Certainty (RiffRaff Records Book 7)

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Certainty (RiffRaff Records Book 7) Page 4

by L. P. Maxa

  “I never said you weren’t. But you’re out here in the middle of the night all by yourself. In your illegally run grow house. Don’t you have competitors? Don’t you worry about getting caught? This isn’t safe and—”

  “Just because my parents are clueless doesn’t mean I need you to step up and fill their role.” She shoved past me, moving up the stairs, talking over her shoulder. “I know what I’m doing, and mini lectures from you every time you decide to grace us with your presence isn’t going to do anyone any good.”

  “Marley, stop.” I moved quickly, grabbing her hand before she could make it all the way up the stairs and out the door. “I didn’t mean to upset you.”

  She glanced at our joined hands, then back to my face. “You didn’t upset me, you pissed me off.”

  I tugged her down to the step directly above the one I was on, putting us face-to-face and entirely too close. “Is it so bad to have someone who worries about your well-being?”

  “I have plenty of people who worry over me and stick their noses in my business.” She threw her free hand out wide, alerting me to the fact that I was still holding the other one. “I don’t need you doing it too.”

  She thought I was treating her like a child who didn’t know any better. And tonight, I learned that she was far from that. I needed to rein it in before she refused to ever talk to me again.

  “You’re right, and I’m sorry. Me lecturing you about this while I hold a bag of weed I’m for sure going to smoke is super fucking hypocritical.” I let go of her hand, even though I really didn’t want to. “Friends?”

  Her eyes searched my face, the corner of her lip twitching like she was thinking about smiling. “You want to be my friend, Talon?”

  She was doing it again, saying innocent words with that weighted tone in her voice. It was like she was daring me to say more, daring me to tell her I liked holding her hand and I liked being alone with her in the middle of the night.

  “I do, yeah. I’d like to be your friend.” And that was all I could be without spending the next fifteen years in prison, so it would have to do.

  She nodded, walking backward up the concrete steps, those lips twitching like she found all this amusing. “Okay, friend, see you around.” She stepped through the door, leaving me standing there holding my cell and a giant magic bag full of the weed she’d grown to help cancer patients.

  I stayed right where I was until I heard the main barn door slam shut.

  She couldn’t be mine, and the best thing for both of us would be for me to remember that the next time I had an urge to follow her down into this basement.

  Or anywhere else, for that matter.

  Talon + Marley

  Finishing first tour

  Talon: I smoked all your stuff. I’m out.

  Marley: Thanks for your email, that was helpful.

  Talon: I thought maybe it’d be easier to keep track of everything in excel form.

  Marley: You were very thorough, thank you.

  Talon: Well, now that I know your goal, it seemed like the least I could do.

  Marley: You want me to send you more? I think Jett is headed out with his dad to meet you guys later this week.

  Talon: That sounds dangerous. And that’s not a lecture, that’s stating a fact.

  Marley: If watching all my cousins stumble through life has taught me anything, it’s that everything that feels good is a little bit dangerous.

  Talon: Do you mean to do that? Do you mean to say these almost dirty things in the most innocent way possible?

  Marley: No.

  Talon: Sorry, forget I said that. It was inappropriate. I’m good. Don’t send me any more. I spent a few days at home and stocked up enough for this last leg of the tour.

  Marley: I bet my stuff is sooooooo much better.

  Talon: You’re doing it again.

  Marley: That time was on purpose.

  Talon: Well, your stuff can land you in jail. And me for that matter.

  Marley: Are we still talking about weed?

  Talon: YES.

  Marley: I wouldn’t go to jail. They’d toss me in juvie.

  Talon: I have a feeling you’d make juvie your bitch.

  Marley: Of course I would.

  Talon + Marley

  Finishing first tour

  Talon: I spent the past two days surfing with Jett. He talks about you all the time.

  Marley: Ugh. Go ahead. Ask.

  Talon: Are you two hooking up?

  Marley: Is that really any of your business?

  Talon: You told me to ask!

