
Home > Romance > Tremble > Page 12
Tremble Page 12

by Alison Foster

  A soft moan pours out of him as he guides my hand to land on his soft cock. “I’m sorry if that’s what it felt like,” he says. “I told you I did some time behind bars in my early twenties. The truth is I met Tanner and Shane in prison. I didn’t want to expose you to that part of my life.”

  I consider his words, enjoying how his cock comes alive again as I caress up and down his shaft. “Considering who my father was, I’d say I have a high exposure to criminal elements.”

  He laughs. “You’re so sweet, Nora, so pure. You have no idea what that side of life can look like. I can’t drag you into the ugliness of my past. I want my former life behind me and definitely nowhere near you.”

  I let go of his swelling erection and pull my knees to my stomach. “Lukas, I know there’s more. Don’t try to convince me otherwise. I’m not stupid.”

  “That’s the last thing you are, Mac.”

  I decide to give him a break and let it go. Tonight.

  “The first thing I am is tired,” I tell him with pleading eyes.

  He nods. “I’ll go get some water and check to make sure all lights are off and blinds drawn,” he says, jumping out of bed.

  “No, Lukas, listen to me. I won’t be able to sleep if you stay.”

  He lingers at the bedroom door, undecided. “You want me to go?”

  It’s hard to say the words. “I need recovery time, yes.”

  “So you just needed the sex and now you need me to go?”

  “Lukas, you know that’s not true.”

  “I’m messing with you, Mac. I won’t be able to sleep either. I’m too pumped up. I’ll go, but I need to know we’ll meet tomorrow.”

  He’s so adorable when he’s vulnerable.

  “That could happen,” I say through a tired smile.

  “That will happen,” he says urgently.

  “Yes, Lukas,” I say. “That will happen.”

  Chapter 13


  Sometimes a life can change in a single moment. This morning, having arrived at work in a particularly good mood, my mind possessed an uncommon clarity which led me to suggest a new concept for our social media logo.

  Alexis stopped in her tracks to visualize and then instantly approved the concept that had only just occurred to me. I guess I need Lukas in my bed more often. It’s good for my career. Next time, I’ll even let him stay the night.

  Five minutes later a google chat pops on my screen. The best has yet to come. Join us now. It’s from Alexis. What do you think?

  Wow, the project coordinator wants my opinion on a tagline!

  I type back. The best is yet to come. Will you join us?

  Three seconds later, Alexis responds, Definitive improvement.

  Shoot, I’m on a roll. Quite unstoppable. I’ll have to buy Lukas dinner tonight to show my gratitude for the much-needed boost in my career.

  You should eat me every night, baby. Fuck my brains out so I am fresh and clear to take on the day.

  I know I’m being too cavalier about what happened last night. I just enjoy pretending it’s real. I’d like to ride this high and avoid admitting the morning may have cleared his mind as well and now he has no intention of going forward with his commitment to a lifetime (gulp) of oral pleasuring.

  I’m a big girl. I’ve been hurt before (more times than I’d like to remember), but I’m going to allow myself this spot of joy. The sun shines bright today. My mind is clear. My work is promising. My body still hums from the dreamlike, orgiastic wonder it experienced last night.

  Tomorrow can kiss my ass. Hopefully, tonight Lukas will be doing that very thing. But for now my attention is all on work. That’s what I tell myself. I can separate the various parts of my life.

  Okay, that’s obviously not true as the moment I get a text from Lukas saying he’s waiting for me downstairs, I clap my hands like a little girl and run for the bathroom to check on my makeup.

  I stare into the mirror and stick my tongue out. I don’t have to keep my many selves separated. I can be a strong, independent woman and a sexy kitty at the same time. I’m not going to self-analyze just because I’m a complex, multifaceted person.

  My clean, bouncy curls are out of control. Waking up late yet again meant I had no time to do some straightening after my shower, but Lukas said he loved my curls, so all should be good on that front.

  I run down the stairs, too impatient to wait for the elevator.

  “Hey, Mac,” Lukas says with a wide smile as I walk into his arms.

