Alpha's Mate: A Steamy PNR Shifter & Fantasy Romance Collection (Hot Shifters Book 3)

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Alpha's Mate: A Steamy PNR Shifter & Fantasy Romance Collection (Hot Shifters Book 3) Page 38

by Casey Morgan


  I’m back in the magic circle again doing the spell. There’s Olivia, naked and ready for me. She’s swaying and blushing while kneeling on all fours. She’s twisting and shaking her hips for me, poking her butt out just for me. Swishing her thick, juicy ass cheeks in my face. The candles are all lit, and she’s just finished painting me.

  “Work magic with me again, Axel,” she says. The pout and girliness in the tone of her voice is unbelievable. The way she’s looking back at me, sucking on the end of her eyeglasses, that’s so sexy to me.

  My brothers are there, suddenly, getting a taste of her mouth. Her tongue is on their hard cocks as they gather around her face, but it’s the way she’s rubbing up against my body, slipping and sliding her wet pussy and ass along my cock, that gets me hooked on her. I am delirious and drugged on the way her body feels. It is the exact same way I felt during the spell but would never admit to anyone.

  I grab her ass cheeks and spread them. I give her pussy a bit of a touch, pleased by the wetness there, before filling her with my cock. I feel it slide into her, bury its head as far as it can go. I feel her warmth and texture grip me, surrounding me in a personal heaven. A slice of paradise.

  I start thrusting in and out of her, and I hear her begin to squeal and moan at me. I move faster and harder inside her, feeling my balls slap and jiggle against her clit. From deep inside her, I feel my cock head shivering, my shaft quaking and swelling.

  I howl with lust, picking up my speed. I grip her hips and ass. I hear and feel her trembling on me. She haunts me with the sound of her jittering, quaking breathing and the hot, wetness of her juices. Tension grows between us, tightening my skin, heighten my pleasure. I bump and grind in her, against her, roaring in triumph as I feel myself releasing into her womb.

  Pump, pump, pump, and then overwhelming ecstasy.

  Olivia gasps and howls underneath me, her vocal cords shattering with love. “Axel! Axel, your fill me so full with your seed! Your cock is so big and hard! I can’t wait to have your beautiful babies!”

  “I’ve given them to you,” I hear myself grunt, my voice full of dark sweetness, tasting the nape of her neck with my teeth. “I can’t wait for them to be born, to see your eyes looking back at me through them.”

  As I feel my hear melt for her, inextricably bound, I awake.

  I come out of my dream, not believing I could have a dream like that. I’m sweating. I’m woozy, and vulnerable. All the things I’ve never given myself permission to feel, and certainly don’t want to feel now. I shake my head, trying to get my dirty thoughts out. I blink in the morning light, seeing that it’s early out. Chilly and quiet, except for the first few birds and the first few rummaging noises of a nearby mouse or squirrel.

  “What the fuck was that?” I growl this as I get up from my sleeping bag, noticing my still-partially-hard cock. “I know I liked taking her virginity, that Olivia-girl, but seriously? Having her babies? Lusting after being her baby daddy? She was just a stupid human. Someone I borrowed to work magic that didn’t work, so why am I having a dream about her?”

  I get a fresh pair of clothes on, thinking about all of this. By the time I have everything on me, and I feel ready for the day, I’ve decided a dream like that can’t be too bad. My interest in her isn’t that bad either. Finn and Zane seem content to spend as much time with Olivia as physically possible. Kace as well, since he was willing to disobey a direct order last night and go to help this Tina girl with her poor husbands.

  So what if I want to spend time with her? They want and get to spend time with her, so why not me? My interest isn’t wrong or bad. I was the one who won her at the auction anyway, so of course I should be interested in her.

  I will spend more time with her. I will take the lead on this and take her away from my brothers.

  From my tent, I immediately go to starting the fire the center of our camp. Afterward, I get out a skillet and coffee pot, and started making breakfast. Eggs and bacon, black coffee. Enough for all four of us. While I’m cooking, I’m looking over some designs for our cabin. Some that I drew up last night, refusing to come out of my tent.

