Flamed with Courage: Notorious Devils (Cash Bar Book 3)

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Flamed with Courage: Notorious Devils (Cash Bar Book 3) Page 25

by Hayley Faiman

  I won’t miss it a third time.




  The party is loud. Hayden and Whitley are off with their men. I shouldn’t have come. I should have stayed home with Lea and helped her with the babies. Walking up to the bar, I sigh. I don’t belong here. I never truly did.

  Fish charmed me all those years ago. I was scared, homeless, and pregnant. He promised to take care of me and at sixteen you’ll do whatever it takes to feel safe. I just happened to let a man I didn’t even know claim me.

  I shouldn’t even think badly about him though. He financially supported us, Lea and me. He didn’t have to. She’s not his daughter, and I am not his wife. He may not ever come home, or really come around us often, but we’re safe, we have a roof over our heads, and food in our bellies. I shouldn’t discount that, even if I long for a physical and emotional connection.

  “What are you doing here?” a deep voice growls in my ear. He places his hands on either side of the bar, caging me in.

  I can feel the heat from his body behind me and I try not to shiver, but I fail. I know that voice. I’ve dreamed about it from the time I was a girl, and as I grew older, I fantasized about it and the man attached to it, too.

  “Skinner,” I rasp, turning around in his arms.

  He shakes his head. “You call me Beau, Gracie,” he murmurs. His bright green eyes scan my face and I melt a little more.

  “Beau,” I whisper.

  He lowers his head, his lips grazing my cheek before he speaks. “Is that how you’ll say it when I make you come?”

  “That’s not appropriate,” I breathe, my chest rising and falling rapidly with nervous excitement.

  His lips twitch into a familiar grin, one I’ve watched from across the room over the years and swooned over. Having it aimed right at me, this close, it causes me to pant. “You’ll find I’m not very fucking appropriate, Jet.”

  “Jet?” I ask, my brows furrowing as I continue to look up at him.

  He lifts his hand, twisting his fingers around a piece of my hair and gently tugs. “Your hair is jet black, Gracie.”

  “Oh,” I say in awe.

  Beau leans in a little closer his lips grazing my cheek before they find my ear. “If you don’t leave and hurry on home, I won’t be able to control myself.”

  I take a moment, reminding myself to inhale, then exhale. My mind flashes to Fish, a man who hasn’t touched me in almost a year. Why am I holding out hope that this relationship is anything at all? He doesn’t even sleep at home. The last time he complimented me, it was my cooking, not me. Why am I allowing myself to be so downright unhappy?

  “Maybe I don’t want you to control yourself,” I say through trembling lips.

  He lifts his head, rearing it back slightly and looks down at me. His eyes search my own. I don’t know what he’s looking for, but whatever it is, I know when he’s found it. His eyes widen and his lips twitch into that beautiful smile that I adore.

  “You know the consequences if you get caught?”

  Death is one, but I doubt Fish would do that. Kicking me and Lea out on our asses, now that he would do. I nod. I understand. I just don’t care anymore. After fourteen years of caring, my give a damn is completely dissipated.

  Lifting my hand, I press my palm to the center of his chest, my eyes pinning his own. “Take me to your room, Beau. Fuck me and make me come.”

  I watch as he gulps, then a smile slowly appears on his lips. “With pleasure, Jet.”


  Wrapping my fingers around Gracie’s, I tug her through the thick crowd of people as I walk toward my room. I have one mission, and one mission only. That is, to be inside of the woman I love.

  I haven’t been celibate all these years, pining after one woman, and refusing myself the pleasure of others. I am a man after all. But this moment is a fucking dream come true.

  Once we’re inside of my room, I flip the lock closed. Gracie stands in the middle, looking like a deer caught in headlights. I wonder if she’s having second thoughts. Then, she wraps her fingers around the hem of her shirt and peels it off. I stand, slack-jawed as she unclasps her bra and throws it down next to her shirt.

  She looks better than I’d imagined, and I’ve imagined what she looks like without a top for half of my life. Her skin is olive colored, her body soft and curvy. Goddamn her tits are the sweetest I’ve ever laid eyes on.

