Angel (NSC Industries)

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Angel (NSC Industries) Page 8

by Sidebottom, D H

  His fingers touched my cheek, bringing me back to the present. He took my plate and placed it on the table.

  His gaze was intense as he gazed at me, burning me up and stunting my breath. His fingers trailed down to my mouth as he leisurely glided his thumb across my bottom lip.

  My tongue sneaked out and swept across them, attempting to replace the moisture he had wiped away. His breath caught and his lips parted, imitating my action on his own lips.

  His eyes were blazing; his pupils had dilated intensifying their blueness.

  Very slowly he leaned into me and his hot breath mingled with my own, as his mouth lingered next to mine without touching. His hand snaked round the back of my head and he pulled my face closer, his lips finally met mine with a hungry clash.

  A low moan escaped my throat and he growled in response, kissing me deeper. Sliding his tongue between my lips he drove it into my mouth, seeking my own to frolic with.

  I kissed him back passionately, twenty years of pent up want and need flowing out. Twenty years of missing him so much it felt like he had took my soul with him when he left.

  His hand dropped to my back and he pulled me onto his lap, his back to the couch as I straddled him with my skirt bunched high on my hips to accommodate my open thighs.

  My hands lifted to his head and grasped his hair fiercely, pulling him into me as my need to devour him took over. My body remembered this was my man, my love, my soul and it roared to life as desire flooded me.

  His mouth left mine as his lips targeted my neck, kissing and suckling his way down my throat. His fingers slid up the outside of my bare thighs and continued up; leaving goose bumps on my skin as he gently worked his way to my breasts.

  Returning his mouth to mine, the hunger in the kiss grew stronger as his hands found their goal. My breath hitched and I ground onto his erection as he caressed me.

  “Jesus baby” he growled as his head slumped back against the coach and his eyes closed.

  His fingers found my hard nipples through my shirt, pinching and rolling them as I pushed further into his touch. My own head dropped back on my shoulders and I closed my eyes as I pulverised his groin, sliding my wetness against him in a frantic crave for release.

  “Oh God Nate” I cried as I took his mouth again, kissing him vehemently.

  Just as I was nearing the intense orgasm I knew was going to smash me into smithereens, I felt his fingers start to unbutton my shirt.

  Shaking my head to him as I continued to kiss him, I removed his hands. “Baby, please. I need to feel your skin. I’ve missed you” he breathed alongside my lips.

  I shook my head again as I resumed the kiss and replaced his hands over my breasts on the outside of my clothing.

  As he massaged my breasts his erection grew harder under his trousers and he ground his hips into me, desperate for his own relief. The friction was getting feverish, as we kissed and ground wildly.

  Then he restarted his relentless mission to free my breasts, popping the buttons with determination. Grumbling a warning to him, he intensified the kiss, sucking on my tongue as he continued working at my buttons.

  “I can’t do this Nate!!” I cried, pushing off his lap and pulling my shirt together, swiftly refastening it as my heart hammered inside my chest. “What!?” he scoffed, flummoxed “What did I do?”

  He stood up and adjusted his lap, his hardness straining painfully against the material.

  “Nothing” I gulped, trying to hold back the tears that were threatening to surface. “I have to go” I said, looking away quickly, collecting my bag off the floor.

  As I reached for the door his hand slammed against it, holding it shut. “Talk to me dammit, Liv” he growled.

  “I…I…I...” I tried but shook my head, the tears now spilling freely down my face. “Baby” he agonised, wiping at a tear, and placing it on his lips.

  I looked into his eyes, trying to display a heartfelt apology in my own eyes. He cocked his head to one side, an unvoiced question.

  Shaking my head to him I removed his hand, opened the door and walked through, my heart still in his office.


  I didn’t see Nate again for a few days. Josh had appeared Monday afternoon with my car keys and a message saying it was fixed.

  On Thursday I received a text from Nate.


