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TABOO MEGA BUNDLE: Wet & Ready (40 Hot Short Stories, First Time, Menage and More!)

Page 28

by Olivia R. Gasm

  As I went over the edge, my body started to shiver and spasm all over. My fingers and toes went stiff, my arms and legs squeezing around Evan so hard I thought he was going to burst. The orgasm washed over me in waves, continuously sending my body into a state of constant tension and intense, world–shattering pleasure.

  “Ah!” I moaned loudly as I reached the peak, my mouth finding Evan’s and biting down on his bottom lip.

  Eventually it settled down, and I collapsed against Evan’s body like a ragdoll, panting and shivering still.

  “That was amazing…” I whispered.

  “Good.” Evan whispered softly into my ear as he set my feet down on the wet floor. “Now bend over.” He commanded, bending my back forward so that I was leaning with both arms against the wall and my ass poking out. I rubbed my ass against his stiff cock, teasing him playfully with my body.

  “I’m going to come inside of you.” Evan whispered loudly.

  I could feel a pang of excitement, fluttering like butterflies deep inside my stomach. Come inside of me? The increased risk of pregnancy only made me even more aroused—as if that was even possible.

  Evan’s hands traced along the curves of my body, slowly touching and caressing every part of me. They reached around my ribcage and played with my breasts and perky nipples, and wandered in between my thighs and tickled my sensitive skin. With a warm hand resting on my inner leg, Evan’s fingers penetrated my swollen folds and became soaked, dripping in my pussy juices.

  He placed his cock back at my entrance, pressing forward instantly without hesitation. His cock penetrated me with ease, sliding forward into my wet, tight channel. I could feel my muscles tense up around him, embracing his cock invitingly. A quiet gasp escaped my mouth when he thrust forward again, entering me fully, his cock ramming against my inner wall.

  “You like that, don’t you?” He said suddenly, reaching up and gripping my hair firmly with a rough hand. He tugged at it, pulling my head back and forcing me to stare up at the roof.

  He started to fuck me hard, ramming his cock into me again and again with relentless force. My face would have slammed against the tiled wall if it hadn’t been for Evan holding my head up.

  I could feel his cock swelling inside of me, filling up with the fertile sperm that he was about to empty into my pussy. He leaned forward and put his head closer to my ear, speaking with a quiet voice:

  “This might hurt a little bit.”

  Before I had time to react, his hand had landed on my buttocks and a stray finger penetrated my butthole. At the same time, his cock burst, shooting load after load of warm, sticky cum deep into my channel, coating my cervix and walls. I didn’t even care about his finger—It felt amazing, being stuffed to the brim in both holes.

  “Oh Evan!” I moaned, grinding my body against his cock, milking him of his last, juicy drops.

  He pulled his finger and cock out, making his seed spill out along with it. It dripped slowly out of my gaping hole, running down my thighs and getting washed away by the water as it reached the floor. I stood up under the flowing water, letting it clean my body of our combined sex fluids.

  After quickly rinsing his hands under the running water, Evan squeezed a glob of shampoo into his hand and placed it on my head, slowly massaging it deep into my hair. I closed my eyes, quietly enjoying his touch. Grabbing my loofah and body lotion, I started to rub it all over my body, creating a white, foamy layer of bubbles all over my arms and legs. When I reached my torso, Evan suddenly stopped me, grabbing the loofah from my hand.

  “Allow me…” He smirked, lowering his hand towards my breasts.

  “Don’t mind if I do.” I giggled back.

  He massaged the body lotion into my skin, softly stroking my tits with the smooth side of the sponge. His touch made my nips stiffen up, and they rubbed against his hands as they slid across my breasts. Glancing down, I could see his tired cock stiffening up slowly as well.

  “I should probably go.” He said. “Before this turns into round two.”

  “Probably.” I responded, slapping his butt playfully as he stepped out of the shower booth.

  Without bothering to dry himself off, Evan wrapped a towel around his hips lazily and walked out of the bathroom, leaving a trail of wet footsteps behind him. In the doorway, he stopped for a moment and turned around. “Have fun.” He smiled, closing the door quietly.