  Marley: And you took the bait. So, is it your business?

  Talon: Nope, not at all. But I still want to know.

  Marley: You tell me why you want to know and I’ll tell you the truth.

  Talon: Well, I’d like to think it’s because I’m nosy, or because I’m curious. But I think I want to know because I’m interested about your life.

  Marley: Jett is my best friend. He’s my brother. He’s the person I am closest with in this whole world. But that’s it.

  Talon: He’s a charmer.

  Marley: I’m immune to Jett’s charm.

  Talon: Do you ever get jealous? Of all the girls? Of all the partying he does?

  Marley: No, never. I get all the best parts of Jett, and they get the superficial leftovers.

  Talon: He’s lucky to have you.

  Marley: We’re lucky to have each other. Life as a Devil’s Spawn isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Our parents keep us kind of sequestered on the compound, and without Jett I probably would have lost my damn mind by now.

  Talon: They keep you on the compound to keep you safe, but then never really pay any attention to what you’re doing?

  Marley: It’s not a great system.

  Talon: Obviously.

  Marley: How’s tour life?

  Talon: At first, I loved it. It was all exciting and new, it was our actual dream come true. But by this point, I’m sort of exhausted and ready for it all to be over.

  Marley: Being a rock star is hard work, that’s what my dad says. I always thought he was full of shit, but you’re making it sound less than appealing.

  Talon: I’m whining because I’m tired. I should stop.

  Marley: You don’t have to hide how you feel from me. I get it.

  Talon: I like talking to you, M.

  Marley: I like talking to you too, when you’re not lecturing me.

  Talon: Someone’s got to watch out for you.

  Marley: You wanna be my daddy, Talon?

  Talon: You’re trouble.

  Marley: I guess maybe I am. If I start acting like a good girl, will you keep texting me?

  Talon: Stop it.

  Marley: Go take a nap, rock star.

  Talon + Marley

  Finishing first tour

  Talon: We played our last show with your Uncle Luke tonight. I’m sending Jett back to you. He’s about to be your problem again.

  Marley: Don’t ever tell him I told you this, but I’ve missed him.

  Talon: You both have so many siblings and cousins, how did your relationship get so strong? Jett and you both kind of talk like you’re in your own separate little family.

  Marley: Well, my oldest sister Halen was closer to Beau and Landry. And my other sister Avory was always tagging along with Cash and Crue who are close b/c they’re twins. Evie and Emmie were so quiet and kind of stuck to themselves. That left Jett and me, two outcasts.

  Talon: Two brilliant scheming charming crazy outcasts.

  Marley: I’ll take brilliant since we both know the only charmer in this dynamic duo is Jett Matthews.

  Talon: You’re charming, but in a different way. Jett’s appeal is obvious and in your face, but yours is like a quiet slow burn. It sneaks up on you.

  Marley: I’m like a ninja.

  Talon: A tiny rock and roll loving, cannabis growing, beautiful ninja, but I dig it.

  Marley: Are we going to ignore the fact that you c
alled me beautiful?

  Talon: Yes, please.

  Marley: It’s been quiet on the compound without my partner in crime. I’ve been working every night out of sheer boredom.

  Talon: All work and no play? That’s never good.

  Marley: Did you just quote The Shining?

  Talon: You’ve seen that movie? It was made before my parents were even born.

  Marley: You know I’m all about the old stuff.

  Talon: Are you doing it again? Saying things all innocent when they’re anything but?

  Marley: No…Wait. Did you think I meant I was into old stuff, like, old dudes?

  Talon: This isn’t appropriate.

  Marley: You brought it up.

  Talon: It was a misunderstanding.

  Marley: It was hilarious.

  Talon: Can we pretend it didn’t happen?

  Marley: Sure, I’ll add it to your tab.

  Talon: Thank you.

  Marley: Do you always walk around asking people to ignore the words that come out of your mouth? Or is it only with me?

  Talon: If I answer that honestly, it’ll be another thing I need you to forget.

