Daddy Shifter

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Daddy Shifter Page 9

by Juniper Hart

  But he also didn’t know how they could possibly make their relationship known to his office, the pack, and especially her parents.

  He had no doubt that Everly felt the same way about him.

  She showed it in every meal she cooked for him, every stare she gave him, every kiss she placed on his body.

  Yet there was little they could do, and they both knew it.

  While the future weighed heavily on Michael’s mind, he had no idea how to speak to her about it.

  What am I going to say? Everly, I’m in love with you, but there’s nothing we can do about it. I just thought I’d let you know.

  Sometimes, Michael would catch her staring off into nothingness, or he would wake up in the middle of the night and see her peering out of her second-floor bedroom window.

  The melancholy oozing from her was almost tangible, but Michael could not bring himself to ask her what she was thinking.

  Of course, he knew she was worried about their future, but he could do nothing to alleviate her sadness. If they were going to continue to see one another, it had to be done quietly.

  It was the reason that they always stayed in the privacy of Everly’s apartment, ordering in and watching Netflix. They couldn’t risk being seen by work associates or pack members.

  She must be getting tired of doing this. She shouldn’t be kept as someone’s dirty little secret.

  At times, Michael felt like he should let her go. It’s not fair to keep her like a caged bird.

  But his selfishness got the best of him, and he could not bring himself to even discuss the possibility with her.

  Everly had already gone home for the night, and Michael left the office, eager to see his young lover.

  I picked up Thai, he texted her. Hope you haven’t eaten.

  Jumping into his Mercedes SUV, he secured his seatbelt and backed out of his spot.

  The phone chimed, and Michael paused to glance at the screen.

  It was Kevin.

  He groaned inwardly and debated ignoring it, but he knew that Kevin had been trying to reach him all day.

  Ever since things had grown more serious with Everly, Michael found himself followed by an umbra of guilt and worry, particularly when Kevin was involved.

  When Everly had first moved out, Kevin had been livid with him.

  “What are you doing?” he had spat at Michael, his eyes bright with fury. “She can’t just move out when she has no job security! She’ll be back here in six months!”

  “I think it’s healthy that she’s spreading her wings,” Michael had told him dryly. “Besides, she has job security. She’s the hardest working employee I have. And aren’t you the one always on her case because she’s not out there being an adult?”

  “Who told you that? Everly?” Kevin had demanded, his face growing grim as he eyed Michael with suspicion.

  Michael had looked away. “No,” he’d retorted. “You’re the one always complaining about Everly. That’s probably why she’s leaving.”

  He hadn’t mentioned that he’d been the push she’d needed. Everly needed to get out before Kevin crushed he spirit.

  After that conversation, however, Michael had been on guard with Kevin, worried that his friend was sensing something between his best friend and his daughter.

  You’re being paranoid. Kevin is only mad because he’s losing control over Everly. You have nothing to worry about.

  You have a problem, Kevin messaged. Come to the house.

  A fission of apprehension slid through Michael, but he silenced it instantly.

  You are pack leader, a grown man, and the CEO of your own multi-million-dollar company. No one can make you feel insecure, he reminded himself.

  He glanced at the Thai food he’d just ordered to the office, knowing that Everly’s pad Thai was growing cold as he sat debating with himself in the parking garage.

  Not a good night, Michael replied, but Kevin’s next words made him change his mind.

  It’s important. It’s about Everly, came Kevin’s text.

  A combination of heat and cold filtered through Michael’s blood, and he choked back a grunt of worry.

  On my way. He regretted hitting send as soon as he did.

  Was that too desperate? Too quick? Did Kevin know something was going on between them?

  A sweat broke out over his forehead as he steered the car out onto the street and drove toward Fowler Avenue, where his long-time friend waited for him.

  He picked up the phone and called Everly, but it went straight to voicemail.

  “Hey, it’s me. Your dad wants to have a meeting with me tonight. It’s about you. Is there something I need to know before I get there? Call me back right away.”

  He disconnected the call and waited, slowing the drive.

  A small part of him wanted to turn the car around and head toward Everly’s apartment, but he continued toward Kevin’s house, his anxiety becoming insurmountable.

  If Everly knew something, she would tell me, he reassured himself. She wouldn’t send me in blind.

  Images of Everly’s forlorn expressions passed through his mind, the faraway looks she would get when she thought no one was watching.

  But would she tell our secret to her father, of all people, even if she was unhappy? Michael growled at himself, annoyed at his mind for overreacting.

  More likely, he wants to vent about her more and I just got sucked in, he thought sternly. And if that’s what this is, so help me, I will murder him with my bare hands.

  As he pulled up to the curb, he looked for Everly’s new Camry, but it was not in the driveway.

  Where is she?

  She left the office at five, citing some errands, but he had not heard from her since. It was almost eight o’clock, and he had texted her twice, but she hadn’t returned either message.

  And her phone was off.

  Maybe she’s sleeping, Michael thought hopefully. They had both been working a lot of hours since news of the expansion had come to light.

  In fact, that was the first day in weeks that Everly had left before him. Usually they left together, in separate cars, of course, but at the same time.

