Certainty (RiffRaff Records Book 7)

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Certainty (RiffRaff Records Book 7) Page 14

by L. P. Maxa

  My fingers in his hair tightened, my head falling back as his mouth moved to my neck, my collarbone. I needed him to never stop kissing me, touching me. I’d never felt the way Talon was making me feel. I’d never wanted more.

  He gripped my hair, bringing my face back to his. His lips fused to mine, his tongue stroking mine as his hand slipped inside my panties. “Baby, open your eyes.”

  Reluctantly, I followed his command, afraid that this was the moment he’d stop. But when I let my gaze meet his, I knew that wasn’t the case. His eyelids were hooded, his breath coming in labored pants. He was as turned on as I was.

  “I want to see how beautiful you look when you come on my fingers.” He nipped at my lower jaw as he curved his palm around my core, the heel of his hand grazing my throbbing clit.

  I jerked, every nerve ending so sensitized that his mere touch had me close to imploding. No one had ever touched me between my legs, other than myself. And that had never felt even a fraction as good as what Talon was doing to me tonight.

  He moved one of his long fingers inside me, slowly dragging it in and out, driving me crazy. “You’re so fucking wet for me, baby.”

  I looked down, breaking our gaze, a little embarrassed at his words. Was I not supposed to be? Was it turning him off?

  He grabbed my chin with his other hand, bringing my line of sight back to his gaze. He shook his head as he added another finger inside my core. “Don’t look away from me again, M.” When I nodded, he started to drag both fingers against my walls, making me want to moan out into the silent night. “The way you feel, how wet I make you, fuck, baby.” He rested his forehead against my chest for a few moments. “You’re so perfect, M. Every inch of you is perfect.”

  He sounded so tortured, almost like my pleasure was causing him pain. I opened my mouth to ask him if he was okay, but then he pushed his thumb against my clit and all thought left my brain.

  I was whimpering, moving my body against Talon’s, moving against his fingers inside me. I didn’t mean to, but I couldn’t help it. I was so close, the pressure becoming so intense. I needed it to happen, I needed it more than I needed to fucking breathe. “Talon, please, I…” I didn’t even know how to articulate what was taking place inside my body. But I knew he could fix it, that he could be the one to save me.

  His teeth scraped up the column of my neck, his lips moving to the shell of my ear. “Let go, M.”

  His words, his scent, his presence, the way he was working my body, playing me like he played his guitars, all crashed together in one instant, making me follow his orders, making me let go. It was like he’d given me permission to come and my orgasm exploded through my body, the pressure releasing while stars danced behind my eyes. My core and my clit throbbed in unison and I rode out my pleasure, rocking on top of Talon until I had no choice but to sag in his arms.

  My limbs felt heavy, my brain foggy.

  I barley registered the fact that I was being lifted, carried inside the pool house. He sat me on one of the beds, and it wasn’t until he stepped away from me that I started to protest. I needed him pressed against me. I needed his body wrapped around mine.

  “Shhh, baby, I’m not going anywhere.” He climbed in bed behind me, sliding his hand against my naked stomach, pulling me back against him. “Close your eyes for a few minutes.”

  I wanted to stay awake, I wanted to talk to him and revel in his nearness.

  But I feel asleep before I could say a word.

  Chapter Twenty



  I hadn’t planned to fall asleep next to Marley, but the feel of her curled up next to me, her soft, even breaths blowing against my arm, had all melted together to make the perfect cocktail for utter relaxation. I opened my eyes thankful as fuck it was still dark outside. That meant that the people in the compound were still in their beds and no one knew that Marley was in mine.

  I let my fingertips dance down her arm, almost in disbelief that she was here beside me. I’d dreamt of lying with her like this, of waking up to see her pretty face. And it was happening even if we’d only taken a small nap. I needed to get her up and back to her house soon.

  She rolled onto her back, a sleepy smile forming as she opened her eyes. “What time is it?”

  “We have a few more minutes.” I kissed the tip of her nose, handing her the glasses I’d taken off her after I’d carried her inside. “You feel okay?”

