TABOO MEGA BUNDLE: Wet & Ready (40 Hot Short Stories, First Time, Menage and More!)

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TABOO MEGA BUNDLE: Wet & Ready (40 Hot Short Stories, First Time, Menage and More!) Page 60

by Olivia R. Gasm

  “It was nothing,” I whispered, feeling the tears well up behind my eyelids again. The scars of Emmett’s betrayal, and the humiliation of being led on by him and his friends, was still fresh and I couldn’t control it yet. Steven’s interrogation wasn’t helping at all. “It was just a stupid mistake.”

  Steven turned his head and looked at me again. “Hey…” He whispered in a soft, calm voice. “Hey, what’s wrong? Why are you crying?”

  “I’m not crying,” I said and sniffled loudly, wiping my tears away with the back of my hand. “I just got something in my… I’m allergic to your car. Did you just clean it or something?”

  My stepfather let out a chuckle before quickly stopping himself. “I’m sorry for laughing,” He said and cleared his throat. “It’s just that you’re a terrible liar. You always have been.”

  I smiled softly and glanced up at Steven. He was smiling too. “Yeah,” I giggled. “I guess I am.”

  “You silly girl.” Steven said and reached out to ruffle my hair.

  “Hey!” I complained, but I was giggling at the same time. “Don’t mess up my hair, I just combed it a couple of hours ago.”

  “Well, now you have to do it again.” Steven grinned.

  The conversation died, and we drove the rest of the way home in silence. But it wasn’t an uncomfortable, stifling silence this time. It was just the kind of silence that happens when two people are in a small space together, both thinking about their own thing. Personally, I was thinking about my mother, and how much she would scream at me once Steven told her what happened.

  After fifteen minutes or so, Steven turned the car into the street where we lived. I could already see our house far in the distance. It was easy to spot in the long line of homes, because it was the only blue house on the entire street. In my opinion it was the prettiest one too—with its white corners and rose bushes growing beneath the windows—but maybe I was just biased.

  Steven pulled into the driveway and twisted the key in the ignition, turning off the car. “Here we are…” He said and drummed his finger against the steering wheel.

  “Yep.” I agreed. It looked like he still wanted to say something, so I waited patiently for him to continue.

  “So,” Steven turned his head towards me and looked into my eyes with his arms crossed over his chest. “Are you going to tell me why you were crying now?”

  I threw my head back against the headrest and sighed deeply, looking out the window instead of into Steven’s eyes. Of course he had to ask about that. I thought in annoyance. Steven wasn’t exactly the first person I’d run to if I needed a shoulder to cry on. I mean, not that there was something wrong with him, or that I thought he wouldn’t be good at it, it just… He was my father, you know? And you were supposed to talk about boys with your sisters or your female friends. But I had neither of those, and my mother probably wouldn’t have understood either…

  I looked up at Steven, who was watching me curiously. His eyes were so patient and understanding that I decided to tell him after all.

  “There’s this guy at school…” I mumbled, feeling that familiar wetness behind my eyelids again. “His name is Emmett. He’s the captain of the football team.”

  “Okay…” Steven nodded for me to continue.

  “He asked me to come smoke with him and his friends after lunch,” I said quietly, looking down and fiddling with an old receipt that I’d found inside the door handle. “And I said yes because… because I wanted him to like me.”

  A tear rolled down my cheek, dripping onto the paper in my hand. “And I thought he liked me too.” I said and looked up at Steven. “But it turned out he was just using me.”

  My vision became cloudy, and for a moment I couldn’t see anything as the tears started flooding down my cheeks. Steven took a deep breath and nodded again. Then he reached into the glove compartment and pulled out a napkin, which he handed to me. I took it gratefully, wiping the tears from my eyes and cheeks. Ugh, I must look like an idiot right now.

  “Do you know what I think, Brandy?” Steven asked after a moment.

  “What?” I asked curiously.

  “I think that this guy Emmett is a complete asshole,” Steven said in a serious tone. “And you deserve much better than him.”

  “You think?” I asked and smiled shyly.