  To his credit, he’d managed to keep his hands off her inside the office—well, most of the time.

  The scare they’d had with Carmen that one day had been enough to deter him from pursing Everly, even behind the closed office doors. That didn’t mean that there were not stolen kisses and gropes throughout the day when they were certain others couldn’t see, though.

  As far as Michael knew, the staff only regarded Everly as his assistant, and they did not give them any reason to think otherwise.

  He approached the front door and Kevin answered, shaking his head.

  “You’ve made a damned mess of everything, haven’t you?” he snapped in the way of a greeting, and Michael felt himself grow angry and nervous simultaneously.

  He forgets who he’s speaking to, Michael thought grimly.

  “I should have known having you hire Everly was a bad idea. Now we’re the laughingstock of Ogden,” Kevin continued, spinning to stalk into the house.

  Michael felt his pulse quicken, and he wiped his palms on the hips of his pants.

  “Well?” Kevin demanded, turning to stare at him. “What are you going to do about this? Obviously, you have to fire her now!”

  Michael’s brow creased in confusion.

  He finds out that his daughter and I are involved, and his solution is to fire Everly? That’s odd.

  “Why would I fire Everly over this?” he replied slowly, gauging Kevin’s face.

  He seems annoyed, not angry. And what did he say? We’re laughingstocks? Something’s not right.

  “Because everyone knows now, Michael! The gig is up. Get rid of her before the company becomes worthless.”

  Michael stared at him, uncomprehendingly. “Kevin, what the hell are you talking about?” he demanded, folding his arms over his chest. “Because whatever you’ve heard—”

  Kevin glared at him. “Are you going to play dumb with me?” he snarled. “I’m your best friend. I know you better than you think, Mike.”

  Michael continued to gaze at him, and he watched as Kevin’s face began to shift.

  “You… you really don’t know?” Kevin asked, his blue eyes growing wide. “You haven’t heard?”

  Michael shook his head, willing himself to remain calm.

  Okay, it’s obviously not about me and Everly, he realized with relief.

  “Your employees are filing several lawsuits against you. They’ve even brought Everly into it. Some of them are claiming sexual harassment, while some are accusing you of ageism, because you passed over your older, more deserving employees, and gave Everly a coveted role within your company. You better get your checkbook ready, Mike. And fire Everly.”

  The words seemed to swirl about his ears as he looked at Kevin. The lawsuits didn’t make sense. He had never sexually harassed anyone, and the last time he’d checked, he could hire or promote whomever he wanted.

  Michael trusted his friend, though. Kevin was one of the most influential lawyers in their area, and he was well connected. If those lawsuits made it to court, his relationship with Everly might be exposed, and he might even put his pack in danger if lawyers were going to dig up information on his past.

  Michael sank back against the door, the energy depleting from his body.

  It was over.

  He had to make a choice: Everly or his company.

  Kevin stared at him expectantly. “Well?” he demanded. “What are you going to do?”

  A flash of anger bolted through Michael, and he pulled himself up, gritting his teeth as his gums began to throb.

  “You’re a disgrace,” he spat, watching as Kevin’s face turned to shock.

  “Me?” he snorted. “You’re the one whose company is falling apart, and you didn’t even know about it! Half the pack doesn’t even recognize you as the leader because you’re so busy with God knows what to attend to business. I’m fine. You’re the disgrace!”

  Before Kevin knew what was happening, Michael had pounced on him, pinning him to the floor, his fangs extended.

  “Do you even care about Everly?” he snarled, gnashing his incisors together.

  Kevin’s face shaded with worry. “What kind of question is that?” he replied. “She’s my daughter. Of course I care about her!”

  “All you’ve done is sabotage her happiness for as long as I can remember. Did it ever occur to you that this was going to hurt her, too?”

  Kevin blinked, not understanding Michael’s ire, and suddenly the pack leader realized he would not get through to him. Instantly, he released Kevin and spun toward the door.

  “Mike!” Kevin yelled. “What the hell was that about? Are you giving me parenting advice now?”

  Michael threw up a hand in disgust as he stormed back toward his car without turning around.

  Kevin would never get it. He was far too self-absorbed to care about anyone but himself.

  Cynthia and Everly never had a chance in this house.

  The only question was, how could they make this a win-win for everyone?

  Chapter Twelve

  What did you expect? Nothing good was ever going to come of this. You’re lucky you got two months with him, but all good things must come to an end.

  Everly glanced at the clock on the microwave.

  It was after nine o’clock, and Michael still was not home.

  She had purposely turned off her phone, worried what she might say via text if she was forced to read his messages.

  It had been such a bittersweet time, a rollercoaster of ups and downs, ins and outs, but most of it had all been in Everly’s own mind.

  Michael cared for her. She didn’t doubt that.

  She could tell in every gesture—the way he took her, tenderly but with vigor, as if she drove him crazy, but he was terrified she would break in his arms.

  The passion they shared was unlike anything she’d ever known, his lips bringing her to new heights, to dizzying levels of desire she didn’t know she could achieve.

