His Irresistible Darling

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His Irresistible Darling Page 2

by Sarah Randall

  Malik raised a brow. “Annnd that would be a bad thing?”

  “Of course.”

  “Well, it’s only a few more months and then she will be leaving. Unless…”

  He straightened in his chair. “Unless what?” he asked, coolly.

  Malik shrugged his shoulders. “Well, if she’s that…” his friend paused and waved his hand as if looking for the right word “…distracting, you could always send her home early. I’m sure you could come up with some excuse that sounded legitimate.”

  Jumal swallowed hard. The thought of Pippa leaving Dubain and returning to England made him nauseous.

  “No,” he said, immediately dismissing the suggestion. “I promised her brother and, well… Just no.”

  In actual fact he’d made a few promises to Matt. Firstly, look after her. Secondly, to keep his hands off. He’d never found it so hard to keep a promise in his life. The fact that she often made him want to strangle her one minute and kiss her senseless the next was beside the point. Matt wouldn’t differentiate.

  “Anyway,” he said, clapping his hands together, needing to distract his childhood friend and himself from the topic of Pippa Darling. “Where are we up to with the Ansari deal? Miss Darling, PA extraordinaire, has made him an appointment to see me later today. Have you completed the due diligence checks? What’s his financial position?”

  “Hmm, well it’s interesting. It’s a good deal and certainly worth going ahead with. His company is financially stable and there’s no evidence of him cooking the books. The fact he’s a local contractor is good for our public relations and local employment, but it’s certainly nothing on the scale of the Dubai government deal. When the ink is dry on that contract your company is going to be recognised as the world’s leading naval shipbuilding company. We’re going to go global. Although I think we should be prepared for the backlash from the Dubai builders. They aren’t going to take it lying down, Jumal. They thought they had that contract in the bag and they’re used to getting their own way. We should expect a backlash.”

  “Let them come at me. It’s not like we haven’t dealt with it before. As for going global—” he shrugged his shoulders, nonchalantly “—something for my father to finally be proud of, but I want to ensure that we keep up the investment here, in Dubain. Build on what we’ve already started. That’s my priority now,” he stated, unable to keep the bitterness from his voice, knowing that Malik knew exactly what his father was like.

  As childhood friends, Jumal had spent as much time at his friend’s home as his own and he was warmly welcomed. During their early teenage years Jumal’s home life was never openly discussed between the friends. Malik just seemed to know that his friend needed somewhere to have some downtime away from the pressures of an impossibly pushy father with aspirations for his son, which were demanded and never merely suggested. Since returning to Dubain after completing his Oxford University education, Jumal and Malik had re-formed their close bond and Jumal knew he was lucky to have such a confidant as both friend and trusted advisor. In his line of work, his enemies were never far away and the people he could rely on were few.

  Feeling somewhat melancholy about his past, he cleared the lump in his throat before continuing. “By the way, Faridah called earlier. She’s received the first draft of the contract and has been working on it over the last few days, ironing out some of the usual discrepancies, so it’s moving along nicely. She’s going to come by and drop it in shortly,” he explained to Malik, gently rocking his chair from side to side.

  “Only you would end up with a fiancée who is also a company lawyer.” Malik winked at him. “Some guys have all the luck,” he teased, rising from his chair. “We still on for a workout tomorrow night before hitting the hammam?”

  “Sure,” Jumal replied, only partly listening.

  “Okay good. I’ll bring down the due diligence report on Ansari when it’s typed up. Let me know how you get on,” Malik called as he walked out the door. Or at least that’s what Jumal thought he’d said…

  Wait, why didn’t he just email it over?

  Jumal hadn’t been listening, his mind once again focused on a certain long-haired brunette who had perfected the art of driving him crazy. He leaned forward and rested his elbows on the mahogany desk, dropping his head back into his hands, his thoughts once again drifting back to their first meeting.


