Flamed with Courage: Notorious Devils (Cash Bar Book 3)

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Flamed with Courage: Notorious Devils (Cash Bar Book 3) Page 23

by Hayley Faiman

  Squaring my shoulders, I nod. “I’m here.”

  He steps to the side and allows me to walk into the living room. “Follow me, sweetheart. We must tell Mason that you’ve come to me, that you’ve come home to your man.”

  “You’re my man,” I say.

  It isn’t a question, but I lift my voice slightly to make it appear as so. I know he’s nothing to me, he’ll never be anything to me, but I have to play for a few minutes at least.

  He chuckles. “Oh sweetheart, you were promised to me when you were only a child. I’ve been waiting for the right time to take you. Now that these animals have begun to invade our safe places, it’s time. I tried to get to you before he did at the compound, but it wasn’t safe,” he explains.

  “What about Gracie?” I ask, trying to stall.

  He clucks his tongue. “That dumb cow doesn’t know a damn thing about me. We may have been together for years, but she’s always been a frontwoman,” he growls. “You were meant to be at my side along with my other breeders. Samuel and Zachary were supposed to keep you safe until the time was right.”

  “Always promised to you?” I ask.

  He nods, closing the small distance between us. He lifts his hand petting my hair like I’m his prized animal. “I saw you first when you were only a child, twelve. So young and beautiful. I wanted to take you then, but your father talked me out of it. I shouldn’t have let him.”

  I think back to my childhood; my parents were killed when I was sixteen and I always blamed Samuel and Zachary, but maybe it was always Fish’s doing. “If you’re the leader of Texas, how did you live in Canada?” I blurt.

  He clucks his tongue, his finger touching my nose before he goes back to petting me. “You ask too many questions, sweetheart, but I’ll humor you this once,” he leans, his lips pressing against my ear. “I’m in charge of everything. I oversee all of the compounds,” he breathes.

  A shiver of disgust rolls over my body and my eyes widen. If he’s so powerful, how did he end up in this group, how did he hide for so long, and how did none of the Devils notice?

  He straightens giving me a smile. “Infiltrating the Devils was for information purposes only. It’s been a fun ride, but the time has come for us to take our official places. Me at the throne, you at my feet.”

  “I need to see proof of life, of Mason,” I state.

  He lifts his head, standing straight and looks at me. His eyes roam over my face and he chuckles. Turning from me, he starts to walk away. I quickly follow behind him, and then I see Mason. He’s tied to a chair, a bright spotlight pointed directly at his face. He looks okay, there’s a bump on the side of his head but no blood or anything life threatening that I can tell. I let out a sigh of relief that he’s alive and breathing.

  “You wanted proof of his life, there it is,” Fish announces, attempting to mask his voice even more than he did in the living room.

  I inhale a deep breath before releasing it. “Will you let him go?” I ask, loud enough so that Mason can hear me. His body jerks, and that’s when I know that he has.

  “No,” Fish grins. “He wants to watch the cleansing ritual.”

  My stomach twists at his words—cleansing ritual. I know what that entails, and no way in fuck am I going to let him shove pure bleach up my vagina. He can fuck himself if he thinks he’s even going to touch me down there, let alone bleach me.

  We all stay in silence and then I finally speak. “Okay.”

  Not because I’m agreeing to what he’s proposed, but because I want Mason to live another day, and I know that Fish won’t. He’s on borrowed time, and the clock is just about up.

  “How did you get away from the clubhouse?” he asks, tilting his head to the side.

  My eyes meet his, and I give him my practiced lie. “They were all so worried, running around looking for Mason, and trying to get the women and children gathered for lockdown, it was easy to slip out the back. I knew he would be kept in a cabin in the woods, I was just lucky to come upon you fairly early in my search.” I shrug.

  “Nobody saw you?” he asks, frowning.

  I laugh, shaking my head. “You know how they are. They were focused on their women, and their children, I wasn’t even a thought,” I shrug.

  Turning away, I walk back into the living room. Sitting down on the edge of the sofa, I look up as Fish stands and stares at me. I don’t know what he’s going to do or say next, and thankfully I don’t have to find out. Crooner walks in from the front door, pointing a gun directly at Fish.

