Reaching Rico (The Adamos Book 5)

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Reaching Rico (The Adamos Book 5) Page 5

by Mia Madison

At last he’s buried inside me, and he rests his forehead against mine for a long moment. I run my hands over his chest, his shoulders, trying to let my touch say what I can’t. Then he starts to move.

  “Oh, god.”

  “Eyes on me, Mick.”


  “Need to see you.”

  So I keep them open, even though they want to roll back in my head in sheer ecstasy. “Baby,” I whisper, “please.” I don’t even know what I’m asking for; I just have to talk, to say anything at all that will let me love him with my voice along with every other part of me.

  He speeds up a little. “Touch your clit, babe.”

  “I don’t …”

  “Want you to come for me.” I was about to tell him I didn’t think I could come again, but as soon as he says that, my clit swells and it suddenly feels a whole lot like I can, and I will.

  I drop one hand down, and instead of it stopping at my clit like it’s supposed to, it keeps going, down to where he’s driving into me, my fingers doing the splits on either side of his cock so he strokes between them.

  “Mickey,” he growls, “clit.”

  I’m moaning in time with his thrusts now, too hard to get words out, but I bring my hand up and touch my swollen nub. Once, twice, three times, and the climax rips through me.

  As soon as I go over, Rico starts pounding into me hard and fast, sending me up again, and I come a final time just before he lets go and empties himself inside me.

  He backs away from the wall and over to the bed, where he sits down with me straddling him. The bed creaks alarmingly, but holds. I cuddle against him and his arms come around me, holding me close, one hand stroking my hair, my back. “How you doing?” he says after a few minutes.

  “Great,” I say, my voice dreamy.

  “Good.” He lifts me, turns me, and flips me, all in one smooth move, and I end up face down across his lap.

  “Rico, what the hell?”

  “I tell you to do something, you do it.” The next moment, one big hand cracks against my bare ass.

  “Ow!” The impact reverberates through me, arrowing straight through my core to my clit. The stinging burn quickly diffuses into a tingling heat that spreads along my nerve endings.

  “You understand me?” He spanks me again. One of my hands comes up by instinct to shield me and he captures it easily, pinning it against my back. Twice more his hand comes down.

  “Oww,” I moan, my legs kicking out. “Yes, I understand.”

  “Good,” he says again. “How many was that?”

  I have to take a moment to add them up. “Four.”

  “Keep counting. We’re going to ten.” So I call out the numbers as he spanks me, wincing and gasping and cursing, and when it’s done he sits me up again.

  “That really hurt.”

  “Mm-hmm. Bet your clit is feelin’ the heat right now.”


  Alone And Horny

  He is so right. My clit is aching. His leg is as solid as a rock beneath my oversensitized ass, and his cock is fully recovered and ready to go again. I reach for him, but he stops me.

  “I’m going back to the garage. You’re staying here. Tomorrow, I want you back at work.”

  “Why am I staying here?”

  “Because we don’t both need to be walkin’ around Revved with ‘just got laid’ signs on our foreheads.”

  I crack up, leaning against him as I shake with helpless laughter. “That is … very wise,” I say when I can speak again.

  “Glad you approve, babe.” His lips graze my forehead, and I’m suddenly overwhelmed with the desire to stay in his arms forever. As if, once he’s gone, this will all turn out to have been my imagination. Or the world will somehow come between us, and we’ll never have a moment like this again.

  Rico shifts me from his lap to the bed, and I wince as my ass hits the mattress. “After I’m gone, you get cleaned up and then get some rest. Read a book, watch some tv, whatever. Don’t leave this house.”

  I stare at him. “Are you being bossy just to be bossy?”

  One dark brow arches up. “You complaining?”

  “No, no, just … when you said you were going to take over my life, I thought you meant it more … holistically. Metaphorically, even.”

  Rico brushes the back of his finger across my cheekbone. “You’re mine now. So yeah, I’m gonna be bossy. In a variety of ways.”

