To Be Chosen

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To Be Chosen Page 53

by John Buttrick

  “That was the most extraordinary thing I have ever witnessed,” Rey Callerin, the Minister of Health declared in his resonant voice.

  Daniel opened his eyes. The water pan was dry. Queen Cleona lay with long flowing black hair, a healthy complexion, impressive abs, and a pleasant face to behold, truly a beautiful woman. Tears were flowing freely onto the pillow and the smile on her face expressed pure joy. “That actually felt good, but am I cured?” she asked, while sitting up. Healing her had not been nearly as hard as restoring a Condemned and the energy she exhibited clearly showed this to be so.

  Daniel was pleased beyond measure. He did it. He saved the Queen! “Oh yes, you are completely cured, healthier than a racing mare in her prime.”

  “I will thank you not to refer to my wife as a horse,” the Prince said, but there was no sting in his tone of voice. He was all smiles. “My dear, you are absolutely beautiful.”

  Cherian brought a mirror over to Cleona so she could see the result of the healing and know why everyone was staring at her in total amazement. “I am beautiful,” she said softly, with more tears running down her cheeks. “Daniel, I thank you with all my heart.”

  Daniel bowed to her. “It was my pleasure to make you well.”

  “Now, all of you out,” Cherian said while waving her hands. “Her Majesty needs to get ready for the meeting where you will certify what you witnessed here and listen to Sir Daniel’s report.”

  Daniel gave a slight bow of his head to the Chamberlain. “It will be as you say,” he told her and headed out the door with Jo, Ben, and the ministers right behind him.

  They went to the large conference room where the emergency meeting that sent him on his quest for the trumpet of Tarin Conn had been held. Daniel sat in his traditional spot at the long table while the six ministers seated themselves according to their habit, and the Prime Minister seated himself at the opposite end of the table from where Cleona normally presided.

  Papers were brought in and signed by each person who had witnessed the healing, each affirming Sir Daniel healed Queen Cleona of her Lethal Growths and restored her to perfect health. When the legalities were out of the way, Joshua Raven, the Minister of Defense set down his pen and turned to Daniel. “I admit you have saved the Queen’s life and spared the kingdom going through secession, but I sense there is more reason for the Realm Alert you declared.”

  Daniel was about to answer when five Royal Knights of the Realm, whom he never had the privilege of meeting, entered the room and took their seats at the table after receiving formal greetings. He knew them by the portraits on the walls of the main hall in the chapter house dedicated to the brotherhood of Royal Knights. Sir Jon Loffer, whose crooked nose looked like it had been broken quite a few times in the past, took his seat at the table, and Sir Lynel DuDaren, a man with narrow eyes and a scar on his right cheek shook hands with Defense Minister Raven before taking a seat.

  Sir Zackeri Modrun glanced at Daniel and touched the hilt of his sword before sitting down. “One is interested in why you are in silks stylized as those of an Accomplished rather than in your uniform,” he spoke in a mild, yet firm tone.

  The Knight’s dark mustache was neatly trimmed and his beard ran the length of his jaw-line. His family crest was a pair of dueling stags with their horns interlocked on a field of green. He removed his helmet, as did the other Knights of the Realm. He was a spry looking man with just a touch of gray in his hair.

  “Zack, give him a chance to organize his thoughts for the meeting. I’m sure his report will be satisfactory and we will have an opportunity to ask for more details afterwards. Let’s not cause our brother to make a personal report every time someone enters the room. We don’t know how many have received this summons,” Sir Jed Cofee suggested.

  He was a much older Knight whose hair was completely gray, yet he possessed a steady gaze that reflected a keen intelligence. The other knights quickly agreed with the elder and Daniel appreciated the suggestion. Queen Cleona, along with the Prince Consort, entered the room and sat down. Each of the Knights stared at her in unbelief.

