Naked Hustle

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Naked Hustle Page 20

by Trey Parker

  The house was full and Taq was on his way. He arrived in style. He pulled up in a black Bentley truck right up to the front entrance of the mansion. He got out of the passenger seat with an all-black tailored suit on. Black was his favorite color. He had a huge smile on his face. Latoya had it set up for Taq to get picked up from the prison then taken to a high-end clothing store to put on his custom-made suit. Once Taq arrived at the party, Latoya greeted him with a long kiss and hug, then they walked into the party together. Once he made his entrance, everyone’s head turned and they started cheering. Pat got the microphone and gave a quick introduction.

  “I hope everyone is having a great time! I want to thank everyone for coming out, on behalf of Black Wall Street Inc. The man of the hour has finally arrived. We missed him so much that we threw him a party to let him know how much we appreciate him. I must say, I love this guy with all my heart, and if it wasn’t for him, I don’t know where I would be. So, without further waiting, introducing my boss, my friend, my mentor—even though I’m five-years older than him—and the leader of Black Wall Street Inc, Taq Taylor!”

  Everyone applauded and cheered.

  Taq took the mic from Pat. “Wow. Thank you, Pat. That means a lot to me. Great intro. First of all. I want to thank every single one of you for coming out! Y’all are my closest friends and I have no idea what I would do without you. You know, let’s face it, jail time is no fun for anyone. But sometimes you just have to make the most of every situation. Good and bad. I want to give a special, special, special shout out to my fiancée, Latoya aka Mrs. Black Wall Street. She’s been holding me down since I got locked up. When I tell you that she is the best thing that ever happened to me, I am not kidding. Without her, I’m nothing. I love you baby. Thank you for sticking by my side. Also, to Pat and Poison. Thank you for putting this event together and for many, many, more things that you do for me. I owe you all my life. With that being said, let’s keep this party going!”

  Everyone bombarded Taq with hugs and handshakes.

  After five minutes of greeting everyone, Latoya tapped Taq’s shoulder. “I’m going to introduce you to my mom, Martha, really quick. She’s here too. I want you to meet her.”

  “Of course, where is she,” said Taq.

  “Hold on. Let me go find her. I’ll be back,” Latoya broke off from Taq.

  While looking around, Latoya see’s the back of Poison’s head. She thought maybe he had seen Martha. He’s speaking to a man and woman. She taps on him; he and the couple turn around.

  “What’s up, Latoya,” asked Poison.

  “Have you seen my ma…” she stopped mid-sentence. She stared at the man that Poison was talking to in disbelief.

  “Have I seen your mama, Martha? No, I haven’t. But, let me introduce you to two of our fine guest. Latoya, this is Marvin Maples and his date Vicky.”

  Marvin held his hand out. “Nice to meet you...Latoya,” he said with a smile.

  Latoya looked at his hand. Denying the handshake.

  “Is there a problem?” Poison said looking confused.

  “Oh no. I ummmm, just came from the bathroom and I didn’t wash my hands that’s all. Um. How did you find out about the party and how do you know Taq? I’m the one that sent the invites and I don’t remember seeing your name?”

  Marvin giggled, “Oh Taq, we met a while ago. He’s so successful now he probably doesn’t even remember me. I just came to show my support that’s all.”

  “Good. Now that you’ve done so. You can leave the premises,” said Latoya pointing towards the door.

  “Excuse me?” said Vicky.

  “You heard me. I did not stutter. I said that you both can leave the premises. Poison, please escort Mr. Maples and his date out immediately.

  “Was that an order from Taq?” asked Poison.

  “No, that’s an order from me, speaking on his behalf,” said Latoya.

  Poison looked towards Marvin.

  Marvin shrugged. “It’s ok. She’s right. We just wanted to stop by. We didn’t have plans to stay too long anyway. Mr. Poison, thank you for the hospitality, I’ll be in touch. Come on, baby, let’s go,” he said. As they made their way to the exit.

  Poison looked at Latoya. “What the hell is your problem?”

