TABOO MEGA BUNDLE: Wet & Ready (40 Hot Short Stories, First Time, Menage and More!)

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TABOO MEGA BUNDLE: Wet & Ready (40 Hot Short Stories, First Time, Menage and More!) Page 63

by Olivia R. Gasm

  “Yes, yes.” My stepfather interrupted her and rolled his eyes like a bratty teenager. “No leaving surprises in the litter box for when you come home… got it.”

  “Good,” My mother nodded and smiled and leaned in to put her arms around him. “I’m going to miss you, you know.”

  “And I’ll miss you.” It felt strange seeing them embraced like that—the way that Kenneth and I had been so many times in the past year—and it felt bad to watch. I turned my head away and sighed, but kept my mouth shut. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Kenneth finally let go of my mother and pulled himself away.

  There was a honk outside.

  “Oh, I think that’s your ride!” My stepfather said and nodded towards the front door.

  “It sure is,” My mother said and smiled eagerly. She quickly pulled her coat on and headed for the door, but just as she put her hand on the brass handle, she suddenly turned around. “Oh, and Kathy, dear…” She said and smiled softly. “Happy birthday, again. I’m sorry I won’t be here when the extended family comes over for coffee tomorrow, but… Yeah. You know how work is, sometimes you just have to go even if you don’t want to!”

  “Yeah, I know,” I mumbled dryly. I had no interest in having a lengthy conversation with my mother. I would rather she’d leave already, and let me see my surprise present! “It’s okay. Have fun in Spain.”

  “I will,” My mother winked and swung the door open. “Bye!”

  And with that, she walked outside and slammed the door shut behind herself. It felt eerily silent without her, but it felt good to finally be all alone with Kenneth again. With a wide smile on my face, I turned towards him.

  “So!” He said and threw his hands together. “Are you ready for your surprise?”

  “Hell yeah, I am.” I said excitedly. “Shall we go?”

  “Wait just a minute,” My stepfather said and pulled something out of his pocket. I bit my lip and watched impatiently as he unclenched his fist and showed me the black, 8–shaped fabric with a stretchy string attached to it. It was an eye mask. “Put this on first.”

  “Sure,” I said and walked up to him, feeling slightly suspicious. What on Earth does he have down there? A freaking pony? It has to be something really crazy. There was a heavy stirring deep inside my stomach, like butterflies were trying to break out through my bellybutton. “I’m really curious to see what you’ve come up with. Did you buy it locally? Or is it handmade, maybe? Hmmm, maybe it’s not even an ‘it’…”

  “You’ll see soon.” My stepfather chuckled.

  He came up behind me and put his hands on my shoulders, and slowly led me towards the basement door in the hallway. I felt the slight gust of wind wash against my face when he pulled the door open, and my nostrils were instantly met by the faint hint of vanilla. Scented candles, I thought and carefully started to climb down the stairs, clinging tightly onto the wooden railing.

  “This is kind of scary…” I mumbled.

  “You don’t need to be scared.” My stepfather said and squeezed my shoulders. “I got you. Do watch your step, though.”

  The room was completely quiet, aside from the loud screeching of the wind outside the tiny slit windows. The weather really was horrendous outside. It was the kind of evening that made you want to curl up under a blanket with a good book, and just think about how lucky you are to have a roof over your head. I was glad to be inside with Kenneth, and not outside running the streets with my friends.

  A moment later, I set my foot on the bottom of the stairs. The old wooden floorboards creaked complainingly while Kenneth guided me towards the middle of the room and slowly started to lift the eye mask off.

  “Are you ready?” He whispered.

  I nodded eagerly in response.

  The mask was pulled off, but my eyes were closed underneath. I opened them slowly and peeked into the room. At first, everything seemed normal; the fluffy white rug that covered half the floor, the lines of bookshelves trailing along the walls, and the sturdy black leather sofa opposite of the fireplace, with its side turned towards us. It took me a short moment to realize that there was actually someone sitting in it.