  Kace would not give up about calling a family meeting, but I didn’t give in. I kept up with these designs, and I’m glad I did. I’m pretty happy with how these turned out. Now all that’s left is to get started. I had a contractor give me advice on everything, but now that I’ve put my own touch on it, the plans seem ready to go.

  I don’t hear Kace come out of his tent. I only hear him address me. “You’re not getting away from me this time, brother.”

  Kace sits himself down on a rock, watching the fire for a moment. I glance at him, but don’t say anything. I move the house designs out of the way of the flames.

  “You changed that spell. Don’t say you didn’t,” Kace accuses.

  I stop what I’m doing and stare at him. I am scared that he knows, but not really that surprised. I shouldn’t be. Grandmother did say he had magic, and she did train him in identifying and healing a bit. Exactly why I didn’t want him going to see those other alphas.

  “I didn’t,” I say, using all of my strength and conviction to bolster those words.

  Kace stares at me, frowning. “You did.” He stands up, facing me. “I know you know what I’ve been trained in. I know when magic’s been used, so don’t try to lie to me!”

  “Why would I do something like that? I’m not a witch! Why and how would I even change a spell like that? It’s supposed to be for our land, not for anything else!”

  “You don’t like anyone else but you being an alpha. You despise the Love’s Hollow leaders,” he spits, baring his claws at me. “Why wouldn’t you do something against them?” He pauses, staring at me like I’m garbage. “Why else would you refuse to do some rounds on our property, if not for feeling guilty for changing the spell on us? Spending all of our money on some sort of revenge plot?” He pauses. “That spell is going to keep making them sick, and you knew that when you had us get Olivia and make her participate!”

  I don’t like how close he got to the truth, but I don’t show any of it. I just repeat the fact that I’m doing all of this for them, not for anything else.

  “Axel, I swear to God—”

  Kace is interrupted by the appearance of our other two brothers, Finn and Zane. They look bright eyed and bushy tailed. Ready for the day.

  “I’m so excited! Olivia is coming to take a hike with me and Kace and anyone else who wants to join!”

  “I’m in,” says Finn, looking even more full of energy.

  I take this as my route away from the interrogation, though Kace doesn’t let up on his staring and glowering. All throughout the rest of my cooking, he continues to give me dirty, dark looks. I ignore them, though I know my twin has already seen right through me.

  Just as I finish up most of my breakfast cooking, a car drives up to our lot. A fancy old-timely vehicle. Kind of nineteen seventies. I see Olivia behind the wheel immediately. As I watched her get out, wearing a cute set of overall shorts, a pink shirt, and matching jewelry, I’m in love. I’m excited for the possibility of a hike and spending some time with her as well.

  “Come have breakfast with us, Olivia,” I say kindly. As I speak, I spoon up everyone else’s plates of food — eggs, bacon and coffee. “I’ve made more than enough.”

  “Sure,” she says.

  The minute she finds a rock around our fire and starts to sit on it, the rest of my brothers start vying for her attention. They all want a seat next to her.

  I don’t bother to get them in line, since I know it won’t work anyway. Besides, it keeps the attention and heat off me, since Kace loses focus. He gets after Finn and Zane, who are squabbling.

  When everybody is settled and eating contentedly, I strike up a conversation with Olivia. Or try to. I quickly notice she’s not making eye contact with me. I notice that she’s looking uncomfortable. She’s fidgety and nervous, trying to answer me quickly and politely, bu
t not engage.

  And then I remember about my behavior with her. How angry and short I was with her the night of the ritual. I have to make up for that.

  “I’m interested in the fact that you moved here for people like us. My brothers and I are werewolves, in case you didn’t know. I’m also interested to know that you are an author. Perhaps we will find our way into one of your books.” I grin, before getting serious. “Also, let me apologize for being so mean and short with you a few nights ago. My brothers and I have been under a lot of stress lately. Just moving here and all, and trying to set up our own digs.” I gestured to the designs for our log cabin. I pick them up for emphasis. “This is one step in the process. If I was angry with you, if I said anything to cruel, I’m sorry. Please let me make it up to you, Olivia.”

  She nods and gives me a gentle smile but doesn’t say anything.

