The Perfect Outsider

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by Loreth Anne White

  “Please help me figure out who I am.”

  How can she leave him to die? June Farrow works for Cold Plains Search and Rescue as cover for her real mission—helping Devotees escape from Samuel Grayson’s evil cult. The rugged man she finds in the woods has no memory, but evidence points to his being one of Grayson’s murderous enforcers. Hardwired to save lives, June’s only option is to take him to the safe house.

  “Jesse” is the name on his belt buckle—that’s about the only thing he knows. Now he’s being held prisoner by a beautiful stranger. The fierce attraction between them threatens to awaken details from his past. But how can he even trust himself when he might destroy those he’s trying to protect?

  “I’m sorry about last night.”

  She glanced at Jesse, and knew instantly he was talking about the kiss. Her pulse quickened and her mouth felt dry.

  “It’s me who should be apologizing,” June said. “For locking you up. But I had to be sure that you weren’t the mole who’d brought the henchmen so close last night.”

  June looked up at him and her heart kicked.

  “You’re the reason they came looking, Jesse. Samuel is after your blood. I’m really sorry I locked you up.”

  Jesse’s gaze went to the door.

  “It’s not locked. You’re free to go.”

  He took a step toward her. June’s knees felt weak.

  “June, I am sorry, about the kiss”

  “I’m not,” she said, very quietly, her cheeks warming.

  Dear Reader,

  I love stories about second chances. We all make mistakes. Sometimes the results of those mistakes can be devastating, leaving us trapped by feelings of guilt that dog us through the remainder of our lives.

  But what if, as in a fairy tale, a wand could be waved and a wish granted that enabled us to forget, just for a while, the guilt and pain that traps us in the past and stops us from truly living and moving forward into the future?

  In romance, amnesia is often the magic wand that grants our characters that second chance. This is what happens to my hero in The Perfect Outsider when an accident temporarily steals his memory. But when my heroine, a rescuer at heart, tries to save him, it’s he who saves her instead. By being forced to live solely in the present, he shows her how to forgive herself, and how to live again.

  I hope you enjoy June and Jesse’s journey toward their second chance at love.

  Loreth Anne White

  Watch out for these titles in the Perfect, Wyoming miniseries:

  Special Agent’s Perfect Cover by Marie Ferrarella—January 2012

  Rancher’s Perfect Baby Rescue by Linda Conrad—February 2012

  A Daughter’s Perfect Secret by Kimberly Van Meter—March 2012

  Lawman’s Perfect Surrender by Jennifer Morey—April 2012

  Mercenary’s Perfect Mission by Carla Cassidy—June 2012

  Loreth Anne White

  The Perfect Outsider

  Books by Loreth Anne White

  Harlequin Romantic Suspense

  Desert Knights #1661: “Sheik’s Captive”

  The Perfect Outsider #1704

  Silhouette Romantic Suspense

  Melting the Ice #1254

  Safe Passage #1326

  The Sheik Who Loved Me #1368

  *The Heart of a Mercenary #1438

  *A Sultan’s Ransom #1442

  *Seducing the Mercenary #1490

  *The Heart of a Renegade #1505

  ‡Manhunter #1537

  **Her 24-Hour Protector #1572

  ‡Cold Case Affair #1582

  ‡‡The Sheik’s Command #1609

  Covert Christmas #1627: “Saving Christmas”

  *Shadow Soldiers

  **Love In 60 Seconds

  ‡Wild Country

  ‡‡Sahara Kings

  Other titles by this author available in ebook format.


  was born and raised in southern Africa, but now lives in Whistler, a ski resort in the moody British Columbian Coast Mountain range. It’s a place of vast wilderness, larger-than-life characters, epic adventure and romance—the perfect place to escape reality. It’s no wonder she was inspired to abandon a sixteen-year career as a journalist to escape into a world of romantic fiction filled with dangerous men and adventurous women.