  “Absolutely.” Steven said and wiped a tear from my cheek with his thumb. “You’re intelligent, beautiful and strong. One day you’ll find a guy that doesn’t make you do things you don’t want to just to make you like him. Maybe he’ll want you to do ‘bad’ things too, but the difference is that you will want it to. It has to be mutual. Do you understand what I’m saying?”

  “Uhm…” I had a feeling that Steven wasn’t just talking about smoking anymore. Still, his point was clear: if a guy wanted me to do something and it didn’t feel right, I shouldn’t do it. And vice–versa, probably. “Yeah, I think I got it.”

  “Good,” Steven said and smiled again. “Now let’s get you inside.”

  He reached out and put his hand on the door handle, ready to open the door.

  “Wait!” I said quickly. “Before we go inside… Can I ask for one thing?”

  “Sure, what is it?”

  I bit my bottom lip anxiously. “Can you please not tell mom?” I asked in my best pleading tone. This was it—the moment of truth. If Steven agreed not to tell my mom, I could put all this behind me and just move on with my life. Otherwise…

  “I’ll think about it.”

  * * *

  As soon as we came inside the door, Steven headed upstairs to take a shower since he hadn’t had time to in the morning. Must be nice, I thought to myself. I guess that’s one of the perks of working from home: you get to wake up whenever you want to. Well, unless your stepdaughter decides to cause trouble in school…

  Sighing, I walked around the tiny kitchen, running my hand along the smooth wooden counter top that stretched across the walls. My mom had been called into work on her day off—which was unusual, but not unheard of—and I had about two hours left until I had to face her.

  Luck may have given me a few extra hours to prepare an apology speech, but I would still have to do it eventually. Maybe. It was really hard not knowing what would happen, which is why I was walking around in circles and nervously scratching my arms.

  Maybe I should go ask Steven if he made up his mind yet, I thought and stopped pacing around the kitchen. It had been almost half an hour since we came home, so it was safe to assume that he was done showering. Besides, I couldn’t even hear the water running in the shower anymore. Yeah, I’ll go ask him.

  I walked up the carpeted stairs and into the upstairs hallway, peeking carefully around the corner. I couldn’t see Steven anywhere, but the door to the master bedroom was ajar, so I walked up to it with quick, silent steps. After taking a deep, long breath to collect my thoughts, I pushed the door open and walked inside.

  “Hey, Steven. Did you mak—oh my god!”

  Steven was standing in front of the closet on the opposite end of the room, but he turned around when he heard me enter the room. He was holding a red t–shirt in his hands and it looked like he’d been in the process of getting dressed, but he hadn’t gotten started yet. He turned around, sending his large cock swinging through the air like a baseball bat, and quickly lowered the shirt in front of his nakedness.

  “Brandy!” He gasped, cheeks burning red. “I–I didn’t hear you come upstairs.”

  “Oh my god,” I repeated, at a loss for words. That image of his lengthy penis being flung through the air was now permanently burned into my mind, and I knew that I would never be able to forget it. “I thought you… I wasn’t… I just wanted to…”

  For some reason, I wasn’t’ able to get a single coherent sentence out, and Steven was starting to look very uncomfortable with me staring at him like this.

  “I’m sorry!” I blurted out and quickly darted outside the room, slamming the door shut behind me.

/>   I ran down the hallway and hid inside my bedroom, which is the only room where I knew I wouldn’t accidentally run into Steven. I didn’t even care about talking to my mother anymore—I would rather have her find out than have to look Steven in the eyes. I threw myself down onto the pear–green day cover on top of my bed and groaned, pressing a pillow over my face.

  When I closed my eyes, all I could see was Steven and his… Well, I didn’t know if it was an erection or not—but it would make sense if it was, considering just how big it was. Is it even possible for a guy to be that big when he’s soft? I wondered curiously. Oh, maybe Steven is just a shower… Wait, why am I thinking about my stepfather’s penis?

  “Brandy?” My stepfather’s anxious voice called out from behind the door. He tapped gently on the door twice before pushing it open a little bit and peeking inside. “Can I come in?”