  “Aaagghhhh. I swear that man is soooo frustrating,” Pip complained as she dropped her pad back onto her desk and slumped dramatically in her chair. She pulled off her glasses and rubbed the bridge of her nose, a habit she’d developed over the last couple of months working at JAA Enterprises. Well, it was better than taking up smoking.

  “I never know from one day to the next what the hell he expects from me,” she said, now holding out her palms. “One minute he criticises me for not using my initiative and then he berates me when I do. There is just no winning with him. How the hell Greta put up with him all those years I’ll never know. The woman must have been a bloody saint…or had a secret stash of chocolate and red wine in her drawer.” She paused for a breath. “And I swear if he treats me like a high school kid on work experience one more bloody time I’ll…agghhhhh!”

  Her tirade over, she slumped forward and folded her arms on the desk, dropping her chin onto her forearms.

  “Well maybe if you—”

  “Nah-ah, don’t even say it. I know, I know I make it worse for myself but I can’t help it with him. He drives me crazy.”

  She knew she could occasionally act out and overreact. What was it all those child gurus and experts said about kids acting up for their carers? Wasn’t it something about being naughty to get their attention?! She could relate.

  Melina looked up from her work. “It’s strange,” she mused, shaking her head. “He’s not usually so cranky. You just seem to bring that out of him too. It’s your special talent!”

  She raised her head slightly. “You’re not helping,” she said, deadpan, before dropping it back down with a thud. “Ouch.”

  “Okay, okay, I’m sorry. Take a deep breath and then come join me for a smoothie in the plaza, my treat, and I’ll fill you in on some of my plans for your birthday party,” she promised, clapping her hands together excitedly. “It’s gonna be amazing,” she added in a sing-song voice.

  Pip sat back up and smiled at her passionate new friend. A break away from the office was just what she needed to calm down and the plaza was one of her favourite places in the bustling city. It was located in the centre of the myriad tall, glass skyscrapers of all different shapes and sizes, some of which were on the edge of avant-garde even for her taste. The tables and chairs had plenty of shade provided by palm trees and funky triangular shade sails in bright colours draped over the intimate seating areas from huge white pillars, with an eclectic mix of permanent stores selling the more internationally favoured food and street vendors selling local fare such as fatayer, which was a bit like a meat pie.

  Her personal favourite was when she and Melina would get a traditional communal plate of pitta bread, barbequed lamb skewers, hummus and chickpeas, which you could eat using your fingers. It wasn’t frowned upon like back home! The smells were always mouth-watering, but she only allowed herself to indulge once a week and stuck to her packed lunches most of the time. The young children from the office crèches enjoyed having playtime in the cooling water fountains, and Pippa loved hearing their excited screams of delight as they ran around through the jets. She would happily spend her whole lunch break there just soaking up the relaxed atmosphere.

  “A nice meal out with everyone would be lovely, really. You don’t need to go to any trouble.”

  “Nonsense, you only turn twenty-one once and we’re not just going to let it slip by uncelebrated, especially as I know how much you miss your family.”

  “I do,” she confirmed with a sigh, her shoulders slumping slightly. “Matt has Ana and Harry wrapped in cotton wool and there’s no way he’
ll let them fly out here. Ah, you should have seen Harry when I spoke to them yesterday on Skype. He’s so cute and has the most amazing mop of red hair. Ana had to struggle to stop George from trying to lick his face all the time. My nephew is gonna be a little heartbreaker.” She couldn’t help but smile when she thought of her tiny nephew.

  Melina screwed up her face before asking, “Who’s George and why is he licking Harry’s face?”

  “Oh sorry, he’s our Labrador. Part of the Darling family, and he’s eager to protect the newest member of his pack.”

  “Ah right. But your friend, er, James was it? He’s still coming out here, right?” Melina practically demanded.

  Pip chuckled. “Yeah, bless him. He’s got some holidays coming up and hasn’t travelled around this part of the world so I invited him over for a few days.”

