Alpha's Mate: A Steamy PNR Shifter & Fantasy Romance Collection (Hot Shifters Book 3)

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Alpha's Mate: A Steamy PNR Shifter & Fantasy Romance Collection (Hot Shifters Book 3) Page 51

by Casey Morgan

  “Does it hurt?” I’d ask her, making sure.

  “Not too much,” she say, and I’d push it all the way in, with one hand tightly gripped on her nice round ass cheek and the other cupping her pussy, kneading her little clit with my fingers.

  “Mmmm,” she’d moan, as I’d stick my fingers in her mouth to get her to be quiet.

  She’d start to suck them while rocking back and forth a bit on my cock, and I’d ask her, “Are you feeling okay now?”

  “Yes,” she’d say, when her mouth was free of my fingers. “At first it hurt, but now it feels really good.”

  “Good,” I’d tell her, feeling myself throb and pulse inside her. “I feel really good, too.”

  I’d reach down and play with her nipple while I thrust in and out of her, our breathing starting to match one another’s, the movements of our bodies in sync.

  It would be all I could do to stop myself from clawing at her back or biting at her neck. I’d want to mark her as my own so badly, but I knew she wouldn’t be ready to hear what I was. That could come later, but for now, it would be time for the two of us to come together.

  And that would be how I would mark her, at first, as mine. There would be plenty of time for me to claim her in more ways later — at least, I hoped so.

  All of this stuff I was fantasizing about would have to happen way later in real life. First, I’d need to assess her ability to comprehend the amazing truth about everything. And then I would have to harness all of her energy, which meant not taking her virginity until I knew she could handle it.

  Once her virginity was mine, all her powers would be made known to her, and I wasn’t sure where that would lead, if she wasn’t ready. I’d have to make sure she was ready.

  But right now, in my fantasy, I was free to think about taking her virginity the moment I met her, and so I continued allowing myself to pursue that world, while stroking my hard, pulsing cock in real life. I would pull her closer to me and then further away, grabbing ahold of her ass to do it, and she’d grip the moss floor of the forest while she slid all over my dick, slippery with her pussy juice on it.

  “I’m going to cum,” she’d say, as quietly as she could, while I bounced her ass cheeks up and down with my hands and pumped her full of my cock. “Your cock is filling up my whole pussy and stretching it so full, I just can’t take it anymore. I really think I’m going to come.”

  “Good,” I’d tell her, letting myself start to let go now, too, since she was. I would be sure to match her rhythm and keep our bodies in sync, so that our minds could continue to sync up, too. “Cum on my cock. I’ll cum in your pussy and claim you as my own.”

  “Mmmm,” she’d squeal, as she squeezed the walls of her pussy around my cock, making me feel even better — which I didn’t know was possible.

  “Fuck yeah,” I’d say, as I’d feel my cock throbbing with cum before it shot out of me and into her sweet, warm pussy. “This is exactly perfect. This is exactly what I always wanted it to be like.”

  “Me too,” she’d say.

  My cock starting throbbing at the thought, and then it began to squirt out cum at just the thought of taking Marilyn’s virginity. I couldn’t hold back anymore, when I thought about her naked body and the sweet words I wanted her to say to me.

  And I would know she’d be speaking in general, about what she’d fantasized that losing her virginity would be like. But as I now made myself cum in solitude under the pear tree while thinking about her and looking at her in the orb, I realized that it was something I’d very specifically wanted – perhaps without knowing consciously, but it was always there, somewhere deep inside, waiting to come out – for a very long time.

  What I had been waiting for all along was for Marilyn to return to Bethel Forest.

  And for her to be mine.

  And now I planned to make her mine – no matter what.

  But I just had to remember that first I’d have to break her in in other ways, before I could break her in in that one way I really wanted.

  Chapter Six


  I came so magnificently when I was thinking about Marilyn that I almost felt drained of energy by the time I was done. I hadn’t had a good fantasy or any relief like that in a long time. It seemed I had been depressed lately, and nothing could break it, until I learned that Marilyn was here in my forest.