  I was afraid I’d been too rough with her. While it was happening, while she was on top of me, riding my hand like it was her fucking job, I knew that she was good, and that things were okay. But now that she’d had some time to come down from her high, I wanted her reassurance. I needed it.

  “Yeah. Why wouldn’t I be?” She reached up, cupping my cheek in her palm. “You aren’t worried I regretted what happened, are you?” She laughed quietly, letting her hand fall back to the mattress between us. “I walked onto the patio mostly naked, I climbed in your lap and basically demanded you touch me.”

  She had. And it had been so fucking sexy that I’d forgotten how to breathe for a few moments.

  “I’m sorry I fell asleep.” She looked down at my chest, trailing her fingertips lightly across my pecs.

  I took her hand in mine, brought it up to my lips and then kissed her wrist. “Having you pass out in my arms after I make you come is never going to be something you need to apologize for.” I’d felt like a fucking king, her pussy clenching my fingers so tight I could barely move them. The flush on her cheeks, the sounds of pleasure she made all because of what I was doing to her. “But the sun will be up soon, so we need to get you out of here.”

  If I had my way, I would have claimed her in front of her whole family last night. She was eighteen, and that was the day I’d been waiting for. But Marley wasn’t ready, and she’d asked me to give her more time. I’d do anything for her, even that.

  She sat up, kissing my lips, then my chest, my stomach and hips. She was making her way down my body, her mouth moving over my flesh. I’d taken off my shirt before I’d crawled in bed with her earlier, and I was so fucking glad I had.

  I let my hands tangle in her long dark hair, wild from sleep and my grip. “Where are you going, baby?” She glanced up, keeping her eyes on mine as she unbuttoned my pants, tugging them down. “Marley, you don’t—”

  “Are you going to tell me that you don’t want this? That you don’t want me to touch you?” Her lips were twitching, like she wanted me to say no so she could call me on my bullshit. She was daring me to lie to her, because that was what would come out if I told her to stop, and that I didn’t want her mouth wrapped around my dick.

  “I, uh, I don’t want you to do anything that you don’t want…holyshitbaby.” Her tongue darted out, licking around the head of my cock like it was an ice cream cone.

  She laughed quietly, her breath tickling my shaft. “Do I ever do anything I don’t want to do, Talon?” Her mouth closed over my head, the warmth making my balls tighten instantly.

  I swallowed, thickly, watching as she used her mouth, her tongue, her hands, working my dick over in a way that was innocent and sinfully sexy at the same time. “Have you ever done this before?” If she said yes, I’d probably feel the instant urge to shatter the lamp on the bedside table.

  “No.” She frowned. “Am I doing it wrong?”

  I couldn’t help but chuckle. “Are you fucking kidding me right now? No, baby, no, everything you’re doing is so damn right.”

  She smiled, dipping down with her perfect ass in the air, wrapping her lips back around me, bobbing up and down, twisting her hand on every upward stroke. I couldn’t take my eyes off her. I didn’t want to miss one moment of how good she was making me feel. It’d been so long since someone had touched me, brought me pleasure.

  Dear god, Marley had been more than worth the wait.

  “Fuck, baby, I’m so close.” I tightened my grip in her hair, my control slipping. “I don’t…fuck…I don’t…want
to… ah, shit…hurt you.” Sputtering strangled words, I was barely hanging on.

  Instead of warning her, my babbling seemed to spur her on. She went faster, moaning around my dick, the vibrations sending me crashing over the edge. I came hard, my hand on her head keeping her in place as I shot down her throat. I gasped, trying to catch my breath. “Oh my god, Marley.”

  “Did I do good?”

  “You did better than good.” I scrubbed my hands down my face, trying like hell to gain some composure. “That was…that was the best head I’ve ever had.” And that wasn’t a lie. It may have been her first time touching a man like that, but you wouldn’t know it. She worked me over like she knew exactly what she was doing, like she could read my mind.

