Shipwreck Souls

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Shipwreck Souls Page 5

by Kendra Moreno

  A set of arms wrapped around me, making me jump. I smiled softly over my shoulder and met Bay’s eyes. They shone in the sunlight as he yawned sleepily before grinning at me. I turned back to face the ocean and he dropped his head onto my shoulder, holding me close.

  “I love watching the ships,” I murmured.

  “Me too, although I prefer watching the land and the sea from the ships,” he whispered, while his friends still snored behind us.

  So, I was right, sailors. Made sense seeing that they called Loch captain.

  “Where do you sail to?” I asked, titling my head as he dropped a soft kiss on my neck, and ran his nose up and down it, sending my heart into overdrive.

  “Everywhere and anywhere. We are mainly a supply and find ship. We sail to the deeper places in the ocean some people won’t. We scavenge and trade with other floating towns,” he explained, pointing to places on the horizon. I let myself get lost in his story as his excited voice detailed his life.

  “Mornin’,” came a rumble next to me and I looked over to find a sleepy looking Hurley spread out on the sand beside me. His hand darted over and grabbed my leg as he turned and cuddled into me, his head lying in my lap while Bay kept talking.

  I couldn’t stop my laughter as Bay told a funny story about Hurley trying to outswim a shark, only to find out it was a dolphin. Loch came and sat in front of me, blocking my view of the ocean as he watched me, wide-eyed, unlike his sleepy men.

  “It seems Bay has told you all about us. What about you, mysterious beauty?” he inquired, reclining in the sand as he eyed me. I watched as his gaze softened when I reclined farther back into Bay’s arms.

  “Why ruin the mystery?” I quipped, and his lips turned up into a smile.

  “Maybe I like to know everything about anyone, call it a captain’s prerogative,” he murmured, leaning forward and brushing away some stray, red locks of my hair.

  “Well, captain, we don’t always get what we want, do we?” I fired back.

  His eyes filled with fire, the same kind from last night—it seems my captain likes the fight.

  Hurley laughed when my stomach growled louder than a kraken on the hunt.

  “Time to feed our siren,” he joked, making me freeze before I relaxed again when I realized he meant it in a teasing manner.

  “I want to sunbathe after,” I said, loving the feeling of the sun warming my skin. Underwater you don’t get that, and I planned to take advantage of it for as long as I could.

  “Sounds like a plan. We’re leaving tonight, setting sail for the next kingdom over. Today, we relax,” Loch declared, standing up he dusted off his trousers and offered me a hand.

  I stared at it sadly. We only had today? It would make it easier for me, since I shouldn’t linger, but I so badly wanted to explore what was between us and this world. Except this gave me a deadline. I had until tonight to decide what I wanted to do. Do I go back to my family and admit I couldn’t do it, or do I stay here? They seemed to be my only options because the idea of sending innocent sailors to their deaths filled me with agony and guilt. They were fathers, sons, brothers, and men like the ones at my side. I couldn’t do that, not even for my father.

  Placing my hand in his, I let him pull me to my feet and into his arms. As Loch looked down at me, his whole face seemed to soften. Without warning he leaned down and kissed me, a short, hard kiss, one branding me as his for all to see. He kept his arm around me while we went in search of food. Hurley grabbed my other hand as Bay led us. My heart felt so full that it could burst, all because of these three sailors.

  The town was buzzing when we got into the streets, completely opposite of the quiet haven of our beach. Women and men were trading in the market, with shops opened and people socialising. Children ran in between the stalls and people. One, who was dressed as a pirate, had me laughing until I saw that he was chasing a child pretending to be a shark, which upset me. My men pulled me over to a café, breaking my errant thoughts, and we sat outside watching the hustle and bustle. Shaking my head, I dragged myself back into the moment.

  A glass, filled with a yellow liquid, was placed in front of me. Raising it to my lips, I took a sip and groaned. It was so fresh and delicious. I could feel the guys staring at me, but I ignored them, and watched the crowd as I sipped my drink.