  It was a man—younger than thirty years old, with a wide jaw line and a healthy mane of blonde–streaked, thick hair. When I spotted him, he stood up and allowed me to see his entire body. I could see that he was tall and strong, with bulging muscles in his arms when he flexed them. For the record, he was wearing nothing but a pair of tight, practically see–through, black boxers. I stared at the man in amazement, and a sly grin started to form on his face—as if he enjoyed me watching him.

  “Hey there, cutie.” He said and winked.

  I was too shocked to answer, but Kenneth quickly dove in to explain the situation.

  “This,” He said and plopped his heavy hand down on top of my shoulder. “Is James. He’s an old friend of mine, and I can assure you he’s very pleasant company.”

  “But…” I mumbled and glanced over at James again. “I mean, I’m sure he’s nice, but… What is he doing here?”

  “James is your present,” My stepfather whispered into my ear. I turned my head up and stared at him. “Remember last month when you said that you might be interested in a three–way one day? Well…” Kenneth gestured his hand towards James. “So is James. I guess, in a way, this surprise is for both of us. Unless you’d rather I watch…”

  “It’s all up to you, Kathy.” Kenneth added and ran his fingers through his hair. He was in the process of removing his shirt—maybe just because it was a little bit warm and stuffy in the basement, or because he felt overdressed next to the half–naked man—and I watched curiously as he pulled it over his head and exposed his muscular torso.

  “I… I… wait,” I mumbled, lifting my eyes off my stepfathers chiseled body for a brief second to look at the other man. “Has he been down here the whole time? All alone?”

  James shrugged his shoulders casually. “It wasn’t that bad. I mean, there’s a minibar and everything. I’ve been keeping busy.” He added and winked again.

  “A minibar,” I repeated. “Yes… I think I’m going to need a drink.”

  “Oh, let me do that for you,” My stepfather intercepted and quickly walked over to the alcohol cabinet. “Why don’t you and James start to get acquainted meanwhile? He has quite an interesting job, you should ask him about that.”

  James sat down on the sofa with his left arm draped over the backrest, and patted on the seat beside him for me to sit down. I walked up to the sofa and sat down on the leathery seat, feeling a little bit out of place. Out of all the things I’d expected to find in the basement, a strange man was definitely not on the list! That being said… While I was surprised, I definitely wasn’t upset. James was very handsome, and he looked like he took good care of himself. There was something rugged about his muscular appearance and wide shoulders, like he did a lot of heavy lifting and manual labor.

  “So,” I giggled nervously. “This ‘interesting job’ of yours… what is it? Are you like… an escort, or something?” It felt strange to ask such a personal question, but I was honestly starting to wonder where Kenneth had found this guy.

  James let out a quiet chuckle. “No,” He assured me and leaned in closer. “Nothing quite that interesting! I work backstage at the club. I’m the guy who unpacks the bands’ gear and loads it into their vans after the show. I make sure everything is working and running smoothly, basically.”

  “Aaaha,” I let out and nodded understandingly. “That would explain the muscles.” I added and gestured towards his thick upper arms.

  “Yep,” He said and flexed his right arm with a grin. It swelled to twice its original size, making his arm look like there was a golf ball tucked underneath his tight skin. “I don’t exactly need to go to the gym.” He laughed heartily again, and I joined in.

  Right at that moment, Kenneth walked up beside us with a plate of drinks in his hands. There was a Whiskey on the rocks, which I knew was for him be
cause it was his favorite, and a Mojito that I assumed had to be for James, and lastly; a tall, ice–filled glass with reddish and orange liquids for me. It was the only drink I didn’t recognize, but it was also the most delicious–looking in my opinion.

  “Thirsty?” My stepfather asked and handed me the glass.

  “Very,” I smiled thankfully and took a big sip of the ice cold drink. It tasted very sweet, but with a slight tanginess to it. “Mmm, that’s really good.”

  Kenneth set the empty plate down on the glass table in front of us and seated himself next to me on the sofa. I was now sitting between the two men, who were both watching me with interest and curiosity in their eyes. But there was something else too, something that I couldn’t quite place yet. Arousal? Need?

  “Kenneth always makes the most delicious drinks,” James agreed and took a large sip of his drink before placing it down on the table beside mine. The next time he opened his mouth to speak, his breath smelled fresh and minty, and slightly citrusy. “It’s one of the reasons I love coming into work when he’s behind the bar disk.”