  “Nothing. They weren’t on the guest list that I sent out. Mind your business, Poison.”

  “I am minding my business. Those were my guest that I personally invited. He’s a very powerful business man and you just disrespected the shit out of him. Do you know him?”

  “Nope. I don’t know him,” said Latoya.

  “Come on. Latoya don’t lie to me. How do you know him? It seems like y’all have history. Do you have something going on behind closed doors with him too? Something that Taq doesn’t know about? You got another secret you want to let me in on? You know I can keep secrets. I got your back.”

  “I know of him, that’s all. Marvin used to date a friend of mine. He’s just a snake. An old low down dirty snake in the grass. I know he’s cheating on that dumb bitch Vicky. Poor girl. Ugh! Everyone that is here should have been on that guest list. Because if I would’ve saw it I would’ve crossed his name out with red ink.”

  “He’s just a successful businessman that came to network. Just like everyone else. And don’t let your emotions get entangled with possible business partners. Keep them separate. Now let me go escort our guests out properly,” said Poison before walking off to catch Marvin and Vicky.

  Latoya then hears an obnoxious, but familiar laugh over all of the noise and wonders where it came from. She hears her mother’s voice and then she turns and sees her and her so called boyfriend, Eddie, laughing very hard by the bar. Eddie was about 50-years old but he dressed like he was in a time machine. He had on a big chain and a vintage, Michael Vick Falcons jersey on with saggy faded FUBU pants. He stood out like a sore thumb. Martha’s mouth was wide open with a cup in her hand.

  Latoya was embarrassed. So, she approaches her mother.

  “Mom, you’re kind of loud over here, is everything ok?”

  Martha looked at her. “Oh Latoya, did you meet my new boyfriend, Eddie! Eddie this is my daughter, Latoya.”

  “Oh! Yeaa! Nice to meet you, Latoya. Your mama been telling me all about you. I heard you got it goin ooonn. I’m just trying to be your future stepdaddy,” Eddie slurred his words and giggled with Martha as they tickled each other.

  Latoya looked at Martha. “Is Mr. Eddie helping you find a job? Because you managed to find a new boyfriend every week but you can’t manage to find a job. You’ve been living with me for two months now. All you do is sit around the house all damn day, but when you do leave you just bring home a boyfriend.”

  “Latoya, don’t start that shit today. I’m looking for a job, ok. I’ll find one when I find one damnit. Don’t try to talk to me like I’m your child. I’m your mother. Don’t forget that. I raised you.”

  “No, Grandma Betsy raised me. You just used to get drunk and high and pass your pussy out to old broke down raggedy negros like this one. And that’s why Leah is dead now.”

  Martha reached back and slapped Latoya. The slap sounded off through the whole party.

  Everyone’s head turned towards them. “Now listen here! You watch your damn mouth! I deserve some respect!”

  Latoya grabbed her face. She points towards the entrance. “Get out of my house. Both of you!”

  “You don’t have to tell me twice. I’m out of here. Come on Eddie.”

  They both stormed towards the front entrance.

  Taq came up to Latoya.

  “What was that all about?” he asked.

  “She has to go. I’m through with her. They don’t belong here.”

  “Why not? That’s your mother?”

  “She’s just here embarrassing me. I was about to introduce her to you and ask if she could stay here with us, but she’s just a mess and I know you wouldn’t tolerate that type of behavior around you.”

  “Wait what? O
f course, she can stay here. She seemed fine to me. She’s just having a good time. I saw the whole interaction Latoya. Don’t ever talk disrespectful to your mom like that. Do you know what I’d do just to have the opportunity to tell my mother I love her? I’d do anything to have my parents back. Your family is all you got. That’s your blood. Your family isn’t perfect and neither are you. Go apologize. Call, find her right now and apologize.”

  “Ok. I will. Just give me a second to cool off.”

  “No. Go now!” Taq pointed their way.

  Latoya headed towards the entrance looking for her mother. Her mother had already left the party.