  Marley: You’re kind of my second favorite person these days.

  Talon: You’re kind of mine too.

  Marley: Do I need to erase that one from my memory too?

  Talon: Nah, that one you can keep.

  Marley: Thank you.

  Talon: Get some sleep, sweet dreams, M.

  Marley: Sweet dreams, T.

  Talon + Marley

  Finishing first tour

  Marley: How’s Canada?

  Talon: How’d you know we were in Canada? Do you have my schedule memorized? It’s beautiful, and the air is so crisp and fresh. It’s unlike any other oxygen I’ve ever breathed. The weed is pretty spectacular too.

  Marley: Your tour schedule is taped to my parents’ refrigerator. All their bands are. You aren’t special.

  Talon: Nice. Thanks for keeping me humble.

  Marley: I do it for Jett all the time, and you sounded like him there for a minute.

  Talon: How is that little panty dropper?

  Marley: He’s good. Cocky as ever. Breaking hearts Friday through Sunday like a real fuck boy.

  Talon: Not dropping your panties though, right?

  Marley: Are we really talking about my panties right now? Or are you about to text me that that was inappropriate and you were out of line?

  Talon: It was super inappropriate and I apologize.

  Marley: Whatever, old man.

  Talon: How’s business?

  Marley: Are you really curious? Or are you asking so you can throw out a quick lecture?

  Talon: Cutting to the chase today, huh?

  Marley: I’m a busy girl.

  Talon: Quick lecture. I’m feeling holier than thou.

  Marley: Then MY business is none of YOUR business. How’s life on the road smoking Canadian weed and making out with French chicks?

  Talon: I don’t make out with strangers.

  Marley: Oh, right. The germs.

  Talon: What about you? Making out with any high school losers? Or Jett.

  Marley: You really want to know, don’t you?

  Talon: Put me out of my misery. I’ll flog myself for it later.

  Marley: No makeout sessions with Jett, obviously. And other boys don’t like me.

  Talon: I seriously doubt that’s true.

  Marley: Not fishing for compliments, they legit don’t even look my way.

  Talon: Boys are intimidated by you and they don’t know how to handle it. You walk around in your vintage concert shirts and combat boots, cutting people at the knees with your sharp wit. They all know they’ll never be good enough for you, so they don’t even bother to try.

  Marley: What is it with you and my ratty old concert shirts?

  Talon: The first time I saw you, I thought, wow, that girl is cooler than me. And you are, you’re classically cool.

  Marley: I like this relationship, you build me up and I keep you humble.

  Talon: Deal. Look, I’ve gotta get some sleep. I swear I’m running on fumes.

  Marley: It’s a text, Talon, not a phone call. If you need to go to bed, stop typing words.

  Talon: I didn’t want you to think I was ignoring you.

  Marley: Oh. Well, that’s actually really nice. Thanks.

  Talon: Good night, M.

  Marley: Good night, T.

  Talon + Marley

  Finishing first tour

  Talon: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!

  Marley: You remembered my birthday?

  Talon: Of course I did.

  Marley: Thank you.

  Talon: I sent you a present but it probably won’t get to you for a few more days.

  Marley: That was thoughtful. What is it?

  Talon: I’m not telling you, silly.

  Marley: Where are you now?

  Talon: Like you don’t know.

  Marley: Fine, how’s Seattle?

  Talon: Raining, which seems cliché AF.

  Marley: Can weather be cliché? I’d say walking around in an old ratty button-down tan cardigan with Chucks on your feet would be cliché AF.

  Talon: Did you just reference Kurt Cobain?

  Marley: I love Nirvana. And he’s the first thing that comes to mind when I think of Seattle. Which, in and of itself, is cliché.

  Talon: You are the oldest seventeen-year-old I’ve ever met.

  Marley: I’m old school I guess. Classic in the wrong way.

  Talon: You’re classic in all the best ways, M.

  Marley: That was the nicest thing anyone has ever said about me.

  Talon: Do you like any music made in the last three decades? Or is it only the stuff from the nineties and 2000s that gets your motor running?