  Prime Minister Xan raised his hand. “I assure you, this is our beloved Queen. Sir Daniel has broken the Silencing laid upon him by the Grand Maestro of Aakadon. I and the distinguished ministers of the cabinet witnessed the healing and restoration he has performed upon her. Our written testimony to the facts have been certified and entered into the official record.”

  After a rather lengthy period of congratulations that seemed to go on forever, but was only about a sixteenth of a mark, Daniel admitted to himself, Cleona called the meeting to order. She fixed her gaze on the twenty-first Royal Knight of the Realm. “Sir Daniel, you are here in the garb of an unaffiliated Accomplished. I expect your report, which should start with your execution of Cale Tomei, whom you granted a duel to the death by sword, will end with why you are here wearing blue silks.”

  Daniel’s gaze swept the eyes of each person seated at the table and then fixed on the Queen. “I convicted Cale Tomei of spying for the enemy, to which he confessed, and then fought him in a duel,” Daniel began, giving a concise report, telling of his being the Chosen Vessel, and his growing swirl of animal allies, although did not go into detail about the mental links he had formed. “And so I left my uniform at General Talon’s hill-fort and entered Pentrosa in pursuit of Serin Gell. The blue silks and uniforms I made for the purpose of giving the impression the assault on the Serpent Nest was headed by Aakadon, rather than an official act of the Ducaunan government. I went in with an Accomplished of the Eagle Guild, was later joined by an Accomplished of the Willow Guild, and their presence does make the infiltration a joint operation. Some of the Condemneds I restored were Accomplisheds of Aakadon and nearly all of them are wearing their black and red silks, thus adding to the illusion the strike was orchestrated by them. My people are still in Pentrosa and I need to return quickly and get them back to our side of the border.”

  “You can actually restore to health someone who has been Condemned?” Rey Callerin asked, even though he had witnessed the healing and restoration of the Queen.

  Cleona seemed to be giving the situation some thought and then nodded her head, coming to some sort of conclusion. “The border violation could complicate matters if your men are caught. As the Chosen Vessel, it is your responsibility to confront the Serpent Guild, but I hope you can get your people back across the border soon.”

  Daniel glanced at the Minister of Defense; no one was questioning the Queen’s assertion about the title of Chosen Vessel, not even Raven. Daniel focused his attention back on the Queen. “We have a bigger problem. Fifteen thousand men left their base south of Los Collins and are about to assault Gell’s Lair. Worse, I sensed Aakacarns of the Serpent Guild working with both the cavalry unit that was wearing civilian clothes and raiding across our border, and two traveling with the Pentrosan Legion.”

  “But that would mean the Pentrosans have made some sort of alliance with the Serpent Guild,” Minister Raven blurted out.

  “I don’t understand how you can know all of this. Sir Daniel, how did you even get here, if less than a mark ago you were in the Foothills of Pentrosa?” Minister Terren demanded to know. The head of emissaries was a bald man with a belly overflowing his belt. “I do know the political mess that will be created if the Pentrosans are able to prove a Ducaunan Royal Knight of the Realm led his detachment of Royal Guardsmen in an assault on Pentrosan soil.”

  “I’m an Accomplished and have an extensive repertoire. How I get around is not as important as Pentrosa being in league with the Serpent Guild. ” Daniel replied.

  Sir Jonus Grummer was nodding his head. He had a slender nose and wrinkles he earned over a long career, much of which was spent at the border Pentrosa shared with Ducaun. “The Serpent Guild has been in hiding ever since you smote them at Mount Gosian. At least that was my impression before hearing your report. We cannot trust our surly neighbors to the north no matter what their diplomats say. Taking yo
ur news in consideration, I believe we should fortify the border with some of our own legions.”

  “But that could be perceived as us preparing to invade them and possibly trigger a war,” Terren pointed out.

  Cleona leaned forward, placing both hands palm down on the table. “The Creator has chosen Sir Daniel as His champion. The Serpent Guild is still actively moving about in my kingdom, attacking my family home, and Condemning my citizens,” she declared, firmly. “Sir Daniel, as the Chosen Vessel, in your opinion, is Tarin Conn about to break free?”

