Alpha's Mate: A Steamy PNR Shifter & Fantasy Romance Collection (Hot Shifters Book 3)

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Alpha's Mate: A Steamy PNR Shifter & Fantasy Romance Collection (Hot Shifters Book 3) Page 55

by Casey Morgan

  I thought about Matthieu’s warning and knew I should listen to him, but it was too late. I was already overly involved with Marilyn. My heart had become just as invested as my cock. And nothing could stop me now.

  “Then you’d better start talking,” Marilyn said.

  And I had to admit that I loved the fire that sparked in her eyes as she said it.

  I decided to let her in on a little bit of what was going on, but she still had no idea about the full extent of what might lie ahead.

  Yet, when I looked into those gorgeous, inquisitive eyes of hers, I realized I likely still had a lot to learn about life and love, too.

  And maybe we could teach each other.

  Chapter Fourteen


  I was so mad at Melchior that I wished I could hit him. Obviously, I wouldn’t do that, as I didn’t believe in resorting to violence and I knew it wouldn’t solve anything even if I did. He was very tall and strong and could easily overpower me.

  Hell, he had overpowered me, but just not in that way.

  And actually, if I was being honest with myself, not in any way I had expected, either.

  I thought he would take my virginity.

  I didn’t know he would tease me like that.

  I was sick of it. I meant every word I just said to him and he had better be prepared to deliver some information — or take my virginity, or both — or I was going to leave. I was more than prepared to walk, even though I had no idea where I was walking to or why.

  Maybe I would just go back home. I was sure my dad would be looking for me by now – or, at the very least, Shelly and some others from the school probably would be – so that was always an option.

  I didn’t have much waiting for me back at home or at school, but I didn’t have anything at all here in Bethel, either, if Melchior was going to keep me in the dark. He was my only tie to this place, and he wasn’t being very accommodating.

  “Look,” Melchior said, pulling out a round object.

  “What is that?” I nearly shrieked.

  I put a hand over my mouth, embarrassed about my outburst.

  I just hadn’t expected to see something so futuristic in this forest, which seemed to be set back in time and isolated from the rest of the world and technology.

  “An orb,” he said, shrugging, as if everyone had one or should know what it was. “An information-gathering device?”

  “You mean a tracking device?” I asked him, as he turned it on.

  “Now, I wouldn’t say that…”

  “Have you been watching me on that?”

  “Look,” he said, obviously getting uncomfortable, and I could tell that he had in fact watched me on this device.

  I wasn’t sure if should feel flattered or creeped out.

  I guess it should have come as no surprise, since he was clearly attracted to me, and since he was a red-blooded male. Still, a shiver ran down my spine, wondering what exactly he had seen, and what exactly he had felt when he saw it.

  “I told you I’d start giving you some information, and that’s what I’m doing,” he continued. “But you’re just giving me a hard time about every little thing I do try to show you, so it’s not really making me want to continue. Do you want to see this or not?”

  “Okay, fine.”

  I hated how both of us were so obstinate. It was like we had the same strengths and weaknesses. And we drew both out of each other even more than we would exhibit on our own.

  He pushed play and I saw the tree branch I had touched earlier.

  At least, I thought it was that same one, but it looked different.

  “Is it… bigger?” I asked, dubiously.

  “Yeah,” he said. “But not as big as it should be.”

  I raised my eyebrows at him, not following.

  “There’s a spell that was put on the trees,” he said.

  “I gathered that,” I told him, although I had no idea what to make of it. “I mean, you basically told me they were cursed, so, yeah.”

  “This tree was weak, and I was expecting your touch to heal it.”


  He’d already said that, too, but I didn’t want to be rude and keep repeating it.

  “As I saw right away, it did start to heal it. But it didn’t heal it enough,” he said.

  “I see.”

  I felt as if I had let him down in some way.

  But it wasn’t as if I knew what was wrong or how to fix it.

  “I expected it to be flourishing by now.”

  “I see. What does it mean?” I asked him, glad he’d finally told me something at least.

  He’d let me in on what he was thinking about and what was concerning him about the forest at this moment, so I appreciated that, although I felt helpless to do anything about it.

  I guessed that maybe that was why he hadn’t seen the need to tell me in the first place. What the hell could I do about any of this?

  “I honestly don’t know,” he answered.

  He looked away from the screen and over at me, then, as if to make sure I knew he was telling the truth.

  “If I knew, I would tell you,” he added.

  I realized it was probably making him feel more vulnerable to tell me that there was something he didn’t know than it would have to tell me something he did know.

  Perhaps he hoped we could figure it out together.

  I tried to think logically about this situation which was based on fantasy and which was a complete mystery to me. That was obviously a pretty hard task to accomplish. I found my brain turning to mush, but I tried to salvage some ideas from the wreckage.

  “Since it got better when I was touching it, do you think it’s because I stopped touching it?” I asked him.


  He nodded, and then it was like we were both thinking the same thing.

  “Well, even if that’s the case, I could hardly sit there all day with my hand on it,” I told him. “I mean, I really couldn’t, could I?”

  He was looking at me with something on his face that was part grin, part frown.