  Hey, sorry been quiet, been mega busy

  You still ok for sat night?



  No probs and yh still ok



  Good, pick u up at 7:30


  I was not looking forward to spending an evening with the high and mighty. These kinds of events always made my stomach lurch and my jaw ache from all the fake smiling I did.

  I only had one cocktail dress and I’d had to take it to the dry cleaners because it hadn’t been aired for about 3 years, Nate’s text reminding me to pick it up on the way home.

  True to his word, Nate had had my car fixed and Betty was back to her usual reliable self. I didn’t realise how much I relied on my car, having to use the bus on Saturday to take the dress to the dry-cleaners. I had ended up standing because the damn thing was packed to the rafters and I’d had a face full of a sweaty, drunk man when the bus broke too hard and jerked to a stop.

  Googling a local hairdressers, I booked myself in for a hair and nail treatment on Saturday afternoon. While on Google I decided to do a sneaky search on Nate.

  I was astounded when hundreds of pictures of him popped up. Most calling him London’s most desired billionaire bachelor, others featuring him at charity events and some from news clippings over the previous years as his company had flourished.

  There were plenty of him with women but the majority were of him and a tall, beautiful redhead, looking at him affectionately. They were definitely an item, according to the images but I was stunned he hadn’t mentioned her.

  I knew he must have had relationships in the last twenty years but the images aroused an intense jealousy in me, making my heart jolt and my stomach clench. Shutting down the internet pages, I knuckled down with my work, a much needed diversion from the pictures.


  Saturday night arrived and by 7pm I was growing nervous. Applying my make-up in the bedroom mirror, Erin walked in. “Wow mum, you look stunning” she declared, taking the make-up brush from me and took over the application.

  She was studying hair and beauty at college and make-overs were her favourite factor.

  Expertly finishing her task, I was extremely pleased with the end result. She had perfectly lined my eyes and chosen colours that emphasised my large brown eyes. My cheek bones were highlighted to make them a prominent feature on my face and my lips skilfully painted my lips to fill them out.

  My hair had mostly been left long with various thick strands pinned up with diamonique pins.

  “Nice” she complimented herself, pleased with her own handiwork. Passing me my shoes to step into, she regarded me. “Is Nate the one?” she asked directly.

  Choking slightly, I looked at her “He’s…” I was thankfully interrupted by Matt shouting up the stairs “Mom, Nate’s here.”

  Shrugging at her, I picked up my bag and proceeded down the stairs where Nate was stood at the bottom.

  My mouth dried instantly as I took in his figure, encased in a tux, his sharp suit accentuating his broad shoulders and his slim, jet black trousers hanging perfectly off his lean hips. He looked heavenly, making me lick my lips hungrily and wonder if I would be able to rein in my attraction for him all night.

  He looked up at me and drew in a large breath as his eyes shifted down my elegant red dress.

  It was floor length, cut high to the thigh on one side and high collared. The red gossamer material was shrouded with black lace and it clung to my curves, accentuating my slim waist. I had teamed it my favourite red and black stilettos.

  As I reached him, his mouth dropped open and
he was speechless. “God Liv… WOW! You look beautiful, baby” he drooled.

  Erin giggled behind me. “Take care of her Nate, she’s very delicate” she specified. “Exquisite more like” Nate amended.

  “That as well” Erin giggled again.

  Nate took my hand and led me to the car. “Good Evening Miss Adams” Blake addressed me “You look stunning.”

  Giving him a shy smile I verbalized my thanks and delicately climbed in the car.

  Nate entered from the opposite side and took my hand again as the car pulled away. “You look nervous, Liv” he specified.

  “I am a little” I acknowledged. “Don’t be baby; I won’t leave you alone with the vultures. Especially how beautiful you look tonight” he said, grazing over my body again.

  Looking back up to my face, he took my chin between his forefinger and thumb “You going to tell me what Monday was about?” he probed.

