Her Enemy, Her Lover (The Ladies of The Burling School Book 1)

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Her Enemy, Her Lover (The Ladies of The Burling School Book 1) Page 14

by Elizabeth Lennox

  “Now what?” she asked softly, looking down at him and surveying all of his tanned skin and delicious muscles.

  He laughed, his hands moving from her thighs to her waist, then higher to cup her breasts. “Whatever you want, my dear,” he said, as he flicked her nipples, causing Lana to gasp as darts of desire shot from her nipples to her core. Her head fell backwards, her mouth opening as she absorbed the pleasure of his touch. But she didn’t move away. In fact, just the opposite. She moved closer, enjoying the feeling of being in control like this.

  “Here,” he offered, handing the condom to her.

  Lana looked down at it, not sure exactly what to do with it. “Um…?”

  “Tear it open and put it on,” he explained. “I’ll wait.”

  She laughed softly, then hissed! He wasn’t waiting passively! Not even slightly! His hands moved back down her body, smoothing from her breasts to her waist to that throbbing nub between her legs.

  Lana didn’t waste any time. She knew what would happen once she had this condom on his erection. Moving lower, she concentrated, unaware of how her efforts were driving him wild. The soft touch of her fingers, the rolling of the protection down over his hard shaft.

  But when he was fully sheathed, Lana moved higher, eagerly shifting her hips and…with one stroke, impaled herself on his erection. Closing her eyes, she savored the wondrous pleasure seeming to fill her up.

  That’s when she started moving. Slowly at first. But when he put his hands on her hips, guiding her, Lana learned a few new moves and used them to perfection. It wasn’t long before she was frantic, grinding against him in that time-honored tradition. It wasn’t long before she was gasping, holding onto him with both hands and…

  Christoph flipped their positions. One moment, she was on top of him. The next moment, he was over her, thrusting into her with powerful strokes that took her over the edge in no time at all. She was still screaming out her release when she felt him climax as well!

  Needless to say, they didn’t make it out to wind surf that day. It wasn’t until the following day that they actually made it out of bed.

  For the rest of the week, they swam in the surf, skimmed across the water with the wind, and dined at several of the local restaurants on the mainland. They boated and snorkeled, laughed and ate strange, new foods. It was one of the most idyllic weeks of her life.

  She felt a bit teary when she packed up her clothes at the end of the week. Christoph kissed her shoulder or nibbled on her neck every time he passed as they tossed things into their suitcases. It was fun and sad and nostalgic all at once.

  Chapter 13

  Lana leaned in, working on a detail of the globe in her painting. She was trying to create a mirror image but…it wasn’t working. With a slash of her brush, she splattered paint over the image and sighed, dumping her brush into the cleaning solution.

  “This isn’t working,” she muttered irritably.

  Moving over to the small galley kitchen of her loft she grabbed the pitcher of water, pouring herself a cold glass and guzzling it down.

  “What in the world is wrong with me?” she demanded of the empty loft. “Everything is the same! I should be fine!”

  So, what was wrong? Why did she feel so…out of sorts? So irritable! No, she wasn’t irritated, she was angry! And Lana knew that she had absolutely no reason to be so angry!

  Sitting down, she looked around, trying to figure out what was wrong. “I’m fine,” she snapped at the empty, silent room. “I’m perfectly fine!”

  Unfortunately, the room didn’t agree with her.

  This is stupid, she thought and stood up. Grabbing her purse, she stomped out the door, determined to clear her head. Getting in her car, she drove without any specific destination in mind. She just drove, but eventually, the downtown traffic slowed her progress. Downtown Athens was an ancient city with ancient roads built at a time when the concept of urban planning hadn’t even been a theory. Slowly, the buildings changed from ancient to contemporary to ultra-modern. The steel and glass buildings were tall and elegant, appearing like power hungry symbols of the booming businesses of Athens.

