Alpha's Mate: A Steamy PNR Shifter & Fantasy Romance Collection (Hot Shifters Book 3)

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Alpha's Mate: A Steamy PNR Shifter & Fantasy Romance Collection (Hot Shifters Book 3) Page 7

by Casey Morgan

  “Hey guys! Look at this!” screamed Keira excitedly. “I found the orb. It was caught in a giant clam.” She held up the orb and the clam. Her face beaming with excitement. “This is a really big clam. It barely fits into my bucket.” She laughed.

  Seth started sneezing uncontrollably. He finally had to drop his bucket and rush back to the shore to catch his breath. I caught his bucket before it sank into the water.

  “Oh, my God,” said Keira realizing Seth was in trouble. She looked at the three of us with her blue eyes wide. “Is Seth allergic to seaweed?”

  “Yeah,” sighed Connor, under his breath. “Lucky bastard.”

  “Seth!” she called back to the shore. Taking her orb and the bucket, she started wading towards where Seth was. “Why didn’t you say something about your seaweed allergy? You should have stayed on the shore this whole time.”

  “I didn’t know for sure,” he called back, coughing and then sneezing some more. “I mean, I suspected, but the important thing is: now we know.”

  We all reached the beach and set our buckets down. “Are you going to be okay?” Keira asked, genuinely concerned. She put her hands on Seth’s shoulders and looked up into his red face.

  “I think so,” he replied. “I just need to stop at the chemist on the way back.” He shrugged, trying to look tough with a bright red face and eyes that were swelling shut. “I’ll get some Benadryl or something.”

  Keira nodded, and we headed back to grab our buckets. “How could he not know he’s allergic to seaweed?” asked Keira to the rest of us. “Isn’t that like, the first thing you know about yourself? Allergies. Weren’t you brothers all tested at some point?”

  “Allergies change over the years,” said Tavish. “He may not have been always allergic to seaweed when we were kids.”

  “Seth. Do you want to go back to the van and wait?” she asked.

  “No, it’s fine. Continue the tour,” assured Seth. “I’ll just stay far away from the seaweed if you don’t’ mind.”

  Ha! Seth was now, for all intents and purposes, out of the running for Keira’s attention for the time being. I could parlay this into a date with just me and Keira. After all, I was the one who figured out where the orb was, and she was loving me for it. If I could find out where the other four or five orbs were and help her find them, I’d be all set. I’d be her hero.

  “Can you imagine the Vikings sailing to here for the first time?” asked Connor, looking out over the white beaches and shoreline to the seaweed fields beyond. “I don’t know if they have seaweed that far north. They must’ve been freaked out when they jumped into the water to pull their ship ashore.”

  “Guess they must’ve been used to the cold though,” said Keira. She smiled at me. “Not me. My feet are freezing in these.” She pointed down to the wet boots she was wearing. “Let’s finish up the tour and get this thing destroyed.”

  She stuck the green orb into her pocket and we went back to the seaweed workshop to turned in our harvested seaweed. Tulip seemed pleased with our work. Seth now stayed outside. When we told Tulip he was allergic, she was horrified.

  “Oh, the poor dear,” she said. “He should have said something. I’m making seaweed tea in here. If he drank it, he could die.”

  “I don’t think you have to worry about him, ma’am,” assured Connor. “He learned his lesson during the harvest.”

  Seth was slowly recovering. He watched through the window of the seaweed workshop building. I imagined he was inwardly cursing at himself for being so stupid. I mean, if he had spoken up earlier, we all would have told him to stay on shore. Plus, Keira seemed like the accommodating type. She probably would have understood if he couldn’t help us search for the orb.

  “Tulip, thank you so much for a fascinating day,” Keira said with a smile. She was so polite. “I learned so much about seaweed. This tour really opened my eyes to its benefits. The whole world should be doing this.”

  “I agree,” Tulip said. “I think it’s one of the ways we can beat world hunger.”

  “Can you imagine?” said Keira, excited. “And it doesn’t taste half as bad as I thought it would.”

  “Oh,” said Tulip disappointed.