  “Stop staring. I know, I’m fat and I have stretch marks. This was a mistake,” she quickly stammers.

  She starts to bend over to grab her clothes, but I’m in front of her, with my hands around her waist before she gets the chance.

  I roughly pull her against me, she’s knocked off balance and places her hands against my chest to stabilize herself.

  “You’re fucking beautiful, Gracie. I was moonstruck by the sight of you. This has been my fantasy for fifteen years. And here you are, mine for the taking.”

  “Beau?” her lips tremble and her eyes water at my words.

  I don’t allow her to say anything else. I press my mouth against hers hard. My tongue fills her, and I fuck her, slowly and with purpose. The exact way I’m going to fuck her cunt in a few minutes, with my mouth, then with my cock.

  This very well could be the only opportunity I have to be with Gracie, I’m going to take full advantage and taste every square inch of her soft body.



  Beau consumes me. It’s more than a taste, it’s hands down consumption like I’ve never experienced before. I love it, and I could see myself falling hard, fast and deep with him. I’ve always had a crush on him. He’s been in the back of my mind since we were kids, and this is like something from out of this world.

  His fingers skim my side and he turns his palm so that the back of his hand caresses the side of my breast. I moan, falling a little more for him at that exact moment.

  He breaks the kiss, but only to trail his lips down my neck. He sucks at my collarbone, licking and nipping at me as he makes his way over to the center and then slowly kisses down the middle of my chest.

  “Gracie,” he whispers once he’s on his knees.

  His green eyes stare up at me, his hands wrapped around my waist and my knees knock together. His fingertips dance along my waistband, stopping at my button and popping it without hesitation.

  His fingers tug down the zipper of my too-tight skinny jeans and I heat with embarrassment. I shouldn’t have worn them. They’re too small. I thought they looked sexy in the mirror, once my shirt was pulled down over my mini-muffin top. Now, with his hands on me, and the thought of having to peel them off, not so much.

  “I want you naked, on the edge of the bed. I want that pussy ready for me, Jet. Can you do that?” he asks, his voice husky and sexy as shit.

  Moaning, I nod. He stands from his spot, turning around to undress and I know without a doubt that it’s for my own benefit. I hurry out of my jeans, pulling them off my legs and throwing them across the room inside out. I shimmy my panties down and thank the Lord above that I shaved my legs before I came out tonight.

  I sit on the edge of the bed, my hands in my lap and watch Beau. He’s almost naked, his gorgeous muscled ass cheeks flex and heat explodes inside of me, but not embarrassment, instead, it’s need. I watch him pull his shirt over his head, his tattooed back muscles flexing, and my pussy actually clenches at the sight.

  Slowly, he turns around, my mouth waters. He’s completely covered in ink from his collar to the top of his hips.

  “Holy shit,” I breathe.

  I know my eyes have to be the size of saucers, but I don’t care, it’s impressive—he’s impressive. There is not one piece of bare skin on his chest.

  Beau looks down, then back up at me with a smirk. “You haven’t seen nothin’ yet, Gracie. Aim your gaze a few inches lower, honey,” he mutters.

  My eyes slowly lower and I gasp. He’s long, thick, and hard. “Je
sus,” I exhale. He chuckles, his legs slowly moving toward me.

  “Open up those pretty little legs for me, Jet. Let me see what you’re offering.”

  My legs, they have a mind of their own. Without even thinking, they open wide. I place the bottoms of my feet on the railing of the bed and try to suck my stomach in. I don’t want him to see my rolls, not when he looks like he’s been chiseled from stone and I’m still carrying baby weight from fourteen years ago.

  “Fucking shit, you’re pretty,” he grins. I lift my gaze from my stomach and expect to find him looking at my pussy, but he isn’t. He’s looking directly at my face. “It’s a fucking dream come true, Gracie. A fantasy come to life, having you here and waiting for me like this,” he rasps.