  “Great. So remind me why he’s not your boyfriend? If I remember rightly, his Facebook photo shows he’s a real looker and a vet no less. I like a man who works with his hands,” she joked.

  “Oh yes, he’s utterly gorgeous but we’re just friends. He’s a brilliant vet too and the only one that Matt trusts to look after the horses and their babies.” She tsked herself and rolled her eyes. “I mean foals.”

  “So what you’re saying is that he’s single?” Melina checked, raising a perfectly shaped eyebrow.

  Pip smiled at the mischievous glint in her friend’s deep brown eyes. “Well he was when we last spoke, so unless someone has popped up on his radar in the last couple of weeks then yes, he’s still single. Why? You planning on trying to change his Facebook status while he’s here?” she teased.

  “Well, no harm in a girl trying now is there?” Melina winked at her as she bit into her apple and Pip couldn’t help but chuckle.

  “Ladies. Do you think you might actually do some work today? You’re paid to work, not gossip.”

  Both Pip and Melina looked up in surprise as Faridah Omar sailed past their desks swiftly followed by the scent of her expensive perfume. Bloody hell, did she bathe in it?

  “And hold Jumal’s calls,” Faridah called, not bothering to look back.

  Pip waited for her to get out of earshot before whispering, “God I hate that woman and her new-season Chanel handbag.” She watched Faridah stalk towards Jumal’s office…correction, her fiancé’s office, in her tight black business suit and heels, swinging her briefcase with confidence. “Whenever I see her I think of Cruella de Vil. The woman is a bully,” she continued solemnly, “and I hate bullies.”

  Faridah was just so full of her own self-importance, Pip thought. Her feelings towards Miss High and Mighty had absolutely nothing to do with the fact that she was also Jumal’s fiancée. Nope, nothing at all to do with that little gem.

  What the hell did Jumal see in that tall, beautiful, intelligent woman? Height was so overrated in her opinion. Good things came in small packages…right? Or had her mother just been talking a load of rubbish? God she missed her mother.


  “I have a charity polo match in a couple of weeks. Can you make it?”

  “Oh no, sorry, Jumal. The next few weekends are going to be a real pain for me. I need to travel out to Dubai.”

  He watched her sigh as she tilted her head to the side. She looked genuinely sorry that she couldn’t make it but Jumal had been hearing similar excuses for some time now, and he was beginning to think Faridah was having second thoughts about their engagement.

  He got the feeling that her heart wasn’t in their relationship any more and possibly lay somewhere else. Not that he had any proof, just a gut feeling. It was strange, though, that this wasn’t what caused him to toss and turn in bed at night. Nope, someone else not a million miles away was the sole cause of that frustration…

  “Here’s the contract,” she said, passing the file of papers over the desk and into his hand. “I’ve gone over it and liaised with my opposite number in the Dubai government and hashed out the details. This is the final version ready for signature. No need to check it. I’ll set up a joint meeting for it to be signed,” she told him as she fiddled with her Blackberry. “How’s your diary for a visit to Dubai the week after next?”

  “Yeah that’s fine. Speak to Pippa about my availability,” he agreed as he flicked through the file.

  “What?” she gasped, looking up from her Blackberry, surprised. “Are you sure you wouldn’t rather I just access your diary to make the arrangements? You know how flighty Miss Darling can be and I really—”

  Jumal looked up from the papers to see her flick her long straight black hair over her shoulder and pop one hip forward.

  Jumal felt his hackles rise. It was one thing for him to criticise Pippa but another for someone else to do it, even if that someone was his fiancée. In reality, he kind of enjoyed Pippa’s feisty attitude. She was the polar opposite to Faridah, who was always calm, cool and collected in everything. He was sure nothing could get under her skin and in the short time that they’d been engaged she hadn’t once caused him to drop his head into his hands and curse like a sailor.

  “No,” he interrupted. “It’s Pippa’s job to sort out such things. You can liaise with her. She’ll be fine.”