  “Uhm… okay.” I sat up straight with the pillow in my lap, rubbing my eyes with my fingers as if that would make the image of him naked go away. I still couldn’t wrap my head around what had just happened. Jeez, today just keeps getting worse and worse. Then again, maybe this wasn’t so bad…

  “Look, I’m sorry.” I said, glancing nervously around the room, looking everywhere except into Steven’s eyes. “It was an accident, I promise. I thought you were just, you know, reading or something…”

  At least he was wearing clothes now, which was a relief. He’d pulled the red t–shirt over his head and stepped into a pair of grey sweatpants. His hair was still wet, laying slickly against the top of his head, and a few drops of water rolled down the side of his forehead.

  “No, I’m sorry,” Steven said and scratched his head with a nervous look on his face. “I should have locked the door before getting dressed, or at least closed it. It’s just that I usually shower when I’m home alone, so it didn’t really cross my mind.”

  “It’s okay…” I said, and I meant it too. Accidents happen, right? “I mean, it’s just a penis. It’s not like I haven’t seen one before. It’s no big deal.”

  Steven choked on his laughter, and his cheeks turned bright red. “Well, it’s good that you think that, because you’re probably going to be seeing a lot more of, uhm, penises in the future,”

  Steven cleared his throat and tried to look serious, but his face was still red. “Since, as you know, it is a vital component of, ah, human reproduction. And sex is, and always should be—”

  “Gee, dad, I get it!” I giggled. “We learned all about sex in 6th grade. You don’t have to teach me!”

  “Sure, school can teach you the mechanical process of reproduction, but there’s some things that textbooks just can’t teach in the same way.”

  “Like what?” I asked curiously.

  Steven shrugged. “Love,” He said and smiled softly. “Lust. That crazy feeling in your stomach when you find someone that you want to have be with, and the crazy things your brain makes you do in order to get that. But you know all about that…” He added with a wink, referring to my run–in with Emmett earlier.

  I nodded softly and looked down at my hands. That thing he said—about wanting to do crazy things when you want to be with someone—I was feeling that right now. I glanced up at Steven and bit my lip, taking in his beautiful face and strong body in one hungry glimpse before quickly looking down again.

  “You know what you said earlier… That when I find the right guy, he might make me want to do bad things, but that it’ll feel right anyway?”

  “Yeah?” Steven crossed his arms over his chest and watched me curiously.

  “…I think I’ve found that guy.”

  * * *

  “Really?” Steven’s face cracked into a wide smile. “Well, who is it?”

  “Just this guy I know,” I said and smiled deviously as I got out of the bed. “He’s smart, charming, funny…” I said and took a few steps towards Steven. “And he’s standing right in front of me right now.”

  I turned my head up and looked into his eyes, which seemed confused and uncertain. “Wait…” He mumbled. “Me? Brandy, no. I’m your father…”

  “Step–father,” I corrected him. “It’s not like we’re related.”

  I talked with confidence to hide the slight tremble in my voice. I wanted Steven, and it wasn’t just a ruse to convince him not to tell my mother—but I still knew that if this went badly, our family might get torn apart forever, and I didn’t want that. I didn’t want to lose him. I have to be careful.

  “Yeah, but…” Steven trailed off, seemingly unable to finish his own sentence. Maybe he doesn’t even know what he was going to say.

  “You can’t deny that we have chemistry,” I said and lifted my hand towards Steven’s torso, letting my finger trace down the middle of his chest all the way down to the seam of his college pants. “Besides, you’re the one who told me that the right guy—”

  “Yeah, but I thought you were going to go for a guy your own age.” Steven said and chuckled suddenly. “Not an old fart like me.”

  “Well, then I guess it’s my turn to teach you a lesson,” I said and smiled. “It goes like this: You can’t choose who you’re attracted to. And I’m attracted to you, Steven. You make me feel like no–one else has made me feel before and yes, I know I’m still young, but I’m old enough to understand this feeling.”

  Steven nodded slowly, and his face turned serious again. “I can’t deny that I’m attracted to you too, Brandy…” He mumbled and licked his lips. His hand reached out and touched my cheek, sticking a stray strand of my blonde hair behind my ear.