  They worked closely together during the day, careful not to arouse the suspicions of the employees, and it seemed to Everly that the lack of caress throughout the day only served to heat the bedroom at night.

  The anticipation made her almost insane with yearning by the end of the work day, and when they arrived at her apartment, she would throw herself into his waiting arms to feel him as if they had been apart a year.

  Slowly, the initial feeling of being “kept” by her sexy, older boss was diminishing.

  The feelings they had for one another were obviously more than some cheap office affair. Over time, Everly began to realize that she had earned her position, no matter the office gossip.

  She was never asked to lunch by the others anymore, and she spent a great deal of her lunchtime alone at her desk. She would have eaten with Michael, but they both worried about how it would look to the others.

  Everly expressed to Michael that she worried about how the rest of the staff treated her.

  “They’ll come around,” Michael assured Everly, smiling. “Carmen is still upset that I transferred her, and some of the others thought they deserved the position, but I think you’re the most qualified. Everyone will see that soon enough.”

  Everly did not bother to correct him. There was no point.

  Every day, she told herself that she didn’t need their friendship, that she had Michael and that was all she needed. What else could she ask for but a successful, charming man who adored her and spoiled her with gifts, bubble baths, and mind-blowing sex?

  She tried not to think about the fact that she had not been out on a date with him since the night they had almost been caught in the car by the security guard.

  We’re not exactly like other couples, she thought. But we’re still happy, even if we have to keep things a little bit quiet.

  But now that was done. It was all about to be exposed. They couldn’t hide their relationship any longer. They had been to careless.

  Where the hell is he? Everly wondered, staring around the dark kitchen.

  The light had faded as she sat, and Everly had not bothered to turn on the lights. It required too much movement, and she almost felt as if she had melted into the chair and out of existence.

  If he’s not home in five minutes, I’ll turn on my phone, she promised herself, but it was the same promise she’d made four times already.

  The surreal feeling that had enshrouded her was worth clinging onto, despite its propensity to flee.

  She heard the key in the door, and an unbidden question sprang to her mind. Why does he have a key to my apartment when I have never been to his? I gave him a key willingly, but he has never so much as asked me over to his place for dinner.

  Everly knew she was grasping at straws, looking for some way to have anger overcome her anxiety. Any emotion would be better than the panic that grew inside her. The news she had to share with him would change their lives forever.

  “Hey!” Michael called, hurrying inside the kitchen toward her. “What are you doing sitting in the dark?”

  “Too lazy to get up,” she replied, and it was a half-truth.

  “I tried calling you.”

  “Phone’s dead,” she lied.

  Michael flicked on the lights and looked at her face. He seemed to freeze in his spot.

  “He told you, didn’t he?” Michael asked, and Everly studied his face.

  Oh, God, she thought. Now what?

  “Who are you talking about? What was he supposed to tell me?” She had enough problems; she didn’t need Michael coming at her with even more issues.

  “Shit!” Michael shouted, and Everly jumped. He fell into a chair and pressed his head to his palms. “How did this happen? Has anyone at the office said anything to you about it? How much it’s going to be? Who’s involved?”

  Everly bit her lip and shook her head, knowing she
had no idea what he was talking about.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she murmured slowly, waiting to see if the issue would reveal itself.

  At first, she’d thought it was about them, but his words made it sound business related. Although, Everly couldn’t understand what had Michael so upset.

  “I don’t know what to do,” Michael admitted. “I can’t think of anything worse happening.”

  I can, Everly thought, realizing it was a bad time to share her own news.

  Everly had never seen him like this, but she didn’t know how to help him without knowing more.

  “Tell me what’s happening. Maybe I can help,” she tried, biting on her lower lip.

  “I’m being sued for discrimination because I hired you. And someone else is suing me for sexual harassment.”

  “What?” Everly yelled. “By whom? Carmen? And, who told you that you’re being sued?”

  “I don’t know who’s suing me, but your dad told me. You know he has ears all over Ogden.”

  Everly did know that all too well. He was a brilliant corporate attorney who constantly had his nose in everyone else’s business.

  “Well, that’s just crazy,” Everly sighed. “There’s no case…” She trailed off as she suddenly realized her own part in what was happening. “Dammit!”

  Michael looked up at her sharply, and Everly’s head fell back against the headrest of the chair. “What?”

  “I told them,” she muttered, closing her eyes.

  “What?” Michael demanded. “What did you tell them? And who is ‘them’?”

  Everly opened her lids quickly, shaking her long, red hair. “I told them that I got the job because you and my dad are friends. That’s why they’re doing this. It’s petty jealousy.”

  Michael gaped at her. “You never told me that!” he cried, throwing his hands up in exasperation. “Why didn’t you tell me? That’s why they cut you off. I knew something was bizarre about that. Everly, why didn’t you say something before?”

  He was more incensed than she had ever seen him.

  “How was I supposed to know that it was going to escalate into something like this?” she replied, crossing her arms over her chest in defiance. But in her eyes, tears were burning. “Besides, at the time, Carmen was accusing me of having a relationship with you. I thought letting her know you were by dad’s best friend was the lesser of two evils.”


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