  For all I knew, I could just sit there all day. As long as someone fed me and brought me some books or something.

  It wasn’t like I knew what else I had to do in this forest, since Melchior either wasn’t telling me or didn’t know — I was beginning to suspect it was the latter —and maybe it would be a nice relaxing change of pace from my normal, stressed out life of trying to survive exams, avoid my dad’s wrath, and have sex with a douchebag for my first time before luckily changing my mind thanks to a letter from a stranger in a far-away forest.

  “No, I need to do other things to you,” he said, “that wouldn’t be suited to allowing you to stay in a pear tree all day.”

  “Is that so?” I asked him, as he put the orb down and it went bouncing off somewhere, as if it had a mind of its own.

  And for all I knew, it very well could.

  “Or maybe I could tie you up in a pear tree while I did the other things to you,” he said. “That might accomplish both goals at once. But I think I’d want your hands free sometimes, at least, so that they could do things to me, too.”

  Then he put a strong arm around my waist and kissed my neck in that way I was already coming to love.

  “In fact, I think it would be fun to keep you captive in a tree all day,” he said. “But I would still need to let you down every now and then so that I could have my way with you all over the forest – not just in one place.”

  “Really, really have your way with me?” I asked him, dubiously.

  “When you’re ready,” he said again, driving me crazy by repeating this statement again even though I had no idea what he meant.

  Then he took my clothes back off and took down his own pants.

  He pulled out his huge cock and began rubbing it in between my thighs. It was making me feel insane. I just wanted to jump on it and stick it in me. But I knew he wouldn’t let me.

  I wa
s glad he had let me into his world a little bit, by showing me the orb and telling me what information it had revealed to him and what information he still needed to figure out. But I didn’t know why he couldn’t just fill me in on everything, and fucking fuck me already.

  I told myself not to worry about it, and I gave into his kisses, as he trailed them up my neck and then onto my lips. When his tongue met mine, he grabbed it into his mouth quickly, as if biting it, and at the same time, he spread my ass cheeks open with his hands.

  He put a finger up against my ass hole while his other hand pulled my hair a bit, as his tongue wrestled mine back and forth. Then he put another finger up into my pussy and slid it in and out.

  I was so wet for him, and nearly panting for him. He made me feel like an animal and I began to remember how I thought I had seen his eyes flash at me. And I began to think about the way he growled.

  What was he?

  Soon, though, all thought had left my mind as I leaned into his chin and let him kiss my neck while he fingered my pussy.

  “Mmmm,” I moaned, calling out in ecstasy. “Mmmmm.”

  “Shhh,” he said, spanking my ass a bit and then squeezing it, causing me to get even wetter, so that juices from my pussy ran out onto his hand. “You have to be quiet. You never know who might be lurking in these woods.”

  “What does that mean?” I asked, taking my head away from his and looking into his eyes.

  I thought about the wolf that had been watching us from behind the tree. He still hadn’t let me in on who that was – if it even had anything to do with anything, or perhaps it was just a random nosy wolf.

  The idea that I had to ask myself these questions was mind-blowing to me. I had never been in a reality that was more like a dream or fantasy world and yet, here I was. And here was Melchior too, confusing me even more in some ways, but comforting me in others.

  “I’m kind of important in these parts,” he told me.

  His bragging was kind of cute, but I still didn’t know how seriously to take him.

  Were we in danger?

  “People are always watching me.”

  He grabbed my tongue with his again and I let him have it, thinking again about the wolf that had been watching us earlier.

  What was up with that?

  The wolf had quickly left once I had told Melchior about him, but Melchior had gone in that direction after I had told him. Had he already known the wolf had been there, or had he just sensed where the wolf had been?

  Now, his finger was plunged deep inside me and his other hand was gripping tightly onto my ass. I didn’t want to talk about things anymore. I just wanted to relax and enjoy this.

  I was riding his hand and feeling overcome with lust again, humming into his neck and saying, “Oh, Melchior, you make me feel so good.”

  But I was whispering it down low so that no one would hear me. He was running his other hand up my back and then pinching one of my nipples while he kept finger fucking me. He felt so good all over me and inside me.

  All I wanted was his big cock to replace his fingers. I thought about getting down on my knees and sucking his cock and begging him at his weakest moment – right when he was about to cum – to fuck my pussy. To put his cock inside me and give me what I most wanted and needed in the world right now, and to assure him that then I would have the strength and knowledge to help him figure out what was wrong with the pear trees and how to fix it and anything else he needed to know.

  And then I saw him.

  Someone watching us by the same tree.

  But it wasn’t a man this time.

  It was a wolf.

  My first instinct was to say something to Melchior, but at first, I didn’t. The man’s eyes were handsome and full of lust. I began to wonder if Melchior knew he would be there and if that was why he was talking so crazy.

  I didn’t know what to think or believe. But I returned Melchior’s deep and passionate kisses while looking at the man, straight in his eyes.

  I swore they started glowing, just as Melchior’s had earlier.

  And then something else flashed in the stranger’s eyes.

  It seemed like danger, and just like that, he seemed to be growing bigger, and making a strange animal noise.