  I breathed deeply, under the shelter I had made beneath the pear tree, relaxing for a moment and enjoying the feeling of having some hope again. But I knew not to let it grow too much, because in my experience, that only meant it could be dashed even more.

  After a few moments, I shifted back into wolf form, so that I could try to get some sleep. I came out of my shelter so that I could let the orb go, and it did – starting its strange movements, a combination of rolling, flying and swerving, very quickly, as it went off to find Marilyn again and continue to monitor her for me, along with the other orbs my pack had sent out.

  I was about to go back into the shelter when I heard a familiar and very unwelcome voice that I was not expecting – she sure did sneak up on me somehow.

  “Oh, Melchoir,” Jessalyn said, as she walked up to me, her feet crunching the leaves I had gathered around, almost as if to make a welcome mat outside my shelter – but not for her. “What are you up to tonight?”

  Now I regretted it, as I didn’t want Jessalyn to think that just anyone could come up and talk to me right now. Least of all, her.

  I didn’t want her to know my hiding place and I would have made sure the spell that my pack members and I had put on her would encompass that factor, but Jessalyn is so powerful that it always took all of our concentration and energy to make just one spell with just one power. I would rather Marilyn be safe than me, so, that was what had had to be done.

  “I’m just getting ready to sleep,” I told her.

  Stop being so fucking meek, something within me nearly growled.

  It was as if Jessalyn had control of the whole forest, and everything bowed to her will. Even the pear tree literally bowed, and disintegrated, when she wanted it to.

  So, who was I to challenge her? I couldn’t risk her wrath, as it would mean that she could hurt me and then I couldn’t help Marilyn help us.

  But still, I hated how I had to suck up to her and pretend as if everything was fine when in reality, everything was very clearly in ruins.

  As I looked up at her, I realized for the first time that she had the baby strapped to her chest. She was wearing one of those baby carriers that is fashionable for young mothers to put their babies in these days and carry around hands-free.

  But on Jesslyn, it looked like some perversion of what it was supposed to be used for. She was no loving mother – that was for sure – in fact, she had not been loving to her own daughters and she was certainly not loving to this baby, even if she was the baby’s mother, which she wasn’t.

  It was almost as if the baby was strapped to her chest so that it would never have its own life or will apart from her. And I was quite certain that that was her intention.

  “I don’t believe you,” Jessalyn said, waving her hands and shooting a magic lightning bolt at my shelter, which caused the bark I had put up around it to go flying off.

  There lay the pants I had been wearing when I was in human form. They were unbuttoned and unzipped and I couldn’t help but wonder if she knew what I had been doing in there. Perhaps this would be a dead giveaway that Marilyn was in the forest, and the spell we had put on Jessalyn would be in vain.

  But then I realized that obviously I would have had to unbutton and unzip my pants to take them off, so unless I was a particularly tidy or anal retentive shifter who insisted on keeping my clothes buttoned and zipped up when I wasn’t in human form — which had never been the case for me — then nothing would be out of the ordinary in that regard.

  I decided I was just having a guilty conscience out of paranoia.

  Jessalyn had that effect on people.

/>   “It looks to me like you were in human form recently,” Jessalyn said, that fact alone apparently enough to raise her suspicions. I hated the woman but I had to hand it to her – she had a keen sense of observation. She didn’t miss a thing. “That isn’t like you, Melchior.”

  “I’m a werewolf: half man, half wolf,” I explained to her, as if she was seven years old. Naively pretending that I was trying to be helpful was the only way I could be an asshole to her and get away with it. “Of course, sometimes I’m in human form.”

  “But these days you are usually in wolf form,” Jessalyn noted, correctly.

  This crazy lady had apparently been stalking me – or else she was just always aware of everything that happened in this forest and what everyone, including me, was doing. So, maybe I shouldn’t get a big head over it – it was probably nothing personal.