  I rise onto my toes to kiss him. He looks like a million bucks in his wine-red shirt and black jeans that accentuate his strong physique. I have no idea if we’re kissing because he’s supposed to be my fiancé or because we might have started something real. No, no, don’t go there! Just kiss.

  “You look surprised,” Lukas says, tacking a stray curl behind my ear.

  “Well, this is unexpected. You showed up at my work.”

  “It’s lunch. This was the first good chance to see you. Wasn’t that the plan? To hang out today?”

  “That’s sweet, but we usually eat when they let us,” I say, delighted we’re still comfortable in each other’s arms. “But why not? I’ll go get my things.”

  Lukas takes my hand. “Could I see your workspace?”

  “You want to see my cubicle?” I say, “That’s important to you?”

  “Absolutely,” he says. “Your life is fascinating.”

  “Strange, but okay,” I say.

  I take him by the hand and stop at the reception desk. “Hey, Marisa, this is my fiancé, Lukas.”

  Marisa looks up casually until the sight of Lukas stuns her. “Hi, there,” she says in the end.

  “Hey,” he says with a sexy corner-of-the-mouth smile. I used to think he could not stop playing the Casanova part to save his life, but most of the time he’s not trying to be sexy. He’s Lukas Dupree. There’s no turning it off.

  I clear my throat. “Could we get a visitor pass?”

  “Sure thing,” Marisa says, shaking off the spell of meeting Lukas.

  It’s not my imagination when her fingers linger in his hand when she hands him the pass. It’s good I’m not the jealous type.

  It’s more of the same when we get to the third floor and I lead the way to my cubicle to collect my purse and phone. This is fucking Hollywood, yet Lukas Dupree can make every head turn. I can imagine all the questioning I will be subjected to when I come back from lunch.

  Darcy already winked at me twice behind Lukas’ back.

  When we walk to his car I can’t hold the question. “Do you ever tire of it?”

  “Tire of what? Chasing you?”

  “I’m hardly running,” I say. “No, Lukas. I’m talking about the attention you instantly get from nearly every woman who lays eyes on you.”

  “I think you might be exaggerating,” he says.

  “I’m really not.”

  “Well, if that is true then how is it any different than what most women feel?”

  “Not following.”

  “Men,” he says. “I’m sure you’re aware that we check out every woman who enters a room. All you ladies know that feeling.”

  Damn, he’s got me there. “That’s kind of true.”

  “Yeah, and I bet you don’t give it too much thought.”

  “Not too much, no,” I say.

  “Exactly. Me neither.”

  “Okay then,” I say and try not to grin like a fool at the fact I love the way his mind works. I had forgotten about everything but our physical connection the past twenty-four hours.

  “Okay, then,” he says under his breath as we get in the car.

  Things get awkward as we stare silently at each other. His demeanor changes completely. He roughly pulls me closer, one hand under my ass. Our mouths meet hungrily in a bruising, wet kiss.

  My heart skips a beat or two when he places me on his lap.

  “I missed you, Mac,” he says. “Did you get your sleep last night?”
  “I did. Was it cruel of me to send you away?”

  He considers my words and then he pinches my ass.

  “Ouch,” I say, slapping his hand.

  “Two can be cruel,” he says.

  “I won’t send you away again,” I whisper into his ear.

  His eyes glimmer. “Someone liked her many orgasms.”

  Ah, my arrogant man is back. “I can neither confirm nor deny,” I say, crunching up my nose. “I only have an hour. You promised me food.”

  He doesn’t take me to a restaurant. He takes me to the park instead. A very busy, sunny park with screaming toddlers, chatty mothers and Fitbit walkers taking a break from work.

  “Why are we here?” I ask him as he leads me to a bench.

  “Why? Have a problem with public affection?” he says.

  “For you I guess I can make an exception,” I say, not at all sure why we’re here in this nondescript little park.

  “Hold that thought,” he says, getting up all of a sudden.

  He approaches an older couple strolling down the path. “Could you take a picture of my fiancée and me?” he asks the man.

