Out of Darkness

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Out of Darkness Page 5

by Billie Turner

  As for Emma, he’d get her settled in his hotel room and double back to meet Sabine and cleanse the rooms. Besides, Kai didn’t want to make Emma afraid of him. So far he’d been her hero, he’d saved her from disaster twice by fighting off her attackers, and he liked that feeling. He didn’t want the illusion shattered. He wasn’t a hero in the traditional sense and didn’t consider himself a good guy. If Emma knew the truth, that he’d killed them all, she wouldn’t have anything left but fear.

  “Look, I’ll take you back to my hotel and you can get some rest. The doctor said it’s the best thing for you. While you get some sleep, I’ll come back and see what I can do to clean this place up enough for you to come home. If I can get it into good enough shape, I’ll bring you back. Alright? Do we have a deal?” “No. I’ve told you, you’ve done enough for me already.” she said. When will he get it that I don’t want his help? “I’m not used to this and I don’t want to become used to this reliance.”

  “You can’t see.” He didn’t say it to be cruel, but it was a fact. “How do you plan to clean this mess up if you can’t even see it?”

  “It might take me longer, but I’ll manage! I’ve been on my own for a long time now. I’ve always managed before.”

  “You’ve never been blind before.” Way to go. Hit her below the belt.

  “I know, and I am doing my best to deal with that. But, like I’ve said, repeatedly, I don’t want you to feel responsible for me. You’ve already done so much. I feel like I’m taking advantage of you.”

  Kai snorted. “Don’t snort at me! I’m serious. It hardly seems fair to saddle you with the responsibility of taking care of me, especially after saving my life. I’m not helpless, you know and I don’t want you to feel sorry for me either. I’ll get through this like I do everything else.”

  “I’m not doing this just because I feel responsible or sorry for you.” It was only a little white lie. Responsibility for her wasn’t his only reason for helping. “I like taking care of you,” he said, surprised to find it was true. “I know you hate feeling out of control. I would too. You’re strong and independent. Most people would’ve fallen apart after everything that’s happened, but you’ve handled it like a pro. As for feeling sorry for you, that’s the furthest thought from my mind when I look at you.”

  “You’re just trying to be nice. I don’t want your pity.”

  “I’m not nice. I can assure you pity’s not what makes me want to be near you.” Kai watched her cheeks turn pink again. She was wavering.

  “Okay. I’ll go. But only for a while. I’m already tired of feeling like a burden.”

  “You are not a burden. But I don’t want to argue about it anymore. You get dressed. I’m gonna switch the front door with the closet door. Then we can get your stuff and get the hell out of here.”

  Chapter 8

  Kai led Emma around his hotel suite so she could familiarize herself with the layout. Once he’d shown her every room, he left her to her own devices while he disappeared to have a shower. The sun had already sunk from sight by the time Kai finally ordered room service. They’d slept through the better part of the day after the late night at the hospital; it was late afternoon when they woke. Then after the attack at Emma’s apartment, food hadn’t been a top priority. By the time their order arrived, it was late evening and they were ravenous.

  “You should get some rest. It’s been a helluva day.”

  “Now that I’ve eaten I can’t help but agree. I’m tired.” Emma yawned.

  “I’ll clean up if you wanna take the big bed in the room.”

  “What about you?”

  “I’ll be fine. I don’t need much sleep and I can stretch out on the sofa.”

  “I’d probably argue if I wasn’t so tired. I feel like I’ve just run a marathon in the last couple days and it’s finally caught up. So thanks.”

  “It’s no problem. Get some rest and I’ll see you when you wake up.”

  Emma knew Kai hovered nearby as she felt her way to the bedroom. “I’m okay. You showed me around.”

  “I know. I’m just making sure you are settled okay.”

  “Well it’s not necessary. So cut it out.”

  “Alright. I’ll leave you to it.”

  Emma heard the soft click of the door and released a sigh. Continual proximity with Kai was as exhausting as it was overwhelming. She felt vulnerable without her sight and the powerful magnetism between them scared her. Attraction thrummed along her nerve endings and pulled her to him like a magnet every time he was within touching distance, which to her was silly because she couldn’t even see him.

  She had no idea who he was or what he looked like. For all, she knew he could be old enough to be her father, or he could have horns and a tail. A disturbing image of less than human qualities and jet black eyes flashed through her mind. An icy shiver slithered down her neck. Goosebumps popped up the length of her arms.

  She really had no clue about his appearance other than his size. He’d said he was old compared to her. But the image of an old man didn’t fit with what she knew of him. There was no way the incredible hard body she’d been plastered to and that shot tingles of awareness coursing through her belonged to an old man. Why would he even want me to think of him as old?

  Emma climbed into the bed mentally re-hashing any double meaning behind his words earlier after he’d kissed her. He’d said that pity didn’t motivate his desire to be near her but she was an absolute mess. He’d seen her at her worst and there was nothing appealing about her in her current state. She was injured and needy and defenseless, unlike the strong person she usually presented. The kiss had less to do with attraction and more to do with an adrenaline overload. She would forget it and put the whole incident behind her.