  After quickly massaging conditioner into my hair and rinsing it out, I pushed the shower curtain open, trying to reach for a towel from the shelf without needing to step on the cold tile floor first. Muttering to myself, I realized that my arms were about two inches too short, and stepped out onto the bare floor. The tiles felt like ice against my feet, and as soon as I had my two towels, I quickly leapt onto the bathroom carpet and started to dry myself off.

  My pussy was still aching from pleasure, sending shivers through my body when I rubbed the towel between my legs, thoroughly wiping every last drop of water from my body. With the towel wrapped tightly around my body, I then sat down at the edge of the bathtub to think about what had just happened.

  I can’t believe I fucked Evan. The fact that it had happened so easily too, felt absolutely unreal. Had Evan always wanted to have me like that? It seemed so… If only I had figured that out earlier! This was going to change everything—I mean, life couldn’t just go on like nothing had happened… Or can it?

  I stood up and looked at myself in the mirror. I wondered if I looked as different as I felt, but the same old person was looking back at me—pale, with rosy cheeks and crystal blue eyes and long hair, black like a raven—although it felt like I was staring into the eyes of a stranger. The thought of Evan massaging me gently and then taking my virginity with such intimacy and passion made me grin and feel warm all over, and my smile in the mirror looked genuine. Is this what love feels like?

  “Oh, Julie.” I mumbled to myself, shaking my head slowly. “What have you gotten yourself into?”

  With a sigh, I walked out from the bathroom and up the stairs towards my bedroom. Once inside, I closed the door behind me and leaned against it, still feeling the bliss of what had happened in the bathroom just moments ago. But then it hit me. The reality—that I had cheated on my boyfriend, and fucked my mother’s husband. I closed my eyes and tried to keep the panic at bay. Fuck! She’ll kill him if she finds out… not to mention that she’ll hate me forever.

  But I couldn’t lounge around in a towel all day, it was time to put some clothes on and do something productive. I wonder what Evan is doing. I stepped into my favorite pajama pants—ocean blue slacks with little white octopi on them—and pulled a plain white t–shirt over my head before going to the ground floor to see what Evan was up to. I wonder if he feels the same...

  As I walked towards the long wooden stairs, I could hear a distinct noise coming from downstairs—pots and pans slamming loudly as someone loaded the dishwasher. The cheerful whistling that accompanied the slamming could only mean one thing; my mom had come home.

  Suddenly I didn’t feel so happy anymore. I could feel the rate of my heartbeat pick up, but this time it wasn’t from excitement. My nervousness felt like a clump of clay inside my throat. What if she can see the guilt in me?

  Before reaching the kitchen, I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself. Surely Evan wouldn’t tell her anything—that would be silly! I couldn’t let her see me freaking the shit out or acting weirdly, then she might notice that something was going on.

  “Oh hey, Julie.” My mom said and smiled warmly as I stepped into the kitchen.

  Evan was sitting at the table and typing on his laptop, looking as casual as ever. He didn’t even look at me.

  “Hey.” I greeted her as casually as I could manage. “What’s for dinner?” I added and started to unload the half–empty bag of groceries that was sitting on the kitchen island.

  “I was thinking of ordering take–out, what would you like?” She asked, pushing her square–rimmed, bright red glasses up
over her nose as she glanced back at me. I wasn’t surprised that she wasn’t planning to cook herself—she never did.

  “Can’t we make something instead?” I asked, putting the last grocery item into the fridge and walking up to sit across the table from Evan instead, glancing at him curiously every now and then.

  “Julie.” My mother said sternly, clearly annoyed. “I’m tired, I’ve had a long day at work and I don’t want to stand around and make food every day.”

  I scoffed discreetly to myself. Every day? You don’t even cook every week. She used the same excuse every time, trying to guilt me out of asking, but it never worked. If we ever were lucky enough to get homemade food, it was on the weekends, and it was always made by Evan.