  “So you met at work,” I asked and nodded slowly to myself. Kenneth worked as a bartender at the club, and it made sense that they would have met there. “Is… is this the first time you’ve done something like this?”

  Kenneth and James exchanged a quick look and grin. “Well, we’ve always been pretty close,” Kenneth said and swished his drink around in his glass. “But if you’re asking me if I’ve ever brought him home to fuck my stepdaughter before, then no.”

  James chuckled. “It’s not that much crazier than some of the other things you’ve asked me to do, though.”

  His left hand slipped down from the backrest behind me and started to carefully stroke my bare upper arm. His fingers felt warm and soft against my skin, and his touch was gentle and pleasurable. It sent a shiver down my spine, and I had to bite my bottom lip to suppress an anxious moan. Now that the initial shock was wearing off, I was really warming up to the idea of having a threesome with Kenneth and James. If James was anywhere near as good as Kenneth was in bed, I knew that I was in for a real treat.

  “You’re not half bad yourself either.” I said and smiled coyly at him.

  He grinned as a response and took another sip of his Mojito. After placing the cup back down on the table, his hand reached around my neck and slowly pushed my head closer towards his. His lips were slightly parted, and I could see the straight white teeth hidden behind his pink lips. I licked my own lips and closed my eyes halfway, feeling my heart beat rapidly as I slowly moved closer and closer towards James.

  His open mouth met mine, and I was instantly met with the sweet, sour flavor of lime and mint. His mouth tasted delicious, and I curiously pressed my tongue in between his lips to explore the rest of his mouth. With his hand still resting on my neck, his thumb started tracing up the side of my head and stroke the soft spot between my ear and my jaw line.

  I finally pulled away, and our lips smacked loudly as they parted. I opened my eyes slowly and looked at James, who was smiling softly and watching me with a puzzling expression.

  “Wow,” I let out and placed a stray hair back behind my ear. “That was… so…”

  “Exciting?” James asked with a grin. “Or arousing, maybe?”

  “I was going to say flavorful.” I answered with a giggle. “Does all of you taste so good?”

  I reached out and grabbed my glass from the tabletop, and drowned the whole drink in one large, thirsty sip. “I guess there’s only one way to find out.” I said and threw myself forward, wrapping my arms around James thick neck.

  His arms wrapped around my waist and held me tight, and our lips met for another hungry, wet kiss. The only difference was that, this time, we were full on making out. James’ hands traveled up and down my sides, tracing my curves and caressing my soft skin. They moved in under my shirt and moved upwards slowly, pulling the shirt up along with it. I moaned into his mouth when he reached my breasts and passed them quickly, brushing faintly against my hardening nipples. My shirt was pulled over my head and flew somewhere across the room. I didn’t know where it went, and I honestly didn’t care.

  Kenneth had moved closer towards us, and his hand gently stroked the nape of my neck. He bundled up my hair and brushed it gently to the side over my shoulder, exposing the pale, soft skin of my neck. I tilted my head to the side and he leaned forward, nuzzling my neck so closely that I could feel the hot air of his breath against my skin, and feel the musky smell of scotch travel up my nostrils.

  James’ hands reached around my back and started to fiddle with my bra strap. His touch felt strangely good when he struggled with the clasp, rubbing his fingers between my shoulder blades. Eventually he got it off, and the bra hung from my body from only the shoulder straps. As the bra slipped off my body and landed somewhere on the floor, I shyly reached my hands up and covered my swollen breasts with my forearms.

  “Don’t be shy…” James mumbled and licked his lips, with his eyes resting on my cleavage.

  “Maybe if you stopped staring at her like a starved dog at the dinner table, she’d be more inclined.” Kenneth said and chuckled behind me.

  “No, it’s okay.” I said quickly. “It’s just that…” I bit my lip and thought for a moment, because the truth was that I didn’t really know why I was so shy all of the sudden. Sure, Kenneth had seen my breasts many times and I wasn’t normally like this around him, but… but it was different this time. Both Kenneth and James were watching me with such hunger in their eyes, and it felt strange being so wanted—and by two men, for that matter.