  The sun warmed the square and I found myself lost in thought. Yesterday had flown by and it felt like I had been here for a lot longer, like I’d known these men a lot longer, but that was crazy and I dare not speak that out loud.

  “I need to pee,” I admitted, standing up and heading into the cafe. I heard them laugh behind me as they tucked into their drinks and looked through the menu to order breakfast. It’s the one thing I hated about being human, the constant need to pass water, and don’t get me started on toilets. Shivering in horror, I weaved through the empty tables in the cafe and to the corridor at the back, as I followed the signs for the bathroom. I passed an open doorway heading towards the bathroom, when I heard the sound of yelling. Biting my lip, I hesitated in the dim hallway before sticking my head around the open door to investigate.

  A blonde-haired woman stood against the counter in the cafe’s kitchen. She was smaller than me, petite really. Her face was skinny and her arms were shaking at her side. A tall, well-built man towered over her as he shouted at her, his face close enough for spit to rain down.

  Frowning, I went to duck back out and leave them to their argument when he raised his hand and whipped it across her face. I froze and watched with dawning horror as she clutched her face and cried out, cringing away from him as he continued shouting. The worst part? From the resignation and acceptance on her face, I knew this wasn't the first time. My heart pounded and I ached to attack him, to stop him, but I couldn’t move. My two sides were warring against each other.

  He finally turned away, heading to the front of the café, as she hobbled across the kitchen towards me. I dodged back into the corridor and waited for her. As soon as she turned the corner I stepped away from the wall and blocked her retreat.

  “Are you okay?” I asked softly.

  Her head snapped up, and her blue eyes widened and her cheeks heated as she stared at me. One cheek was redder than the other, obviously from his slap, and when I looked closer I could see the bruises covering her neck and arms. Some older than the others, some bright purple and obviously fresh. It made me gnash my teeth together. Sirens never had this problem, the men in our society worshipped and loved us. They would never dare raise a hand to harm us, and if they ever did, we would eat them. Nobody messed with a siren, but this woman doesn’t seem to know how to protect herself and as I eyed her too skinny body, I began to understand why. She looked like she could barely lift her own body weight, never mind fighting back against that beast of a man.

  “Do you need me to hurt him?” I inquired, and her mouth dropped open before she snapped it shut. Her eyes flashed, and for a moment I saw the darkness flare in them, the one that said she wanted what I spoke of.

  “No-no, it’s okay. I’ll be okay, he’s just stressed is all. Money hasn't been good and we’re about to lose—” She clenched her teeth and shook her head at me mutely, before her eyes darted to the floor submissively. It killed me to see a woman, human or not, act this way. She was nothing more than a deflated version of herself, but I couldn't save her if she didn’t want to save herself, and helping her would only reveal what I was and make things worse, but I had to try one more time.

  “Look, it’s not okay for him to hurt you. Let me help?” I pleaded, and she shook her head as she backed away, and I knew I had lost her. My chest ached and I reached up and rubbed it, watching sadly as she moved painfully away.

  “I’m fine, you should go back to your table. Please,” she begged, and then spun and disappeared back into the kitchen.

  I stood there and stared at the spot where she had been for a while before sighing sadly and pushing into the bathroom. I had to fight myself so I didn’t go back and h

  Still upset, I peed quickly and hustled outside to our table. The men smiled warmly at me and carried on eating, but I found myself feeling sick from the encounter and just played with the food they had ordered for me—a mixture of meat and cheese with some bread on the side. It looked and smelled delicious, but every bite was tasteless to me.

  Looking into the market I spotted things I had never noticed before, like a veil had been lifted and this morning I was seeing reality of humanity and not just the loving, happy free side. A young girl was sitting on the steps of a shop opposite us, her clothes were covered in holes, and more like rags than material. She was skinny, too skinny. In fact, half the people here look half-starved and downtrodden, even as they smiled to mask it. Was food that scarce?

