Shipwreck Souls

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Shipwreck Souls Page 8

by Kendra Moreno

  Loch, my Loch, was selling me? Like a fucking thing, not a person. The man who told me stories of the moon and held me in my sleep had locked me in his brig and planned to sell me off to god knew what. In that moment I felt pain spread through my whole body. My chest felt like it was going to explode and my heart, my human fucking heart, broke. Shattered into a thousand pieces, each shard sharp and cutting, ripping through my chest. It was worse than any wandering hand, because this I knew I would never recover from.

  “I wonder what she fucks like,” he sneered, and I snapped my eyes open to meet his. I would never let him touch me, not like that. I would kill them all first. They acted like I was just a woman, just a hole to fuck, but their underestimation of me would be their downfall. His hand skirted down my stomach and cupped over my pelvis, pushing as he tried to pry open my thighs. I glared at him, warning him with my eyes what I would do if he tried.

  “We should leave before someone comes and investigates. The captain won’t like us touching her,” the man behind me rumbled, and I blinked to clear the tears from my eyes, as my lower lip trembled.

  “See you soon poppet.” The man laughed and stepped way with one last tweak of my nipples. The other man didn't release me until his friend cleared and locked the cage, and then he thrust me away from him like shit on his shoe.

  Keeping my back to them, I wrapped my arms around my body, holding myself tight to try and stop the pain. They laughed and joked as they left me there.

  How could he? I loved him, I loved them all.

  A couple of hours passed and the tears had finally dried on my face, replaced by a deep-seated rage and pain. When I heard footsteps again I got to my feet slowly, and stood in the same position as before.

  I breathed a sigh of relief when Hurley rounded the corner and stared at me, his eyes sad and guarded. I swallowed hard and stared right back at him, remembering what the others had said. Sell me. He approached me like a wild animal, slowly, until he was in front of my cage. When I didn’t speak he scrubbed at his wet hair, with his shirt open and unbuttoned, hanging around his chest. I shivered from the cold and the vile ghost feelings of that sailor’s hands, and he must notice. Frowning, he stripped off his shirt and passed it through the cage, his fingers dangling the fabric in front of me.

  “Here, come on, baby. Take it,” he pleaded, and I stepped forward hesitantly. I snatched it quickly and stepped back, before wrapping it around my body, happy I was no longer naked. Hurley stepped forward, his front touching the bars, and I looked away from the longing in his eyes. His, their, betrayal was still fresh and pulsing through me.

  “I knew, I knew what you were,” Hurley said sadly, his hands gripping the bars of my cage in the brig. “I saw you that night when we were all together. You didn’t know I was watching. I saw the shine of your scales when the water touched your skin, added with your wasn't hard to put together. I was terrified at first so I closed my eyes, but when you came back and I saw you again and you looked at me...I was gone. I knew you would never hurt us. You’re not a monster, you’re Lor. The woman who stole my heart when she agreed to dance with me, when she touched me, kissed me, when she held my hand as we explored the beach together.”

  Every word was like a hammer to my already broken and dark heart. “You’re wrong,” I muttered, turning away from him and laying back down on the cold floor.

  “About what?” he asked, and the pain lacing his voice made me curl tighter into myself.

  “If I get out of here, I will hurt you. You betrayed me, you all did. You threw me down here, you lied to me. You hunt, you hurt the creatures in the sea and sell them, and you plan to do the same to me. That’s all humans are good for, betrayal and pain. They kill and hurt everything they know because they fear what they don’t understand, and don’t care about anything but themselves. You speak of love, but is it love through the bars of a cage?”

  He went quiet when I closed my eyes, and the last tear I would shed for them trailed down my face and over my lips.

  “You’re right, we are self-destructive, stupid, and dangerous, but you’re wrong. I love you, they love you, and they would never sell you. They are just scared, and fear can change a person. I’ll make them see, I’ll make you see, and I’ll get you free. Right now Loch is pissed that he didn’t...realize. Bay is hurting that you didn’t tell him, but not scared.”