  “It’s just that… I’m not used to there being two guys, you know?” I said finally. “I don’t even know what to do!”

  “Well, that’s an easy problem to solve,” James grinned. “We’re here for you, Kathy. We’ll do whatever you want, and if that includes one of us leaving… that’s fine too. I’d gladly watch.” He added with a wink and let his eyes wander up and down over my half–naked body. I could feel my cheeks burn red again, but it wasn’t just from shyness.

  “I don’t want that,” I mumbled and turned towards Kenneth. “I want both of you.”

  “Then we’ll have to learn how to share.” Kenneth wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me towards him, grinning quickly at James.

  I turned around with Kenneth’s arms still wrapped around me, and reached my hands up to either side of his face to stroke his stubbled cheeks. I could feel his erection press against my pubic mound, throbbing and pulsating heavily, and a moment later I could feel another erection pressed against my backside. James had moved himself closer towards me, and was now busy stroking my hips with his sleek hands. They slipped in under the seam of my jeans, and before I knew it, he was cupping my plump butt.

  “Maybe we should take these off already,” He said in a convincing tone, tugging impatiently at my jeans. “I can hardly get a proper grip of your ass with all this fabric in the way.”

  “I’ll help you.” I said and reached my hands down to unbutton my jeans.

  Once the zipper was down and the button was open, Kenneth and James both started pulling my pants down over my hips. When they reached my knees, I leaned backwards into Kenneth’s strong grip and lifted my legs up so that James could pull my pants off the rest of the way. His eyes rested on my small, black panties, and there was a look of strong need in his eyes.

  While James moved himself in between my knees and started to stroke my inner thigh with his soft hands, Kenneth took hold of my chin and turned my face towards him. I looked up into his beautiful, brown eyes and smiled softly before opening my mouth to speak. But before I had time to get a single word out, he had moved his head down and pressed his lips against mine.

  His lips were softer than James’, and not as wet, but it was wonderful either way. His mouth tasted earthy and faintly like Scotch, even though he’d only sipped on it a little bit. I wrapped my lips around his bottom lip and bit down gently, feeling his
lip squish together between my teeth. His surprised groan echoed in my empty mouth, and his hand suddenly reached around and grabbed my ass cheek firmly, as if to punish me. I let go of his lip and pulled away, giggling girlishly.

  James’ hand moved up along my inner thigh, brushing faintly against my pussy. I moaned into Kenneth’s mouth and pulled myself away, tilting my head down to look at James. He looked back up at me with a smirk, and let his finger slip underneath the seam of my panties. His soft, warm hand stroked my swollen mound, parting my lips and soaking his fingers in my wetness.

  I closed my eyes and leaned back against Kenneth, resting my head against his strong chest. My arm, which had been covering my breasts this whole time, fell to the side. Kenneth’s arms wrapped around me and his hands gently caressed my torso, eagerly making their way up my stomach and towards my chest. He took one of my breasts in each hand, cupping them and rolling my nipples between his fingertips.

  At the same time, James finger had parted my pussy lips and brushed against my swollen, sensitive peak. There was a vibration building up deep inside of me—a shiver, or a hum, making my pussy clench and quiver. James’ fingers explored my wet slit and played with my lips, causing my heart to race and my skin to flush pink and warm.

  “Mhh…” I groaned and bit my bottom lip. “I don’t know how much longer I can handle this.” I confessed, referring to the increasing throbbing in my lower body. My pussy was pulsating with arousal and need—need for something big and hard. My eyes opened slowly and I looked at James, who licked his lips and looked back at me.

  “Then I won’t linger any longer.” He said with a grin.

  Before I knew it, his hand had slipped out of my panties and wrapped around the seam instead. I bucked my hips while he pulled my underwear down over my hips and exposing my wet, juicy pussy. After dropping the fabric on the floor, he wrapped his fingers around my arm and pulled me into his lap. I could feel his hard cock throb against my pussy, with nothing but the thin fabric of his boxers between us. I grinded my pussy against him for a moment, moaning softly as he rubbed against my clit.


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