  Once he’s in front of me he lowers to his knees and without a moment’s hesitation, his face is buried between my thighs. One of my hands flies to fist in his hair, my fingers finding purchase in the strands beneath my fingertips.

  Beau’s tongue tastes me, devours me even. I can’t remember the last time I felt the sensation of a man’s face between my legs, but I know without a doubt it didn’t feel this good. Lifting my hips, I whimper. The scrape of his scruff against my thighs causes them to shake.

  I need more, no I crave it. Beau sucks my clit between his lips, his tongue flicking it over, and over. It’s too much, and yet, I tug his head closer because it’s also not enough.

  “I’m so close,” I shamelessly moan.

  I’m sure whoever is next door can hear me, but I don’t really give a fuck. I haven’t had an orgasm given to me by another person in years—years.

  My pussy clenches and I throw back my head, pushing my center closer to his face while I tug his face closer to my pussy and I come. It’s long, it’s hard, and it’s fucking fantastic. My entire body locks up before I force it to relax.

  Once my tremors subside, I release Beau’s hair and fall back onto the bed, attempting to catch my breath. Beau climbs up my body, his cock resting against my thigh and I let out a shaky exhale. Licking my lips, I try to imagine what it’s going to feel like when he slides inside of me.

  I. Can’t. Wait.


  Personally, eating pussy isn’t something that I find enjoyable. It’s typically just a warm up so that I don’t have to focus as much on the woman during the actual fucking. However, I was excited to taste Gracie. Fuck, I’d been dreaming about it for years, and here she is. She tasted goddamn amazing. I’d do it again if my dick wasn’t about to explode.

  Sliding my hands down the outsides of her thick thighs, I squeeze when I reach the top. “Wrap those beautiful legs around me, Jet.”

  Gracie wraps her legs around me and I groan when my cock slips along her wet center. I already know that she’s going to feel like heaven on earth. Adjusting myself so that the head of my cock is pressed against her heat, I hold back my whimper—barely.

  “Beau,” she moans, arching her back, trying to take me inside.

  Placing my palm on the center of her chest, I slide it up her body until I wrap it loosely around the front of her throat. “Eyes on me when I take you, Gracie,” I murmur.

  Her eyes open and my heart starts to race, thumping against my ribcage. Slowly, I enter her. Inch by excruciating inch. She’s tight, so goddamn tight that I have to do a double take. I know she’s not a virgin, but fucking shit.

  “Gracie?” I ask once I’m completely inside of her.

  Her jaw is clenched and her eyes water. “It’s been almost a year,” she admits.

  Moving my hand from her neck, I cup her cheek. “Never again. I’ll kill him. He doesn’t exist to you anymore, Jet. You’re mine now. You and Lea are mine,” I vow.

  She shakes her head as tears stream down her cheeks. Lowering my face, I shift my hips, pulling out then slowly sliding back inside of her tight cunt. It’s so fucking good, so goddamn right.

  With my lips touching hers I whisper against her mouth. “Gracie. You’re mine. You should have always been mine. No more bullshit, honey.”

  My lips crash against hers, my mouth fucks her in tandem with my cock, and I don’t allow her to speak. In fact, I don’t really want her to think, not about anything but the way she feels. The rest of the night I completely devote myself to giving Gracie orgasms.

  I want her to know what she’s getting into when she’s mine. I like to fuck, and I like to fuck often and with her, it will probably be even more because she’s my dream girl. Now that I’ve finally had her, I can’t imagine going back to the lackluster life I had just yesterday.

  Shit has officially changed.



  I feel something soft gently slide through my center. My eyes flutter open at the feel of Beau’s hard length tucked between my ass cheeks. His fingers swirl my clit before they dance at my center again. Lifting my hand, I wrap my fingers around the back of his neck and arch my back.

  His cock fits even deeper between my cheeks and I roll my hips causing him to groan behind me. I wonder what he would feel like inside of me back there. I’ve never done that before, never had the desire to. Why would I? If Fish couldn’t make me come with regular sex, experimenting wasn’t anything I was interested in.

  With Beau everything is different. He brings me more pleasure than I’ve ever experienced before. I want to know how else he can bring pleasure, and I know he would no matter what we did.

