Her Enemy, Her Lover (The Ladies of The Burling School Book 1)

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Her Enemy, Her Lover (The Ladies of The Burling School Book 1) Page 6

by Elizabeth Lennox

  Christoph was practically breathing smoke and she suspected that it was better to soothe the tiger than pull his tail. Why in the world was he so angry?

  “Um…I was at home,” she answered slowly, trying to keep the defiance out of her voice.

  His nostrils flared as he glared down at her. “No, you weren’t.”

  Lana blinked, surprised by the vehemence in his voice. He leaned over her desk, bracing his hands on the piles of papers. She couldn’t help but notice his face was only inches away.

  “I wasn’t?” she asked, feeling strange. Powerful. Leaning back in her father’s big, leather chair, she folded her hands, resting them over her stomach.

  His eyes narrowed as he took in her relaxed pose. “I knew you were upset about yesterday’s meeting in my office. I went to your house to take you out to dinner and continue our conversation. You weren’t there. Not just that, but your housekeeper said that you hadn’t been home for several nights.” He leaned in closer. “So I’m asking you again, where were you?”

  Lana stood up, refusing to cower. “It doesn’t matter where I was,” she told him firmly, feeling powerful now that she wasn’t the only one upset. “You’re not my keeper! I don’t report to you!”

  He took a deep breath and Lana suspected that maybe she should be nervous. But she was sick of being nervous. She was sick of being sad. And she wasn’t bowing down and taking commands from a bully!

  Christoph frowned and changed his approach. His eyes softened, those firm lips curled up slightly, and his posture shifted. Lana saw the change and felt his anger fade into…something else. Instead of fury, there was a crackling tension.

  “Oh, you think you’re an independent woman, huh?” he asked softly. Pushing away from the desk, he walked around to the other side. “You think you can just go out and do whatever you want?”

  Backing up, she shook her head warily. “Christoph, I don’t answer to you. I won’t ever answer to you. We don’t…”

  She couldn’t finish because he pulled her into his arms and kissed her. She was so startled, she forgot to breathe for a long moment. But then she felt his hands on her bottom, strong hands that curved around her butt, lifting her higher. Lifting her so that their bodies were perfectly aligned. Perfectly connected and…oh my!

  Gasping at the feeling of his throbbing erection pressing against her core, she tried to wiggle away. But his body shifted and the friction pulled an unexpected groan from deep within her. With no will of her own, she tilted her head, needing to deepen the kiss and…yes, she shifted again, needing that sensation once more. Twice. Again and again, she shifted, pushing against him as if that movement was the only thing in the world.

  “Lana!” he growled, then his hand slid underneath her blouse and he swiveled, putting her onto her desk.

  She probably should be surprised that he was between her legs, but when his hands caressed her, moving to her breasts, all she could think about was getting rid of her bra so she could feel his fingers against her bare skin. Then his thumb slid across her nipple and she pulled away, shocked as she stared up into his eyes. Lana knew that she was breathing heavily, her hands fisting the material of his jacket, and neither action was particularly ladylike. But she couldn’t seem to stop.

  His thumb shifted against her nipple again and she closed her eyes, savoring the sensation. Over and over again, he toyed with her nipple and she ground against him, her body heating up. When his other hand moved lower, shifting her hips, she leaned back, bracing her hands on the desk!

  “Do it,” he ordered, his thumb rubbing her nipple harder, desire burning in his eyes.

  “I don’t understand,” she whispered raggedly even as her hips shifted again. And again. Arching her back, she gained a better angle and his hand guided her hips, showing her how to move.

  The phone ringing startled Lana and she jumped, startled out of her sensual reverie. She blinked up at him, then glanced down at herself. Her skirt was pushed up around her waist and his hips were between her legs and she was…she was…!

  The only reason her push against him produced some space between their bodies was because he hadn’t anticipated the shove. But she tugged her skirt down and stood up, grabbing the ringing phone.

  “Yes?” she gasped into the receiver.

  “I’m sorry to interrupt, but you asked me to remind you that your friends will arrive at the airport in thirty minutes.”