  “The fuck?” Crooner rasps. Fish smiles, not looking the least bit perturbed. “Thought you were in Texas?”

  Fish nods, his grin still wide. “I’m everywhere, Ward,” he grins. “Seems like my little breeder is a liar as well,” he says shaking his head. “When you kill me, remember that I won’t really be dead. My group has specific instructions, and Hayden is listed on them.”

  I whimper at his words. Hayden doesn’t deserve even a second of pain, let alone to be on this sick asshole’s list. Crooner grips his gun tight, pointing it right at him, but doesn’t move. I can practically hear his teeth grinding together as he stares at Fish.

  A noise comes from the small hallway and I let out a sigh of relief as Snake and Mason appear. They don’t look in my direction though, and I don’t blame them. They’re both staring at Fish, and Mason opens his mouth, but only one question comes out.


  He smiles, it’s wide and evil as if he has a secret. I’m sure that he does. I’m sure that he has many of them. I’m positive that whatever happens here, there will be consequences to his death. That doesn’t mean that he should live though. He shouldn’t. Fish needs to die.

  “Interesting how our organization works, isn’t it?” he asks with a wink. “You didn’t think that Drifter down in Idaho was the only one who infiltrated the Devils over the years, did you?” he asks, tilting his head to the side.

  Snake’s eyes narrow, his gun firmly held out and pointed toward Fish’s head. “Why?” he demands.

  Fish shrugs. “At first, it was just to get information on the contracts, then to take my cut from the sales, which was really giving it back to my group, a win-win for everyone. Drifter and Orville, did the same, as do the others,” he explains. “Then, when the contracts were broken it turned into something else,” he explains.

  “Turned into you giving information to the Cartel so they could kidnap women. When you were caught doing that, then you did your own dirty work,” Snake growls.

  Fish nods a few times. “Who do you think told them that you and Ginger had split up? She was prime pickings. A true daughter of the Confederacy. I’d searched her southern roots as far back as I could, clean and pure. She was a perfect candidate for one of my men,” he explains, and I see Snake’s finger move against his trigger, squeezing it a little tighter.

  “You’re a piece of shit,” Crooner states.

  Fish shrugs. “When you kill me, tell that dirty bitch Gracie, that being inside of her made me fucking sick. I never loved her. I never wanted her, and then tell her to keep an eye on the girl because someone will come to collect her sooner rather than later. I sold that little bitch the day she popped out of her mom’s whore hole,” he announces.

  I see the gray matter and blood before I hear the deafening sound of the bullet. I look over at Crooner, but he’s still holding his gun perfectly still, my eyes glance over to Mason, but he’s standing slack-jawed as he stares at Fish’s body.

  Then, I chance looking over to Snake. His gun is now at his side and he walks over to Fish’s face and spits in the hole he created in the middle of his forehead.

  “Don’t talk about a Notorious Devils Old Lady like that,” he growls.

  Turning toward Mason, I don’t think. Tears stream down my face as I rush into his body. I throw my arms around his shoulders, wrapping my legs around his waist and I shove my face into his neck. I cry. My entire body shakes. I hear his gun hit the floor as both of his h
ands grab ahold of my ass.

  I feel us moving, but I can’t lift my head from his neck. I can’t loosen my grip from his shoulders. I refuse to let him go, for even a split second. The warm sun beats down on us, and I’m grateful and thankful to be out of that house, to be outside.

  Mason walks over, and I feel him sit down. Only then, do I lift my head. He’s sitting on the tailgate of a pickup truck, his arms still tightly wrapped around me. “I thought I lost you, forever,” I rasp.

  “It was dangerous, what you did. He could have hurt you,” he grumbles.

  I cup his scruffy cheeks in my palms and stare into his pretty dark eyes. “I know, Mason. I didn’t know what kind of tricks he had planned. I needed to see you, I needed to know you were okay,” I explain.

  “You’re courageous, Kitten. I can’t believe you did that. I should spank you right here, right now, but I’m too fucking proud of you,” he smirks.

  My teeth sink into my bottom lip and I attempt to hide my smile. “What kind of plans do you think he has in place?” I ask.