  Like magnets, we slowly leaned in closer towards each other and closed our eyes. I could smell the minty scent of his breath, and I could feel the hot hair that he blew onto my neck, which felt strangely erotic. The butterflies in my stomach felt like they were having a nuclear war, and my beating heart was the generator orchestrating it all. Steven’s heat radiated against me for a brief second before our lips met—my soft ones against his rough ones.

  Suddenly, all bets were off. Steven reached his arm around my neck and pushed me closer towards him, pressing our lips tightly together. My lips parted, inviting his tongue to enter my wet chasm. I’d never kissed a man before, and I was glad that Steven was my first. He knew exactly what to do, and which parts of my mouth were the most sensitive and responsive to stimuli.

  He sucked and nibbled on my bottom lip before pulling away from our kiss and moving his head downwards, placing tiny, wet kisses all along my throat and collarbone. I threw my head back and let out a pleased moan, wrapping my arms around his torso.

  “You smell so good,” Steven whispered. “Is that perfume?”

  “No,” I mumbled and smiled, still with my eyes closed. Why does this feel so good? “I don’t wear perfume, but I did use gel in the shower last night.”

  “I’m going to have to buy myself a bottle of that.”

  “But I like the way you smell now. I like your cologne.”

  “But I don’t wear cologne!” Steven said and smiled sarcastically.

  “You expect me to believe that you naturally smell like citrus and pine?” I asked and giggled into his ear.

  My hands were on his chest by now, pulling and tugging at his t–shirt. Steven lifted his arms up and pulled it off, throwing it onto the floor across the room. “Well, it was worth a try.” He said and pushed me backwards onto the bed.

  I lay back on the sofa, spreading my legs slightly to let Steven position himself between my knees. He pushed his body against mine, weighing me down with his weight as he planted more wet kisses all over my exposed skin. I could feel something press against my pubic mound through the fabric of his sweats—something hard, throbbing rapidly against me.

  My blouse was the next to come off. Steven grabbed it and pulled it over my head, exposing my half–naked torso. He threw the top across the room and it landed somewhere—I didn’t even care anymore. I reached my hands towards the clasp on the front of my bra and opened it slowly, putting on a bit
of a show before exposing myself fully.

  “Oh, you tease,” Steven grinned. “Are you going to make me rip it off your body?”

  “You won’t need to.” I winked and pulled the bra away from my body, quickly covering my chest with my left arm.

  My nipples rubbed against the back of my arm and I could feel that they were hard, but I didn’t know if it was because I was aroused or just because the window was ajar. Before the bra even landed on the floor, Steven’s hands were caressing my ribcage, just beneath my left arm. His eyes were hungry and filled with need, like it took every fiber of his being not to reach out and rip my arm away to uncover my breasts.

  “I think I’ve teased you enough.” I smiled and lowered my arm, stroking Steven’s hand on the way down.

  “Mmm, I agree.” Steven growled and bit his bottom lip, reaching down to cup my breasts with the eagerness of a virgin, which reminded me of myself. I wonder if I should tell him that I’m a virgin… Would he be gentler with me? I don’t want it to hurt.

  “Steven…” I mumbled and looked up into his eyes. He perked up, meeting my eyes with interest.

  “What is it?” He asked and furrowed his brow. “Something wrong?”

  “I’m… I’m a virgin.”

  Steven smiled softly. “Well, I kind of figured as much.”

  “Will it hurt?” I asked.

  “…Only if you want it to.”

  I couldn’t help but to let out a girlish giggle. “How would you hurt me?”

  Steven’s hand reached up and wrapped around my neck, pressing down firmly—but not firm enough to strangle me. Meanwhile, the fingers on his other hand took my nipple in their hold, squeezing hard enough to send a jolt of pain all the way to my fingertips. I gasped, but it was more from surprise than fear or pain.

  Noticing the interest in my eyes, Steven pressed harder down around my throat. I felt exposed and vulnerable, but strangely horny at the same time… It was almost like the harder it was to breathe, the bigger the wetness in my panties became.

  “Uff.” I let out when he lifted his hand from my neck, allowing me to breathe properly again. His other hand lifted too, going back to stroking my chest with gentle, soft movements.


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