever awkward?

  To you and yours at this holiday season and always!

  Chapter One

  “Going up?” The man standing at the button panel asked nicely when the doors slid open.

  “Oh, no, thank you, I’m going down.” She smiled weakly at the patrons as the elevator doors closed.

  Melanie couldn’t believe it was December 24th already. One day before Christmas, it was way past dark, and she had been ready to leave work for hours. She stared lifelessly at the blinking red and green lights outlining the elevator doors, second guessing herself, and wondering if she shouldn’t have stayed longer at her desk. The backlog of papers piled under the miniature Christmas tree on her filing cabinet would no doubt take many hours to process with no end in sight.

  There was only one good reason to go home besides wanting to. She’d gotten herself a new puppy. It was an early Christmas present to herself. By this time of the day, or night rather, her rapidly growing black Lab had probably left his smelly little treasure piles all over her white plush flooring. Obviously, there were no thoughts of dirt or dog poop when she’d picked out that carpet. And being new to the whole holiday thing, the few presents under her measly tree were more than likely in shreds and strewn all over the living room floor by now. She’d never thought once about the fact puppies loved to chew on anything in sight. Oh well, at least she had someone happy to see her when she got home, even if it was only a dog.

  The ding of the elevator shook her from her thoughts. She looked up to see which arrow was lit, deciding this was the one she wanted to be on so she pushed her way through the crowd to the back corner—her senses triggered as soon as she entered.

  He stood along the back as well, cool, and confident as always—Grant Summerlin, President of Summerlin Advertising. The very one she worked for.

  Melanie would have recognized the man anywhere, just by his cologne. His was a distinct, fresh woodsy musk with a hint of cinnamon and spice that made the scent deliciously unique. Carefully, she watched him until he caught her staring, making her head snap forward and her heart rate plummet.

  Good grief, could the elevator go any slower? Maybe she just never noticed, but the descent was taking forever. It could have something to do with her office being on the floor second from the top, in one of the tallest buildings in Chicago, or maybe just that it was so packed with people causing a distraction. She did like to people watch versus interacting but she was afraid it just wasn’t the case. The ride and the people were pretty much routine. The problem was Melanie was just plain nervous—and even that was an understatement. The mere presence of Mr. Summerlin, too close to her personal bubble, was enough to make her hyperventilate. Why didn’t she just ride the elevator up? It would have to come back down sooner or later and at least she would have been on board before he got on.

  Stop after stop, co-workers from other floors cleared out of the elevator back to their offices. Must have been an upper level meeting she wasn’t privy to. But wait, why weren’t they leaving for home? She knew most of them had families they needed to be getting home to. Guess she should just be glad it wasn’t her because they’d all probably have an additional pile of work because of that meeting. Seemed Mr. Summerlin was the only person besides her leaving the building. Didn’t seem quite fair that the boss was leaving while all his employees were going back to work.

  As Melanie leaned back and closed her eyes to endure the slow ride to the ground floor, she couldn’t help but imagine—What if they ended up the only two people left on board? Could she work up enough gumption to even talk to him. Let alone to share with him all the things she’d been fantasizing about. Her heart felt like it might beat out of her chest if she kept up those thoughts. She knew she wasn’t that daring.

  Phew! I need off this elevator.

  Of all the places for them to end up together, why did it have to be this spot?

  Nonstop for months, Grant had imagined this very thing. He would be only too thrilled at being
caught here, alone with her, hitting the red panic button so he could do so many wicked things to Melanie. He had to be seeing things at this point but it seemed so real. Every time he looked toward her; she was watching him but then would look forward again when their eyes met.

  Grant was off his rocker to think someone like Melanie might somehow have the same feelings he harbored for her. He was crazy out of his mind for her, even made up excuses why he needed to visit his V.P.’s office because she was the secretary. How pathetic could he get?

  Until now, she hadn’t been anything but the professional employee his company paid her to be, much to his disappointment and frustration. Grant could even mouth the words as she would say them, “Good morning, Mr. Summerlin. Go right in, Mr. Parrish is expecting you.”

  Hoping for a small miracle or a tiny speck of interest, he stole a look across the cramped space again, and caught her looking at him, too. This time however, she didn’t look away. She seemed to be in a trance and unaware he was staring as well. The sight of her was breathtaking. He would chalk it up to the heat in the elevator, but her cheeks held a rosy tint, similar to the reaction of just being kissed for the first time. Her playful auburn hair fell in soft curls around her shoulders, perfect for running his fingers through. It wasn’t a usual look for her because most times, she wore it up in a professional bun. She was a tiny woman but for sure tall in stature. His best guess would put her at five-foot-five and a buck twenty-five dripping wet.

  A perfect fit. For him.

  Because he made sure to see her every day, he already knew Melanie possessed unbelievably sensuous blue green eyes that sparkled when she smiled and lips so luscious, they beg to be kissed and . . .


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