  “I need to get home.” She sat up, wrapping her arms around her bent knees and forming a little ball.

  I followed suit, propping myself up with my hand behind me. “One day, you won’t have to leave before the sun comes up.” I cupped her cheek, bringing her closer so I could kiss her senseless. “You gonna let me walk you this time?” She’d always brushed aside my offer to walk her home in the past, but things were different now. She was mine.

  She crawled out of bed, walking through the pool house in her bra and panties, collecting the clothes she’d discarded before she’d found me out on the patio. I followed after her, pulling on my shirt and buttoning my pants.

  I watched as she got dressed, and as she used the ever-present band on her wrist to pile her thick dark hair high on her head. I liked that her face was usually makeup free. I liked that her topknot bounced around as if it had a personality all its own. I liked that she wore glasses. I liked everything about the way she looked, the way she acted, the way she loved.

  I stepped beside her, taking her hand in mine, kissing the back of it as we silently made our way out into the early morning. The sun was barely starting to light the sky. We stayed quiet, content to be next to each other. I thought that meant she was going to let me walk her home, but she pulled me to a stop instead.

  “I know my way.” She smiled, standing on her tiptoes to kiss the side of my neck. “It’s safer like this, for now.”

  I hated that she was right. I hated that we still had to worry about being seen together like this. I wanted the world to know she was mine. I wanted to walk her all the way home and kiss her on her front porch.

  But we’d had a good night together, and I didn’t want to cause a rift. I didn’t want to see uncertainty in her eyes.

  I didn’t want to ruin what we’d shared.

  “Get some sleep, baby.” I kissed the tip of her nose, standing outside the door of the pool house, watching her until she disappeared from my sight.

  Chapter Twenty-One



  “Okay, we have like maybe an hour before Jett will be here.” Marley hurried into the basement, pulling her shirt over her head and dropping it to the ground. She bounced down the stairs, launching herself into my arms before her feet could hit the ground floor.

  I fisted her long hair, pulling her head back so I could feast on her neck. “You graduate in four weeks.” I carried her over to the steel table, laying her out and dragging her shorts down her tanned legs. “Four weeks and then I am sinking my dick inside this perfect pussy.” I licked her slit, taking her clit lightly between my teeth and driving her wild.

  She curled her fingers in my hair while thrusting her hips up, wanting more. “There is nothing and no one stopping you from doing that right now.” She was gasping between every breath, every word.

  I flattened my tongue against her clit, slipping two fingers inside her core. I pushed deeper, making her back arch off the table. I pumped them in and out of her, harsher than I would have two months ago, but now I knew what my girl liked, and she was always begging for more, and harder.

  Because what she really wanted, what her body really craved, I was denying her.

  “Four weeks, baby.” I wasn’t going to argue with her anymore. There was nothing left to say. If she wasn’t ready to tell her family, then I wasn’t ready to fuck her.

  We’d gone over this a hundred times over the last several weeks. I was punishing myself, but I had to stick to my principles, right? My plan was to always do right by her, and I wouldn’t fuck her on the sly.

  She wasn’t a dirty little secret. Marley was my everything.

  I continued lapping at her, using my fingers and my mouth to make her come. She pulled my hair at the same time that she rubbed her pussy against me. She wanted me to stop as much as she wanted me to keep going, which meant she was close. I didn’t let up. I kept at her, not letting her get away. Moments later she was screaming my name, the sound echoing around the concrete walls.

  I licked her one more time, then kissed my way up the inside of her perfect thighs. I put my mouth next to her ear, letting my fingers continue to play for a few more moments. “Get on your knees.”

  Everything we did was rushed, in a hurry. We never knew how much time we’d have before we were interrupted. We’d become well-versed in detecting footsteps, in recognizing the sound of doors opening and closing. I unbuckled my belt and had my jeans open by the time Marley was kneeling before me. My girl on her knees was one of my absolute favorite sights. I only wished I had more time to appreciate it.