  When she’s not writing you will find her long-distance running, biking or skiing on the trails and generally trying to avoid the bears—albeit not very successfully. She calls this work, because it’s when the best ideas come.

  For a peek into her world visit her website, She’d love to hear from you.

  To editors Patience Bloom, Keyren Gerlach and

  Shana Smith. And to fellow authors Marie Ferarella, Linda Conrad, Kim Van Meter, Jennifer Morey and

  Carla Cassidy—for making this series happen.

  It’s been a pleasure to work with you all.

  Special thanks and acknowledgment to Loreth Anne White for her contribution to the Perfect, Wyoming miniseries.


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 1

  Eager was trained to alert on human scent.

  And that’s exactly what his handler, June Farrow, was hoping to find as she worked her four-year-old black Lab in a zigzag pattern across the wind, the glow from her headlamp casting a pale beam into blackness. It was 4:00 a.m. Cold. The cloud cover was low, and rain lashed down through trees.

  As June and her K9 worked their way up the thickly forested slope, the terrain grew treacherous, with steep gullies and hidden caves. June prayed that Lacy Matthews and her three-year-old twins, Bekka and Abby, were holed up in one of those caves, dry and safe from the storm.

  Safe from Samuel Grayson’s men.

  Because if Samuel’s men had found them, they were as good as dead.

  Swaths of mist rolled down from the peaks and June’s hiking boots began to lose traction. More than once she had to grab onto brambles to stop from slipping down into one of the ravines hidden by the darkness and bush. Sweat prickled under her rain jacket and moisture misted her safety glasses. Water ran in a stream from the bill of her hat and it trickled uncomfortably down her neck.

  While Eager was able to barrel like a tank through the increasingly dense scrub, the twigs began to tear at June’s clothes, hooking into her hair, clawing at her backpack, slowing her progress. This, she thought, as she stilled a moment to catch her breath, was why search-and-rescue teams used dogs—they could access places with ease that humans could not, especially a dog like Eager, who, with his stocky, deep-chested frame and thick coat, was impervious to the claw of brambles. And, having been bred from gundog stock, he was able to remain calm in the presence of loud rescue choppers and the big excavation machines often present in urban rescue.

  June listened carefully to her surroundings, hoping to catch the faint sound of a woman’s cry on the wind. But a forest was never quiet, and in a storm like this, trees talked and groaned and squeaked as their trunks and branches rubbed together in the wind. Pine cones and broken branches bombed to the ground, and rain plopped from leaves. The pine needles in the canopy above swished with the sound of a river.

  She could detect no cry for help amid the other sounds of the stormy night.

  Tension coiled tight in her stomach.

  Working solo was foolish, particularly for an experienced SAR tracker who knew better. But a desperation to f
ind those three-year-old twins and their mother burned like fire in June’s chest, outweighing all caution.

  Her own son had been three when he’d died.

  If June had managed to dig deeper into her own reserves, search harder, faster, sooner, all those years ago, she might have arrived in time to save Aiden. Now she had to save Bekka and Abby. The reason they were lost in the woods was partly June’s fault, and they’d been missing for two nights now. The clock was ticking and guilt weighed heavy.

  “Eager!” she yelled over the wind. “Go that way, boy!”

  Eager more sensed than saw his handler’s directional signal, and he veered in an easterly direction, moving across the base of glistening-wet rock. All June could see of him was the pale green glow of his LED collar, and every now and then the wet reflection of his coat as he cut across the beam of her headlamp.

  The moisture was actually working in Eager’s favor—it enhanced his scenting abilities, but the wind was confounding. It punched down through holes in the canopy and swirled in eddies around the forest floor, carrying any scent that might have been pooling on the ground or in gullies with it.

  June saw her dog hesitate a moment, then suddenly the green collar bobbed as Eager went crashing off in a new direction across the flank of a cliff.

  He had scent.

  June rushed after him, heart pounding as she shouldered through bushes and skidded over wet deadfall. Then she lost sight of the fluorescent light. She stilled, catching her breath as she wiped rainwater from her face. Her hand was shaking, and June realized she was exhausted.