  His words give me tingles in a variety of places. I watch as he moves around the room, ruing the disappearance of his body underneath his clothes. When he’s dressed, he sits back down on the edge of the bed and leans over me.

  “Another thing. From now on, you don’t get off unless I get you off.”

  I blink. “What?”

  “You heard me.”

  “Ever?” I sputter. “At all?”

  He brings his mouth to within a whisper of mine. “You come, it’s with me.”

  “I hate you right now.”

  He gives me a quick, hard kiss, then stands. “See you tomorrow.”

  I narrow my eyes at him. “I hope you won’t mind when I hump your leg in front of all the guys.”

  Rico grins at me. I’ve never seen him smile, really smile, like that. It’s breathtaking. “Lookin’ forward to you tryin’, babe. Later.”

  When he’s gone, I force myself to do what he said. I take a shower and settle in the living room with a book and a favorite movie. When my parents get home, I explain that I came home early from work because I felt a little unwell, and Rico thought it was better for me to rest.

  It’s a huge lie covered in a partial truth, and it makes me feel bad. But there’s no way I can explain to my parents that I’m in love with a man who’s closer to my dad’s age than mine. Let alone that it’s my boss, and he came over and fucked me in my bedroom.

  When I crawl under the covers that night, the room is full of memories, and my bed has never felt so lonely. I want to send Rico a text, tell him that I miss him, that I’m thinking of him. But maybe it’s too soon for that.

  There’s a little bit of moonlight slanting through my windows. My eyes scan the room, my brain fighting sleep, too busy replaying the day’s events. I know a perfect technique for relaxation, but Rico’s forbidden me to use it. Darn him anyway, leaving me alone and horny.

  I fall asleep thinking about humping his leg.


  Behave Yourself

  I’m just about to come when Rico says, “Honey?”

  His voice sounds strange. Someone knocks on the door, and my eyes fly open. It’s morning, and I’m lying in bed with my hand down my panties.

  I yank it away just as my mom cracks my bedroom door open. “Mickey? Are you okay, hon? You’re going to be late to work.”

  “Crap!” I leap out of bed and run around the room, gathering my clothes. Five minutes later, I’m running for the front door.

  “Don’t rush,” Mom calls to me. “It froze last night, and the roads may be icy.”

  “Dammit,” I mutter as I jump into my car. Driving slowly goes against every instinct I have right now, but Rico will be a lot madder if I get in an accident than he will about me being late. I do squeak through a couple of yellow lights, with a silent thanks to the traffic gods.

  It’s two minutes after eight when I pull into the parking lot. Crap! All the spaces near the garage are taken; I have to park several rows away.

  By the time I make it into the office, it’s five after. And of course Rico’s in there. “Sorry.” I fling down my purse, drag my coat off, and hang it on one of the hooks on the wall.

  Whirling, I’m about to race to the computer, but Rico’s in my way. “You okay?”

  “I’m sorry I’m late.”

  “You said that.” His hand cups the back of my neck. “I’m askin’ if you’re okay.”

  “Yeah. I just, I overslept.”

  His grip tightens a fraction. “Bad night?”

  His warmth seeps into my bones; his calm soothes me.
My near-panic starts to recede. “It took me a while to get to sleep, so I guess my body was trying to make up for it this morning.”

  “First time you’ve been late in over four years, babe. Don’t beat yourself up about it.”

  “Okay. Sorry.”

  “And stop apologizing.”

  I open my mouth, then close it again. “Right.”

  “Did you eat?”

  A fragment of my dream slips into my consciousness. I blink at him. “What?”

  His eyes narrow. “Where did your brain go just then?”

  Heat travels up my face. “I, uh, had a dream last night. Or this morning, actually.”

  “A dream about eating?”

  My cheeks get hotter. “So to speak.”

  His voice deepens. “Did you behave yourself?”

  It takes me a moment to realize what he means. “Um, mostly.”

  “Mostly? You did or you didn’t, doll.”



  I can’t believe Rico and I are having a workplace discussion about orgasms. “I misbehaved in my sleep, but I woke up before anything … happened.”