  That’s when she realized that she was in front of Christoph’s building. Staring up at the impressive structure, she wondered what he was doing right then. Was he in a meeting? Was he working hard? Did he miss her as much as she missed him?

  Yes, he was probably in a meeting. And no, he most likely didn’t miss her. She doubted he had the kind of concentration issues she did today. And she seriously doubted that she’d crossed his mind even once. Lana knew that she was just…feeling off after returning from their honeymoon. He’d worked several hours every day they were on the island, but she’d always been close by, sketching or thinking about a painting she’d like to create while he was dealing with the transition of power between her father’s company to his.

  It’s just…difficult to come back to real life after spending so much time in an idyllic bubble. Christoph’s private island had been incredible and she wanted to go back immediately. There was so much more to learn about him, his life, and his preferences. Both in bed and out!

  Instead of thinking about it, she parked her car and got out, going up the elevator to the lobby before she could change her mind.

  “I’ll just stop in and say hello,” she told herself as she stepped onto his floor. “If he’s busy, I’ll leave. No problem!”

  “Good afternoon, Ms. Anastas,” the blond assistant chirped as soon as Lana stepped around the corner. “You look very pretty today.”

  Lana smiled politely, but felt a shiver of something strange at the woman’s compliment. There was something about this blond woman that made her uneasy. Besides, Lana didn’t trust her. Not even a little bit.

  “Thank you very much. I’m sorry, but I never caught your name.”

  The blond’s smile widened. “I’m Elana, Ms. Anastas,” she explained, bowing her head in deference.

  Lana nodded and extended her hand. “First of all, please call me Lana. And I am Lana Kosta. I won’t be taking my husband’s last name.”

  The woman’s eyes widened in shock, and possibly horror, but Lana ignored her reaction. “Is he…”

  “Why the hell not?” a deep voice demanded from behind her.

  Lana turned and found Christoph coming out of his office, glaring furiously.

  “Hi!” Lana breathed, thinking that he looked magnificent in his dark suit and blue silk tie. She’d seen him earlier as he’d gotten ready for work, but only briefly and she’d been mostly asleep as he’d stepped quietly out of the closet, straightening his tie.

  He opened his mouth to say something else, but then snapped it closed. “This way,” he took her upper arm, leading her out of the lobby area and into the privacy of his office. When the door slammed closed, she knew that he was really angry, but wasn’t sure exactly why.

  Turning, she looked up at him. “Hello,” she repeated, trying to figure out what was wrong. “I…”

  “Lana, why aren’t you taking my last name?” he demanded, fuming as he faced her with his hands on his lean hips, glaring down at her.

  She blinked, surprised by the question. “Why would I?” she asked. It had never occurred to her to take his last name. She knew that many women changed their last names when they married, but she didn’t think there was any reason to do so.

  “Because you’re my wife. You’re Lana Anastas now!” He moved closer, trying to intimidate her by looming over her.

  She wanted to laugh at the idea of him intimidating her after last week. She knew him. She knew what he liked, where she could touch him to distract him completely.

  Thinking of that knowledge, she moved even closer, tilting her head back to look up into his eyes. “It hadn’t occurred to me to change my name, Christoph. There’s a lot of paperwork to do. Plus, I have a profession that…”

  “My wife doesn’t work,” he commanded, pulling her into his arms. “You don’t need to work. You are my wife now.�

  She laughed and slipped her arms around his waist. “I know that. It’s nice. But…”

  “Lana, you’re not working.”

  Rolling her eyes, she pulled away. “Christoph, you don’t get to dictate my life.” He stepped closer and she backed up. She wasn’t afraid of him. She knew that he wouldn’t hurt her. In fact, his pursuit was exciting. What was even more important was that she knew how to distract him.

  It was strange, but only thirty minutes ago, she’d been depressed and almost angry. But just coming here, seeing him and being near him made all of those bad feelings disappear. Why that was the case, she didn’t know. And at the moment, she didn’t care. Later. Later, she’d analyze what was going on, why she’d needed to see him to break out of her funk.