  Daniel took a deep breath, trying to decide how much to tell even this trusted group, and then made up his mind. “Serin Gell had in his possession the flute of Della Lain. If I had not gone into Pentrosa and defeated him, Tarin Conn would be free right this moment.”

  Cleona sat back in her chair and closed her eyes while startled gasps irrupted around the table. The ministers and knights began talking at once, each increasing in volume as the excitement grew, and the ramifications of what had occurred set in.

  “But that cannot be, the flute is safe in Aakadon, in the keeping of the Grand Maestro,” Boen Sentrainer said, as if the Minister of Law Enforcement could make the truth change just because he had been taught a lie. His brow was furrowed and he shook his head, causing a lock of his dark curly hair to fall in his face. He brushed it back in place and pursed his lips stubbornly.

  Daniel reached into his cloak and removed the flute from the special pocket he created for it, everyone in the world had seen pictures of it at one time or another so there was no problem recognizing the famous instrument. “This is protected by a shield only I can remove, unless someone mages to kill me. I dare not let it out of my possession.”

  Silence fell upon those seated at the table as each person stared at the object in Daniel’s hands. Cleona cleared her throat. “Under the circumstances, I declare the Realm Alert legitimate and order that steps be taken to secure the kingdom; every lord, Knight of the Realm, and all members of the nobility are hereby ordered to gather their musters, and all legions are to be placed on a war footing.”

  “But Your Majesty, the entire world will think we are getting ready to invade Pentrosa while that kingdom is in crisis. We will be seen as the aggressors, especially if that legion overcomes Sir Daniel’s men,” Landis Terren practically shouted, red-faced and sweating.

  The Queen nodded her understanding. “You are correct, which is why you and I will be busy. We must make it clear to the emissaries here in Ducanton representing their nations, we are preparing for defense against the Serpent Guild, and its allies, not an invasion of any sovereign nation,” she stated and then turned to Daniel. “You must get back to Gell’s Lair, finish your work there, and get back across the border. A council of war will convene here in ten days. Sir Daniel, you must raise a muster of troops to help defend the realm. All of you in this room are ordered to begin gathering your troops as well.”

  “I will get word to the legion commanders,” Minister Raven announced.

  “I’ll notify the enforcement officers,” Boen Sentrainer added, finally accepting the truth.

  Loren Quin, the Minister of Public Works, rubbed the goatee on his chin. “I will begin publishing your proclamation and send the Royal Couriers out across the realm.”

  “Sir Daniel, return to your men as quickly as you can,” Cleona told him with a wink and nod of the head, meaning right now.

  Daniel stood up. “It will be as you say, Your Majesty,” her replied and then summoned the potential for Conveyance, pictured the top of the hill in Pentrosa, and three heart beats later he was standing beside Corporal Carlin.


  Sherree opened her eyes and brushed aside long silky strands of yellow-gold hair and was amazed she even had hair. She examined her hands; each was perfect, fingers and thumbs flexible and working fine. A soft blue orb provided just enough light for her to see the chamber. She was on a bed of solidified air and fully dressed in silks of the same color; that of Daniel’s potential. She knew it was he who healed her. She had sensed a powerful force take control of her body, and knew without actually seeing him, that her visitor was Daniel. The silks fit well and she knew he must have provided these and dressed her in them, yet did not feel embarrassed. “I feel stronger than I ever have in my life,” she declared to the empty chamber.

  She sprang to her feet with an agility that was surprising. What did Daniel do to her body? Sherree removed the hooded cloak, opened her blouse, and let her pants drop to the floor. Her bra and panties were black silk, but it was her body that was truly amazing. Her muscles were well defined, not bulky, yet firm and physically fit, not that she had been in poor condition before. It is just, well; she was in the best shape of her life and felt as if she could run a seven hundred stride dash in seconds. Glancing behind, her hair was longer, flowing all the way to her bottom.