  “Okay.” His eyes are warm and alight with something that looks like mischievousness. “Back to the other kind of eating. Did you have breakfast?”

  “Oh. No.”

  “Go over to the café, get something, bring it back. Don’t want you working on an empty stomach.”

  This time, I flush with pleasure that he’s taking care of me. “Okay. Thanks.”

  He doesn’t release his hold on my neck. I’m getting tingly, and I’d much rather be doing the naughty kind of eating. “So, should I go do that now?”

  Rico presses a kiss to my hair and lets me go. “Yeah.” There’s a thumping sound, and we look down to see that Valiant left her bed and is sitting right at our feet, watching us.

  “Are you chaperoning?” I ask, and she wags her tail again. “Who’s a good girl?” She jumps up, bracing her paws on my leg. I scritch her ears, and Val licks my hand.

  Rico’s lips twitch. “Go lie down,” he tells her, and she does, her eyes on him. “Mickey, go get food.”

  “Yes, sir, Mr. Adamo.”

  He was on his way out, but that stops him. He turns and backs me up against the wall. “I’m gonna remind you you said that. Later. When you’re begging me.”

  My eyes get big. “For what?”

  “Everything,” he says, and goes out into the garage.

  Through the glass, I see a few of the mechanics watching us. It makes me blush, but it also gives me an inner glow. After so many years of him shutting me out, to have him be easy with me, playful, openly affectionate, is beyond wonderful.

  I practically float across the parking lot to the café. Cait and Gina are on this morning, and they both do a double-take when I come in.

  Cait comes over when I take a seat at the counter. “Everything all right? It’s too early for your break.”

  “Yeah, fine. Can I get an English muffin to go? And an iced tea? Thanks.”

  She peers at me. “What kind of fine are we talking about?”

  “Let’s just say that yesterday was a very eventful day.”

  “Good eventful?”


  She snorts. “Just the muffin?”

  “I’m under orders to eat breakfast.”

  Her face lights up. “Ooh, orders. You better have some eggs, girl.”

  I try to gauge how Rico will react to just a muffin and decide she’s right. “Okay, can you put a fried egg on the muffin? Over medium.”

  “Got it.” She puts my order in and brings the iced tea, then moves away to see to other guests. I’m drumming my fingers on the counter, eager to get back to the garage, when someone takes the seat on my left.

  “Hey, darlin’,” Wolf says. His eyes are keen, and too perceptive for comfort. “You look a sight better than yesterday. You and Rico work things out?”

  I nod, still embarrassed that he saw me like that. “Good,” he says quietly, and studies me a moment longer. “Man’s like a brother to me. But if he ever doesn’t treat you right, and you need backup, you let me know.”

  It’s my turn to search his face. I’m more troubled by his words than I care to admit. Does he know something I don’t?

  “Not that I expect him to,” Wolf adds, like he’s reading my mind. “Just want you to know you’ve got someone in your corner.”

  “Thanks.” I’m not exactly reassured, so when Cait comes over with my order, I excuse myself and go back to the garage, mindful of Wolf’s eyes on me.

  I’m strangely disoriented by having my usual morning routine upset. In between dealing with paperwork and customers, I nibble at my egg and muffin, washing the food down with the iced tea.

  The next time Rico’s in the office, he scowls at my takeout. “You’ve hardly had any.”

  “I’m working. I can’t be chomping on food while I’m ringing up a job.”

  “Finish it,” he orders. “And make sure you eat plenty for lunch.” I smile to myself and take another bite, and then sneak a little bit to Valiant.

  Skipping my break makes up for the time I lost this morning. I feel better once that’s squared away. I’m working on our parts order when Rico comes in to check on ordering a custom turbo header.

  While he’s on the computer, I shift over to filing. My gaze wanders out over the garage, and inevitably I think back to yesterday’s ruckus. “What happened to the guy?” I ask.

  “What guy?”