  I ignored him, and when I didn’t answer he sighed sadly. “I’m so sorry, Lor, for what they have done to you. I promise, I will free you.” Yet, despite his promise, he turned and left me alone and in this cage. I wanted to call him back, I wanted his arms around me as he promised me everything would be okay. But promises were just empty words. I had seen their actions and they spoke a million words to me. They didn’t love me, he couldn’t love me...they weren’t capable of love. Just hate and destruction like my father promised.

  Father, I’m sorry. I was wrong. I just hope I get the chance to tell you that.

  Chapter Seven

  I fell asleep, cold, hurt, and angry. The pain and betrayal merged together and ignited that dormant fury of the siren within me, the one I unleashed earlier but ten times stronger. My body trembled through it, the change sweeping through me. It’s said that the very first siren was kind and loving, until she was betrayed by the one she loved most. She had turned vicious, brutal...unforgiving. Making men pay for the sins of her lost love, until it had become all she knew. I felt that way now as something deep inside my magic called to me. Whispering about payment, about making them understand once and for all—you don’t fuck with the sea.

  I resisted for as long as I could, and sweat dripped down my body as a war waged through me. I brought the memories of their smiles, their arms, and their love to the surface to try and tackle the darkness, but those images seemed tainted now, turning dark as even in my memories the men turn away from me. When the sun set and the moon rose, the war inside me was at its highest peak, and all it took was one moment of weakness for my humanity and love to be swept aside.

  Gracefully getting to my feet, I let Hurley’s shirt drop to the floor as I opened my mouth and sang. I poured out all of my heartbreak, my pain and sorrow. Tears mixed on my face. I felt my magic curling in the air and when it met the men on deck, I heard them gasp, trying to fight the pull as it moved through them and into the night.

  “Come to me, set me free. Come, my sailors, on the stormy sea…” I sung as booted feet marched down the stairs to the hold.

  A handful of men turned the corner, caught in my song, and I curled my arm through the bars of the cage.

  “Release me now, release me please, open up and set me free,” I carried on and numbly the short, stocky man from before moved forward and unlocked the cage. Still singing I stepped through. They stood stock still, only their eyes following me when I turned and made my way on bare feet up the hard stairs.

  When I reached the deck, I let my song go as I started for the side of the boat, but yells and shouts from below had the door at the other end of the ship banging open.

  Men poured out, Loch and Hurley at the back, and when I glanced up to the helm I saw Bay staring at me. He must have been there when I came out, and he didn’t raise the alarm, probably in shock.

  “Get her!” one man shouted.

  Turning back, I noticed how close I was to the open air, so close I could smell the ocean. I clambered on unsteady feet onto the wooden railing, but when I went to jump into the water arms came around me from behind, yanking me down to the deck, and pulling me from my freedom.

  Panicking, I thrashed in their arms and my eyes remained locked on the sea just out of reach. I opened my mouth to sing but they must have realised it. A man rounded to my front, cocked his arm back, and punched me square in the face.

  I cried out and they dropped me to the floor as blood started dripping from my nose and lip in a steady pace, making me feel like I was choking on it.

  A booted foot pressed me down into the wood while I choked and s
puttered. I heard yelling and shouting above me, but I concentrated on trying to breathe through the pain in my face and now my chest where it was being compressed.

  “Let her up!” A yell cut through everything else, Loch’s voice rising over even Hurley’s swearing and Bay’s panic.

  The boot lifted from my back and I started to push myself up, only to receive a brutal kick to the ribs, the same spot that was hit by the stick. I heard something crack inside and a searing pain ran through me. Leaning forward, I vomited blood mixed with bile as I choked on air. My chest was tight, it felt like I couldn't breathe—did he puncture something? Something was seriously wrong, it felt like I couldn’t get air and my chest felt like it was collapsing. Dots danced on the edge of my vision as people moved around me, and blood poured from my mouth.

  “Let me through!” came a yell and people were shoved out of the way. One fell over me, making me choke on a scream from the agony they wrought.

