Angel (NSC Industries)

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Angel (NSC Industries) Page 1

by Sidebottom, D H


  A NSC Industries novel

  By D H Sidebottom


  Copyright © 2013

  By D H Sidebottom

  This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to places, incidents or actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

  Copyright © 2013 D H Sidebottom

  Excerpt from Heart of Stone ‘Incineration’ Copyright © 2013 D H Sidebottom

  Table of contents


































  “Oh, come on Liv! I have Haribos!” Beth pouted “you know I need it.”

  Rolling my eyes at her, I laughed. “Why is it so damn important that you wear my red dress?” I asked, even though I had an inkling of why she was so desperate to claim it.

  “Because I need sex tonight...desperately, I’m so bloody horny Liv!” she replied, not noticing the slight giggle I was trying to hide under my breath. “Mmmm, why is my red dress gonna help you get laid?”

  I looked at her, she was stunning…Greek goddess stunning; blonde hair, blue eyes and a figure to die for with long, long legs, trim waist and large breasts. “You don’t need any help to get a bloke.”

  She turned to look at me, grinning widely “Because I look goooood in it.”

  Frowning and wondering how the hell she already knew she looked good in it, I took my chance. “Haribos, wine and don’t fucking leave me alone with Tom tonight and it’s yours.”

  Screaming, she flung her arms round me. “You got it girl, but what’s wrong with Tom? You know he wants you, don’t you think it’s about time you tried sex, you’re gonna love it!” she said, looking at me under her eye lashes and giggling.

  Rolling my eyes at her again, I turned away, sighing, “You know why. I want to wait till it’s someone I like, I’m only 18 for god’s sake, I’m sure I’m not gonna die a dried up old virgin yet!”

  It was important to me, just because everyone else seemed to give it up for any lad that smiled at them. I wasn’t frigid or against sex and I thought I was a decent-ish looking, petite 5ft 3” curvy, but slim girl, with long wavy brown hair and huge brown eyes, but I just hadn’t found a lad that did it for me. I couldn’t remember any male attention that made me hot and ready.

  Sensing Beth’s stare on me I turned back to her. “What?” I snapped.

  “Hey, what you wearing anyway?” she asked, changing the topic.

  “Even if you don’t wanna get nailed you still need to attract the men” she laughed “just enjoy their attention, it can still make you feel good girl.”

  “Jeans” I deadpanned knowing it would wind her up terribly.

  Noticing the shocked look on her face, I couldn’t hold in the grin.

  God, I loved winding her up. According to Beth, every girl on campus should look good at all times, even when they’re sound asleep or sat on the loo.

  Bringing her eyebrows together, she looked at me. “No Fucking way Liv, it’s a Christmas party, you can’t wear jeans and I won’t let you” she stomped off towards her room.

  Walking over to my wardrobe I took a look inside. My favourite red dress had been claimed, leaving my black, tight lacy dress, which I had a feeling Tom would see as an invitation to stare at my breasts all night, or my blue dress.

  “Blue it is then” I thought to myself pulling it out, and giving it a quick whiff to see if it still smelled fresh. “Eugh, maybe not” I wrinkled my nose, starting to panic I shouted “ANYBODY GOT ANY FEBREZE?” to the rest of my flat mates.


  An hour later we approached the block of flats on the university digs; Beth and Lexi, already half plastered on cheap wine, and me attempting to pull my clingy blue dress down to try and reach my knees.

  “Relax girl” Beth grumbled “what’s up with you tonight? You sooo need a man.”

  Sick of hearing the same thing I glared at her. “For Fucks sake Beth, leave it! Why don’t you try NOT getting screwed for one night?” I bit back.

  She gasped and put her hand to her chest, looking at Lexi “What did she just say?” she asked her.

  Lexi looked at me and snorted “You’ve no fucking hope Liv, hell hasn’t frozen over yet!”

  From out of nowhere a huge lad came barreling over and scooped lexi up and swung her round. “Babe, I missed you” he grinned, leaning her over and giving her the sweetest kiss ever.

  “Put me down, Pete!” she giggled but the twinkle in her eyes, gave away how much she was in love with him.

  Lexi and Pete had been together for over 3 years and moved to the same university from the same college. I only met Lexi when I moved into the student digs on the first day of term but we hit it off together straight away, both having the same taste in music, films and of course wine.

  She’d turned out to be a quiet girl but when she hit the wine, boy, did she get loud and wild; everybody who knew her groaned and ran for cover when she got the corkscrew out.

  We’d had many a fun, loud drunken night since I started at uni.

  Beth and I however had been best friends since we were at primary school and always seemed to know what the other was thinking. We moved from primary to secondary school, then college and university together. I couldn’t have asked for a greater friend.

  We went through hell together when my dad died, both of us clinging to each other in our grief.