  For the moment, she was still moving backwards as he stalked her. And she loved the look in his eyes. It had gone from anger and frustration to…desire. Yes, she definitely recognized that look in his eyes because she was feeling it as well.

  “Did you come here just to irritate me?” he demanded, his arm whipping out to pull her closer, but she jumped back just in time, anticipating his move.

  “No. That wasn’t my intention,” she replied and stepped around one of the guest chairs in front of his desk.

  “What is your intention?” he asked softly. At that moment, she noted how his eyes dropped to her lips. Then lower.

  She wished she’d worn something sexier. She’d make sure to do that the next time she came to visit his office.

  He reached out again and she swiftly sidestepped, but a slow, daring smile was curling her lips. Lana also knew that she was wearing a pair of jeans and a simple, white tee-shirt with only a lacy bra underneath. The look in his eyes ignited her body, so she suspected that her nipples were pressing against the thin material, giving him ample evidence of her excitement.

  “I didn’t actually have a reason. So I can’t define my intentions.”

  “So you came here just…for what?”

  She shrugged and let her purse drop to the floor. “I can’t really say. I just…” he reached out again and this time, she didn’t try to dodge his arms. “I guess I’m just addicted to you and needed a fix.”

  She must have said the right thing because he growled and set her on his desk before lowering his head to nibble along her neck.

  And oh boy, did she love it! Wrapping her arms around his neck, she leaned her head back even as she lifted her legs up to cradle him more perfectly, exactly as she’d learned to do last week. With that move, he slid his hands down to her denim covered bottom and pulled her closer. Close enough that she was completely aware of the perfect hardness of his incredible body!

  “I might have made a strategic mistake,” she whispered as she wiggled against him, unable to stop herself.

  “What mistake is that?” he asked, but didn’t give her a chance to answer. He kissed her until she whimpered with need. A moment later, her tee-shirt was yanked off and over her head, dumped on the desk behind her. His hands moved higher, cupping her breasts as his thumbs slipped underneath the lace of her demi-cup bra, causing her breath to catch in her throat.

  “We can’t…!” His thumb flicked against her nipple and she hissed as need intensified.

  “What can’t we do, Lana?” he asked, then lowered her back so that his mouth could latch onto her nipple. The combination of his hot mouth and the suddenly rough lace against her nipple caused her to cry out, her legs tightening around his hips.

  “We shouldn’t…!”

  Her bra was gone and his mouth latched onto her breast, that fabulous tongue lathing her nipple, then he bit down slightly.

  “Christoph!” she groaned, shifting against him, her arms shaking as she held herself close for more of the same.

  “You have to be quiet,” he whispered into her ear.

  “Yes!” she gasped, his fingers pinching her nipple and making her moan. “Quiet!”

  He chuckled and she wanted to hit him. But instead, she grabbed his hand and lifted his head up so that she could kiss him. She tried to take charge, but Christoph wouldn’t allow it. As soon as she tried, he held her hands behind her back. Exactly how she liked it! During their week together, she’d learned that the fastest way for him to take control was for her to try and gain the upper hand. She’d used that knowledge to her benefit repeatedly.

  When his fingers tangled in her hair, pulling her head back further, her whole body relaxed, reveling in his control. She loved it! She loved the power that he kept in control and she loved how gentle he was with her, never hurting her but pushing her beyond her comfort zones so that she experienced incredible pleasure!

  “I want you now,” he growled in her ear. “Stand up and take off your jeans, Lana.”

  She trembled at his voice, loving it so much! A saner person would argue that they were in his office, the door wasn’t locked, and this was the middle of the day. But she wasn’t sane right now. Christoph was touching her and she could barely stand still. She needed him in the wildest way!

  So instead of arguing, she pushed off of the desk and shimmied out of her jeans. She was completely naked now and he hadn’t even loosened his tie. Oh, the sensations rippling through her only intensified as she looked up at him.