  With each passing hour, the shadows clouding her vision retreated further and further. The swelling had come down and her sight was returning, slowly maybe, but it was returning. Maybe the doctor was right and sleep would help. She was past tired, she was exhausted. Her curiosity over the man who’d rescued her over and over would have to wait.


  A tall slim figure stepped from the shadow of the building when Kai arrived back at the apartment. “It’s been a long time, old friend.”

  “We’re not exactly friends Sabine.”

  “No, I guess you wouldn’t see it that way. But I do. It’s as close as either of us come to friendships.” She smiled and her striking, narrow features transformed to something almost beautiful. “There are few immortals around who aren’t filled with darkness. That leaves us with limited options,” she laughed.

  “Yeah, you’re probably right. Although you’ve been known to dabble in the dark.”

  “I never go too far. What’s the point of being if you can’t have a bit of fun now and then?” She laughed.

  “To much of that kind of fun will kill you.” A warning.

  “The fun will or you will?”

  “Either. Look, I know you aren’t a bad sort and the use of dark power is alluring. Just don’t cross the line and you and I are good.”

  “See we’re friends.”

  “Sure. We’ll call it that. At any rate, thank you for coming.”

  “Of course. You know I never say no to you. When the great immortal warrior needs my help, I help,” she mocked his greatness.

  “Laugh it up. You know I don’t ask unless it’s important.”

  “Okay, okay! What is it you need from me?” “Come with me and I’ll show you.”

  Kai opened the door to the apartment. Decay already fouled the air and a putrid stench drifted into the hallway. He ushered Sabine into the room and quickly closed the door behind them.

  “You weren’t kidding when you said you needed my help. Are they human?”

  “I’m sure a couple of them are but the rest are mostly changelings and belong to Garrick. They reek of him.”

  Sabine scowled at the mention of Garrick’s name. “It’s no wonder you needed me. When are you g
onna kill that bastard?”

  “His day is coming, but right now I have other problems.”

  “Really? What could be more important to you than killing Garrick?”

  “Her name is Emma.”

  “Ooooh, this is juicy. A woman. Tell me more.”

  “I didn’t ask you here to gossip Sabine. I’ve got a situation here that’s a little more complicated than I need right now. Can you clean this mess up or not?”

  “Of course I can. But it’s gonna cost you,” her voice sang. “I’ve never known you to get worked up about a woman. Now I want to know more.”


  “Okay, okay!” She threw her hands up. “But when I’m done…” She raised her arms and began to chant over and over. “Ustulo ad cinere. Et non ultra nocere.” Ash swirled into the air from all but one of the disintegrating corpses until a fine grey dust was all that remained of the underworld intruders.

  “This one must be completely human,” Sabine gestured to the remaining body, the neck obviously broken. “You might have to get rid of him the old fashioned way.”

  “Why didn’t your spell work on him?”

  “Because, magic works differently with magical and underworld creatures. In the case of these dark creatures, there were no souls to release. The humans will require something a little more tailored.”

  “So try something else. I’m not hauling dead bodies out of here when your magic can take care of it.”

  “I could do a memory spell if you’re seen. But, that’s risky. Memory spells can be gotten around.”

  “We’ll keep that in mind but there’d still be the issue of what to do with the body once we got it out.”

  “Fine. I’ll burn it. It just takes more out of me with a human.” She raised her arms and began chanting again. This time instead of just turning to ash, the body burst into flames. White heat engulfed the body until a heap of black ash remained unlike the fine grey dust from the other creatures. “Alright, Kai it’s done.” Sabine lowered her arms and she grabbed the edge of the counter as her knees buckled. Her mouth quirked up on one side. “I told you, it takes more out of me.”

  “Thank you.” Kai righted an overturned table and grabbed a broom to sweep the ashes. “I appreciate it.”

  “It’s fine. Now are you gonna tell me what the hell’s going on?”


  A deep familiar voice called her name from a distance. Emma ran in darkness toward the sound. When she was within touching distance of the dark figure calling to her, she extended her hand. She felt the brush of his palm as he also tried to reach her but when Emma tried to seize the outstretched hand; her hand clutched only air. The hazy figure drifted just out of her desperate, straining grasp. She ran after the elusive form, following his voice, never quite able to catch up. The darkness grew heavier and thicker, enveloping her in a world of pitch black. She groped and clawed her way through a black void trying to find light.

  Sharp talons clawed at her from behind, tearing at her hair and clothes. The talons tore at her skin, shredding through the fabric of her clothing. Beads of blood welled in the tattered furrows on her back and arms. Claws gripped her damaged shoulders and dragged her into a mob of bodies. The creatures pulled her into their midst, suffocating her from all sides. She cringed as she felt the slither of a wet tongue gliding along her cheek, the hot brush of fetid breath bathing her face.

  Emma screamed and heaved herself upright. Her heart hammered the inner walls of her chest and she gasped for air. Her eyes opened to a dark, but somehow familiar room and it took her a few seconds to get her bearings as the terror subsided. The nightmare felt so real. It took her longer to accept the terrifyingly real images were nothing more than a horrific dream.