  “I didn’t mean it the way it sounded,” assured Keira. “It’s just that… When you think seaweed, you’re expecting it to be super salty because it’s in the ocean. But it’s really not.”

  “Oh,” said Tulip, no longer sounding disappointed. “Well, I appreciate the kind words. Stop by again if you get some time.”

  We headed back to the van. Keira had a bag of seaweed-made items.

  “Seth, just to warn you, all this stuff is made with seaweed, so…”

  “Avoid it,” he said finishing her thought. “Got it. Let’s hit the chemist.”

  “First the dissipation spell, please,” Keira requested. She pulled the green orb out of her pocket and held it in front of her.

  I stepped up, ready to help in any way I could. I ran my fingers through the movements for the dissipation spell. In Keira’s hand, the green orb started to shake and quiver. Then, the edges of it blurred. Finally, it disappeared with a popping sound.

  Keira and I jumped a bit, but soon we both relaxed. I reached over took her hand and planted a kiss on her now empty palm.

  “One down and four or five more to go,” I told her, and she grinned back at me.

  We got back into the mini-van and I headed back to town. Once again, Seth and I were up front, while the others seemed to be fooling around with Keira in the back. I insisted on driving to be helpful, but it backfired on me. But, hopefully, I was getting some points for doing it.

  Chapter 9


  We headed to the closest the village to get poor Seth some Benadryl. I think it was called Mermaid’s Bay, or something like that. By that time, he was actually starting to feel a lot better and his eyes were no longer swelling shut.

  The seaweed tour had been a lot of fun and I learned a lot, not just about the seaweed but about the guys. Watching them react during the activity was a good way of sizing them up. They definitely all seemed interested in me and determined to be with me. I guess I was trying to find the sweet spot in our dynamic, so I could be with them all.

  At the Lucky Boat restaurant, which was a high-end Chinese food place that Ronan knew about, we grabbed some dinner and drinks. It was a nice old place filled with colorful characters. A few drunk, but merry, sailors sang while raising their drinks at the bar. Sprite farmers danced jigs overhead among the wooden rafters, and shared fortune cookies. And I think I may have spotted another leprechaun, but the four-foot tall man caught me looking. Frowning, he worked a spell of invisibility and disappeared.

  The boys and I grabbed a round wooded table, relaxed and looked over the menus. Unsurprisingly, this restaurant had a lot of seafood dishes. I decided to get the grilled Kung Pao Shrimp.

  “I hope you like Chinese food,” said Ronan. “I hear this is a good place.”

  “I do, but I have a high bar,” I explained. “The Chinese food in the City is pretty great.”

  “Ya mean Dublin?” asked Tavish, looking up at me from across the table.

  “No, ye tit,” snapped Seth. “She means New York City. That’s what people from there call it.”

  “Oh, piss off, Seth,” said Tavish. “Ye think ye know everythin’.”

  “Lucky for ya, I do,” Seth retorted and then waved the waiter over.

  We ordered food and also got drinks. They had Odell’s hard cider here and I just couldn’t give up the chance to have another. Our food and drinks came quickly, and we started eating immediately.

  Ronan kept asking me how I liked everything. He was really attentive. The restaurant was really good, but there were a few things I didn’t like. I kept it to myself though. I couldn’t bear to disappoint Ronan. He was so earnest in everything he did.

  “So, Keira,” said Connor, regarding me with his curious amber eyes. “Why did ya decide to come to Ireland al
one? Most people wouldn’t go stag to a wedding overseas.”

  “A bad relationship,” I confessed. “My ex, Manny, was just a dbag.”

  “A what?” asked Ronan.

  “It’s short for douchebag,” I explained. “He was just a jerk is what I’m trying to say. I had invested a lot in him. Too much in fact. Emotionally.”

  “Did he cheat on you?” asked Connor.

  “Yes, and he was verbally abusive, I guess you’d say. He’d call me stupid sometimes or make me feel stupid,” I explained. “I just hated feeling that way. Made me feel powerless. But with you guys…” I felt a blush come to my cheeks. “You guys make me feel powerful. What about you, Connor?”

