Mating Seduction-epub

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Mating Seduction-epub Page 4

by Bonnie Vanak

  Lexie took the casserole dish from her. “Thanks. Awful nice of you. I’m starved. Please, come inside.”

  They went into the kitchen.

  “Jackson had to go straight from the pasture to a meeting. He asked me to bring some food over so you wouldn’t have to eat alone.”

  Touched at his thoughtfulness, she set the casserole carrier on the table and unzipped it. As she lifted the lid, the tangy tomato and cheese smell of lasagna filled the air.

  “Homemade. What you don’t eat, you can freeze for later. It’s good, but I’m afraid it’s all I can make. Dale says he doesn’t mind. He’d go out hunting rabbits and deer the rest of the week just to keep me out of the kitchen. It’s not his favorite room.” A becoming blush tinted the woman’s cheeks. “We just got mated recently.”

  Lexie smiled. “Congrats.” She set the table with plates and silverware. “Isn’t your mate going to join us?”

  “Dale, Darius and Uncle Aiden have been in that same meeting with Jackson. They ordered dinner sent up to my uncle’s office.”

  They dug into the food and started talking about everything from horses to college life. Lexie sighed with pleasure. She felt at ease with Beth and her good-natured laugh and unselfconsciousness about eating.

  “I shouldn’t have a second helping, but this is too good.” Lexie cut a small slice. “I really need to lose weight for competition.”

  “Don’t sweat it,” Beth said cheerfully. “You look great. We’re Lupine females and we’re built different from Skin women. Extra padding for our guys to hold on tighter. I used to think I was fat, after going to college. And then I came home and Dale convinced me I needed to take a different look at myself, through his eyes.”

  Was that true, then? Did Jackson see her differently, too? “And now your uncle has taken him away from you for the night.”

  “They should be finished soon. They’ve been talking for two hours now.”

  “Sounds like an important meeting. Ranch business?”

  Beth’s gaze was steady. “Pack business. Specifically, what they’re going to do about our pack’s lack of available females.”

  Lexie had a bad feeling about this. She pushed back her plate. “And now that Jackson thinks he has me, how to get the rest of Nikita’s pack because we’re mostly female?”

  “That’s up to them. I don’t focus on numbers, I concentrate on individuals, like you, Lexie.”

  “Me? I’m just here for a few days.”

  Bringing her dishes to the sink, Lexie ran water and began to wash them off, stacking them in the dishwasher. She liked Beth. But not as much as she liked her own pack. They were her only family and leaving them would betray Nikita’s trust.

  “This is a terrific pack, Lexie. They’re good Lupines. All of them, and I’m not saying this only because my uncle heads it, and I’m committed to my mate. Jackson is a hard-working male. He’s been so lonely, and a bit of a renegade because he spends too much time in the saddle. Aiden warned him…”

  When Beth fell silent, Lexie’s curiosity pricked. “Warned him about what?”

  The female sighed. “I like Jackson. Everyone does, but sometimes his temper flares and his wolf comes out, making him lose control. And when his wolf emerges, he’s not the same. He’s much… more dangerous. Last week, he punched another cowhand and Aiden warned him to find a mate by the month’s end or he’d get kicked out.”

  Whoa. That put a new twist on Jackson’s motives. Lexie dragged in a deep breath. “No wonder he wants me.”

  Or did he just want a mate so he could stay with his pack and he’d chosen her? Confusion filled her. Why did life have to be so complicated?

  “Jackson needs you, Lexie. Everyone says how calm he is around you, how you soothe his wolf. Give him a chance. He really, really cares about you.”

  The Lupine cared about mating with her, not her own needs. “Thanks for dinner. It was great. Too bad Jackson wasn’t here to enjoy it.”

  “He’s more of a dessert guy. Mint chocolate chip ice cream and he puts crushed Oreos in it. He says it’s your favorite.” Beth wrapped up the leftover lasagna and stuck it in the freezer.

  A smile touched Lexie’s mouth as she remembered. “He took me to DQ last time I was here. We sat at a table outside and talked for hours. But I don’t eat ice cream anymore. Haven’t in a long time.”

  “Because Skins have called you fat?”

