Boots and Twisters

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Boots and Twisters Page 13

by Myla Jackson

  He seemed to be struggling between rage and lust. “I thought we had something going.”

  Isaac let the crop drop to his side. “Lucky, if you and my big brother have something, I’ll stop now.”

  She stared into Trent’s eyes. The longer she paused, the darker the rage.

  “We almost made love in the creek,” she admitted.

  Isaac stepped back. “But we…I won’t come between you, if that’s what you want.”

  Trent directed his anger at his brother. “Good, then go wait in the truck. Lucky and I have something to discuss.”

  “No, Isaac. Stay.” Lucky straightened, anger pulling her up to full height. “I haven’t committed to anyone, and as far as that goes, neither has Trent. He’s free to pursue any woman in the bar or anywhere else for that matter.”

  He smacked his hat against his thigh. “I just might.”

  “Then go ahead. Isaac was treating me to the delights of sex with props.” She pushed out her naked breast. “Continue, please.”

  Isaac glanced from her to his brother. “You okay with this Trent? I don’t mind if you stay and watch, if Lucky doesn’t mind.” He grinned. “It’s kind of kinky.”

  “I’m not into kink,” Trent said but didn’t leave.

  “Maybe you should consider it.” Lucky guided the crop to her nipple. “Lower, please.” Was this really the cowgirl who’d been too shy to get undressed to go skinny-dipping?

  Isaac dragged the crop down her torso to the mound of hair hidden beneath her panties at the junction of her thighs.

  Trent’s breathing became labored. Like a bull in the ring, his breath exited his nose in hard puffs. He sounded like he wanted to paw the ground and charge.

  “I don’t know, Lucky, he looks like he might blow a gasket.” Isaac cast glances toward his brother. “Maybe we shouldn’t.”

  “Please,” she entreated, her gaze locked on Trent’s. “I’ve never had sex with someone else watching. It…intrigues me.” She slipped her tongue across dry lips.

  Trent ripped the crop from Isaac’s hand. “If anyone’s going to watch, let it be Isaac.”

  “Are you staking a claim?” Lucky asked.


  She lifted her chin. “Then go away and let Isaac continue.”

  Isaac dragged the crop between her legs and across her pussy. “How are you for being spanked?”

  Trent actually growled.

  Lucky hid a grin. “I like the way you think, Isaac. But wait.” She shimmied out of her panties, turned and pointed her ass at him. “I’ve always wondered what it felt like to be whipped.” She winked at him. “Proceed.”

  Isaac went to strike her, but Trent’s hand shot out and snatched the whip from his hand. “I can’t allow you to do that.”

  “Oh, come on, you don’t think I would hurt her, do you?”

  Trent glared. “I don’t know what the hell to think.” He slapped the crop against his open palm, the smacking sound making Lucky’s pussy clench. Holy hell, would he spank her already? She’d stepped way out of her comfort zone this time and the longer the two men stood there, the more her confidence waned. Audrey had missed the mark on this pair of brothers. They weren’t that into her, or into sharing her.

  Lucky straightened, crossing her arms over her breasts. “Well hell, I loused this up too, didn’t I? The riding crop and being in the room where all the strippers had been last night must have gone to my head. Now, all I’m feeling is embarrassed and extremely awkward.” She grabbed her jeans and shirt and started to dress.

  Trent reached out with the crop, laying it over the jeans as she started to jam her legs into them. “Don’t.”

  “Don’t do what?” she asked, heat rising up her neck into her cheeks.

  Isaac cupped her cheek. “What he means is, the last thing we want is for you to feel embarrassed or awkward.” His hand slipped over her arm and down to rest on her hip. “If having the two of us is what you want, I’m sure we can come to some agreement.” He jabbed his elbow into Trent’s gut. “Right, brother?”

  Trent grunted, the riding crop pressing the jeans until she dropped them on the floor.

  “What do you want from me?” she whispered.

  “We want you,” Isaac said.

  “I believe you, Isaac.” She nodded toward Trent. “I’m not so sure your brother knows what he wants.”

  “You.” He set the tip of the crop on the side of her face then slid it down her neck and across the rise of her breast. “I want you.”