  “Ah, there’s nothing much to tell,” said Connor. “I’ve dated a bit. Had one sorta semi-serious girlfriend, but she cheated on me. I didn’t take too hard. College, ya know. Everyone screws around there.”

  “Yeah, I miss those days,” laughed Seth.

  Connor rolled his eyes. “This is the guy with the string of bad relationships,” he pointed out.

  “Bad? How dare ye!” said Seth, in faux outrage then he laughed. “I just didn’t take my relationships very seriously. Why should I? They were meant to be fun. That’s all.”

  “What about me?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.

  “Well, this may be a little different, I’ll admit,” he smiled coyly. “I don’t really know what’s going to happen, Keira. We don’t even know if you’re going back to America in a few days or which one of us you are really considering dating.”

  I took a sip of my cider to keep from answering. I didn’t know what to say. I hadn’t truly answered those questions for myself yet. All I knew was that, right now, I wanted them all.

  “You already heard my horror story,” said Tavish to fill the silence. “Not much more to tell than that.”

  “I’ve never really had a serious relationship at all,” said Ronan. He blushed and looked a little embarrassed. “A few dates here and there, but that’s it. Never had anyone that I clicked with.”

  I let out a breath that I was holding. “Well, this is good,” I said. “We’re getting all our baggage out in the open. I feel like I’m really getting to know you guys.”

  “What else do ye want to know?” asked Connor, with a wink.

  All the elves leaned in towards me. I felt my blush return. I wanted to know a lot about them all. First and foremost in my mind, I wanted to know how each of them would feel under the sheets. But it wasn’t time to bring that up yet.

  “Um, great fear?” I asked. It was the first restaurant friendly topic that I could bring to mind. “Mine is spiders.”

  “Being homeless,” said Seth quickly.

  “Dying of a disease,” said Ronan.

  “Snakes,” said Tavish.

  “Probably bears,” said Connor.

  I nodded. All of those fears seemed reasonable; nothing weird there.

  “Okay, what would you do with a million dollars?” I asked, after taking another sip of my Odell’s. The apple flavor bubbled on my tongue. “You win the lottery and you could do anything.”

  “Travel the world,” said Connor. His amber eyes looked out into the distance and I wondered what destination he was thinking of at that moment.

  “Move to America,” said Seth.

  “Open a restaurant,” said Tavish.

  “I would also travel the world,” said Ronan.

  Connor gave his brother a high-five and they grinned at each other momentarily.

  “What would you do, Keira?” asked Connor.

  “Honestly?” I said, wracking my brain. “I’m not sure. I’ve already traveled some. I don’t really want to start a business. I guess I’d just retire and keep traveling? It wouldn’t change my life much.”

  The elves scoffed. They looked at each other and then back at me. Each one raised their dark eyebrows at me.

  “It wouldn’t!” I insisted, laughing. “Except that I would quit my job as a writer. I’d go on vacation all the time. Maybe find a beach somewhere to sit on.”

  “Okay, that sounds more like an answer,” agreed Seth, nodding. “I love a good beach.” He leaned forward over the table and looked me straight in the eye. “I’d love to see ya in a bikini.”

  I grinned and took another sip of cider. The other brothers murmured their agreement with Seth’s comment.

  “Oh, you would?” I cooed, leaning forward towards them a bit.

  They all nodded, entranced by the little bit of cleavage I was showing them. I was starting to feel feisty and hot and bothered. Maybe the cider was going to my head.

  “I can tell you all that I look great in a bikini. It would be worth your while to take me to a beach,” I suggested and looked at them through lowered lashes.

  The elves’ eyes went wide at my bold statement and I giggled.

  Seth grunted and leaned back in his chair putting his hands behind his head. “Oh, we are defiantly doing that.”

  Tavish mirrored his brother’s movements and nodded. “Aye, we are,” he agreed. “Maybe we could find a nude beach.”

  I giggled again. “Every beach is a nude beach when you are naked.” I gave them a wink.

  Connor hissed through his teeth. “Damn, lass. Ya are too much!”