  Faridah huffed at him and waved her hand. “Fine. Whatever. I’ll see you at your parents’ place tonight for dinner. Your mother called me earlier. Eight o’clock sharp. Wear your grey pinstripe suit and pale blue dress shirt,” she ordered as she turned away from him.

  He narrowed his eyes and watched her stride purposefully towards the door.

  “And for pity’s sake put on a tie,” she called over her shoulder before closing the door.

  He hadn’t missed the fact that she’d come and gone without so much as a kiss or embrace. Hell, they’d barely made eye contact during their entire conversation…and he wasn’t placing the blame for the lack of intensity entirely on her slim shoulders.

  Jumal hated being told about such arrangements third-hand and at the last minute. He’d had it with people making decisions about his personal life for him. The rebellious part of his character challenged him to get on his motorbike and head out to his home in the desert with his horses, leaving his fiancée and parents to enjoy their evening on their own. It was likely they wouldn’t even miss him. They could try to organise his personal life better if he wasn’t actually there to pass comment or offer an opinion. That was precisely how he’d acquired his social-climbing fiancée… He was the sixth in line to find out about it after both sets of parents and Faridah had decided his future without him over dinner one evening. At the time though, just after he’d returned from his visit to Melville House and being reintroduced to Pippa, it had suited him. A fool proof distraction from where his real interest lay…thousands of miles away in the middle of nowhere in the North Yorkshire moors. Sod it, he thought, and brought up his email account.


  Pippa scowled at Faridah’s back as she stood waiting for the lift to arrive at the fiftieth floor. She leaned forward in her chair, resting her elbows on her desk and dropping her chin into her hands, pondering if she could get away with accidentally throwing her pen at Miss Tall and Gorgeous’s back. Her devilish scheming was interrupted by the ping of her email.

  To: Pippa Darling

  From: Jumal Aldabbagh

  Subject: Tonight


  Lots on with the Dubai deal. Need you to work late tonight. If you have plans you’ll have to cancel. I also need you to call my mother and tell her I can’t make dinner tonight.


  CEO, JAA Enterprises

  Great, just great. She was already convinced that his mother didn’t like her and no doubt she’d somehow be blamed for his cancelling dinner.

  She penned her reply.

  To: Jumal Aldabbagh

  From: Pippa Darling

  Subject: Re: Tonight

  Yeah sure, no problem about tonight, sir. I’ll just cancel all my plans. (Heavy sarcasm intended.)

  Are you happy fo
r me to come up with an appropriate excuse for your mother as to why her only son can’t make dinner?


  Personal Assistant to Jumal Aldabbagh

  JAA Enterprises

  Having received his positive reply, she picked up her phone and placed it between her shoulder and ear whilst looking over at Melina with a wicked glint in her eye.

  “Oh no, I know that look. Whatever you’re thinking isn’t a good idea, Pip. Stop baiting the tiger. He’s gonna turn and bite you,” her friend warned whilst shaking her head.

  “What?” she asked, innocently. “He shouldn’t make me do all his dirty work.”

  She ignored Melina’s soft reply reminding her that that was actually part of her job description.

  Eventually, the butler connected her call to Mrs Aldabbagh.

  “Yes, sorry, Mrs Aldabbagh, I know it’s late notice and Jumal is just so sorry but he can’t make dinner tonight. The doctor could only offer him an emergency appointment tonight and of course he needed to get it seen to as quickly as possible. I think Jumal said something about some oozing and all. Yuck.”

  Pip had to hold the phone away from her ear at his mother’s retort.

  “What was that?” she checked, gingerly returning the phone to her ear. “Oh yes of course you can speak to him, I’ll just put you through. Nice speaking to you again, Mrs Aldabbagh.”

  She punched in his extension number.

  “What?” Jumal growled at her.

  “Your mother would like a quick word, sir,” she said as she connected him.

  She leaned back in her chair, spinning it around slowly with her feet, her hands steepled together under her chin as she counted to herself. One, two, three…



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