  She was going to make a fatal error like this.

  She willed herself to calm. Life depended on it, and not just hers.

  But as she dug deep for self-control an image hit her hard and suddenly of a search gone wrong five years ago. A search that resulted in the dramatic deaths of her husband and son. She closed her eyes for a moment, trying to shake the accompanying and familiar sense of sheer and utter desperation.

  It had happened because of a cult.

  Her husband, Matt, had been sucked in by a religious organization, and when June had pressured Matt to leave, he’d kidnapped Aiden from day care, planning to take him to live on the cult compound.

  Thunder crashed and grumbled in the mountains and another gust of wind swished through the trees. June’s nerves jumped. She braced her hand against the trunk of a tree.

  Focus. You’re doing this for them. Everything you do now is because you messed up that time.

  That devastating incident was why she now worked for EXIT, a national organization quietly dedicated to aiding victims of cults. June’s life mission had become running halfway houses for cult members who wanted to “escape.” If she could rescue others, if she could get them into safe houses where they could access exit-counseling, it might give meaning, somehow, to the gaping maw of loss in her own life.

  It might help assuage her guilt for not having understood how to help Matt back then.

  And it was because of Samuel Grayson and his dangerous cult of Devotees that June was in Cold Plains, Wyoming, now. She’d arrived on behalf of EXIT three months ago. Right now she had five Devotees in the safe house. Lacy and her children were supposed to make the number eight.

  But something had gone wrong—Lacy and her girls had failed to meet June at a designated meeting place in the woods on Monday evening, from where June was to have escorted them to the secret safe house.

  June had searched the area, tracking Lacy and her twins back along the trail that led down the mountain toward the town. Around 11:00 p.m. that night, Eager had alerted on a small, sparkly red shoe belonging to one of the twins. The shoe had been lying just off the trail. From that point the footprints had gone into the forest. June and Eager had followed Lacy’s trail deeper into the woods where more footprints appeared, and it looked as though two men had started following Lacy and the twins. June put Eager on the tracks, but the storm had broken and they’d lost the scent.

  Before heading back to the safe house to grab an hour or two of rest that night, June had first hiked over to the southeastern flank of the mountain where she dropped the red shoe as a decoy. She knew Cold Plains Police Chief Bo Fargo would be mounting a search party and calling for SAR volunteers as soon as Lacy was reported missing, and she didn’t want the official SAR party anywhere near the safe house or the area where Lacy had actually vanished.

  Chief Fargo was bad news. He was a Devotee and one of Samuel’s main men. June needed to find Lacy and the girls before the cops did, or they’d end up right back in Samuel’s clutches.

  On Tuesday morning when Lacy had failed to open up her coffee shop, she and her children were reported missing. By Tuesday afternoon, Chief Fargo had called in SAR volunteers and a search had been mounted. Fargo had asked June to see if she and her K9 could track any scent from Lacy’s house.

  By Tuesday evening, June and Eager had led the search crew to the decoy shoe on the east flank. A command center had been immediately set up on the flank of the mountain and the area divided into grids. Teams had searched until dark, volunteers agreeing to regroup at first light Wednesday.

  Instead of grabbing a few hours’ rest like the others, June and Eager had hiked straight back to the west flank, where they were now in the dark predawn hours of a stormy Wednesday morning. And, as the hours ticked by, June was beginning to fear the worst.

  Suddenly, Eager started barking excitedly somewhere in the dark. Energy punched through June.

  He’d found something!

  She clambered up the slope into blackness, making for the sound of his barking. Rain beat down on her, branches snapped back against her glasses. She felt pain as something cut across her face, but she kept moving, faster. Then she heard her dog come crashing back through the woods in her direction.

  He leaped up against her, his breath warm against her face, and he barked again before spinning around and bounding back to his find.

  “Where is it, Eager? Show me, boy!”