  Okay. Let’s cut to the chase. “Yes. And no. I’ve been criticized for my weight while riding Diamond, and told if I lose some pounds, I’ll be a faster rider.”

  “I doubt it. And I’m sure Jackson thinks you’re perfect as you are.” Beth patted her hand. “Jackson’s done nothing but talk about you ever since you left two years ago.”

  The words coaxed her into believing he really cared. “I do like being with him,” Lexie admitted.

  Beth’s cell phone rang. She fished it out of her jeans, answered and said, “Ok, I’ll tell her. Be home soon, sweetie.”

  The Lupine hung up and told Lexie, “That was my mate. They’re out of the meeting and Jackson is in the auxiliary barn, waiting for you with dessert. There’s a four-wheeler parked out front you can take. The barn’s about a mile down the back road. It’s smaller, painted bright green. We call it a barn, but it’s more of a supply shed, used for stacking hay and holding meetings.” A dreamy sigh fled her. “Dale and I used it for other things.”

  “I don’t know…”

  Beth gave her a little push toward the door. “I do. You’re nice, Lexie. We need more females like you around here. You have a real contribution to make. Go. I’ll let myself out.”

  Lexie stepped outside, powered up the four-wheeler and headed to the barn.

  Smells of hay and pure male slammed into her nostrils as she stepped inside. Lexie rounded a corner and saw Jackson sitting on a bale of hay, eating ice cream.

  Shirt opened to the waist, sweat slicking his muscled abdomen and beading in his dark chest hair, he rested against the wall. His arms and legs were long and tapered, the jeans hugging every delicious curve of hard muscle. His flat stomach was tight and looked strong enough to pound nails.

  Slowly he spooned the melting treat into his mouth, eyes closed, strong throat muscles working as he swallowed.

  Transfixed by the sight, Lexie stood still. Need curled through her body, cranking her arousal to overdrive. The man made eating ice cream look sinful.

  Jackson licked a droplet off the spoon, his tongue slowly stroking.

  She fisted her hands.

  Flick, his tongue went again, down the concave oval of the utensil. He made a low humming sound in his throat.

  Moisture seeped from her clenched thighs.

  Jackson ran his tongue over his lips, then he brought another spoonful of ice cream to his mouth and slid it in. Lexie’s toes curled.

  His eyes flew open, and he smiled.

  Awareness hit her. “You knew I was here.”

  “Could detect your scent anywhere, darling. I could pick you out of a thousand female Lupines. You’re unique.”

  He gave a seductive smile and gestured with the spoon. “Want some? You hungry?”

  Oh wow, yes. But not for ice cream. Something much spicier and richer.

  Jackson crooked a finger at her, his smile so sexy and enticing. “C’mere.”

  Lexie approached. But instead of handing her the carton and spoon, he drizzled softened ice cream over his muscled chest, then set down the carton and leaned back. “Go ahead. Eat your fill.”

  Oh boy. So tempting, so rich and delicious.

  The ice cream looked good, too.

  Mint chocolate chip trickled down his chest, a line of sweetness dipping down to his hard six-pack abs, diving into the slight cavern of his navel. Ancient Lupine instinct surged. Presented with such a feast, her female side would not resist.

  Bracing her hands on either side of his strong thighs, she leaned forward and ran her tongue over his bare skin, feeling him quiver. Lexie licked
the trail of melted cream, her tongue swirling around one small brown nipple, then she lightly bit, enjoying his deep groan. She nuzzled his skin, licking her way down to his navel, running her tongue along each indent and rise of muscle.

  When she reached his navel, her tongue delved inside, lapping up every droplet. Then she licked more ice cream from the faint line of hair marching to the waistband of his faded jeans.

  Drawing back, she ran her tongue across her moist mouth. “Wow. Amazing.”

  Jackson’s intense, focused gaze locked with hers. “And you said there was no benefit to eating ice cream.”

  He slid a hand around her neck and drew her close, then captured her mouth with his own. Jackson licked the inside of her mouth, stroking his tongue slowly as she moaned and squirmed. The long, lingering kiss set her afire, made her resolve to resist the handsome cowboy melt faster than sugar in hot water.