  Her head pounded even harder than the rapid beat of her heart. She looked around the room in slow motion, cautiously testing her sight. Nothing. She turned toward the bedside thinking there might be a lamp and fought the wave of nausea brought on by the movement. She caught a glimpse of red and focused on bright red digits indicating the time was after three. Kai kept the heavy curtains pulled tight, blocking the bright lights of the city. Because everything was dark when she woke it took a moment for her to realize she could see actual vivid red numbers glaring at her. I can see the numbers!

  Emma fumbled for the bedside lamp. One click and soft light bathed the room in a warm glow. She squinted against the sudden brightness and blinked away the moisture from her watery eyes. After almost two days in darkness, the radiance was a welcome irritation. She examined the room, noting the upscale décor of the hotel suite. Warm coffee and cream colors accented dark wood trim. The opulent surroundings were grander than Emma imagined. She never slept in a bed so big it would take up almost half her apartment. To the left, she saw a door leading to the en-suite bathroom. Joyous tears trickled to her chin. Everything was still hazy, but she could see!

  She slid from her warm cocoon and slipped into the washroom. Her search of the bathroom didn’t turn up so much as an aspirin to relieve the headache that pounded her frontal lobe with every step. Emma settled for splashing water on face. Not as satisfying but the freshness was welcome. For the first time since the attack, she saw her reflection. Purple smudges underlined her eyes and she was paler than usual. She looked exhausted and the fading bruises on her chin and cheek were a sobering reminder of the circumstances that brought her to this place.

  Emma padded into the living room. Her bare feet felt the chill from the tiled floor until she reached the huge multicolored area rug. It’s so soft. She sifted her toes through the plush strands as she shuffled toward the sofa. It was hard not to experience a childish delight in these foreign luxuries. A matching lamp sat in place of the one she’d broken the night before. Not even a small shard remained. The hotel had very efficient staff.

  The small overnight bag she’d packed under protest rested against the sofa. Emma plucked it from the floor and looked around. Strange. The place was empty. Kai should be back by now. My place must be a wreck. She’d told him not to clean it but he wouldn’t listen. It was his own damn fault if the mess was bigger than he could handle. Guilt pricked her conscience but she shrugged it off and headed back into the washroom. She sat on the edge of the tub and turned the faucet to hot. A hot soak sounded like heaven.

  She poured fragrant hotel bath crystals she’d found into the running water with a liberal hand and pinned her hair into a loose, messy knot on top of her head. She sighed as her body submerged into the warm tub. She breathed in the steamy aroma filling the room. She closed her eyes to ease the pulse throbbing in her head and savored the decadent sensation of swirling water easing the tension from her tired muscles. The lavender scented mist lulled her into blissful sleep.

  * * *

  Kai quietly clicked the door closed only to find the suite in absolute silence. Emma must still be sleeping. He wouldn’t wake her until everything was ready for their departure. If he packed what they needed to take with them while she was asleep, it would save a ton of argument.

  Kai loved the hunt as much now as when he was mortal. Ordinarily, he’d be cresting the wave of an adrenaline high over the first sighting of his enemy in months. Not under present circumstances, though. He couldn’t leave Emma behind, she was defenseless and injured. Garrick had a network of underlings and Kai had just taken a few links out of that chain. One thing Kai knew for certain, if he knew Garrick was here, Garrick already knew Kai was, too. Taking Emma with him gave Garrick a tremendous advantage. It gave him an extra target, especially if he suspected Kai actually cared for her. And Kai was beginning to fear he might. Obviously, the best solution—the only solution—would be to get Emma settled someplace safe before he went after Garrick.

  He already knew Emma well enough to know it wouldn’t be easy to convince her to cooperate. Right now, his main concern was keeping her safe. After leaving her alone again, he needed to reassure himself she was still okay, still sleeping safe and sound in his bed.

  He entered the bedroom on silent feet and found an empty bed. Where is she? A fluffy white pillow still bore the imprint from her head. No sign of a struggle, so where?—Idiot! She was in the bathroom of course. Kai found this constant concern for another person exhausting. It felt like hurtling down the track of a roller coaster. One minute up, the next down.

  He tapped on the bathroom door. No response. He jiggled the handle and found it unlocked so he pushed the wooden door open and stepped inside. This time his heart skipped a beat for a whole different reason. Air caught in his chest and held. Emma lay fast asleep in the bath. The bubbles had all but disappeared and had settled on the surface in a foamy film. Her glorious, naked form was visible through the remaining suds. A glimpse of pink-tipped breasts peeked through the cloudy water and he skimmed his gaze downward to the narrow flash of dark curls nestled at the junction of her thighs. Her slim, graceful legs bent slightly at the knees to accommodate the length of the tub.

  Lust, hot and heavy, hit Kai like a battering ram. She was perfection. The minor bruises from her ordeal didn’t detract from the overall loveliness of her skin. Without thinking, he dropped to his knees and extended his hand toward the vision in the tub. He stroked a single, caressing finger over the puckered tip. Contact with her tantalizing flesh and the lukewarm water shattered his lustful trance. His hand snapped back as if scorched and he realized he’d crossed a line. He wanted her. Bad. But he certainly wasn’t going to take her. Not like that. She trusted him.


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