  June reached him standing over something in tight scrub under the cliff face. She crouched down, and with the back of her hand she edged aside dripping leaves. And there, in the halo of her headlamp, was a handgun in black loam.

  Tension rippled through June.

  “Good boy, Eager!” She tried to pump enthusiasm into her praise as she pulled out his bite toy and began a rough game of tug, rewarding him for his success before anything else. Eager lived for his tug game and June’s praise. It was what kept him focused for hours at a time on a search.

  She let him yank his toy out of her grip. “You win, boy. You got it!”

  He clamped his jaws over the bite toy and shook it wildly, mock-killing it, then he gamboled around like a puppy, as goofy in his big Labrador heart as he’d always be. While he played, June turned her attention to the weapon.

  In her line of work articles found on a search could become evidence in a crime, so she was careful to preserve any prints as best she could in an environment like this, with no equipment. At the same time she knew that handing this weapon over to Chief Fargo would be as effective as throwing it into a black hole. The FBI, however, might want to see this. Special Agent Hawk Bledsoe had been watching this town for some time, and his noose was slowly closing around Samuel.

  June shrugged out of her backpack and located her digital camera. She snapped several pictures of the gun—a Beretta—then recorded the location of her find on her GPS.

  Using her bandanna to pick the weapon up, she aimed the muzzle to the ground, released the clip. Three rounds remained inside the eleven-round magazine. She racked back the slide, popping another round out of the gun chamber. Once she was certain it was unloaded, she wrapped it in her bandanna and secured it at the bottom of her backpack.

  June carried her own handgun in a holster on her hip tonight.

  Anxiety whispered through her as Eager brought his toy back, snuffling like a happy pig. June took it from him, told him to be quiet. She listened
intently to the forest, and an eerie sense of a presence nearby rolled over June. With it came a sharp stab of vulnerability.

  She and her dog were in the dark, surrounded by miles of Wyoming wilderness, and even if she wanted to call for help, there was no cell reception on this side of the mountain. June’s sole backup was a two-way radio connection to the safe house in the next valley. Even so, the current occupants of the safe house were ill-equipped to help her out of a pickle. And the radios were for serious emergency calls only—there remained the possibility that Samuel’s henchmen could be in the area and pick up a broadcast should they manage to tune in to the same frequency.

  Inhaling deeply, June got up from her haunches. She took hold of her dog’s collar, which made him look up into the glow of her headlamp, his eyes reflecting the light like a zombie beast.

  “Eager, are you ready?” she whispered. “You want work, boy?”

  His muscles quivered as he waited for the release.

  She let go of his collar, swinging her arm out in the direction she wanted him to work. “Search!”

  And off he went sniffing the air, left to right. She followed, fighting down fatigue and despair as the first gray light of dawn fingered through the leaves and rain.

  Eager suddenly got wind of fresh human scent, and his head popped sharply in a ninety-degree angle to the left. His tail wagged loosely as he zeroed in on the scent cone.

  “Not too far, Eager!” June yelled, trying to keep up, but suddenly he vanished.

  She stopped in her tracks, breathing hard, heart hammering. Then she heard the crash of breaking brush, followed by wild barking. Quickly, she scrambled in the direction of the barking, but as she pushed through low scrub, the ground suddenly gave out under her and she realized too late that she’d overshot the lip of a ravine hidden by a tangle of brambles. Groping wildly for purchase, June tumbled down a steep bank.

  Her fall was halted as her shoulder whumped into a log. She gasped in pain and lay still for a moment, mentally regrouping as sweat and rain dribbled into her eyes. Tentatively she edged onto her side and with relief she realized she wasn’t badly hurt, just bruised. She kicked the toes of her boots into the loam on the steep slope to find purchase, and she began to inch down to the ravine floor. Eager came gamboling and crashing back up the slope, oblivious to the precariousness of her situation, and he hit her body with his front paws, as if to say, “Come, come, I found it, Mom, I found it!”


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