  “You are the alpha of your pack and it doesn’t make sense for you to be in human form,” she continued, as if lecturing me about things I should know. “You need to be ready to pounce, to run, to bite, to attack, at any opportunity.”

  “That’s true,” I told her. “But I also enjoy feeling like a man once in a while, since I can. Why not?”

  When my guilty conscience got the best of me again, remembering the feeling of my big, hard cock in my hand as I thought about what I would want to do to Marilyn, I quickly added, “I like to feel human emotions sometimes. Wolves can’t laugh or cry.”

  Or love.

  Obviously, I didn’t say that last part out loud to Jessalyn, as she already thought she knew everything about me and I wasn’t about to expose a vulnerability, so I only thought it in my head. And I didn’t know where the fuck it had come from, since I hadn’t ever been the type to fall in love. Not even close.

  “You have not wanted to feel those human emotions, though,” Jessalyn pointed out, and unfortunately, she was also correct about that fact. “You have wanted to hide from them, and being a wolf was the perfect way to do that. In your wolf form, you only sense things with your instinct rather than your feelings. You ‘feel’ fear, and have logical reactions to that, which can protect and save your pack. Whereas emotions are fickle things that can let you down, or even destroy you if you let them take over. That’s why I know it isn’t wise for you to be in your human form, and none of this is making sense to me right now. I like when things make sense, you see.”

  “What do you care?” I asked her, feeling annoyed now. “Why does what I do have to make sense to you? You just come here to where I’m trying to get some rest and start telling me I should be a wolf to avoid human feelings and protect my pack? That has nothing to fucking do with you.”

  I wanted to tell myself to hold back but the words just continued to pour out of my mouth. I wasn’t sure I had ever spoken to Jesslyn with such anger.

  I couldn’t seem to stop it from coming out. I knew I had to reign it in because I didn’t want Jessalyn to mess up what I was trying to do by having Marilyn come to the forest.

  “Everything that happens here in Bethel Forest has something to do with me,” Marilyn said, raising an eyebrow at me.

  She looked suspicious.


  She had obviously been suspicious of something to even come out here and bother me, but I had gone and made her even more suspicious.

  The baby strapped to her chest started whimpering a bit, as if it was going to cry, but Jessalyn didn’t seem to care. She didn’t stop staring at me long enough to even look down at the baby and see what it needed.

  Like I said, she was definitely no Mom of the Year, considering that she wasn’t the actual mom at all and also that she couldn’t seem to care less about the baby’s comfort, and I felt bad for the baby that Marla had died, since it deserved a real mom. Not a cruel user like Jessalyn. I really hoped Marilyn could fill that role, even though I knew she didn’t have much parenting experience.

  “I am wondering why you’re trying to get some rest all alone under this pear tree,” Marilyn said, the tone of her voice lowering an octave, as if she was accusing me of an unnamed crime, “while members of your pack are circled around you, about a mile in every direction.”

  “You know the Lumi Pack has been ready to fight us,” I told her, quickly coming up with an alternative reason for what we were all doing.

  My heart was beating so fast, wanting to try to get out of this predicament while feeling helpless, but at least my logic remained intact. It didn’t take that much of an imagination to think up this alibi, anyway. A fight with our rival pack wasn’t a far stretch from reality.

  It was always looming over us, as danger constantly surrounded us in the forest and the Lumi Pack often tried to get dominance in the area. That pack is our greatest rival – or at least the one close enough to us to fight with us enough – and they were expected to start another war with us soon, but I had had bigger things on my mind — trying to get Marilyn here to us, as quickly and safely as possible, chief among them — to worry about that.

  I was suddenly very glad I had already sent the orb on its way to Marilyn. If Jessalyn had seen it, she would have been even more suspicious and I didn’t think I could explain it away as doing recon against one of our rival packs, although that was how I would have tried to spin it, just like I was trying to spin it this way right now.