  I wrinkled my nose at him and took another sip of my drink. “So, what’s the plan for tomorrow?” I asked, changing the subject to lessen the sexual tension. “Are you guys up for another adventure? Want to help me find the next orb?”

  They all nodded. “I’m in this for the long haul,” Seth explained. “I want to make sure this curse on ye gets broken.”

  I smiled. Having their help and companionship meant the world to me. “So, we just need to find a place to spend the night. I take it we are too far away to make it back to Hennessey House, right?”

  “Right,” Connor confirmed. “We’d have to drive 120 kilometers back to Hennessy House. Half the night will be gone by the time we get back.”

  “Is there a place we can stay near here?” I suggested.

  “Sure,” Ronan confirmed. “We have reservations at the local bed and breakfast. I just booked us a suite on my phone.”

  “Did I see you just do that?” asked Seth, looking over at him. “Are you planning this trip like a couple of hours ahead of everything we do?”

  “Yeah,” said Ronan. “It’s the best way. Then we can change with the wind.”

  Seth laughed and pointed at Ronan. “This guy,” he laughed. “Talk about flying by the seat of your pants.”

  Ronan shrugged but didn’t look upset by his brother’s comment.

  “What’s the suite look like?” asked Tavish, leaning forward to peek over Ronan’s shoulder.

  “It’s a two-bedroom apartment,” explained Ronan. “Seems nice and it’s available immediately, which is convenient.”

  “Bit cramped, but we’ll make it work,” said Seth, still sniffling.

  “I could use a change of clothes though,” said Tavish. I nodded, I could too. I had left my luggage at the Hennessey House. “Didn’t we pass a department store on the way in?” Tavish asked.

  “Aye,” said Ronan. “We could stop by after we finish our drinks. Pick up some supplies and such.”

  “Sorry guys, I didn’t think this would turn into an overnight thing,” I admitted. “But hey, that’s part of the adventure, right? You never know where it’s going.”

  “Yeah, my car is still parked in town at Luck’s Hollow,” said Seth, frowning.

  “I could run ya back,” Ronan offered. “If you want to go home.”

  “No-no,” assured Seth. “I’m on board. Tavish, ya have some cakes to bake, don’t ye?”

  “I called my assistant,” he said. “She’s got me covered for the next few days. But I’m sure Connor has to work tomorrow.”

  “Actually, I have a few days off coming to me after the wedding reception,” said Connor smiling.

  “Good, then we’re all going,” I concluded. “It’ll be nice
to see a store in Ireland.”

  “It’s a bit different, lass,” said Connor. “In America, they have these huge stores with all the selection. I’ve seen it on YouTube. Here, ye might be disappointed.”

  After dinner, we hopped back in the van. I sat between Seth and Connor this time. Ronan was still a bit frustrated that he had to drive, but that was his call. We drove over to a place called Shaws. It looked a bit like an old department store you’d see in the States like in the 80’s or 90’s. There was plenty of clothing options there, so I picked up a couple of pairs of jeans and a few warm woolen sweaters. Not the sexiest attire but still cute.

  After, we headed to the inn and it was time to spend my first night alone with the elves. I was excited and anxious all at the same time.

  Chapter 10


  After getting everything we needed, we headed to the local inn and our two bedroom suite. One of the rooms had a single bed and the other had a bunk bed. The only other place to sleep was the couch and the floor.

  I looked around and frowned. This really wasn’t ideal. After all the help from the boys today I didn’t want one of them to have to sleep on the floor, and I sure as hell didn’t want to sleep on the floor myself.

  “All right lads,” said Ronan. “I claim a bed since I booked us the suite.”

  Connor pointed to the room with the one bed and then looked at me with a sultry smile. “Ye can share it with me, if you like,” he said.

  I frowned. It was a good offer but not exactly what I wanted. “That seems a bit unfair,” I said. “Why don’t I take that, and you boys take the bunk beds?”

  “All right,” said Connor, relenting.

  “Top bunk!” called Tavish. He ran into the room and climbed up onto the bunkbed like a little kid.

  “Damn,” said Connor. He reluctantly followed his brother into the bedroom and claimed the bottom bunk.


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