  She wrapped her lips around my dick, her hands gripping my ass, making me thrust into her mouth. She twirled her tongue around my head, toying with me, drawing out my pleasure. I gathered her hair in my fist, guiding her as I moved my hips in a leisurely motion. “Fuck…baby…don’t stop, just like that.”

  I froze, looking up at the ceiling. There was someone on the ground floor. I heard the faintest sound of the keypad. I kept my hand on her head, guiding her movements so she didn’t stop. I was so fucking close. “It’s got to be Brody, he’s stomping so he must not be alone.”

  Marley worked faster, moaning around my cock the way I liked. My girl knew how to make me come, almost instantly. That was Marley. A quick study. Of the rare times that we were alone for more than an hour at a time, she worked me like no one else ever could.

  “Oh yeah, like that, fuck…” I came hard, pumping into her sweet mouth.

  After she’d licked me clean, quietly, she got to her feet, straightened her clothes, then mine, while I tried my best to float back down to earth.

  She winked at me as the second keypad beeped, the door opening as she wiped at the corner of her mouth with a wicked gleam in her dark eyes.


  “Earlier this afternoon, when Jett and I came into the basement?” Brody was sitting on the couch, bouncing Wyatt on his knee and making him giggle.

  “I’m not sure what you’re asking me, Bro.” I turned off the gas burner, stirring in the rest of the ingredients for the homemade mac and cheese Landry had requested. She was pregnant again, and she begged me to cook for her at least once a day. Not that I could blame her. Brody could barely boil water.

  He got up, setting his son down in front of a basket of toys. “Were you and Marley fucking?”

  I snorted, spooning a large amount of the cheesy goodness into a bowl for my best friend’s wife. “No.”

  “Her lips were all red and puffy and you looked dizzy.” Brody crossed his arms over his chest, showing his skepticism. “So what else was I supposed to think?”

  “I said we weren’t fucking. I didn’t say I didn’t touch her.”

  Brody reached out, poking me in the ribs. “Are you being nice to her? Going at her pace? Taking cues from her reactions and feelings?”

  I rolled my eyes. “Yes, dad. I’m being the perfect gentleman.” If the perfect gentleman would bury his face between her legs every fucking chance he got, then that was me. Once I’d gotten my first taste, I’d been a goner. I wanted to eat her for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

  “Dad?” Brody chuckled. “You really want to bring dad jokes into the topic of your young girlfriend?”

  “You’re an asshol
e.” I shoved the tray I’d prepared for Landry into his hands. “Go bring your wife her dinner, although she threw up all morning so I’m not sure why she thinks she’s going to keep down mac and cheese.”

  I was pretty sure they were having another boy. Landry was instantly ill like she had been with Wyatt. She’d hid it from the majority of the family for three months. She’d wanted to wait until she started to feel better. But she was out of her first trimester and still feeling pretty terrible.

  Luckily, I was here to help. I took care of the cooking and Brody took care of Wyatt. We tag-teamed and she called us her two husbands. It was cute, and it made me feel like an even bigger part of the family.

  It also made me feel real fucking guilty that she didn’t know I was dating her cousin. Dating? Was that the correct term? It felt like we were more than dating. I loved her, and soon, I would tell. Her, and everyone else in the world.

  Chapter Twenty-Two



  I’d graduated three hours ago, and now I was at the pool house surrounded by my large family. It was nice, although I’d told them in no uncertain terms that I had not wanted a graduation party. No one had listened to me. All I’d wanted for graduation was to be left alone with my boyfriend. I wanted Talon. I wanted a whole night where we wouldn’t be interrupted. He’d promised me that tonight we could be together, like really be together.

  But he might break that promise, and I wouldn’t blame him because I was going to break one too.

  “Go inside.” Talon walked past me, his fingertips grazing the bare skin of my waist as he spoke too quietly for anyone else to hear.

  I turned, instantly slipping inside the pool house. I headed down the hallway to the bathroom farthest away from the crowd on the patio. I leaned against the sink, not even bothering to turn on the light or close the door.


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