  “Um, Melchior,” I said, pulling my lips away from his. “This is feeling really great and I hate to interrupt, but, um, there’s a man…”

  As I pointed, I realized that it wasn’t just a man. Whomever had been looking at us was now half a wolf, and as I glanced back at Melchior, I realized that he wasn’t alone.

  Suddenly, Melchior’s arms seemed to be getting bigger. And harrier. He was balling his fists up and clawing at his own hand. He was making the most low and guttural growling sounds I had ever heard come out of anyone.

  “Marilyn, don’t worry,” he said, but then his words turned into growls and howls.

  “Melchior?” I asked him, desperately confused.

  Looking back at the tree, I saw that now there was a whole wolf there, and I was pretty sure it was a different one than I had seen watching me before. And Melchior was continuing his transformation, his chest getting bigger and tighter, his nose turning into a snout, which was growling more loudly now, and he was even sprouting a tail.

  The wolf by the tree was no longer by the tree but was instead running in our direction. And the man I had been making out with, almost having sex with, was no longer beside me but was running towards the wolf. And he was also a wolf now, instead of a man like he just had been.

  What the fuck is happening?

  First, I was about to lose my virginity to a douchebag, and now I was about to lose it to some sort of werewolf creature?

  Why did I have to have such bad luck?

  But as the two wolves collided, scratching and crawling and fighting, I realized that the powerful force that had been drawing me to him was something like love. And that a similar force was drawing me to the other wolf, even though I knew it shouldn’t be, because clearly these two weren’t friends.

  How was it possible that I was feeling what felt an awful lot like both lust and love for two people who were complete enemies?

  Melchior was right — I obviously had a lot more to learn than I even knew possible.

  I had already learned a few things right away, the very hard way.

  My new love interest was a wolf.

  He hated this other wolf.

  And, as the other wolf left Melchior to charge at me, as he scooped me up in his arms and started running with me, with faster-than-human, faster-than-wolf strength, like some kind of supercharged animal, I realized that I could be in very grave danger but for some reason I was attracted to the man — I mean wolf — who was the very reason for that danger.

  What the hell had gotten into me?

  It was like I left home and became someone totally different.

  Or maybe I was starting to find out who I really was supposed to be.

  My final thoughts before I passed out from confusion and fear were: If only this wolf who is dragging me through the forest will let me live long enough to figure it out.

  The End For Now

  Full Moon Trial

  Reverse Harem Urban Fantasy Romance

  Ironwood Academy Book 2

  Copyright © 2019 by Casey Morgan; All Rights Reserved.

  Chapter One

  I never expected sex in the woods to be this good. In my old life, as a human and a virgin, I would have never thought of having sex outdoors. It was too dirty to me back then, I guess, and not something that I would have fantasized about. But life had changed since my prim and proper days. A whole world of magic, sexual and otherwise, had opened up to me. It was wonderful, and I was doing things I had never thought of before—like having sex in the woods behind the school I was attending.

  My first lover, Jasper Kane, had led us into the beautiful woods behind Ironwood Academy, wanting to show me around his favorite parts of the forest as part of a date. He seemed so
excited, like a little puppy—not the polar bear shifter that he was—and I wasn’t going to be cruel and disappoint him.

  Jasper was certainly handsome, tall, lean, with a swimmer’s build. His light blonde hair and striking, almost ice colored blue eyes added to his good looks. Those eyes inspired me and often in my mind I would call him Ice-Eyes as a nickname.

  As Ice-Eyes showed me around, I began to grow more and more intrigued by him. I loved to watch the way Jasper’s muscular body moved, or the sweet smiles he would give me as he pointed out the way the moon could be seen from one clearing or the night-blooming flowers of another.

  We explored the woods for a while, but soon enough, I got bored. I wanted more out of the boy. My mind had started wandering, thinking of all the ways we could touch each other.

  Jasper must have noticed my lagging behind, and the way I had been chewing my lip and eyeing him. He must have picked up on the signs rather quickly, because here we were now, tangled on the forest floor, his hands all up and down my body.

  It started with soft kisses that grew into more passionate ones, our tongues mingling deliciously. It progressed into kisses down each other’s necks. Then, when I had hesitated about getting out of my uniform, Jasper had reassured me, rubbing gentle circles into my hips.

  “If you don’t want to do this here, Ruby, we don’t have to,” he had said, sending a soft smile my way.

  His hair was tousled from when I had played with it during our kissing, and I gazed up at him with a smile. Little did Jasper know how devilish that smile was. Little did he know how badly I wanted this, how my special moonstone necklace trembled against my breast when I thought of him inside me.

  The necklace was a gift from my grandmother—one of many—and it came with a special power. Just weeks ago, I had found out that what I thought was a simple jewel was really a point of great power. The moonstone was a succubus necklace. By wearing it, I could read the minds of my lovers and take any information I needed.

  It had been a lifesaver when the evil headmaster of Ironwood had threatened to throw me out if I couldn’t prove I was witch material. By giving up my virginity to Jasper, Headmaster Thorn’s assistant, I learned what my trial would be and aced it. The thought still made me proud.


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