  Marley: I like this band called Clashing Swell. They get my motor running.

  Talon: All the members? Or is there one in particular?

  Talon: M? You still there?

  Marley: Yeah, I’m here. I’m waiting for you to regret that text and tell me it was inappropriate.

  Talon: Am I that easy to read?

  Marley: You have a self-flagellation-like pattern.

  Talon: Do you really listen to us?

  Marley: Yes.

  Talon: Well, then you’re going to like your birthday gift.

  Marley: How about as part of my b-day gift, you stop regretting half the things you say to me?

  Talon: I don’t want to cross the wrong line.

  Marley: You couldn’t if you tried.

  Talon: Happy birthday, M.

  Talon + Marley

  Finishing first tour

  Talon: How was your birthday?

  Marley: It was good, big family dinner and then I let Jett drag me to a party.

  Talon: Did you have fun? I can’t picture you at a high school party. It seems like something that would be annoying to you.

  Marley: I’m in a constant state of annoyance at those things. Drunk boys, giggling girls, it’s all nauseating. Plus, Jett is my only real friend, so there isn’t anyone for me to talk to once he finds his little snack for the night.

  Talon: I’m your friend.

  Marley: I’d rather have two good friends than a hundred shitty ones.

  Talon: That’s because you’re wise beyond your seventeen years.

  Marley: I’ll be eighteen soon, and all this will be legal.

  Talon: I’ll still be seven years older than you. Legal doesn’t make me feel any better about things.

  Marley: Um, I was talking about the cannabis license and our permitting.

  Talon: Oh. Yeah, me too.

  Marley: Really, because it sounded like you were talking about something completely different.

  Talon: Nope.

  Marley: You little liar. You like me.

  Talon: As a friend, as a person, yes. What’s not to like? You’re witty and tough and beautiful. Brilliant and compassionate.

  Marley: I lik
e you too.

  Talon: As a friend.

  Marley: Sure.

  Talon: You make me feel like a creepy old man.

  Marley: You make yourself feel that way.

  Talon: You’re probably right.

  Marley: I’m always right.


  I started writing in my lyrics journal and instantly thought, you know, what else is classically cool like Marley? A fucking handwritten letter. I thought maybe you’d dig it. We play our last show tonight and I am so fucking ready to be done for a while. I’m grateful for the experience, but I’m exhausted. I miss the waves and the warm sand. I want to surf for hours and then collapse on the beach and take a nap. And I know Brody is itching to get home to Landry and Wyatt too. I don’t know how he does it, being away from them for so long.

  I was going to come back to Austin and see the baby but Landry and Wyatt are flying out to Cali for a few weeks to meet up with us. Then we’ve got to get back in the studio and start working on our next album.

  How does it feel to be one year older? Seventeen. Almost legal. Legally an adult, legally no longer jailbait. J/K. I should probably just erase that part of the letter, right? Wait. It’s in pen. Ah well, fuck it. I sent you a birthday present, and I’m sorry it’ll end up being late. I’m going to put my address in California as the return address, in case you want to write me back. Hope you’re being safe with all those sharp tools and combustible chemicals.



  I don’t know that I’ve ever gotten a letter in the mail, but you were right, I did dig it. It was vintage cool.

  You’re right, it’s hard on Landry to be away from Brody too, but we all pitch in and make sure she has all the support and help she needs. I know what you’re thinking, that I’m above holding a baby while my cousin takes a shower. But you’re dead ass wrong. He’s the cutest most snuggliest baby in the whole wide world. Don’t tell anyone I said that though. I have a reputation to protect.

  Cash and Crue are living in California, that’s where they’re going to college. Katie too, Cash’s girlfriend. Crue and Avory broke up. Did you know that? It was super fucking dramatic. And our parents never even noticed.

  A nap on warm sand actually sounds so good right now. Between school and work, I haven’t been getting enough rest. I feel like I could lay my head down on this desk and sleep until tomorrow.


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