  They moved back and my fingers scrambled across the scratched wooden deck, catching in the grooves. I heaved and gagged as I dragged my abused body across the floor. A fight sounded behind me, but I ignored it all. The water called to me and I had to get there. If I died in human form, I died. My entire focus narrowed on that, my hearing and vision dimming at an alarming speed.

  Each slow pull felt like hours. The pain was indescribable, and my head spun as my ears roared and blood dripped onto the wood. Reaching the bannister, I held in my scream, just, and sucked in a shallow breath as I pulled myself up and over the ship’s hull. My body soared through the air to the water below.

  Shouts followed after me—three in particular standing out—but I closed my eyes as my broken body hit the water and I went under. I started to sink to the bottom as the change stuttered and flowed over me slowly, weak, like me. Dying, this was what it felt like. I could taste my own mortality.

  The black water swallowed me, curling around me like a lover as my blood polluted it. I opened my mouth on a silent scream. I was trapped in my dying human body while my siren form fought to break free and heal me.

  The ocean swirled around me as my magic heated it up, and then burst free from my chest. My eyes closed, the pain and exhaustion from the day shutting my body down, allowing it to heal. The last thing I saw before I sunk to the bottom of the ocean was my blood floating down from the ship above and a flash of purple tentacles and black hair.

  My eyes fluttered open, and when they focused I blinked in shock. Looking down, I reached out as a soft grin covered my face. A shark lay under me, cushioning me from the hard coral at the bottom. A gam swam around us, protecting us from threats as they let me heal. Looking down into the shark’s eyes, I recognized it as the mother from earlier.

  “Thank you,” I whispered, and moved my fins and tail experimentally.

  Everything seemed healed. In fact, I felt stronger than ever and when I wrinkled my nose in confusion, I realised it was because my magic was flowing smoothly through me. No war, no fights. My body and mind were in full synchronization and on the same page.

  The humans had to die.

  My father, my people, my sisters...they were all right. There was no saving humanity. That much was clear, time and time again they chose violence. They would have rather saw me die than escape...even my men.

  My heart throbbed in pain and I stuffed it down deep, I had no time for sentiment or love. The only place that ever got me was pain and blood.

  No more. It’s time the ocean fought back, they would not kill us anymore. Our blood would not turn the ocean red again tonight—theirs would.

  Chapter Eight

  The boat had moved, not far, but far enough that I had to follow it. Surprisingly, I seemed to have found some new sidekicks. It seemed the sharks had a debt to pay to the humans as well, or maybe they just knew sticking with me would guarantee them a meal.

  The moon shone brightly down on the water, cutting through the darkness as I watched the ship from below. My first order of business was to sneak aboard and find that vile human who dared touch me earlier. He would die first.

  Swimming up and breaking the surface, I hovered there, listening. The water was quiet, as was the ship. It must have been late night or early morning, and all the crew were sleeping. Grabbing onto the side, I snuck aboard the ship, freezing as I turned back to human once I hit the deck. The change was faster than ever, at least the humans had been good for something.

  When no one came to check the noise I turned my attention to the door, which led down to the bunks. Slipping through the warped wood, I padded downstairs on silent feet, and the sound of men snoring reached me.

  I stopped at the bottom and ran my eyes across them, searching for the man. When I didn’t spot him, I frowned and headed back upstairs. I searched the ship silently, looking for my victim. I finally found him passed out behind the helm with a bottle held in his hands.

  Crouching in front of him, I swiped the bottle and took a swig before throwing it away. The glass shattering was loud in the silence, but it didn’t even wake him.

  “Wake up,” I ordered loudly, and he stirred before snoring louder and cuddling into the boat.

  “Wake up!” I yelled in his face.

  He jerked upright, his panicked eyes searching until they landed on me, and widening in shock before narrowing. “Well, hello poppet. Come to play again?” he sneered, licking his lips. Even now I could feel the phantom remains of his touch, and it made me shiver in disgust.

  “Yes,” I admitted, leaning forward.

  His eyes flared in shock before burning with lust. Men, this was why women were the stronger sex.