  “Do you need me to send a spell against them?” she asked.

  “No thank you,” I told her.

  There was no such thing as a free lunch — or a free spell — when it came to Jessalyn. All her favors came with strings attached and ultimately benefited her far more than they ever would me or my pack. I had learned that the hard way long ago.

  I was glad she seemed to fall for my excuse, though.

  She started to walk away, but then the baby cried out, and she paused.

  I thought she might actually check on the baby, but instead she turned her back to me. Of course, I shouldn’t have thought she could do something kind.

  “The baby is crying,” she announced.

  “I know.”

  I didn’t know what else to say. Nor did I know why she was fucking stating the obvious to me or what she wanted me to do about it. I knew thanks to forest rumors that she hadn’t let anyone get within feet of the baby and that she was protecting it with her life — not for the baby’s sake but for her own twisted goals, like Jessalyn always was all about.

  “She never cries like that,” she continued. “She senses something. She wants something. I now it.”


  It seemed that the spell had a weakness. It couldn’t stop the baby’s senses. And the baby clearly wanted Marilyn and somehow knew she was close. The spell had been cast to prevent Jessalyn from knowing about Marilyn’s presence in the forest, but it hadn’t accounted for the fact that the baby might know.

  “I don’t know anything about that,” I said, shrugging, and trying to maintain a nonchalant, innocent look on my face. “I’ve never had any children and never wanted any, in fact.”

  That much was true. I was too damaged to go around making offspring with my same negative qualities. I was too hardened by the realities of living life as not a complete man but not a complete wolf, in a cursed forest that was depressing and destroying everything in it, including me.

  “There’s something else,” Marilyn said, causing all the fur to stand up on the back of my coat.

  “What’s that?” I asked, not really wanting to know, but knowing that she would tell me anyway, and that if I did know, at least I could try to figure out what to do to prevent something bad from happening.

  If there was anything that could be done to prevent that.

  “I don’t sense the Lumi Pack in this part of the forest,” Marilyn said. “Normally, I can smell them; I can feel them when they are close. Tonight, I can’t.”

  Double fuck.

  I should have done another spell that made it seem as if the Lumi Pack was close, to give us an alibi for our behavior. But I hadn’t anticipate
d that Marilyn would ask what was going on, because I was hoping the spell would work so well that she wouldn’t have a need to ask. Plus, I didn’t think we would have had the energy to work additional spells – it took all we had to do that one.

  But now I saw that even without sensing that Marilyn was in the forest, specifically, Jessalyn still had common sense and could tell that my pack was preparing for something or someone. I felt like a fucking idiot for not thinking about this and planning for all the possible outcomes in advance.

  What was done was done, though, and now I had to continue rolling with the punches.

  “Waaaah!” the baby wailed, reaching out its chubby little arms from the sides of the baby carrier.

  I didn’t even know if it was a boy or a girl.

  Jessalyn wasn’t telling anyone. And she kept it dressed in neutral colors, mainly white like the snow in the forest. It was if she didn’t even want to let the baby have any of its own personality and instead forced it to blend in with its surroundings.

  But I did know that it sensed that Marilyn was getting closer. I prayed to the heavens that the orbs wouldn’t come rushing back to let me know, and that no member of my pack would, either.

  They were all asleep, or if they weren’t, then hopefully they would have seen Jessalyn approaching me and would know to call off the orbs for now.

  I just didn’t want Marilyn to get here while Jessalyn was.

  That would be tragic.

  Marilyn was not prepared to encounter Jessalyn or even to find out the whole truth about why we resident creatures of Bethel Forest needed her help so much. What she needed was time for the information to be given to her slowly and for her to train so that she could be strong.

  “Thank you for letting me know,” I told Jessalyn. “It’s good that the Lumi Pack has decided not to attack tonight. I’ll call my pack off, and that way they can get some sleep, and so can I.”


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