  “Sure,” the man says, sending a smile my way.

  Lukas hands the man his phone and rejoins me on the bench. He wraps his arm around my shoulders lovingly. My blood reacts happily to his warmth.

  “Say cheese,” the man says.

  I put on a toothy smile as Lukas rests his head against mine.

  “One more,” the man says.

  This time, Lukas puts his lips on my cheek, obligingly, before the picture is snapped, immortalizing us in an affectionate embrace.

  “You’re such a beautiful couple,” the woman says when the man hands the phone back to Lukas. “When is the wedding?”

  “We haven’t set a date,” I say.

  “Very soon,” Lukas says, almost simultaneously.

  Okay, we should at least try to coordinate our answers.

  “Well, good luck to you,” the man says.

  “Have a magical day,” the woman says, squeezing her partner’s hand.

  I watch them walk away until Lukas puts the phone in front of my eyes.

  “There,” he says, “more pictorial evidence.”

  I browse through the pictures of us, two young people smiling happily as they hold each other. A genuine and convincing image.

  “Yep, we have them all fooled,” I say under my breath.

  Lukas takes the bait even though it wasn’t my intention. “Fooled?” he says, furrowing his brow.

  I shrug. “Not fooled. You know what I mean. We’re not the usual engaged couple. There’s not usually a business contract. And now with the whole friends with benefits element…”

  Somebody stop me now.

  Lukas shakes his head. “We are what we are, Mac. This is real to me.”

  I jump on the offensive. “You really have to stop calling me Mac.” I know I brought it on myself but I realize I want to avoid a conversation about what we are to each other, what we could be, or what this year will bring. It’s a lot to take in and I know the complications are here to stay, at least until the contract expires. Who knows what he’ll want then.

  Lukas leans in for a kiss. This time he lands as soft as a breeze, teasing my lips with gentle baby bites.

  “I’m starving,” I tell him.

  He pulls back to study my eyes. “No problem,” he says. “Stay here.”

  I’m not sure he understood my intent. He runs off like the first time we met on the pier. I wonder if he’ll return with another puppy, but all he brings back is a small bakery bag which he places on my lap.

  I open it to find a handful of warm churros. I laugh. “Churros?”

  “Yeah,” he says. “I had this fantasy of watching you eat them.”

  “What?” I say. “Lukas, behave. This is a family park.”

  I break the churro in two. “How’s that?”

  “Ouch,” he says. “I was just kidding. I’d rather see your lips on something more substantial.”

  I smile and try not to humor his phallic fantasies. I hand Lukas his half and then take a bite out of mine careful not to do it in a sexy way. “You know what else I like?” I say. “Empanadas.”

  He springs to his feet. “They totally have those, too,” he says, taking my hand to pull me to my feet.

  “Not that I’m complaining, but why are you being so nice?” I say, pulling a second churro from the bag.

  He lowers his face to mine, licking the sugar off my lips. “Maybe I want you to fall in love with me,” he says.

  His straightforwardness thrills me but I resist believing the words. Too soon. Too weird. “You can dream,” I say with a chuckle.

  “You don’t want to know about my dreams,” he says. “It involves churros. Maybe even empanadas.”

  “You’re a food fetishist,” I declare, amused.

  “No, I’m a Nora fetishist,” he quips with his cool-as-hell wink. I never thought I could like a guy who winks. I’d forgive Lukas many things. I must remember, though, that he is still an uncharted country to me.

  Later, dropping me off at work, Lukas reaches out his car window to take my hand before I go. “Nora, I almost forgot,” he says. “I have something for you tonight. A surprise.”

  “A surprise?” I repeat in a whisper after he has already driven away.

  Chapter 14


  “Where is my surprise I squeak as soon as Lukas opens his door.

  “So impatient,” he says as he grabs me by my ass and lifts me.

  The soft stubble on his cheeks tickles my neck when he kisses behind my ear, making me shiver all over. “I want my surprise,” I insist with a giggle, wrapping my arms around his neck.