  Lana slapped her palm to her forehead, looking determinedly anywhere but at Christoph. She couldn’t look at him, not after what had just happened. Good grief, she didn’t even like the man and yet, she’d just…and he’d been touching her in places that…!

  “Right,” she said to her assistant. “Thank you. I appreciate the reminder.”

  She hung up the phone and turned slowly. When he moved closer, his intent to continue obvious in his eyes, she backed away. “Please,” she whispered, shaking her head. “I have to go. I have to pick my friends up at the airport. I have to…” She turned and grabbed her purse, stuffing her cell phone into the side pocket. “I have to go.” She headed for the door.


  The one word stopped her and she trembled as she slowly turned around, lifting her eyes up to his. “Yes?” she asked, wishing her voice was stronger.

  “I’ll pick you up for dinner tonight. We will discuss the wedding.”

  Lana bit her lower lip. “No. I’m sorry, but I have plans tonight. I’m having dinner with my friends. One flew in from London, the other from Wyoming...”

  His eyes hardened and he frowned, the arrogance almost a physical force now. “I will meet your friends over dinner.”

  Although she bristled at his assumption that he could dictate her evening’s plans, she also knew that a dinner in a public place would be the best possible solution. Also, Lana knew that Willow and Tamara needed to meet him. In fact, they would probably insist on it. How were they going to help her get out of this ridiculous sham of a wedding without knowing the enemy?

  “Fine,” she snapped. “Dinner. The four of us. Tonight.”

  “I’ll pick the three of you up tonight at six, then,” he replied coolly.

  Lana nodded, unaware of how she was clutching her leather purse against her chest, like a shield. “Six o’clock. We’ll be ready.”

  She stared up at him, her body still throbbing from his touch. Mentally, she debated kissing him goodbye. A fiancée should do that, she thought. But seeing the heat in his eyes, she knew that kissing him again would be a mistake.

  She spun around and rushed out of her father’s office. Her office, she corrected and pushed through the steel door that led to the stairs, not wanting to risk taking the elevator. It might be too slow in coming, and she didn’t want to be stuck in a small space with Christoph again so soon.

  Rushing down the concrete stairway, she burst into the parking garage and breathed in huge gulps of air. Not the best idea in a parking garage filled with toxic fumes, but she couldn’t seem to stop herself.

  Then she caught sight of the long, shiny limousine. Owned by Christoph? Of course it was! Who else would drive around in a limousine?!

  Turning away from the driver who solicitously stepped out of the vehicle, she hurried over to her car and dove inside. She’d just turned on the engine when the elevator doors opened. Putting her car into drive, she sped out of the parking garage, pretending not to see Christoph, who watched her leave.

  It took her ten minutes to calm her nerves after the latest interlude. But the reminder that Willow was on her way, probably landing right now, she thought as she glanced at the clock on her dashboard, she felt better.

  Hurrying to the airport, she parked in the hourly lot and rushed through the entrance. It was still another fifteen minutes before Willow would appear. The border checks took a great deal of time, she knew.

  But before long, Willow’s red locks emerged from the crowd of weary passengers, obviously searching for Lana.

  “Willow!” Lana c
alled, waving her arms over her head exuberantly.

  Willow turned in the direction of Lana’s voice, beaming with excitement.

  “Lana!” Willow yelled, as she rushed over to Lana. The two friends hugged each other tightly, unaware of the admiring glances of several men as they made their way through the airport. “You’re here!” Lana cried, tightening her arms around her beautiful friend. “I can’t believe you’re really here! You’re here and,” she sobbed, burying her face in Willow’s beautiful hair, “I’m so relieved! I know I told you that I didn’t need you here, but I lied! I seriously do need you!”

  Willow laughed, and tightened her grip as well. “I’m here, and soon, Tam will be here too. We’ll figure this out.”

  Lana laughed and cried harder because, so far, she hadn’t been able to come up with any kind of solution. Damn her father!