  Mason shakes his head. “Fuck if I know, Whitley. We’ll figure it out though. For now, all that matters is that we’re all safe, and another sick fuck is dead.”

  “Called the prospects,” Snake announces as he walks out of the house. “They’ll be here soon to clean up. We need to have a meeting with Gracie, then we need church. Wish I could let you guys fondle one another a little more, but we have shit to do,” he states.

  My face heats, and I bury it in Mason’s neck with a giggle. “What happens with the guys in Texas, do you think they’re alive?” Mason asks.

  My smile dies at his question. I didn’t even think of the other men that Fish was supposed to be with. Lifting my head from his neck again, I watch as Snake holds a finger up and punches some numbers on his phone. The air is suddenly filled with ringing, and then someone answers.

  “Where are you?” Snake demands.

  The man’s throat clears. “Holed up in this tiny town off the highway in Texas called Marble Falls. Fish put our operations on hold, we’re waiting for orders from him. He said he’d be back in a couple days, refused to let anyone come with him, claims he’s scouting. Cancelled our backup of the Texas crew. He’s acting really fucking cagey man,” he says.

  Snake chuckles. “No shit. Blow that place up, and come home, ASAP. I’ll fill you in when you get here.”

  The call ends, and Mason adjusts us, his arms are still around me as he carries me over to the cab of the truck. He sets me down just as another vehicle appears. I watch as men in leather cuts, hop out and I let out a sigh of relief that I recognize them. Fifteen minutes later, me, Snake, Crooner, Motorhead, and Mason are headed back to the clubhouse.


  Skinner wraps his arm around Gracie’s shoulder. He’s been part of this club for as long as I can remember. This is his hometown, he’s reserved and quiet, but a good brother. I don’t know what this is between them, but I have a feeling it’s not new.

  Snake tells her what’s just happened. I wish that we knew more. I wish that we could tell her more, but the fact is we’ve known this man for over a decade and none of us knew him. Gracie knew him longer, and she’s standing stoically as Snake informs her that her husband was a racist fucking asshole.

  “I’ve never looked through his things. You’re more than welcome to go through the house and the garage,” she announces a few minutes later.

  “Babe,” Skinner mumbles.

  I try not to look sideways at how closely he’s standing, or the fact that he’s got her protectively tucked into his side, or that she’s at least a few years older than him. I wonder how long it’s been going on, but I don’t ask.

  She shakes her head, looking up at Skinner. “Seriously, we haven’t been really together for years. We were never married, and I don’t want his filth in my house a minute longer,” she states.

  “You were never married?” Crooner asks.

  Gracie shakes her head. “No, he never even marked me, and legally we’re not married,” she admits. “Lea isn’t his either.”

  I blink, once, twice, three times as I stare at her. She lets out a huff of air, the entire room silent as shit. “I was pregnant when I met him. Lea’s father had abandoned me. I was sixteen and scared. My parents kicked me out. I’d seen him around town a few times and we hit it off. Everything went from there. I tried to be a good wife and a good Old Lady but I never loved him, and he never loved me,” she whispers the last few words and it almost breaks me.

  “Send Motorhead and a prospect over to comb through his shit,” Snake says, looking to Crooner. He lifts his chin and hurries out of the office.

  “How are we going to figure out his grand plan?” I ask.

  Snake shakes his head, he tosses two phones into the center of his desk. “He had both those on him. I don’t know what that means, but I figure if anyone can find something it’ll be Keys. They’re due back in a couple days.”

  “He has a laptop at the house. I’ve never seen him use it, but he has one,” Gracie explains.

  Snake takes his own phone out and sends a text message off to Crooner, I assume, about the laptop. “Go home, honey. Take care of your girl,” he mutters looking up to Gracie.

  “I hate that I’ve brought this to my baby,” she mutters, almost as if talking to herself.

  Snake levels her with a look and nods once. “She’ll survive, she’s strong as fuck just like her mother. Tell her the truth, Gracie. He’s not her biological father, his fucked-up blood doesn’t run through her veins, that should be comforting in and of itself,” he mutters.