  “The fact I can’t keep my hands off you is not enough of a surprise?”

  “That’s barely a surprise,” I inform him. “I’ve been counting the minutes all day. Come on, let’s have it.”

  He laughs. “Watch it, Miss McRae. You’re risking coming off as smug.”

  “What does that even mean?” I tease him. “I’m either smug or I’m not.”

  He quickly puts me down, stripping me of my pants before he sets me down on the couch.

  He kneels in front of me to remove the sandals from my feet. My breath catches in my throat when he grips both knees, spreading them apart.

  “What are you doing?” I say, even though I have a pretty good idea.

  “I’m going to eat your pussy until you come,” he says, placing his big hand on the small of my back to pull me closer to his face.

  Oh, okay.

  He circles my clit with his finger. His mouth kisses my wet pussy, his tongue rimming my opening. I’m sure I make a few crazy sounds but I’m not exactly in control of my reactions. The Lukas effect.

  He slips a long finger inside me, swirling it around as if trying to prime me for what’s to come. Priming is necessary when you have what he has.

  “Fuck,” I say through suddenly heavy breathing.

  “Patience,” he says as he replaces the finger with his tongue, slowly dragging it over my pussy, all the way to my eager clit.

  So hot and tickling.

  He takes his time as he swipes his tongue across my opening again and again in a lazy fashion. I close my eyes, arching my back, almost certain this intense building of sensations will go on forever.

  I can feel the wetness of his tongue mesh with my own juices ever so deliciously. He hums now as the tip of his tongue enters me and licks me so deep. When he goes for my clit, sucking and rolling and licking it, I go off like a firecracker.

  My pussy clenches so hard and I’m moaning so loud it’s like I’m possessed. That was quick, yet intense, beautiful and cathartic. If I were animated, the top of my head would open-up so a roman candle of golden light could sparkle out of me as I scream and grunt his name, “Lukas!!!”

  Lukas keeps licking, patiently, through it all, even when I pull at his hair. When I fall back onto
the couch, exhausted with a silly smile stuck on my face, he kisses my thighs and belly tenderly.

  “You waste no time, do you?” I say, barely audible.

  “I spent the day imaging how quick I could make you come,” he says, pulling my shirt and bra up to devour an already taut nipple. “I did promise a lifetime of licking.”

  We kiss now, deeply, passionately, the taste of my juices lingering on his wet lips, and it turns me on beyond reason despite just having a forceful orgasm. I’m becoming his sex slave even though, technically, he works for me.

  He picks me off the couch like I’m a child and carries me down the hall. I haven’t seen his bedroom before. It’s surprisingly neat and organized. The door to his walk-in closet is open so I take a quick look at the shelves full of shirts and sweaters, and the stack of textbooks on the top rack while he’s busy drawing blinds and lighting big aromatic pillar candles.

  There’s a little bobble-head thingy on his books that looks like that tree man character from Guardians of the Galaxy. He stands at the feet of the queen bed, quickly removing his clothes. He grabs himself, pumping his already hard cock a few times. Oh, god, there’s no getting used to that. I can’t help but whimper. He’s powerful from head to toe. Even bigger than I remember, if that’s even possible.

  He leans over me as I lie back, resting his weight on his hands on either side of me. He kisses me. Boy, can this man kiss. His tongue is so skilled, he practically gives me a mouth orgasm.

  Lukas arches his back, moving forward on his hands. I feel his erection, rock hard and thick, as he drags it over my belly and between my breasts.

  “Squeeze your tits around my cock, baby,” he says.

  I thought he’d never ask. I cup my breasts, squeezing them together, trapping his cock (or part of it) between them.

  He growls and moves his hips to get his erection to slide in and out of my hold and then he thrusts upwards until the tip of his cock pushes up my chin to reach my lips. He’s so epic.

  I fucking love his aggressiveness. He’s turning me into an animal in heat. I’m running on instinct now—never before have I trusted my hunger like this, beyond all reservations and what’s commonly accepted in the world I’m from.


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