  Her right shoulder was bare. The golden lightning bolt had been torn away during the Condemnation. She hummed the spell of Ranking, summing the potential, light flashed, and a brief stab of pain struck her shoulders. She blinked, wondering if her eyes were deceiving her, but no, what she saw was real. She now had a lightning bolt on both shoulders. “Daniel, what have you done to me?” She asked, and added a lightning bolt on each shoulder of her silk blouse and a second one on her cloak next to the one Daniel made for her.

  The thought made her feel warm inside and she remembered her last regret, that she rejected his proposal of marriage, and what she said would happen if she ever had the chance again. She pulled her pants back up, admired the blue boots, and then put on the shirt and cloak. It was time to go find the man who captured her heart.

  The cell door was unlocked and she noted the entire place was illumined by soft blue light that seemed to emanate from the walls. The hall was empty yet she could hear a slow steady breathing, the sound of perhaps hundreds of people sleeping. She peered into the first sell on her right and found twenty people dressed in blue, wool rather than silk, and all of them sleeping peacefully. Did Daniel heal them too? She found the same in each cell. Voices echoed from up ahead, two masculine and one feminine, and she cautiously headed in that direction. The door on her left opened and out stepped a tall man in blue silks. His skin was the color of ebony yet his face was shaped more like a Taracopian. He looked familiar. It took her only a few moments to place him. “You are Jeremiah Lassiter,”

  The Two-bolt Accomplished gave a slight nod of acknowledgment. “I am, and thanks to Daniel Benhannon, I’m no longer among the Condemned. He must have overcome the Silencing and regained his repertoire,” Lassiter said in a deep bass voice.

  “I was also among the Condemned and believe the people in these cells might have been as well” Sherree replied.

  Lassiter’s eyes scanned her, making it seem he was weighing and assessing every detail about her. “You are Sherree Jenna, one of the Talenteds who participated at the Battle of Bashierwood, and graduated to the rank of One-bolt Accomplished. How is it you now have two?”

  Sherree was so happy she could not stop a chuckle from escaping. “I think it is a side affect of Daniel’s healing.”

  Lassiter was shaking his head. “I was a Two-bolt before being Condemned and am still one after having been restored and performed the spell of Ranking.”

  Sherree did not want to be rude to the Senior Soarer, but she was more interested in the man who healed her. “Why don’t we go find Daniel and ask him?”

  Lassiter smiled. “I can see no reason for us to do otherwise. Speaking of side affects, while I was in good physical condition before, I am in great shape now, better than ever.”

  Sherree nodded her head. “Same here,” she told him.

  She and Lassiter walked toward the voices. The two males turned out to be Tim Dukane and Ronn Benhannon. The woman was Miriam, who smiled and ran to her the moment their eyes made contact. “Sherree, it so good to see you up and about,” Daniel’s mother told her in the middle of a fie
rce hug.

  It felt good to be hugged by this woman and Sherree hugged her back just as warmly. “Where is he?” she asked, realizing Miriam would know which, he, she was referring to.

  Tim Dukane walked over with a grin on his face and he seemed happier yet more settled in some way then when they last met. “Daniel went off to heal the Queen of the Lethal Growths. He is back now and outside helping the other Accomplisheds to defend this position from eleven members of the Serpent Guild, nine on the other side of the hill to our north, and two with the Pentrosan legion.”

  Sherree would have been skeptical about any Accomplished claiming to have single-handedly healed a patient of the Lethal Growths, but after having been restored from Condemnation decided to keep an open mind, considering who was credited with the accomplishment.

  Lassiter’s eyes became even more intense. “That suggests an allegiance of some sort between the two. This could be a serious development, especially if Pentrosa is a willing host of the illegitimate guild. Where is Serin Gell? Did he get away?”

  Tim pointed to the far corner of the chamber, behind the throne, where a black silk cloak covered a mound of some sort. “No, he didn’t get away. Daniel executed him right over there and what is left of him is not pretty. I was not here at the time but understand Daniel was quite angry when he learned Sherree had been Condemned.”


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