  He broke the kiss with a slight smile. “There’s more of that later. But right now, I have to catch some shut eye. Have to be up before dawn to get everything ready for tomorrow’s visitors. Big Boy’s sex life comes first.” He winked at her.

  Disappointment jabbed her. “You said …” She swallowed hard. “You wanted sex.”

  Jackson nodded. “That’s right. But the timing has to be right.”


  Tenderness entered his gaze. “I want your first time to be special.”

  Color tinted her cheeks. “My first time…”

  “Darling, you told me you were a virgin.” His gaze darkened. “And I told you, you weren’t going to remain one for long when I next saw you.”

  Breath fled her throat at his sheer sexual intensity. He wrapped a strand of her silky hair around his finger and drew her close. “We have time to get it right. Tomorrow after we’re done settling our visitors, how about some practice runs with Diamond?”

  Joy filled her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. The kiss was long, lingering and left her aching for more. Smiling, he released her and handed her the carton of melting ice cream. “Enjoy your treat.”

  As he swaggered out of the barn, she watched his fine, taut ass and thought no dessert in the world could equal the delights he promised in bed.

  Chapter 6

  A werewolf sat in the middle of the corral the next morning.

  Jackson stared in dismay at the gray timber wolf, partly hidden by Diamond. The mare seemed placid and unconcerned.

  Had to be Lexie. No other wolf could get close to the mare. He knew, had tried shifting near her, accustoming her to his wolf scent, but Diamond had shied away and ran off.

  He’d spent a very restless night, tossing and turning, wanting nothing more than to race upstairs and join Lexie in the guest bedroom. Maybe even see if she wanted to lick ice cream off other parts of his body. He needed to get her hot, eager and panting. Jackson knew if he delayed the pleasure, she’d see sex with him would not only be worth it, but worth a lifetime.

  And he needed to coax Lexie into releasing her wolf, surrendering to her natural sensuality. Maybe through shifting.

  But not like this. Not in the corral in broad daylight when the Skins from the Bar B were due to arrive any moment.

  Damnit. He leapt over the railing, and approached the wolf and spoke in his firmest voice. “Lexie.”

  The wolf slunk behind the horse, peering around Diamond’s back legs.

  “Lex, shift back. Now.”

  The wolf stared at him with gray eyes.

  Swearing, Jackson squatted down. “They’ll be here any minute. Shift back.”

  The wolf whined, making his insides tighten. Why did she always turn him inside out?

  He quietly watched the small, gray wolf. Lexie kept hiding her back leg. She had a real problem. Frustration bit him. Why couldn’t she trust him enough to share it?

  He’d never reject her for it. Hell, he’d opened his heart to her. And still, she held him at bay.

  Maybe I should tie her to the bed and give her so much pleasure she’ll agree to mate me.

  The thought tempted him.

  As he stood, Lexie shifted back to Skin form and instantly clothed herself through Lupine magick. Stunned, he realized she hadn’t bothered with a bra. Her large breasts strained against the blue chambray work shirt, two hardened nipples poking at the fabric.

  Whoa, boy. The sight of those nipples had his libido dancing around like a bull pawing the ground. Jackson briefly wondered if her nipples were the color of ripe raspberries or pale pink.

  “You ever pull this stunt in college?” he demanded.

  “Only in biology class.” She smirked and settled her hands on her rounded hips.

  “Number one Lupine rule around this ranch. We don’t show wolfskin when Skins are due to visit the ranch.”

  “I had good reason…”

  “Doesn’t matter. Obey the rules.”

  “First your alpha gets upset I refuse to shift. Then when I do shift, you get upset. Damnit, I’m better off staying in Skin.”

  He gritted his teeth. “And put on a bra. You can see everything.”

  Defiance crackled in her eyes. “Everything? You mean like this?”

  Unfastening her shirt, she flashed her breasts at him. They were pale and creamy, tipped with coral nipples, not raspberry. Desire and irritation surged. He aimed a level look at her as she buttoned her shirt.

  “Do that again and I’ll tell Aiden to hold Cora and her father at the lodge, then I’ll drop my jeans, bend you over the fence railing and fuck you senseless. Forget the preliminaries.”

  Her eyes widened. She buttoned her shirt and stepped back a few paces. “You wouldn’t dare. In the open?”