  “Enough to share with your brother?” she asked. “I refuse to come between you. And frankly, I like both of you. Isaac because of his charm and sincerity.”

  “And Trent?” Isaac’s brows rose, his lips curling. “Surely not for his charm and sincerity.”

  Lucky snorted. “Hardly.”

  Trent’s forehead furrowed. “Not funny.”

  “I like him for his animal passion.”

  It was Isaac’s turn to frown. “You know I can be passionate.”

  Lucky grinned. “Yes, sir, you can.”

  Trent’s face reddened under his tan. “You two did it?”

  She nodded. “Got a problem with that?”

  Trent opened his mouth, then snapped it shut without saying anything.

  Lucky challenged Trent with a look. “Well?”

  “Well, what?”

  “As far as I’m concerned, I won’t choose between you. It’s all or nothing.” She thought for sure he’d choose the latter option, leaving her high and dry and ready to pleasure herself to relieve the ache in her core.

  “I’m thinking.” Trent’s eyes narrowed, staring hard at Lucky as if to dare her to retract her ultimatum.

  She didn’t.

  Isaac stared at his brother like he’d lost his marbles. “Really, Trent? This is a no-brainer. Lucky’s a beautiful, intelligent, sexy woman. And at the moment, very naked. She’s willing to have us both. I don’t see the problem.”

  “I do.” Trent crossed his arms. “I’m not into threesomes.”

  “And you speak from experience?”


  “Then how do you know?” Isaac demanded.

  Lucky raised her hand. “Forget it.” She reached again for her fallen jeans. “I’ll work for you, but I’m not choosing between the two of you.” She almost got a foot into her jeans this time, before Trent stopped her again.

  Chapter Ten

  “Don’t.” Trent pressed the riding crop against her jeans.

  “What my brother—” Isaac started.

  Lucky stopped Isaac. “Let him speak for himself.”

  Trent’s jaw twitched and Lucky thought he would turn and walk away. But then he said, “Don’t get dressed.” He plucked the jeans from her hands and tossed them to the corner. “If you want to be spanked, I’ll do it.”

  “And Isaac?”

  “He can watch. Or he can do whatever you want him to do.”

  “Will you…” Lucky pressed her hands over her distended nipples and swallowed hard on the rising wave of desire threatening to steal her breath away. “Will you both make love to me?” she whispered.

  “Hell, yeah,” Isaac said before Trent could speak.

  Lucky waited for Trent’s response.

  Finally, he nodded.

  Lucky let her hands fall to her sides. “I’ve never done this before, so I’m not sure of the logistics of a threesome.”

  “I have, and it’s easy.” Isaac grinned at Trent’s frown. “What? I’m charming. But I’m no saint.” He faced Lucky. “I call front. Which means Trent takes the backside.”

  Her cheeks burned with a mix between the lingering embarrassment and the heat of lust. She’d never been sandwiched between two men and the thought had her wet between her legs before they’d even touched her.

  Isaac didn’t waste time, he moved in to claim her breasts, his hand cupping the swells, weighing them in his palms. “Perfect.” He bent to flick his tongue across one, while turning Lucky’s
back to Trent. “Don’t just stand there. You have her permission to make love to her. Hurry before she changes her mind. Unless you want me to have her all to myself.”

  “All or nothing,” she reminded him.

  “Trent. I’m counting on you.” Isaac ran his hand over Lucky’s bottom. “Tell me you can resist that milky-white ass.”

  Trent groaned and reached out to cup her ass, squeezing the flesh, kneading it between his rough fingers.

  “Still awkward,” Lucky gasped.

  “What’s wrong?” Isaac asked.

  “I’m the only one naked here. And what if someone walks in?”

  Isaac waggled his brows. “We make it a foursome.”

  “No way.” Trent leaned his cheek into Lucky’s hair, inhaling the fresh scent of her shampoo. “I draw the line at three. And I wouldn’t consider it at all if it wasn’t my brother.”

  “Nice to be loved.” Isaac pulled his shirt over his head without unbuttoning. Then he shucked his boots and jeans. He stood before Lucky buck naked.