  “No Nate, leave it” I pleaded, turning my gaze out of the window.

  “There’s something you’re not telling me” he persisted, narrowing his eyes on me.

  “LEAVE IT” I hissed through my teeth. Sighing angrily, he submitted and turned to look out of his own window.

  The atmosphere in the car grew intense as Nate sulked all the way to our venue.

  As we pulled in, Blake tapped on the dark glass privacy screen, alerting us to our arrival. “Wait!” Nate barked as I reached for the door handle. “There’ll be lots of paparazzi Liv,” he informed me “they’ll be shouting me and taking photos of us. Just keep a smile on your face and keep hold of my hand. Don’t fuckin’ let go. Okay?”

  I nodded my head, stunned and scared, the last thing I needed was to have my face plastered all over Google. “Nate” I gulped, “I can’t have my photo in the paper or on the internet” I said, flustered.

  He gave me a questioning look with a huff of annoyance and shook his head “Just keep your head down and your face hid against my shoulder and it’ll be fine.”

  With a sinking feeling I anticipated how the night was going to develop. I hoped Nate’s mood lifted otherwise it was going to be a depressing dinner.

  My door opened and Nate seized my hand, helping me from the car and swiftly led me up some stairs towards a huge manor.

  There were flashes and shouts from the journalists and their photographers but I kept my face hidden in Nate’s shoulder and we made it alive into the mansion.

  It was a vast, imposing building and it scared the shit out of me. “God Nate, it’s a bit dramatic” I complained, hanging back “I’m way out of my depth here.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous Liv. You’re beautiful and I’m honoured to have you as my date for tonight. I’ll be the envy of every man here” he encouraged as he kissed my cheek; inhaling my scent as he lingered, “you smell amazing baby… always” he breathed.

  Smiling inwardly, I returned the compliment grateful for the shift in his mood.

  On entering the great hall, I took in my surroundings. The room was as magnificent in design as it was in size; the astronomical height of the ceilings gave the hall an even greater sense of size.

  The furnishings were lavish and sumptuous, a display of wealth and status.

  High society creatures were gathered in clusters, each group boasting their self-importance to each of their acquaintances; Individuals bidding to outdo the other, in a war of status and prominence.

  In other words, my worst fucking nightmare!

  A waiter approached, holding a tray of filled champagne flutes. Nate snatched a couple and handed me one as he surveyed the room.

  “Over here, Liv” he said, pulling me across the room to a group of men stood chatting. One of the men turned as we came close and his eyes targeted me.

  “Oh My God! Little Liv Thomas” he cried, scooping me in his arms for a fierce hug. “Saying ‘little’, you’ve grown, woman!” he proclaimed.

  Wiggling my shoes at him from under my dress, his eyes widened “Damn girl, hot shoes.”

  “Ollie” I laughed, hugging him back fiercely.

  Oliver had been Nate’s best friend at university and was a genuinely decent bloke. His graciousness and charming personality made him a popular guy and Nate always said he was honoured that Ollie had chosen him as a firm friend.

  “Where have you been hiding?” he asked, holding me back and scrutinising my face. “Here and there” I replied, evasively.

  “Well it’s about time Nate found you again” he announced, sliding his gaze to Nate and narrowing his eyes. “You two back together?” he inquired, looking at our joined hands.

  “Just friends” I informed him, dropping my hand from Nate’s grip. “For the moment” Nate declared, giving me a stern look and repossessing my hand.

  “Oh shit, here comes trouble” Ollie winced, looking behind Nate. We all turned to watch a woman approach and Nate groaned.

  Oh fuck!

  It was the redhead on Google images.

  Never taking her intense stare from Nate, she strolled up and put her hand on his shoulder as she kissed him hotly on his cheek. “Nate Darling” she drawled “I’ve been missing your enchanting company.”