  And damn Christoph as well! He’d made her crave him and she didn’t like it! She didn’t want or need that kind of a complication in her life! And she didn’t like the power he had over her body! It was disconcerting that just a simple touch from him made her melt into his arms. Or how her body still ached to have him touch her even now, an hour after she’d walked away from him.

  What was that American phrase? Sometimes life was a sucker punch to the gut? Yeah, that about summed up her life at the moment.

  Pulling back, she wiped her eyes as Willow watched her carefully.

  “He’s that bad?” Willow asked gently.

  “Yes,” Lana replied. Then shook her head. “No. He’s not horrible. He’s just…irritating. And annoying. Not to mention arrogant, condescending, and a bit too commanding for my preference.”

  Willow smiled faintly. “So…he’s a jerk.”

  Lana laughed, relieved that her friend was here. Leaning in to hug her again, she sighed. “I’m so glad you’re here!”

  They found a small restaurant in the airport and ordered martinis and appetizers while they waited for Tamara. And for the next hour, Lana stopped worrying about her father’s business crisis and her problems as she and Willow talked and laughed.

  Tamara walked through the international arrival’s gate and saw the two of them. The trio laughed, hugged, and laughed some more.

  When Tamara pulled back, she frowned archly at her friends. “You two started without me!” She linked her arms with them. “You know I’m the evil one of our group. So in order to curb my natural tendency to give both of you an excellent set down for drinking without me, you’re going to have to let me catch up!”

  Lana and Willow both laughed because, no matter how hard Tamara tried to be mean, she just didn’t have it in her. She was sweet, kind, and one of the most generous people either of them had ever met. And her inability to be mean was probably the reason she hadn’t gotten her fiancé to drop his suit yet.

  Another conversation for another day, Lana thought.

  “I know the absolute best place to find a martini,” she announced and led them both through the airport to the hourly parking lot.

  Tamara fished the keys out of Lana’s purse, popping the trunk so that their bags could be stored. “I’m sincerely hoping that you’re going to say that the best place is in your loft, because we have a lot of drinking and a lot of conversation to get through. And I don’t want any interruptions as Willow and I try to figure out a way to get you out of this ridiculous marriage.”

  Lana hugged her friend as she pushed the driver’s seat forward and slipped into the back seat with Willow. “That’s exactly where we’re going,” she confirmed. “My loft, lots of vodka and a whole stack of lemons!”

  Willow clapped her hands. “Lemon drop martinis!” She laughed. “You read my mind!”

  While Tamara drove, Willow explained about Lana’s situation, with Lana filling in details. Tamara was one of those people who hated injustice and regularly took time out of her business efforts to attend rallies and protests, adding her voice to the thousands that couldn’t speak for themselves. A more passionate advocate for the underdog never existed than Princess Tamara el Hamid.

  As Tamara pulled into the parking space behind Lana’s building, she shut off the engine and twisted to see her friend. “So basically, you’re marrying a man in order to save the jobs of thousands of employees. And they have absolutely no idea about the sacrifice you’re being forced to make.”

  Lana cringed. “I wouldn’t put it that way.”

  Tamara stepped out of the vehicle and pulled the seat forward, allowing Lana to step out of the back seat. “Well then, let’s break it down so that we understand exactly what’s happening.” She popped the trunk and handed Willow her suitcase, then plucked her own out of the trunk. “Would you be marrying Christoph Anastas if your father had left all of his money in a bank account instead of all of his equity tied up in his businesses?”

  “No!” Lana pulled back, horrified at the mercenary question. “First of all, he was my father’s number one enemy. You can’t even imagine how much my father hated Christoph.” She stopped and looked at Tamara, remembering her personal situation with her “fiancé”. “Okay, so you probably hate Sheik-what’s-his-name with equal ferocity,” she corrected and Willow chuckled as they made their way into Lana’s building. “I don’t care about the money. I make enough selling my paintings.”

  Tamara nodded. “Good point,” and she led the way up the narrow stairs to Lana’s loft. “So, you’re saying you’re in love with the man and want to marry him.”