  A boy, no older than a young teenager, weaved his way through the crowd, picking pockets and running away when he was done. Stealing? What happened to last night? It was like a dream, and maybe for these people it was, because this looks like their reality, their norm—hungry, poor, and mistreated. These humans might have been free, but they were also suffering at the hands of each other.

  I looked back at my men as they talked between each other and I wondered if they saw it all. Did they have another side to them like this city? I hated the doubt running through me, so when Loch looked over and asked me to spend the day with them, I jumped at the chance. Internally, I was begging them to prove my people and my father wrong, surely not all humanity was like this?

  I hoped not, but hope didn’t change what happened...

  We headed back to the beach, where the boys stripped down to their underwear and I chose to stay in my dress. They made a blanket out of their clothes and we sat and relaxed.

  Sunbathing was fun, although I didn’t enjoy sweating, but when I got bored I convinced Hurley to play with me. While Loch and Bay lay under the sun, we walked hand in hand around the beach, exploring nooks and crannies. We even found a section of water, a rock pool he called it, and he showed me all the different types of creatures living inside. He named them and explained what they were without once disturbing their habitat. I couldn’t help but smile at him and the joy on his face. It made me forget about this morning and just enjoy being with him. Sitting and watching the rock pool with our hands clasped together, I laughed more than I have ever before and he watched me like I was the sun to his moon.

  “Come on, I want to show you something.” He grinned, his eyes sparkling mischievously, and I giggled as I got to my feet.

  He pulled me along after him, our hands still linked, as he led me around what I thought was a rock wall. There, in the rocks, was an opening to what looked like a cave.

  “Come on,” he said excitedly and I followed him in.

  The sun shone into the entrance, lighting the way and showing me the cavern he brought me to. I let go of his hand and stepped farther into the opening, and my mouth dropped open. Sun filtered through an opening in the ceiling and lit up what should have been a dark space. Flowers, beautiful wildflowers, grew all over the walls and on the ground. They sprung up between cracks, all different colours, until it looked like a rainbow inside. A haven of colour. It was beautiful, so beautiful it took my breath away.

  “What is this place?” I whispered in wonder.

  “Get away from reality. We found it when we were younger,” he replied, and when I turned to look at him, he was standing at the entrance with his hands tucked behind his back, watching me nervously. “Do you like it?”

  “I love it!” I gushed as I walked towards him.

  He pulled his hands out and grabbed me when I got near him, pulling me into his arms and against his chest. Dropping my chin to his chest, I smiled softly up at him as his hands came up and cupped my face. His warmth made me shiver against him.

  “You’re amazing, do you know that?” he said softly, looking at me with such caring eyes that I felt like crying.

  “I’m okay,” I joked, and he shook his head, his face serious for once.

  “No, you’re amazing. So caring and fun, but you care deeply and the way you look at makes a man feel like a stupid sailor like me could find love,” he whispered, and my heart pounded in my chest. I could feel his heartbeat against me, mirroring my rhythm. Knowing I had such an effect on this big teasing human, made me grin goofily. I stood on my tiptoes and kissed him softly.

  “You’re amazing too, Hurley,” I murmured against his lips, meaning every word.

  Groaning, he grabbed my ass and dragged me closer so there was no space between us as he ate at my lips. Returning the kiss with equal fervor, I gasped into his mouth when he picked me up, and I wrapped my legs around his waist, holding on as he walked and kissed me.

  I nipped at his bottom lip and laughed when he stumbled. Swearing, he righted himself and narrowed his eyes on me. “Naughty little siren. Capt is right.” He grinned, making me swallow hard.

  He walked backwards before he laid me down softly on the flowers and followed me down, laying between my parted thighs. Dropping his mouth to mine, he devoured my mouth while I let my hands wander across his back. Sweeping down the solid muscle to cup his ass, I dragged him closer until he was pressed tight to my pussy.