  “More like his dick” one of the men in the group snorted, and I stiffened immediately. Nate instantly turned on him, narrowing his eyes in a fierce glare “Shut the Fuck up, Barnett” he threatened.

  Barnett held his hands up in a submissive gesture, “Only joking, Nate” he succumbed.

  “Oh, Nate! He’s only telling it like it is Darling” redhead purred, seductively stroking her fingers up and down Nate’s arm.

  “Eleanor” Nate addressed redhead with a sickening sneer, “I’m with intellectual, interesting people tonight Darling” he mocked, raising my hand to his lips and kissing it seductively as he looked in my eyes, “So run along and play with someone nearer your IQ” he ridiculed, tipping his head in a mocking gesture.

  I squeezed his hand, letting him know he was being cruel but he ignored it. “Fuck you!!!” Eleanor spat at Nate “not good enough now am I? Now that you’ve got yourself another Tart!” she sneered, glaring at me.

  Opened mouthed, I raised my eyebrows at her. “Pardon Me?” I challenged, stepping towards her.

  Nate’s hand now squeezed mine, telling me to back down.

  No way was this pretentious bitch calling me a tart, when all I had done was come here as Nate’s friend. I wasn’t stealing him away or even flaunting myself with him.

  She glanced at Nate and then our clasped hands “You better keep a tight hold of him, love” she jeered to me “He has a tendency to fuck you hard, and then fuck off.”

  She whirled round abruptly and stalked off. “Well that went well” Ollie hooted, slapping Nate on the back.

  I pulled my hand from Nate. “Excuse Me” I uttered, twisting round and walking away. “Liv?” Nate scowled “Where are you going?”

  Huffing loudly, I turned back to him, “Bathroom Nate. Is that okay with you?” I asked, my eyes blazing.

  “Of course, sorry” he apologised.

  I entered the plush restroom, checked my appearance in the mirror and settled in a cubicle.

  As I sat on the toilet a group of giggling females flowed in. Trying to wee quietly as not to give away my presence, I listened to the conversation.

  Voice 1: (giggling excitedly) Hey, you see who’s here?

  Voice 2: who?

  Voice 3: who?

  Voice 1: (squealing) Nathan Carter.

  Voice 2: (high-pitched) Oh My God!!!

  Voice 3: (shrieking) God, he’s sooo fucking hot.

  Voice 1: yeah, I know. I’d definitely nail him.

  Murmurs of agreement

  Voice 3: Marcy’s bedded him you know.

  Voice 2: (shocked) really?

  Really? Who the hell was Marcy Anyway?

  Voice 3: Oh yeah, she said he’s an amazing lover. He even has his penis pierced! (Giggle)

  What the fuck! Really?


  Voice 1
: (surprised) Oooh how raunchy.

  Oooh how raunchy! I mimicked, wobbling my head

  Voice 2: (gasping) I want him even more now.

  Giggling, door open, door shut, silence

  Well that was enlightening. Sighing I flushed and exited the cubicle.

  Fixing my make-up I returned to the ballroom. Nate was still laughing and joking with his friends, so I meandered over to the buffet table.

  It was crammed with extravagant delicacies. Everything looking mouth-watering and I nibbled on a wide selection, savouring the exquisite tastes.

  “Goodness me, a beautiful lady who actually eats food instead of staring at it insisting they’re on a diet” a smooth male voice spoke. I fixed my gaze on him. “Are you saying I’m fat, Sir?” I implored, trying to hide a laugh and failing miserably.

  Looking genuinely shocked, he placed his hand over his heart. “Heavens no” he defended “Far from it sweetheart” he hummed, scanning my body.

  Extending his hand, he introduced himself “Harry Manson.”

  Taking his hand to return the introduction, I smiled at him “Olivia Adams.”

  He smiled back “And what do you do, Olivia?” he inquired. “I’m a secretary at NSC” I told him.

  His smile faded and he narrowed his eyes on a scowl “You work for Nathan Carter?”


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