Flamed with Courage: Notorious Devils (Cash Bar Book 3)

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Flamed with Courage: Notorious Devils (Cash Bar Book 3) Page 27

by Hayley Faiman

  Beau releases my neck and moves on top of me so that he’s pressing his front along my back and I’m now on my belly in the bed. “Good morning, Jet,” he rasps.

  It’s been one month. To some that may feel like a blink of an eye, and maybe it is, but with Beau, it’s felt like a complete dream. We had an adjustment period. I tried to keep him at arm’s length for an entire week, which pissed off not only him, but Lea as well. She’s still not one hundred percent on board with everything. I think she’s just having a hard time adjusting to… well… everything.

  He’s been wonderful, and consistent through it all. Being with him, having him here and present is a dream that I don’t ever want to wake up from. He’s home every single night, he’s sitting at the dinner table and conversing with us, wants to know about our day, and he started teaching Lea to drive. Sure, it’s probably illegal, but it’s still cute as hell.

  “Morning,” I sigh.

  His lips skim my shoulder as he shifts his hips and I lose him from my center. He continues kissing down my back until he arrives at my hip. His kisses become lighter there. That’s where he marked me. His road name is tattooed on my hip. It’s cliché, but I don’t mind, it’s the spot he picked.

  “You and Lea want to come down to the clubhouse while I work today? The guys are supposed to be riding in from Texas sometime,” he offers, his lips gently caressing my new ink.

  I hum, slowly turning onto my back. He glances between my legs and I know what he wants. Spreading my thighs, he grins. His lips touch my clit before he sits up a little, never looking away from my center.

  “Look at that,” he says in awe.

  I laugh because this has become almost a ritual after we’re together. “What’s that?” I ask.

  “The way we look together, Jet. Do you even know how pretty that is? It’s something I never thought I’d see.”

  I smile up at him. “How’d I end up here, with a man as good as you in my life?” I ask.

  He grunts, his green eyes lifting to mine. “Jet, I’m not good. Not by a longshot. But Gracie, I will always fucking love you. I always have. Shoulda manned up all those years ago,” he mutters.

  I sit up, cupping his cheek with my palm. “I think everything happens for a reason, and I wish we could have been together sooner, but maybe this is the way it was always meant to be. Maybe I wouldn’t have appreciated you so much, or maybe you wouldn’t have me? Who knows. All I know is that right now, this is absolutely perfect.”

  He dips his chin, pressing his lips to mine. “Goddamn straight it is, Jet.”

  I’m still not one hundred percent sure that I want to show the world we’re together at a big party. This is all so new, and I’m trying to take it one day at a time, but maybe me being too cautious is stupid when it comes to him. Maybe I should trust myself, trust him enough to just be.


  I pull up into my regular parking spot at the clubhouse. I chuckle to myself. Never, not in a million fucking years did I think I’d be driving an SUV ever, let alone to the clubhouse. But, here I am, doing just that. I’d drive up in this bitch with a van if it meant Gracie was at my side. Then, I’d burn that fucker and buy an SUV or a truck.

  Lea is the first to exit, she runs off and I watch her go toward a set of benches at the side of the clubhouse. I assume she’s got her earbuds in and she’s shuffling through the music I downloaded on her iPod.

  I introduced the girl to seventies, eighties and nineties rock. After I found her listening to some lame as fuck, sorry excuse for rock music, I decided to educate the poor girl.

  “What do you have to do this afternoon?” Gracie asks, her head leaning against the headrest.

  Shifting the SUV into park, I reach over and wrap my fingers around her thigh, giving it a squeeze. “Just gotta run a few errands. Wanted my girls here, plus figured you’d all want to be here when the guys ride in from the states.”

  She hums, turning her head to look at me, her smile soft and tender. “Okay, Beau,” she says.

  “Come over here, Jet,” I murmur.

  I can feel my face heating as blood pumps through my system. She frowns, her brows knitting together but does as I’ve asked. Crawling over my legs, she straddles my thighs and I curse the fact that I didn’t talk her into a skirt.

  “Love you, Gracie,” I begin.