  My dad had been a surrogate dad to Beth, when her own dad had buggered off and left Beth and her mum struggling with all the gambling debts he left behind.

  My dad had bonded with Beth when I brought her home for tea one day after school and she had treated our house as her own from that day on.

  Pete carried a giggling Lexi up the stairs to the flat, while me and Beth followed on behind.

  The music was bouncing through the walls as we climbed, the smell of cigarette smoke and cannabis permeating the air the moment we entered the pulsing flat.

  It was packed to the rafters, hot and sweaty bodies brushing against each other. There were a few couples already making out in the corners and two girls practically having sex on one of the threadbare couches.

  I had a headache approaching as soon as I squeezed myself between the wall and the mass of people.

  Beth had already gone on the hunt for a willing, testosterone fuelled male and Lexi and Pete were talking to a group of people in the kitchen.

  I wandered over to the alcohol table, picking up a bottle of lager, and turned to survey the room.

  Taking a swallow of the cool liquid, I had an odd feeling I was been watched, the hairs on the nape of my neck stood up, my breathing accelerated and my ears started pounding.

  Looking around, trying to see through the thick smoke, I could make out a figure across the room, leaning on the wall, one foot propped up on the wall behind him, with a bottle to his lips.

  It was hard to see him properly but I had an overwhelming feeling he was star
ing at me.

  Shivering, I twisted around to bang straight into a hard, male body. “Feeling me up, already Liv?” he laughed.

  Looking up into his face I could see he’d had a lot to drink, his face was red and sweaty, his breath could’ve got a rhino pissed and his eyes were half closed.

  “Shit” I swore under my breath. I tried to prise him away as his arm snaked round my waist, making a beeline for my breast.

  Looking round desperately for Beth, knowing she’d abandoned me, I scanned the room for Lexi or Pete, knowing that they were in the kitchen and wouldn’t be of any help either.

  Leering at me, Tom pressed me up against the wall, smelling my hair and putting his mouth to my ear. ‘Come on Darling, wearing a dress like that, you’re asking for a fuck!’ he spat through his teeth.

  “Shit, Fuck, Bugger!” I flustered quietly.

  Tom’s hand had now found my hip and he was grinding his erection into my stomach. “Look, Tom” I tried, “I think you’re a great bloke but I’m not interested in a relationship at the moment.” Peering up at him I was starting to freak out a bit.

  “Me either darling, but you know I wanna have a relationship with your hot pussy!” he smirked.

  Pushing as hard as I could into his chest, I managed to shove him back and he stumbled, leaving a tight gap for me to manoeuvre myself out of. I scurried to the kitchen in search of my friends.

  Finding Lexi, I stayed by her side for a while until I saw that Tom had managed to hit it off with ‘Slutty Sarah’ from my course.

  Breathing a sigh of relief I went back in the room for another lager, the music was playing at an alarming volume and the bodies were still swaying to the up-tempo beat.

  That’s when I felt it again, the sensation of been watched. I viewed the room but turned exactly to the man staring at me, an eerie knowledge of where to look.

  He was watching me intently, not taking his eyes off me even when he took a long pull on his bottle.

  The blue smog of the room had cleared a little and my view had now considerably improved. There was a girl stood at the side of him, jabbering in his ear, desperately trying to get his attention but he didn’t seem to notice her. I couldn’t remove my eyes from his.

  My throat restricted, my mouth was suddenly too dry and all my body was covered in goose pimples. Fuck me! He was an Adonis! He had the most amazing body, full of muscles and ripples, his face was made from the gods, his head was full of blonde curls, and his chin was square with a dimple, but his eyes. Oh. My. God. His eyes were the purest, brightest blue I’d ever seen.

  He pushed himself off the wall, put his beer down and started walking towards me, slowly making his way through the crowd but never looking away as I gradually retreated until my back hit the wall.

  Sliding up to me he placed one hand on the wall at the side of my face and enclosed me entirely in his huge frame.

  He stood gazing at me for a minute or two, just… gazing. His amazing blue eyes never closed or shifted from mine as he slowly leaned down and brushed his lips over mine, oh so gently.

  He grinned slightly as I shivered and then came down again. This time the kiss was more intense, putting his lips over mine and claiming me. His other hand came up to cup my cheek as his tongue swiped delicately over my bottom lip demanding for me to open up to him; I did.

  As his tongue entered my mouth and started the playful dance with mine, my core lit up, shooting straight down into my lower stomach, a dull ache sparking an immense feeling of lust down into my inner thighs.

  It was such an alien feeling and I was already wishing his hands would slip under my dress and take care of this goddam throb for me.

  My hands reached up for his hair of their own accord, like I’d got no control over them. I pulled him closer and could feel his erection throbbing through his jeans, telling me exactly that he was reacting the same way I was.