  Darting my arm out, I wrapped my hand around his throat and squeezed, showing him my strength as I leaned in farther. “I’m stronger, I’m faster, and I’m fucking better than you, you vile human. So give me one good reason not to end your pathetic little life right now?” I cooed.

  “I-you wouldn’t dare,” he spat, his eyes narrowed and filled with false confidence. It only stretched the feral grin on my lips.

  “You forget what I am,” I whispered seductively, licking his face. “I played nice, but no longer. You are the prey,” I finished and pulled back to see his pale face.

  “You touched me,” I said and he shook his head desperately, trying to escape my grasp.

  “I wasn't going to—” He started but I cut him off with a glare.

  “Yes you were. Don’t lie to me. You would have abused me and left me in that cell, bleeding and broken. You are a vile human.” Leaning forward again I brushed his cheek with my other hand. “We should let the ocean decide,” I said conversationally.

  His eyes darted everywhere but at me, searching for an escape. Done playing, I stood and he scrambled after me. I waited until he sighed, obviously thinking I was done. I grabbed him and hauled him above my head, letting him finally realise just how strong I was now that my siren and human side aren’t fighting—all thanks to them.

  He screamed when I threw him overboard, and the snapping of sharks reached me as he screamed for real. I leaned over and watched the ocean turn red, the water swarming with sharks tearing him to pieces.

  “What the hell are you—” A man stopped and I look over my shoulder with an evil grin.

  “Why not come see?” I asked sweetly.

  He frowned at me and scooted to look over, close enough to touch. When he saw the man’s hand sticking from the water and still twitching he blanched, then turned to me in horror. Before he could raise the alarm, I shot my hand forward and yanked out his throat. I held his bloody windpipe in my hand and watched in fascination as he jerked and tumbled back. Nearly toppling over the edge. I waved at him and then blew, and he fell over and into the waiting sharks’ mouths below. Dropping the windpipe with a wet squelch I glanced down to see my pale body speckled with blood, as dark and red as my hair. The wind changed, and I knew a storm would hit us. Grinning, I threw my head back and roared out a death cry into the night and it answered back, thunder rumbling e

  Stepping over the body part, I made my way around to the main deck. Lightning cracked through the sky, lighting up the night as the sea started to rage. Men poured from below deck, obviously drawn by the storm or the screaming. They all halted when they saw me. I tilted my head and grinned wickedly.

  “Did you really think you could kill a siren?” I shouted to be heard over the thunder rumbling through the world. Waves crashed against the ship, rocking it, and they grabbed the closest thing to hold on to. I stood there in the middle of it, smiling.

  Loch ran from the door heading straight to the helm and trying to keep the ship upright. He stopped there and gawked when he spotted me. I ignored the relief on his, Hurley, and Bay’s faces.

  “Lor,” Bay gasped, staring at me with a stricken expression as I stood in the middle of the deck, with blood covering my skin and dead men behind me.

  “My name is Lorelai,” I reply haughty. “Siren. Monster. Seductress. Man killer, and you tried to imprison me.” I stepped forward and all but Bay and Hurley retreated. “Hurt me.” Another step. “Humiliated me.” Another step, until we were almost nose to nose. “Kill me,” I finished, my magic swirling around me like a storm.

  I lifted my head and met Loch’s eyes behind the helm where he was trying to wrangle the ship while the sea surged, the storm and waves matching my anger as rain lashed down on us. “You fucked with the wrong, siren.”

  “Baby, I’m so sorry! I tried to get to—” Hurley pleaded, stepping forward as if to touch me.

  I held my hand out, and pressed against his chest, sending him flying back into the door. He crashed down, still staring at me lovingly. A man to my left let out a war cry, and dragging my eyes from Hurley’s prone form I met the enraged gaze of the sailor currently charging me. Something burst inside me, and my anger came to the front again. It felt like my singing, or my lust powers, but so much stronger. It surged from me with a cry, and my hand lifted, pointing at him as if controlled by something beyond me. Pink light flew from my fingers, like sparks from the lightning splitting the sky.


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