  The day after his homecoming party, Taq scheduled a meeting with Pat, Latoya, and Poison. Latoya was afraid that Taq had somehow found out about her actions while he was locked up. They all gathered in the back conference room. Taq sat at the front of the desk while everyone sat around.

  “Man, that party was crazy last night. I had a ball! You all did a wonderful job. And I want to thank you all for being there for me when I couldn’t be there for y’all. It really means a lot to me.”

  They all nodded. “I’m just happy to have you back home. You don’t belong in that cage,” said Pat.

  Taq continued. “You’re right, Pat. That cage is like hell. But during my time locked up, I met some amazing people. Did a lot of reading, and most of all, I did a lot of reflecting on my life in general. I must say that I am not the same person that I was when I went in. With that being said, I have a huge announcement to make. After many talks with Latoya and doing some soul searching, I’ve decided to leave the drug business. For good.”

  “You’re fucking with us, right?” said Pat fixing himself in his seat.

  “I’m dead serious,” said Taq.

  Latoya had a sigh of relief, “I’m soo proud of you baby. This is the best news I have heard since forever!”

  “So, what are we going to do for money?” asked Pat.

  “We’re still the Black Wall Street Inc. Is whatever it takes not our motto? We’ll figure it out. We still have millions of dollars to invest in whatever businesses we want. The possibilities are endless. Car washes, barbershops, restaurants, real estate, car dealerships, the stock market. We can buy up the whole hood. We can invest in our communities. We have wealthy friends and friends in high place. We just have to think strategically and work hard.”

  “How long is all that going to take to make a profit? Look boss, I understand you are a changed man and you had a revelation and all but how are we just going to stop cold turkey? You can’t just quit the drug game cold turkey. There’s huge repercussions to that! You put food on a lot of people’s plates, and money in a lot of people’s pockets, including mine. This is going to send shockwaves through the whole industry. People are going to be upset. Somebody like Musa may look at this move as a surrender which is a sign of weakness, people are going to come after us,” said Pat.

  “Pat, it may take some time for us to turn a profit and some adjusting but it will all be worth it in the end. That’s what sacrifice is all about. I have ruined lots of families and I left kids fatherless, and mothers crying over their dead son’s bodies. Drugs are simply bad business. It’s time for a change. I’m going legit. Plus, I’ve already planned to increase our budget with security. I have full faith in Poison protecting us while we make the transformation. If we have to go to war, we can go to war with whomever. Do you think you can handle that, Poison?”

  “Of course, boss. I got your back,” said Poison in agreement.

  Pat responded. “Ok, boss, how about this? Why can’t you start a business now, stay in the dope game until the business takes off, then slowly transition out?”

  “I’m out for good, Pat. No more turning back. I will not sell an ounce of any type of drug for the rest of my life. This is not up for debate, it’s final.”

  “Excuse me, I need some fresh air,” Pat gets up and storms out of the room.

  “He’ll be fine. He’ll adjust. He has no choice but to. Poison, I need you to hire some more street soldiers to protect us while we make this change with our business. Stay ready for war at all times so that you don’t have to get ready.” Taq then looked over and held Latoya’s hand. “And I need you to protect my queen like you’ve been doing. Keep her safe. Anywhere she goes, you go.” Taq turns to Latoya. “Baby, don’t go anywhere without notifying Poison or myself. There was one thing that Pat was right about. When people see that we’re trying to make a change for the good, they might try to attack us because they think we’re vulnerable. So be alert. Stay focused. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, I’m with you, babe,” Latoya responded.

  “Good. Did you ever get back in touch with your mom last night to apologize?”

  “Unfortunately, no. She had left before I could catch her.”

  “Well, call her now. Check up on her. You still need to apologize to her,” Taq said.

  Latoya dialed her mother. Her mother answered.

  “Latoya! Thank God you called. I was just about to call you. I need you. I need you now. Where are you?”

  “What do you need, Ma? More money?”

  “No. It’s Eddie. He’s mad at me. And he’s going to try to hurt me. Really bad. I need you to come. Hurry! I’m at this house on the corner of Piedmont and MLK Blvd. He’s coming in the room now!”