  “Turn around!” he ordered, but didn’t give her time to follow his command. He spun her around, placing her hands against the top of his desk. Then he leaned over her, his chest to her back and she could feel the harnessed power of his erection pressing against her bare bottom. “Don’t move,” he whispered in a low, harsh voice.

  She heard him unzipping and she peered over her shoulder, wanting to look at him. But a sharp smack to her bottom made her gasp and wiggle with increased excitement.

  “I told you not to move,” he growled, his hand caressing her bottom where he’d smacked her. The action hadn’t hurt, it had only intensified everything. When his hand moved higher, sliding along her back, she arched into his hand. But then his hand slid around to her breast, teasing both of her nipples at the same time. She wanted to cry out, but knew she had to be quiet. So instead, Lana bit her lip, wiggling her bottom in an attempt to entice him to continue.

  “I won’t move!” she murmured, pressing back against him. She heard the foil packet tear and almost screamed with the need for him to enter her. “Hurry!” she begged.

  He laughed and grabbed hold of her hips. A moment later, she closed her eyes as he pressed into her wet heat. Sighing, she leaned back, pressing against him in an effort to take him deeper into her body.

  But he wasn’t having that and held onto her hips, controlling the pace. When he was finally deeply embedded inside of her, he leaned forward, continuing to torment her breasts as he remained still. “Are you going to tell me why you’re here?”

  She bit her lip, trying to stop the words. She wasn’t ready for that kind of admission. But just then, he bit the side of her neck while also pressing both of her nipples between his thumb and forefinger. The impact was intense and she couldn’t take anymore!

  “I missed you!” she finally admitted. “I was grumpy and angry and just sort of ended up here! I needed to see you!”

  He nibbled the line of her neck and started moving. Slowly at first, but picking up speed their bodies reached for that pinnacle. Lana was so close! So incredibly close and he knew it! His expert hands explored her body, his fingers finding that sensitive nub. It took barely a few strokes before her body burst into stars of pleasure and she held onto the desk, crying out, forgetting to be quiet as the pleasure rippled through her.

  That’s when he pulled out. Ignoring her gasp of surprise, Christoph spun her around, then slammed into her again. But this time, his mouth covered hers as he continued to thrust into. She felt the shivers rising again, her fingernails digging into his shoulders. Then his hand tangled in her hair and that was all it took. She felt another orgasm sweep over her. Thankfully, he found his own climax right after and they clung to each other as the ripple
s intensified…then slowly subsided. The whole time, he kissed her, his tongue mating with hers.

  Eventually, their breathing slowed and their muscles relaxed. When she opened her eyes, he was staring down at her, a strange look in his eyes.

  “So, you came by today because you missed me?”

  Lana licked her lips. She wasn’t sure what to say. “Um…” It was true, but she hadn’t meant to admit it.

  He chuckled softly and, since they were still intimately connected, she felt his amusement all the way through her body.

  “It was a great surprise.” With that, he pulled away and helped her stand up, holding her steady when her legs wobbled.

  When she felt stable enough to stand on her own, he grabbed tissues to take care of the condom, and stepped into his office bathroom. “What are your plans this afternoon?” he asked her, cleaning up and washing his hands.

  When he returned from the bathroom, he froze, noticing that Lana was no longer relaxed and smiling. In fact, she looked about ready to burst into tears as she pulled on her jeans, then almost ripped her tee-shirt as she pulled it roughly over her head. Backwards.

  “Lana, what’s wrong?” he asked softly, coming up behind her.

  She stiffened at his touch, something that hadn’t happened since the first time he’d touched her so long ago. It felt like a slap in the face, but he wanted to understand her rather than lower himself to his own reactions.

  “Please,” she whispered, looking around to try and find her shoes.

  “Talk to me, love. Tell me what’s wrong? What’s going on in your head?”

  She cringed away from his arms. She grabbed her purse, but he stepped in front of her before she could escape his office.

  “Lana, I’m not letting you leave like this. You look like you’re about to burst into tears.”


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