  “Umm… Not bad.” She touched his chest. “It’s too bad your brother is so slow. You’ll have a head start.” Her hand circled Isaac’s engorged cock and she caressed it from base to tip.

  “Jeez, Trent. What the fuck are you waiting on?”

  “My pride.” He’d never been involved in a ménage. It didn’t feel right.

  “Fuck your pride. Lucky’s worth a hell of a lot more than your pride. Show her how it’s done.”

  Trent unbuttoned the top two buttons on his chambray shirt, got impatient with it and ripped the rest loose, buttons pinging off the walls. He toed off his boots and dropped his jeans, kicking them to the side.

  Isaac spread a black cape out on the floor and dropped to his knees. “Come here.”

  Lucky joined him, easing down on her knees.

  Trent followed suit. Parting Lucky’s legs from behind, he moved in between them and smoothed a hand over her ass. Then he traced the seam between her cheeks to the smooth, tight hole of her anus and lower to the damp entrance to her pussy.

  His cock twitched. He remembered what he carried in his wallet, and reached for his jeans. This time, he’d have the satisfaction of thrusting deep inside her. So what if his brother was there to watch. A trickle of excitement grew into a raging river of desire coursing through him, sending pressure to his groin, his cock swelling, growing, jutting forward.

  Digging in his wallet, he found the little foil packet, ripped it open and rolled it down over his member.

  Isaac kissed Lucky, his fingers threading through her hair, drawing her closer as he thrust his tongue into her mouth, his hand gliding down over her torso to cup her sex.

  Trent sucked in a breath, his muscles tightening. From behind Lucky, he reached around to cup her breasts, twirling the tips between his thumbs and forefingers. “Isaac is right for once.”

  “Hallelujah.” Isaac released her mouth and trailed kisses along her cheek and down her neck.

  Trent pressed a hand to the center of Lucky’s back between her shoulder blades, easing her forward onto her hands and knees.

  “Like this?” she asked.

  “Yes.” He slipped a finger into her pussy, then another, and another, stretching her entrance, dragging this wet fingers up to the anus where he poked his thumb into the tight little hole.

  He bent to press a kiss to her ass. Her skin was smooth as silk and he rubbed his cheek against it.

  Meanwhile, Isaac guided her face to his cock.

  Lucky took him into her mouth. Seeing her swallow his brother’s dick made Trent so hard he thought he’d come before he got inside. He remembered the way her lips had wrapped around him at the swimming hole, the way she’d held his balls in her hand, playing them between long, slender fingers.

  Holy hell, he wanted her, but he wanted her to want him as much. His fingers slipped between her folds and he stroked her, flicking her clit until her back arched and she moaned around the cock in her mouth. Several more strokes and she tensed, her body going rigid.

  One more long, stroke and a gentle tap on that little nubbin of nerves and she cried out, her fingers digging into Isaac’s hips.

  Trent moved in from behind, positioned his dick at her entrance and thrust, long, smooth and deep. Her tight channel gloved him in warm wet heaven. The crop lay on the floor beside her, taunting him. She’d wanted one of them to spank her with it. Did he dare? He raised the crop and tapped it lightly against her flank.

  Lucky flinched and moaned. “Again,” she said breathlessly.

  He smacked her again.

  “Harder,” she breathed.

  Afraid he’d hurt her, he tapped just a bit harder.

  “Harder,” she begged.

  This time he popped it, leaving a red mark on her pale white ass. Guilt made his hand freeze before the next pop.

  “Yes!” she exalted. “Again!”

  His cock hard as steel, he stung her with the crop.

  With his hand holding her hips, Trent settled into a primal rhythm, thrusting and whipping, the combination sending him to the edge of orgasm, where he hovered near the peak.

  His brother pumped from the opposite direction, his face screwed into an intense mask, his fingers threaded through Lucky’s hair, urging her to take more, faster and faster.

  One final thrust and Trent burst over the edge, catapulting into ecstasy.

  Isaac called out, his dick buried in Lucky’s mouth.

  When Trent came back to earth, he pulled free, cupped Lucky’s sex and smoothed a hand over her ass. “Wow.”