  As I finish up my breakfast, my head is alive with visions from my dream. Of me bent over her, fucking her pussy until it’s wet with my cum. I imagine something similar happening in the woods, during the hike. I want to fill her full again and listening to her beautiful squeals echoing above the mountains and the trees.

  Chapter Ten


  While I’m glad that Olivia is here to share breakfast with us, and that she’s ready and willing to go for our hike, that’s the key word for me. Our. While in principle, I have no problem with my other brothers joining in the outing, there is a small part of me that wanted this all to myself.

  But, given how easy it is for Axel to get moody, and bring everyone else down with him, I quickly decide to let any jealousy go. As long as I’m with Olivia, that’s all that matters. I can find ways to make this time special, even with the other three around.

  “Ready to get hiking, Olivia?” I get up off my rock around the fire pit and extend my hand to her. She takes it willingly, since the quarters are a bit tight. Axel wets the hot coals, while Finn comes to Olivia’s other side.

  “I know some places for some great views,” he says, obviously vying for her attention, even as she holds my hand. “Also, some nice places to relax if you need them. I don’t know how much you get out and hike, so if you need to take a break, just let me know.”

  Kace walks up to us, after helping with the fire, and placing the pots and pans out of the reach of bears and other animals. Though I doubt they will come to this neck of the woods, knowing it’s guarded by werewolves. “I’m glad to see you dressed for the outing,” he says, pointing out her overalls and her hiking boots.

  “I don’t get out much, that’s true,” she says, a bit of mischief glowing in her eyes. “But with friends like Leslie, I know when to wear high heels, and when to put on my walking shoes.”

  “Point taken,” I say, happy to hug and snuggle against her. “I’ve never been so excited for a walk before.”

  “Me either,” puts in Finn, while Kace starts walking up a path away from our camp.

  He looks back at us from over his shoulder. “This is a bit of a climb, but it’s beautiful. Let’s get heading out, while the sun isn’t too hot.”

  I lead Olivia and Finn up toward Kace, hearing him strike up a conversation with her. They talk to her about movies and what not, bringing up her status as a novelist again. I roll my eyes, hearing him try to impress her with all the classics he’s read. Granted, he read the Sparks notes version, but I’m not about to rat him out.

  Axel joins us as we step up onto the higher forest path Kace chose. While being the last to join, he is quick to get to the lead. “I’m going to check for easy and safe terrain. Don’t want anything happening to her after all.”

  I let him do his alpha-thing, knowing we won’t escape it anyway. As he goes on ahead, I feel a little jealous again. I feel a little crowded by all my brothers, who are chatting her up. Taking her attention away from me, even though it was my idea to go on this date with her.

  I growl quietly, really not liking my “baby status” within this pack at the moment. I’m really feeling like I’m being ignored, shoved off to the side, even with her hand linked in mine. I know I should be happy to even have any time with her. I know I should be counting my lucky stars that she’s hiking with us, and that I get to hold on to her like this, but I can’t help it. Having my brothers around really takes away from what I was hoping would be my time. My moment to impress her. My moment to stand out.

  In my ears, I hear Finn cracking jokes with her, full of puns and I-spy phrases. I quickly lose interest in any of that. I focus on leading her up and through the pathways as they get more overgrown and steeper, but also more majestic.

  After about an hour or so of hiking, we finally reach a vista. A panoramic view of the canyons and caves is all around us. From here, I can see a few rock formations that have become quite popular tourist designations, apparently. I’ve seen them everywhere in the brochures; even the ones my brothers and I checked out before moving here.

  I’m trying to enjoy the view, but the flirting is really getting to me. Between Finn and Kace I’m feeling invisible. Like an afterthought. And I really like her. I want Olivia to notice me. I want her to tell me I’m her favorite. To choose me over them, so that I stop feeling so small and unimportant. Under these thoughts, I blurt out what’s on my mind. I grab onto Olivia, pulling her away from Zane and Kace. Axel barks something at me, but I’m beyond listening.

  “Olivia,” I say, “you’ve got to tell me! Which of us do you enjoy more? Which do you want to be with more? I invited you out on this date, and I thought I was okay with everyone else being here, but I’m feeling ignored. I’m feeling like it doesn’t even matter that I’m here!” I grit my teeth, willing my eyes not to spill in front of her. “If you don’t find me as an entertaining as my brothers, I get it. I’m not funny like Finn, strong like Axel, or wise like Kace, so just tell me! Which of us do you prefer, so I know!”