  His hands slid behind me, glided down my back and rested on my bottom pulling me closer to his hard body. My breathing hitched and a small moan escaped my mouth. He growled low in response and pulled his mouth away from mine.

  “Hi” he said, a sexy slow grin appearing on his face.

  “Uhh, Hi” I whispered, shocked by the way my body had reacted to him.

  His gaze lowered from my eyes to my mouth and then back up. “Nate” he declared holding out his hand for shaking.

  “Liv” I replied with a slight smile and a handshake of my own.

  His eyebrows lifted slightly as he asked “Do you?”

  I gave him a puzzled look “Do I What?”

  Smirking at me and taking my jaw in his grasp, he brushed his thumb across my bottom lip, “Live?” he questioned.

  Laughing at his sly smile and twinkling eyes, I placed my hands against his arse and pulled him back toward me. “Not yet” I sighed.



  Naked and starting to sweat and panic, I looked at myself in the full length mirror.

  It was the last day of uni and we had all graduated with high marks.

  Now we were packing our belongings into huge brown boxes ready for the move back home.

  I’d managed to secure a placement at one of London’s large, prestigious communication business’s as an apprentice, Beth had to continue studying to become a doctor and Lexi was starting at a primary school in September as a teacher’s assistant, hoping to climb her way up to a head teacher status.

  Nate was waiting to hear on a couple of apprentiships, getting rather worried about the situation because as yet he hadn’t heard from any.

  He didn’t have a great relationship with his parents and didn’t want to go back home to live.

  Bringing my mind round to the present problem I started to feel sick. What the hell was I going to do? Everything was going pear shaped and the timing couldn’t have been worse.

  Nate was due to pick me up in an hour, taking me out for our final night here and I was starting to wonder how the night was going to pan out.

  I pulled myself away from the mirror and dressed in Nate’s favourite underwear, pulling on my favourite tight black jeans and I teamed it with my red frilly blouse. It was important that I looked good for him tonight.

  Looking a bit despondent when he had grabbed me at the end of my last lecture, he said he had news and that he would pick me up at seven.

  Giving me a sweet, gentle kiss and brushing my cheek with the back of his knuckles, I had felt the tension rolling off him and I wondered if he’d worked it out. Panicking slightly I had looked at him intently and asked if there was a problem. “Later”’ was all he had said as he stalked off, leaving me to watch his retreating back and his beautiful backside.

  Emptying my makeup out on my dresser, I started to carefully smoke up my eyes, applying lip gloss and a little mascara.

  When I heard his bike pull up, I Slipped into my red heels as I took a large calming breath and tried to hold back the tears that had been threatening to surface since this morning’s news, when my world came crumbling down on my shocking discovery.

  Nate opened my room door; giving me a smile that I noticed didn’t reach his eyes.

  He reached for me and pulled me into his arms, enclosing me in his scent. He always smelled delicious, musky with a hint of spice, part cologne and very much his own mouth-watering goodness.

  “Hey, Baby” he sighed softly, resting his chin on my head, inhaling my scent as he always did when I was held tight against him, as though he needed me to breathe.

  “You okay?” I asked anxiously. He pulled in a breath and sighed before he drew me away from him and placing his hands on my upper arms, he slid them up and down as in an attempt to warm me up even though I wasn’t cold.

  “Mmmm” he grumbled, “You ready?”

  Smiling at him as he put on my leather jacket for me, I picked up my bag and slipped it over my head, placing it across my shoulders, the only way to secure it to my body on his bike.

  We sped through the ci
ty, approaching the countryside at a worrying velocity. Something was definitely on his mind and I was beginning to worry.

  Passing pubs and restaurant’s I wondered where we were going, thinking we were going out for lunch.

  Nate steered the bike down a long, gravelly road and pulled it to a stop at the side of a beautiful, peaceful lake.

  Dismounting the bike and removing my helmet, I took a look around and realised we were in a stunning secluded spot; the place was surrounded by full, green trees and water.

  The calm, ripples of the lake gave an absolute tranquil feel, making me stretch my arms up and roll my head round my shoulders.

  Nate stalked towards the bike and lifted the seat before pulling out a container, a bottle of my favourite wine and a blanket.

  Shaking out the blanket he laid it on the ground, sat down and opened the carton of food and patted the space beside him.

  Lowering myself down onto the blanket he leaned over and gave me a stunning kiss.

  “I love you Liv… so fucking much, baby” he simply stated, his sharp eyes blazing.

  My heart was pounding in my chest; it always did when he was near, always giving me his total attention when he was with me.

  “I love you too, baby” I replied, and I did, an overwhelming love that threatened to suck the entire life out of me from the first time he kissed me at the Christmas party.

  Over the years our love had deepened, he was my soul mate and I was his. We both adored each other with a passion neither of us had ever felt before; we needed each other to breathe, to survive and to live.


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