  I tried to prepare a speech, but I fucking suck at that shit, always have.

  She blinks, smiling down at me. “I love you too, Beau. I never thought I would fall in love, but I know that’s what this is.”

  Grinning, I reach over into the cup holder and pull out the dark box that I threw in there earlier. There’s no better place to hide shit than in plain sight. Lifting the box between us, I open it. She gasps, her hands flying to her mouth.

  “Asked Lea if this was okay. Wanted to make sure she was cool with it,” I shrug.

  “Beau,” she whimpers.

  It’s cute as fuck. My lips tip up in a smile. “Be my wife, Gracie. You’re wearing my mark, now take my name, Jet.”

  She nods, her head bobbing up and down furiously. Then she throws her arms around my neck and presses her lips to mine. She doesn’t deepen the kiss, instead, she peppers my face with a million kisses.

  “That a yes?” I ask through my laugh.

  “It’s a yes, Beau. I love you so much,” she laughs.

  She kisses me again, but this time I slide my hand in the back of her hair and twist the strands, tilting her head to the side and deepening the kiss. Sliding my tongue past her lips, I fuck her sweet mouth. I pull away only when I hear the rumble of a group of bikes.

  “They’re back,” Gracie breathes.

  There’s going to be shit to say I’m sure. With everything that went down with Fish, I’m sure there are some serious meetings that need to take place. Moving my hands to Gracie’s hips, I keep her on my lap as we watch the bikes pull up to the clubhouse and park.

  I frown when there’s an extra person on the back of one of the bikes. It’s a woman, her hair is long, hanging down her back in a long-roped braid. She dismounts, then her driver does as well.

  It’s Keys.

  “She doesn’t look like a compound girl,” Gracie mutters.

  The girl is wearing skintight jeans and a cut off top that shows off her stomach. “No, she doesn’t look like one, does she?”

  “I have a feeling we’ve got a new Old Lady in our midst,” Gracie mutters.

  A car pulls up behind them and we watch as another woman exits. That isn’t what has my attention though, it’s the new girl who walks to the backseat and tugs out a small child. “Fuck,” I hiss.

  “Oh yeah, we’ve got a new Old Lady,” Gracie chuckles.

  “Gimme a kiss, Jet,” I demand.

  She leans forward pressing her lips to mine and I feel her tongue slide across my lips. “Love you,” she breathes before she fucking consumes me.

  Special Thanks

  I want to thank all of my readers, always. You babes are seriously so fantastic. I appreciate every single one of you!!!

  I always say a special thank you to my husband, my best friend, and the man who supports me in every single one of my dreams. He is simply—amazing.

  My mom, she’s always supported wholeheartedly everything I have ever decided to take a leap of faith on, including my writing. She’s the kindest, most loving, and most supportive mom in the world. Thank you, Banana Boots.

  Celia, my friend. Thanks for the laughs, the cupcakes, the brownies, the cruises in the Mustang, and the years together. Now that we’re adults, thanks for the texts, the cocktails and the true friendship we have.

  Cassy Roop, thank you so much for always making my covers so downright gorgeous, every time I think that one is my favorite you outdo yourself and create something else spectacular! You’re the best and I’m so lucky to have you as a designer and friend!!!

  Crystal Snyder, thank you for loving all of my stories, and taking the time out not only to read them, but t
o help me! I’m so thankful for a friend like you!!

  Tammy Cole, thank you so much for being a great friend. I don’t know what I would do without you in life! I appreciate everything you do for me.

  Dessure Hutchins, thank you so much for everything to help me and our friendship. I truly appreciate you!

  Ellie McLove, thank you for making this book, clean and pretty! I appreciate your hard work and complete dedication to your craft!

  Rosa Sharon thank you so much for your attention to detail and proofreading skills. You’re the best!

  Enticing Journey— Ena and Amanda—I truly appreciate all of the hard work you ladies put into everything!

  Hayley’s Asshole Alphas... BABES. Thank you for always bringing a hot guy to my newsfeed and a smile to my face! You’re the best reader group a girl could have!!!

  To all the Blogger babes that have taken a chance on me…

  Thank you from the bottom of my heart.




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