  Then, my mother pulled a family–sized bag of chips out of another, hidden grocery bag, but I knew better than to assume that it was for the whole family. She was going to hit the sofa and spend the night munching on and entire bag by herself while watching soap operas from TV, just like she did every other night (the remaining nights it was candy).

  Annoyed, I turned my eyes away and looked up at Evan instead, which instantly made me smile. “What do you want to eat? I asked gleefully.

  He looked up from the screen for a brief second, glancing between my eyes and my mother’s back. “I’m OK.” He said vaguely. “I had a strong lunch at work.”

  His response left me feeling confused. Does he feel guilty? I can’t tell…

  “Well there’s food in the fridge, you can make sandwiches or something if you’re hungry.” My mom said defensively, grabbing her bag of chips and walking out of the room.

  Evan and I sat in silence for a moment, and the lack of talking made the whole situation very awkward. I just mindlessly fiddled with a stack of paper while Evan typed away on his computer without a care in the world.

  “So… what are you doing?” I asked, breaking the silence.

  Evan looked up into my eyes quickly, then towards the kitchen doorway, and back at me before answering. He seemed nervous, or maybe just cautious. “Just checking the news, and if there’s any new shows to watch.” He said in that calm tone—the one he always used when my mom wasn’t around.

  “Anything interesting?” I asked curiously. Evan could go on for hours and hours talking about news from across the world, and it never failed to amuse me. I guess it’s interesting because he’s so passionate about it.

  “Not really, I was just going to shut it down.” He said and closed the lid, as if to confirm his words, and leaned forward onto the table. “How was your shower?” He asked in a quiet voice, smiling widely with his eyes locked on mine. His gaze felt like it was piercing right into my heart.

  I felt myself blush slightly at the reminder of what we did earlier. “I’m clean now.” I responded shyly.

  Evan let out a laughter and stood up. “I kind of liked you dirty, but I’m glad you’re clean now.” He winked, patting my shoulder as he walked past.

  I can’t believe he just said that! What if my mom would have heard?! I leaned forward and put my forehead on the table, still in shock about the whole fucking–my–father thing—just after I almost had sex with Andy. Oh shit, Andy! We were supposed to be each other’s firsts, and now I had gone and ruined that by fucking Evan.

  I could never tell Andy, it would devastate him. He had been begging for us to take the next step for ages, and now when we finally had the chance, he had been denied of it. I had denied him his chance… But deep inside, I didn’t even regret it.

  I knew that I had to break up with Andy now, it was inevitable. But I didn’t want him to get hurt, especially because it wasn’t his fault. It was mine, and I just had to learn to live with that. I hope it won’t be too awkward. I thought and stood up, still trying to decide what was right and what was wrong. In the end I decided that I shouldn’t give it too much thought, because I’d just end up feeling sad for Andy—and since there was no way to change what had happened, that was pointless. It happened and that’s it.

  Walking past the living room, I could see that some movie had started and my mother was tucked in under a blanket on the sofa, watching the screen and eating her bag of chips mindlessly. I would have loved to join her, but for some reason I felt like I couldn’t. I did fuck her husband after all…

  Speaking of Evan, he wasn’t in the living room with her like I had thought—supposedly he wasn’t very interested in watching that movie either. But what else could he be doing? I thought to myself curiously. Normally, my parents always spent the evenings together, why would tonight be different?

  Without giving it anymore thought, I walked up the stairs to my room, figuring I’d go downstairs and snatch the remaining chips after my mom had gone to sleep. If there is any… When I stepped into my room, I could see my phone lit up with an unread message.

  “Oh, shoot.” I muttered, suddenly remembering that I was supposed to meet Amy at the gym at 7pm, which her anxious text had reminded me of.

  I wasn’t feeling in the mood at all to go work out with her today—I would much rather stay home and lay around in bed—so I sent her a quick text that I couldn’t make it tonight, but maybe we could hook up some other night instead. Surely she will understand. Usually Amy was the one to cancel on our plans, but this time it was my turn.

  After texting Amy, I opened up the browser on my phone and started to aimlessly search the internet for something interesting. Time started to almost fly by, and my eyelids started to feel heavy while I read about everything from echolocation to the humidity in Florida, and looked at cute pictures of cats—and before I knew it, I had fallen asleep.