  “Open up for me, Gracie,” he mutters against my shoulder.

  I feel his lips touch, then his tongue taste as I open my top leg. I hook my foot around the back of this thigh and shamelessly open myself wide. He grunts, slipping two fingers inside of me before he makes a come-hither motion.

  “Beau,” I moan, shifting my hips and then follow it with a groan at the feel of his cock. I want him inside of me, buried deep and making me ache.

  He sucks in a breath, his lips moving to my ear as he shifts his hips and I feel the head of his cock against my entrance.

  “Fuck, Gracie. Never giving you up,” he groans.

  My fingers tighten in his hair and I arch, forcing myself to take a little more of him, wishing he would drive inside of me. “Don’t ever, please Beau, keep me,” I beg.

  He grunts, his cock filling me in one swift move, and we both gasp and freeze in place. It takes me a second to adjust to his size, although as much as he’s been inside of me the past few hours, you wouldn’t think I’d need to adjust. You would think that my body would already be molded just for his cock only.

  Beau’s fingers start to play with my clit, gently caressing and rubbing light circles as his cock thrusts in and out of my center. Turning my head, I bury my face in his neck. He smells like sweat, and sex, and me. It should be a turnoff, it’s anything but. It’s amazing.

  “Hold real still, Gracie, close your eyes and just feel me,” he softly commands.

  The morning is quiet around the clubhouse, you can almost feel the stilled silence that is out in the main room. Everyone partied hard, and now, they’re sleeping it off. This time is meant for lovers, and that’s exactly what Beau and I are, lovers.


  When Gracie’s pussy flutters, I know she’s close. Her tight heat envelops me, then as she comes it clamps down around my cock and milks me. My eyes close and I come, it’s hard and fast, my ability to hold off fled about three orgasms ago.

  Wrapping my arms around her, I tug her against my chest a little tighter, panting against her shoulder in an attempt to catch my breath. Her own heavy breath is blowing warm air against my neck and I let out a long groan.

  Regretfully, I gently slip out of Gracie’s body. If I could stay all day long, I would. But the matter of the fact is, she isn’t one hundred percent mine, yet. That’s yet because she will be soon. In my heart she already is, she has been for years. It makes me a weak man, I know, but I don’t mind. For Gracie, I’ll show all my cards, all my strengths and weaknesses—without hesitation.

  “You hungry?”
I ask as I roll onto my back.

  She follows me fitting her naked body against my side. Unable to control my hands, I begin to sift my fingers through her long dark hair. I like that she hasn’t cut it, that she’s kept it long all of these years. It’s always been one of my favorite features of hers.

  She shakes her head, her nose skimming my chest. “Just coffee, that’s all I need,” she murmurs, pressing her lips to my nipple.

  “You need food, Jet,” I grunt, gently tugging on a strand of hair.

  Gracie lifts her head, resting her chin on the nipple she just kissed. “I really don’t,” she smirks. “You’ve satisfied me enough all night.”

  I chuckle, dipping my chin to gaze into her pretty gray eyes. Never in a million years did I see myself right here with her. I’m a lovesick fuck, I know, but I don’t give much of a shit right now. Not when Gracie is staring back at me, her eyes soft and her face showing her obvious contentment.

  “You want me to bring you some coffee up here?”

  She shakes her head, her fingers tracing my tattoos on my chest. “I’ll go down there. I need to stretch my legs anyway.”

  I hum, tugging her hair again, enjoying the way it feels against my fingers. “Wear my shirt when you do, yeah?”

  “Beau,” she whispers.

  I shake my head. “Gracie,” I growl. “You are not going back to him. You aren’t his, not anymore. You’re mine now, and as soon as I let him know that, you’ll be branded and living with me.”

  She sits up, fast as lightning. Her dark eyes narrow and she shakes her head. I watch her black hair tumble and move around her shoulders. “I have a daughter to think about, Beau. Fish may not have ever loved me, or me him, but he’s always taken care of us. I can’t just turn my back on him like that.”


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