  Lana laughed at the absurdity of that statement. “I barely know the man,” she came right back. Then blushed as she remembered kissing him this morning. Could one really label that interlude as a mere kiss? Lana wasn’t sure. She’d kissed other men in the past. But none had affected her like Christoph had. And she knew that she was a bit of a prude, but no man had ever touched her breasts before. Ever! She simply hadn’t felt close enough to any man to want that kind of intimacy. She knew that other women were a bit more liberal in their sexual thinking. But Lana could only go with her own feelings on the subject. Which is to say that she wanted to be married before she had sex. Such an antiquated idea, but that was how she felt and she wasn’t going to apologize for her beliefs.

  “So, you’re marrying him to save jobs. Thousands of them.”

  Tamara’s comment brought her mind back to the present and Lana rolled her eyes. “You’re making too much of this.”

  Willow shook her head, dumping her bag onto Lana’s bed. “No, she’s not. You’re marrying a man to ensure that thousands of families aren’t left without an income next year.” She crossed her arms over her chest. “I have money and I can give it to you to cover payroll next month.”

  Tamara nodded enthusiastically. “I have some too. It’s all yours. I love the idea of really making a difference.”

  Lana’s mouth fell open. Yes, she’d done exactly the same thing, but somehow, it was different when it was her money paying for expenses in her company. Willow was more tender than the average person, wanting to save the world and make it more beautiful. Tamara wanted the world to think she was tough and invulnerable, but inside, Lana knew that Tam was really a giant marshmallow at heart.

  A burst of love settled over her for these two strong, amazing women. But she still snapped her mouth closed and shook her head. “No.”

  Tamara and Willow were just as stubborn. “You’re taking our money.”

  Lana laughed, crossing her arms over her chest. “No. I’m not!”

  Tamara chuckled and put an arm around Lana’s shoulders. “Honey, you have no idea how stubborn we are.”

  Willow wrapped an arm around Lana’s waist, Lana hugged them close. “Tam, Willow, you have no idea how much I’ve been pushed around over the past month. I think my need to be in control will completely eclipse your stubbornness.”

  A ping came from her phone and she looked at it, praying that it wasn’t news of yet another catastrophe.

  It was worse!

  “What’s wrong?” Willow demanded,
seeing the dread fill Lana’s eyes.

  “Christoph told me that he and I were having dinner together tonight. You ladies were my ‘out’ for that meal. Until he announced that he’d take all three of us out for dinner.” She lifted her phone up slightly. “That was him reminding me of our dinner plans.”

  “Fine,” they said at the same time, then laughed. Willow piped up. “We need to talk to him anyway. We need to get to know him, and discover his weaknesses to use against him. So yes, we’d be delighted to have dinner with him,” Her pretty eyes sparkled with mischief.

  Tamara laughed, and nodded her head. “Always understand the enemy in order to defeat him.”

  “Or her,” Lana and Willow chimed in at the same time.

  “I’ll tend the bar,” Tamara announced in her normal take-charge manner as she moved into Lana’s tiny kitchen. “You find out where the man is taking us for dinner,” she commanded to Lana. She then turned to Willow. “And you order a taxi to get us there since we’re going to start drinking now.”

  Willow nodded her agreement and picked up her cell phone. Lana typed in the appropriate response and Tamara poured ingredients into a martini shaker, mixing up the first round of drinks.

  By the time the taxi arrived to pick the three of them up and take them to the restaurant, all of them were nicely relaxed and laughing, tossing around various ideas on how to stop the wedding this Saturday.

  Stepping out onto the sidewalk in front of the exclusive restaurant, the ladies had veered off mission and were reminiscing about their school girl dreams of what their futures would be like.

  “Good evening, ladies,” a deep voice said from behind them.

  Lana visibly cringed as they swiveled around to confront Christoph. Tilting her head, she surveyed his tailored, dark suit. “He does that a lot,” she stage whispered to her friends. “He just sort of appears behind me and that sexy voice interrupts whatever I’m doing.”

  Tamara and Willow laughed, covering their mouths in a futile attempt to hide their amusement.


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