  I regained consciousness slowly, hearing a faint voice call my name.


  My eyes shot open and I glanced around my room groggily. What time is it?! It was already pitch black outside, which means I must have slept for hours. I lifted my hand, which was still wrapped tightly around my phone and had been resting against my heaving chest, and checked the time. 9pm, wow, I guess I was tired.

  “Julie!” Someone shouted again, this time louder. It sounded like my mom.

  I rolled off the bed and rubbed my tired eyes, feeling very sluggish and wishing that I’d gotten to sleep longer. I wonder what she wants this time. I thought and quickly skipped down the hallway and down the stairs, seeing Evan sitting on the sofa in the living room and watching TV, while my mom was in the kitchen.

  “Yeah?” I asked and leaned against the kitchen arch, crossing my arms over my chest. When my mom turned around to answer, I could see the serious look on her face.

  “What have I told you about leaving your clothes lying around the bathroom?” She said angrily.

  I could feel my cheeks blush faintly. Oops! I guess I must have forgot them there after we…

  “Why did you have all your clothes on the floor anyway?” She followed up, giving me a suspicious look.

  “I don’t know.” I shrugged. “I guess I just forgot about them.” I added kind–of–truthfully.

  “Well you should be glad that Evan cleaned them up for you, because I sure wouldn’t have touched them!” Her words were quick and sharp, like needle stabs. She just loved to lecture me about everything. “Go say thanks to Evan to, not just for the clothes, but for everything else too.”

  “Alright, sorry.” I rolled my eyes and walked into the living room.

  “Also, take something to eat!” My mom shouted behind me. “You haven’t eaten anything today!” Nag, nag, nag!

  “I’ll get something later.” I called out over my shoulder and walked up behind Evan in the sofa. I leaned forward against the backrest, putting my head next to his to glance at the TV. “What are you watching?” I asked.

  He turned his head back to look at me, flashing that cute smile of his. “Nothing really, just some crime shows. Do you want to watch something?” He asked, handing me the remote.

  “Ooh, I get to decide?” I asked gleefully, jumping over the backrest and into the seat beside him
. I crossed my legs across each other and leaned all the way back, feeling Evan’s shoulder rub against mine while I got comfortable.

  “Yeah, why not?” He laughed, letting his eyes wander over my body quickly.

  I wish I’d put on something sexier… I bet he would have liked that. Thoughts started racing through my head again—I couldn’t help it, his presence made me feel so… different. It was the kind of feeling I thought I was going to experience with Andy, but never did.

  Maybe I was just distracted, but no matter how many channels I skipped through, there just wasn’t anything interesting to watch. I was about to open my mouth and tell Evan how much better it is to watch shows online—you get to choose what you want, when you want, and with none of those annoying advertisements—when suddenly my mother popped her head into the living room and interrupted me.

  “I’m going to sleep.” She said and walked away immediately, not waiting for a response—which was good, because neither of us bothered to give one.

  I could have sworn that Evan was looking more at me than the screen, and I couldn’t help but wonder what he was thinking about—since obviously he wasn’t paying attention to the TV. When I glanced innocently to the side, I could see a huge bulge between his legs, one that he didn’t feel the slightest need to hide. Is he hard because I’m sitting here? I pondered. Or maybe he’s thinking about earlier. I knew that I had been thinking about it—a lot—but it seemed impossible for it to happen again, especially since my mother was home.

  I turned my head up and looked at Evan’s face, and at the same time he turned his head down and looked into my eyes. Feeling curious yet hesitant, I let my eyes wander down across his body until I was staring openly at the hardness in his pants. Its shape and form still burned clear in the back of my mind, but it looked so different through his clothing.

  I turned my head back up with obvious arousal in my eyes, and Evan smiled at me provocatively, keeping that calm look on his face like everything was fine—casual, even. Biting my lip, I slowly extended my right arm towards his thigh and stroked it gently through the fabric of his pants. He embraced my touch, inching himself towards me subconsciously.


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