  I hesitate, but I know if I don’t explain myself he’ll follow up. “The creepy one from yesterday. Is he all right?”

  Rico shoots me a narrow-eyed glance. “Why are you worried about him?”

  “I’m not. I’m worried about you. Getting arrested.”

  His gaze softens. “That ain’t gonna happen. If he tried to come back at me, the cops would find out exactly why I had him by the throat.”

  He straightens. “Glad to know you care, though, babe.” As he passes me, he pats me on the ass. Gently, but it’s enough to remind me that there’s still some residual soreness.

  “What do you think?” I ask Val when he’s gone. “Sexiest man ever?” She thumps her tail. “I agree.”


  Don’t Worry About It

  “Rico, fuck,” I moan.

  We’re on his bed, my back to his front. He’s up on his knees, leaning back at an angle, fucking me slow and deep, with one arm anchoring me to him and his other hand circling my clit.

  “Stay with me, babe,” he says, and his voice vibrates from his chest against my skin. “Not finished with you yet.”

  It’s Saturday morning, and last night Rico took me home with him. He lives up in the mountains outside of town, in a split-level ranch with amazing views.

  I found out why he wanted to finish fast our first time: Rico has the stamina of an Olympic athlete. He could have gone all night last night, if not for the fact that he’s trying to take it easy on me.

  Even so, four years of celibacy is a lot to ask of a man like him. I think if he could, he’d send us both on vacation for the next year — or ten — and spend it in bed.

  He’s hitting my G-spot with every stroke, sending me soaring toward another huge climax. “Baby,” I moan. “You feel so good. I love how you fuck me.”

  “Love your cunt, babe. Could stay inside your sweet pussy forever and die a happy man.” His fingers brush my clit, lightly, and are gone again. I gasp and tighten around him.

  “Rico, please, I need to come.”

  “Not yet,” he says against my hair. “In another hour or two.”

  I let out a sobbing laugh, knowing he’s only half teasing. “If you make me wait that long I’ll die, and then you’ll be really mad at yourself.” He speeds up a little. “You’ll be — oh god — be crying at my graveside, saying, ‘If only I’d let her come.’”

  He stops moving. “Rico?” No answer, but the stillness of his body feels ominous. “Bab
y, I was just—”

  The next moment we tilt forward until my elbows are braced on the bed but my lower body is still up in the air, my legs doing the splits on either side of him. Rico takes hold of my hips and starts pounding into me, yanking me back to meet him with every thrust.

  Sensation rockets through me and I can’t hold back, it’s too strong, it builds and bursts, and my cries echo off the walls as I come over and over and over again, so many times I lose count before Rico finally slams home inside me and lets go.

  When he’s spent, he gathers me up against him again, holding me close. “Did I hurt you?” His voice is rough.

  “No.” I turn my head and kiss his arm. “No. But are you all right?”

  He’s silent for a long moment, then kisses my cheek and lifts me gently off him. “I’ll go make us some breakfast.”

  I get cleaned up and pull on some jeans and a t-shirt before I go out to the kitchen to find him making omelets. Valiant sits nearby, in the neverending canine hope of scraps falling on the floor. “Rico—”

  He pulls me to him and kisses my hair. “Don’t worry about it.”

  But I do.

  And though I’m up there with him all weekend, the invasion never comes.


  Damsels In Distress

  On Monday, we ride into town together. Rico didn’t want me going up the mountain in freezing temperatures, so he’ll take me home after work today.

  The morning goes by quickly. One minute before I’m set to clock out for my break, the phone rings. “Revved Garage, this is Mickey.”

  “Hi. Is Rico there?”

  The voice is lushly feminine, sultry and seductive. As if the woman were trained to work on a phone sex line. My skin goes cold.

  Automatically, I glance Rico’s way. He’s absorbed in conversation with Jake and Nicky. “He’s not available right now. Can I take a message?”

  “That’s all right; I’ll call back. No, wait. Tell him Delilah said she’s got a new horse she can’t wait to try out. He’ll know what I mean.”


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