  “We’re Lupines, darling. When the urge hits, we have sex wherever we are. Long as no Skins are around and no young.” His smile deepened. “And if there are young around, then we simply go into the nearest bedroom and lock the door.”

  Lexie’s eyes widened as she moistened her lips with the tip of her pink tongue. That mouth was made for sin, with its plush lower lip. Suddenly he envisioned her mouth doing wicked things to a certain part of his anatomy. Blood thrummed in his veins. Jackson turned away, adjusted his crotch, his faded jeans suddenly way too tight. Her intoxicating scent of female, orange and cinnamon licked his groin. Jackson shoved aside the image. He needed her pliant and willing, but most of all, he needed to gain her trust.

  “Forget all that. I want to know what’s wrong with your leg. Do you need a healer? You were hiding your left paw. Does it hurt?”

  “Nothing’s wrong. Can’t a girl shapeshift without an interrogation?”

  He sensed something deeper, but let it go. “Not when she shifts in the same corral the Skins will see. Why are you in here?”

  Her mouth wobbled. “I thought I’d try to shift. It’s been a while.”

  “In front of the horse?” He stared at her in incredulous disbelief. “You’ll shift in front of a horse and not me?”

  “She’s used to my wolf form, in fact, we bond quicker when I’m in wolf form. I’ve always watched out for her, protected her from varmints.”

  “Varmints like me?”

  Lexie flushed. “No, never you. I know how deeply you care about your horses. But this is a strange, new ranch to her with so many different Lupines and I thought if she caught my wolf scent…”

  “She’d feel more at ease.” Jackson rubbed a thumb over her smooth, soft cheek. “Good thinking, Lex. She has been skittish since I brought her here. But next time, save it for when there’s no Skins arriving for a visit.”

  She gave a tiny sigh. “It’s always been us, since I got Diamond as a birthday gift.”

  He cupped her cheek, delighted she didn’t pull away. Determined to accustom her to his touch, he kept stroking her skin. Like downy peach fuzz, he thought, wondering if she’d taste like a peach, the sweet juice bursting in his mouth.

  Blood surging hot and thick, he imagined Lexie lying naked on his bed, her thighs parted as he lowered hi
s head and tasted her honeyed juices. Loving her long into the night, her excited cries entwining with his hoarse groans as they made the bed shudder and shake.

  Soon, he told himself.

  “Your folks died shortly after. I remember we talked about how Nikita adopted you.”

  Her gaze darted away. She stared at the rolling hills and jagged mountains in the distance. “She’s my mom’s sister, and I know she loves me. But I’ve always been close to Diamond. Diamond’s been my friend for a long time. Sometimes I’d sneak out to the stables at night and sleep in her stall. Since she’s been gone, I feel so alone.”

  “I understand.” It broke his heart. “But now you’ve got me, too,” he said gently.

  Moisture glittered in her slate eyes. “It can’t work with us, Jackson. I won’t fit into your pack. I need to be out on the rodeo circuit. It’s my life. Maybe I need to be alone.”

  Running a thumb along her cheek, he breathed in her scent, winding around him in ribbons of erotic enticement, tempted to tumble her backward and fuck her until she screamed her pleasure.

  Lexie bit her lip and stared into the distance.

  A black Ford pickup rattled up the long, dusty drive. Jackson watched it stop a short distance from the corral and discharge two men, then continue down the road to the lodge.

  The Skins approached the corral. The taller one was Bart Baker, owner of the Bar B. With his thinning hair and snaggletooth, he wasn’t much to look at, but for his extraordinary gray eyes, nearly as stunning as Lexie’s.

  Jackson studied the second Skin. Short, barrel-chested, he walked with a swagger in worn Western boots. Ambrose Cutte, Bart’s ranch manager. An okay cowhand, but more skilled working the books than the horses, other cowboys jested.

  Bart Baker was a widower and extremely protective of Cora, his only daughter. Once at a rodeo, Jackson caught Baker staring at Lexie barrel racing. Then he’d turned to Jackson and remarked how Cora needed to beat Lexie’s time, which should be easy enough, seeing how Lexie was a big girl and her weight probably slowed down Lexie’s mount.

  The Skin was rude, but business-like. Ambrose, on the other hand…


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