  Isaac chuckled and echoed his brother. “Wow.”

  Lucky collapsed on the cape and rolled to her back. “I don’t think I have a single bone left in my body.”

  “Let us dress you and take you home.”

  “You’ll have to.” She lay there as they pulled her jeans up her legs, fingering her and touching her as they went. When they sat her up and pulled her blouse over her shoulders, Trent had to taste her nipple before covering them. Isaac too.

  When they finally had her decent and had dressed themselves, Trent lifted Lucky into his arms and carried her to the truck at the back of the saloon.

  He’d forgotten about Otis. The dog had no sense of timing.

  When they settled a sleepy Lucky into the center of the seat, Otis clambered into her lap and lay down.

  Lucky laughed.

  Trent couldn’t help laughing with her. Before long all three of them were laughing and the dog barked.

  Trent drove them home. Lucky fell asleep, her cheek resting against his shoulder.

  When he carried her inside, she didn’t wake. Isaac turned back the covers, Trent laid her on the sheets and stared down at the woman who’d turned his life upside down.

  “I want to do it all again,” Isaac said.

  Trent grunted. “Guess we’d better leave her to sleep.”

  “Would you do it again, if she asked?” Isaac asked.

  Trent stared down at Lucky. “No.”

  “Still want her all to yourself?”


  Isaac snorted. “You never were good at sharing your toys.”

  “Lucky’s not a toy.”

  “Yeah, and you’ve never been able to commit for more than two days.” Isaac brushed the hair away from Lucky’s face. “I won’t let you hurt her.”

  “Who said I would?”

  “I know you.”

  “Maybe you don’t.”

  “I’d sell the ranch before I let you break her heart. She’s had it rough enough. She deserves a little happiness. Someone to love her just the way she is.”

  Love? Trent frowned. When did love enter into this equation? Lucky had only been with them for a little over a day. And already Isaac thought he was in love with her. How the hell did he know?

  How could any man be that certain that soon?

  Lucky was great, she was everything he’d always said he wanted. But was it enough for a happily ever after? H
is parents had promised to love, honor and cherish until death. His mother had left before Isaac’s second birthday, leaving behind her two children and a man so bitter he never looked at another woman and seemed to blame his boys for their mother’s disappearance.

  Trent feared he’d be the same and drive away the woman he cared about. It was easier not to care than to die a cranky old man with no one to love or love him.

  “She’s just a girl.” Trent glanced once more at Lucky, knowing in his gut he was wrong. She could possibly be the girl. But he had no intention of giving his heart and having it ripped from his chest. Better to leave it intact. “I just wanted the sex.”

  Isaac stared across at him, his face filled with disgust and disappointment. The disgust, Trent could take, the disappointment cut deep. He turned away.

  “You were right,” Isaac said. “I don’t know you. And what I do know, I really don’t like.”

  Isaac remained behind.

  Trent left the room, stripped out of his clothes and showered away the scent of Lucky on his skin. No use getting soft. Guarding his heart had become an art form. Why let a cowgirl with an unlucky streak get to him?

  Lucky lay awake into the wee hours of the morning, regret eating away at her. She’d been greedy to want to make love to both brothers. If she’d gone with her instincts, she’d never have made love to either and stuck to her farmhand roots.

  The insanity of the Ugly Stick Saloon and daring to step outside the box that had become her existence, had led to her wrecking her chances at staying on the Triple J Ranch.

  She’d been awake when the brothers had argued over her. She’d heard Trent’s statement that he’d only been after the sex. That Isaac had stuck up for her warmed her heart at the same time as it chilled her soul. The men disagreed and she was the cause.

  As she’d predicted, by sleeping with one or both of them, she was setting herself up with a ticket to leave. She’d rather remove herself from the equation than see the brothers argue over her.

  After the veterinarian’s visit the next morning, she’d pack her truck and head out, leaving her tips to pay back the money she’d borrowed from Isaac. Audrey had said she knew of an apartment that wasn’t too expensive but it wouldn’t be far enough away. No, she’d have to leave town. She could send Audrey the rest of the money she owed when she found another job.


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