  “Call the police, Ma!”

  “I can’t! It’s dope everywhere. I’d go back to prison!”

  “Never mind! I’m on the way!” said Latoya. She ended the call.

  “Where are you going?” asked Taq.

  “I’m on the way to my mom. She’s in trouble.”

  “Trouble?! Where is she?!”

  “On the corner of Piedmont and MLK. I’ll take care of this myself though. I don’t need back up. This is my family,” said Latoya walking out the door.

  “You don’t listen do you. What did I just say? Your family is our family!” said Taq to Latoya as she walked out the door. “Poison, get some ammunition. We’re going to follow her and meet her there.”

  Latoya rushed out the house and hopped in her car. She was doing 100 miles per hour. She went so fast Taq and Poison lost sight of her car. She got to the house. Went to the door and knocked. Tried to open it. It was unlocked. She tiptoes in. The house was filthy. Martha was right. There were dirty needles and drugs everywhere. It smelled like gym socks and burnt wood.

  “Is anyone here?!” Momma, are you here?” Suddenly, she heard something move in the backroom. She headed that way. The door was cracked open. She opened it wider. There Martha was. Laid out, with nothing but a shirt on, lying on a mattress on the floor. Face down. Latoya ran to her and turned her over. She had a black eye. And a swollen jaw.

  “Mama, you ok?!”

  “Yes. I’m ok,” moaned Martha.

  “Where is he?! I’m going to kill him!” said Latoya looking around.

  “He went to the store to get cigarettes, he’ll be back any minute.”

  “What are you doing here?! Why did he do this to you?!”

  “Last night, we left your party and came here. We were still drunk, and I was still mad so I told him I wanted to get super high. We got high then we got into an argument. That’s when he started punching and kicking me.”

  “Martha!” someone yells from the front door.

  “Shhhhss. That’s him. Hide,” said Martha cringing.

  “I ain’t hiding from that piece of shit.”

  “Martha, who you talking to?” he says right before walking in.

  “Oh. It’s your rich-ass, fine-ass daughter. What you doing here?!” He has an open bottle of liquor in his hand.

  “You made a huge mistake by putting your hands on her. You fucked with the wrong family.”

  He walks up to Latoya, “Now, Toya, don’t come in here trying to fix some shit that has nothing to do with you. That’s my woman. I do what I want with my woman. Now, leave before I give that pretty face a black eye just like your mama.�

  Latoya pulled Mace out and sprayed him right in the face. Then she punched him square in the jaw and kneed him in the nuts. He fell to the floor on his knees. He dropped his liquor bottle and it shattered everywhere. She had heels on so she took one off and started beating his face in with her heel with all her might. He screamed for help.

  “You’re going to learn who not to put your hands on!” she said after giving him one last knee to his nuts.

  Seconds later, Taq and Poison run in. They had guns.

  “You ok, baby?!” asked Taq.

  “I’m fine,” said Latoya catching her breath.

  “I thought that was you screaming.” He looked at Poison. “I guess she didn’t need a bodyguard after all. My baby can kick some ass too,” said Taq with a chuckle.

  Sirens came.

  Taq looked at the scenery. “We have to get out of here now! If the police catch me even near a place like this, they are putting me under the jail. Let’s go, now!”

  Martha looked at Latoya. With a squeaky weak voice, “You’re not going to leave me here are you? They may take me to jail too. I can’t go back to jail. I’d rather die.”

  “Martha. I love you, however, I cannot harbor you in my house again. If the police find you at Taq’s house, they’re going to arrest you and Taq. I came and saved you from Eddie. Now, it’s time to save yourself. And it’s time to find yourself. You may not realize it now, but this may be the best thing for you right now.”

  “Don’t leave me here Latoya! I’m begging you!” she said with her hands held out.

  The sirens grew louder.

  “Bye, Martha.”

  Latoya was aware of the fact that would possibly be the last time she saw her mother.



  40. Leader Shift


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