  Gracie nods, Skinner pulling her even closer as he guides her out of the room. “How long do you think he’s been hittin’ that?” I ask, lifting my chin in the direction that they’ve walked off in.

  “My guess?” Snake asks. “Longer than any of us ever realized. They’re both from here and the same age.”

  “Thought he was younger?”

  Snake shakes his head. “Nope. Gracie’s thirty-one, so’s Skinn,” he shrugs.

  “Fuck, poor things been through hell. I just assumed she just looked fucking great for her age. Figured she was closer to Fish’s age.”

  Snake chuckles, before his gaze turns dark. “I want everything on Fish, on the real man. I think my file on him is all fake. I want the real shit. I want to know what his plans were, and if he really had plans for Hayden, and possibly Ginger. I. Want. It. All,” he growls.

  I press my fists against the desk, leaning forward. “Me too,” I grin. “Let’s get to work, pres.”

  “Fuck, yeah.”



  Curling closer to the warm body next to me, I hum as I kiss the center of his back. Mason grunts, grabbing my wrist that’s at his waist and tugs my arm over his strong stomach. Without missing a beat, he moves my hand down to his hard length. Wrapping my fingers around him I stroke. I’m not good at this part, at touching him but I try. Maybe one day I’ll figure out how to do this without being a fumbly mess.

  “Christ, Kitten,” he moans, and I feel my chest inflate, with pride.

  Last night he didn’t touch me. He took me home after his meeting and he held me. I wanted his touch, but I was too scared to ask, too afraid that he was angry with me, or upset.

  “Need your pussy,” he grunts, tugging my hand off of his dick.

  Mason rolls over and his knees dig into the mattress, he doesn’t slide inside of me like I expect. He wraps his hands around my hips and drags the lower half of my body up his thighs. Only then does he drive his cock into me, shifting his hips at the same time he pulls me to fit against him.

  “Thought I’d lost you, Kitten,” he breathes, pressing his thumb against my clit. “Never again. No more bravery, no more courage. Keep yourself safe, for me,” he murmurs.

  His thumb works me faster, and my hips buck as my eyes slide closed. He pinches my clit, and I gasp before I let out a long groan. The way he touche
s me, the way he makes me feel warm and safe, loved and on fucking fire is almost too much.

  Mason buries himself to the hilt but doesn’t move anything except his thumb against my clit. “It’s too much, too much, baby,” I whimper.

  He chuckles, his hand at my hip sliding up my side. His fingers pinch my nipple and tug roughly, causing me to arch my back and cry out. My belly clenches and knots before it all unfurls, and I cry out as my hips buck and jerk. I’m unable to control myself.

  My entire body trembles, as he continues to rub circles against my sensitive clit, making me jump with each touch. I feel him shift above me, but I’m too relaxed, too exhausted to even attempt to open my eyes. That is until I feel his hands at the backs of my knees and he pushes my legs wider pressing my knees against the mattress.

  I’m completely immobile, my eyes arrested by his and my body formed into a pretzel. “Mason,” I rasp.

  He grunts, pulling almost completely out of me before he slams back inside. He fucks me. There is no delicate way to put what he does to my body, and I love every single thrust. My breath hitches and I feel my body climbing again.

  “Touch yourself, Kitten. I want to feel that pretty tight cunt squeeze me again,” he growls.

  Without hesitation, I slip my hand between us and I use two fingers to touch myself. I rub my clit, moaning as he moves harder and faster. His grunts filling the room, accompanying the sound of our slapping skin is the only music we hear.

  When I cry out with my climax, I throw my head back and move my hands to fist the sheets at my sides. Mason uses the moment to fuck with everything he has and in just a few pumps of his hips he drives deep inside of me and comes.

  My entire body twitches as he releases my knees and slowly melts into me, his lips touching my own.

  “I love you, Whitley,” he sighs into my mouth.

  Tears fill my eyes and I wheeze out a breath, he places his arms on either side of my head and holds his body above my own. Lifting my arms, I wrap them around his back. Pressing my lips to his, I slip my tongue inside of his mouth and taste him. He meets my kiss, taking over and shifting his hips, grinding his pelvis against my sensitive clit.


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