  Olivia just laughs at me. She puts her hands on either side of my face and kisses me. “I like all of you equally!” Her eyes are serious, despite the grin on her mouth. “You all took my virginity, you all have been my lovers, and I’ve decided that’s what I want for the rest of my life! All of you. Even if I could choose between you brothers, I don’t want to.”

  I’m speechless, and so are the rest of my brothers.

  While we knew Olivia must be somewhat easy-going given how she was agreeable to our ritual, none of us expected her to be that open minded. I didn’t. I thought for sure she would pick one of my other brothers and leave me in the dust. It’s always been that way for everything else.

  Axel’s already got his hard cock out of his pants after hearing her words and he’s stroking it. He snatches Olivia from me, but it’s gentle. Kace rubs and his crotch through his pants, before he too unleashes his cock, and begins to stroke it.

  Finn says, “If we shared her to take her virginity, I’m totally cool with sharing her anytime anywhere,” and shows off his own erection.

  In my own pants, I’m feeling thick and heavy. Hot and pressed for space. “I’m fine with it too, as long as you never go anywhere, Olivia. I want you to never leave us, and never regret meeting us.”

  Axel guides Olivia on the ground, undoing the clasps for her overalls. In zero seconds flat, she’s exposed to us. Her ass and pussy are up in the air, slightly dusted around her thighs from the dirt and pine needles around us, but otherwise juicy and ready for us.

  My oldest brother is first inside her, murmuring something about this being sweeter than his dream and better than what he remembered. I ignore what more he might say and go around to her mouth and lips. I bent down to kiss her and claim her that way. Olivia’s lips are rough and demanding on mine.

  Kace helps her pull her shirt and bra up, so that her full breasts are exposed. He massages and licks her nipples while Finn kisses her breasts, her shoulders and her neck. I enjoy each little sigh and gasp she makes against my mouth and then pull back. Pushing my hips into her face, I rub my cock along her lips, enraptured wi
th how soft and buttery the texture is. She opens her mouth wider and lets me thrust my cock down her throat, as she sucks and moans around it.

  Axel finishes and is replaced by Kace. He gingerly enters her pussy as I fuck Olivia’s face, asking her, “Let me know if you’d rather lie down,” before grinding fiercely in and out of her.

  Kace pumps Olivia with energy and strength, I watch as her arms work to keep her upright — up on all fours — even under Kace’s strong, vigorous motions. She giggles and cries around my dick under the feeling of him, and Finn uses this opportunity to tickle her clit. He jiggles and flicks the sensitive, quivering flesh there and I enjoy the more noises it causes Olivia to make. Her mouth gets wetter and she begins to drool down my cock the more I’m fucking her face.

  Kace and I pound her from both ends, pushing her back and forth between us. Olivia quivers and waggles her hips for us to go harder, but Finn stops us. “I want in too,” he says and guides us to a different position. He pushes his hard cock into Olivia’s tight asshole while in a seated position, pulling her onto his lap. He bites on her earlobe causing her to giggle and twitch. From there, he bends her into him, forcing her to sit back on him, leaving her pussy exposed.

  I dive my head down into her pale, pink wonderland, immediately licking and sucking everything I can get my mouth on. I lick and nibble, being sure to sop up every bit of musk, every drop of honey from her. I imbibe her sweetness, wondering how I lived without it.

  As I taste her, Olivia takes Kace’s dick into her mouth and then switches up when Axel comes back hard again. She sucks on him for a bit and then goes back to Kace. They stay on either side of her so she can switch between them.

  Her moans of pleasure get desperate and I know I have to feel her immediately. I rub my hard, thick cock against her thighs, hungering for her. I pull Olivia close to me. Taking hers and my brothers’ juices on my fingers, I start playing with my cock, getting me lubed up and ready. I push my dickhead into her pussy, enjoying the way it quivers for me. It shakes. I also enjoy the excited/terrified blush to her cheeks.


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