  He gripped the bottom of my dress as he broke our kiss and ripped it over my head. Sitting back slightly to gain some space, he reached back and grabbed the top of his shirt, which he had donned just before we started to explore, and pulled it off in one movement, showing me each delicious inch of chiseled muscle and flesh. There were some things I preferred in the human form, and these mens’ hip bones showing above their low pants was one of them. I just wanted to lick it, but he distracted me when his fingers found my bare pussy. When he realized I was wet, he hummed in the back of his throat.

  “I love how wet you get for us,” he murmured, before he wrapped his lips around my nipple and sucked hard.

  Arching into his mouth, I let out a little whimper when he flicked my nub. “Hurley, please,” I begged, and he pulled away with a pop to grin at me.

  “Please what, Lor?” he prompted, making me narrow my eyes.

  “Please let’s go for a swim, obviously,” I countered, rolling my eyes. He grinned at me and I laughed at his adorable expression. I sobered and ordered, “Fuck me.”

  “Well, what’s a sailor to do when met with that offer?” he joked, before laying between my thighs again.

  My pants turned into moans as he grabbed my hips and thrust inside of me in one smooth move, my pussy stretching around him. He stilled briefly as he kissed me gently before leaning on his hands above me, and then he started to move.

  As I arched into him, my chest rubbed against his as he fucked me gently—no, not fucked me. Loved me.

  With our eyes locked on one another we found a rhythm together, our gasps and the slap of skin on skin were the only sounds in our cave. I thought being with Hurley would be teasing and flirty, but it was soft and gentle. He took his time, unlike what we all did the night before. This wasn’t guided by a need so strong we couldn’t breathe, but a longing and desire burning so deep it was wrong not to be together.

  Leaning up, I sealed our lips together and he drowned my cries in his mouth as he picked up speed. His hands gripped my ass and lifted, making his hard cock hit a different angle in me that had me trembling and crying out into his mouth.

  Fucking me hard and fast now, I yanked my mouth away to breathe. One of his hands skated down my body and tweaked my nipples before circling my nub.

  “I’m so close, Lor. I need you to come,” Hurley groaned, our eyes still locked on each other, letting me see his need for me. With a final rub against my nub, I exploded around him and he sounded like he was in pain while I came. My pussy milked him as I trembled beneath him.

  With a yell, his thrusts stuttered and he came inside of me, his come lashing my walls. As he collapsed on top of me, I wrapped my arms around him and held him close as our breathing slowed.

  He swiped away a strand of sweaty red hair aw
ay from my forehead before cupping my face. His eyes were gentle and filled with such tenderness that my breath hitched and my heart raced. “It’s so quick, so fast, and the others would call me stupid… but, Lor. I love you.”

  My mouth dropped open in shock and when I just stared at him, his cheeks reddened and his mouth opened again.

  “I mean it, baby. I know it sounds crazy and you probably don’t believe me. Because who could fall in love in two days, right? But something in me sings for you. When I look at you, I can’t imagine being anywhere but at your side. I long for you like I long for the sea. I know everything I need to know about you. You’re kind, you’re filled with adventure, you are so fucking beautiful and caring. One look in your eyes, and I knew I was gone. When you laugh, it’s like happiness wraps around me until I can’t look away. I need to see your smile, I need to see you. I need you, I love you.”

  Grinning, even as tears filled my eyes, I reached up and pressed my finger to his lips.

  “If you’re crazy, I’m crazy too,” I admitted and his eyes widened, filling with hope as he searched my face for answers like a starving man. “I love you, Hurley,” I whispered softly and his body sagged against mine, no longer filled with tension. All that worry left us both as we stared at each other, our hearts open and filled.

  Pulling my finger away, we shared a grin before he darted down and kissed me hard. “Say it again,” he begged.

  “I love you.” I laughed.


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