14 Yale, vol. 11, 159
15 Taken from Pantin, Latin and English Proverbs and Riddles, 14–23
16 Quoted in Carole Weinberg, ‘Thomas More and the Use of English in Early Tudor Education’, Moreana, vol. 15 (59–60), 24
17 William Nelson, ‘Teaching of English’, 134
18 Yale, vol. 8, 468
19 Quoted in Stanier, 41
20 Langland, 44
21 Erikson, 75
22 Quoted in Orme, 140
23 Ibid., 129
24 Quoted in R. L. de Molen, ‘Pueri Christi Imitatio: The Festival of the Boy-Bishop in Tudor England’, Moreana, vol. 12 (45), 20
25 Cresacre More, 18
26 Stow, 101
27 Ibid.
28 Ibid., 195
29 Ibid.
30 Yale, vol. 11, 12
31 Ibid., 99
32 Yale, vol. 5, 60
33 Yale, vol. 11, 177
IV: Cough Not, Nor Spit
1 Sneyd, 25
2 Quoted in Stevens, 318
3 Sneyd, 98
4 Ibid., 100
5 Ibid., 101
6 Quoted in Wegg, 5
7 Roper, ed. Hitchcock, 5
8 Furnivall, 134
9 Chambers, A Fifteenth Century Courtesy Book, 15
10 Quoted in Walter, 4
11 Johnson
12 Harper-Bill, The Register of John Morton, 10, 20 and 65
13 Foss, 66
14 Bacon, History of the Reign of King Henry the Seventh, 199–200
15 Quoted in Mozley, 13
16 Yale, vol. 4, 60
17 Yale, vol. 2, 91
18 Roper, ed. Hitchcock, 5
19 Ibid.
20 Fulgens and Lucrece, lines 1057 and 1217, quoted in A. H. Nelson, The Plays of Henry Medwall
21 Cresacre More, 20
V: Set on His Book
1 Quoted in Lyte, 180
2 Pantin, Canterbury College Oxford, vol. 4, 145
3 Quoted in Howard Baker, ‘Thomas More at Oxford’, Moreana, vol. 11 (43–4), 7–8
4 Yale, vol. 6, 132
5 Trapp and Herbruggen, 52
6 Yale, vol. 8, 197
7 Yale, vol. 7, Letter Against Frith, 251
8 Yale, vol. 11, 208, 215 and 212
9 Yale, vol. 9, 67
10 Cresacre More, 9
11 Sullivan, vol. 3, 148
12 Yale, vol. 8, 447
13 Cresacre More, 9
14 Erasmus, Epistolae, vol. 2, 328
15 Quoted in Campbell, 100
16 Yale, vol. 15, Letter to Martin Dorp, 28
17 Ibid., 36
18 To the Nobility of the German Nation, in Luther, Selections, 46
19 White, Michael, and Gribbin, John, Stephen Hawking: A Life in Science (1992), 290
20 Ibid., 252
21 Hawking, 175
22 Stubbs, quoted in Holdsworth, 129
23 Erasmus, Praise of Folly, 116
24 Quoted in Ong, Ramus, 56
25 Yale, vol. 15, Letter to Martin Dorp, 28 and 30
26 Quoted in J. Derrett, ‘The Trial of Sir Thomas More’, in Sylvester and Marc’hadour, 72
27 Quoted in Ro: Ba., 73
28 Quoted in Rashdall, Powicke and Emden, vol. 3, 414
29 Thrupp, 142
30 Pantin, Canterbury College Oxford, vol. 4, 228
31 Chaucer, General Prologue, lines 289–90
32 Quoted in Cobban, 373
33 Erasmus, Epistolae, vol. 4, 16
34 The Correspondence of Sir Thomas More, 3
35 Erasmus, Epistolae, vol. 4, 21
36 The English Works of Sir Thomas More, ciii-civ
37 Ibid.
38 Quoted in Willow, 18
39 Quoted in A. H. Nelson, The English Medieval Stage, 174
40 Quoted in Potter, 44
41 Quoted in Cawley, xviii
42 Quoted in Anglo, 67
43 Quoted in Home, 14
VI: Duty Is the Love of Law
1 Erasmus, Epistolae, vol. 4, 17
2 Quoted in Thrupp, 318
3 Ives, The Common Lawyers, 7
4 Erasmus, Epistolae, vol. 1, 460
5 Roper, ed. Hitchcock, 51
6 Quoted in Holdsworth, 498
7 Ibid., 494
8 Quoted in Ives, The Common Lawyers, 156 and 170
9 Stapleton, 14
10 Quoted in Holdsworth, 512
11 Ibid., 550–1
12 Ibid.
13 Ibid., 552
14 Quoted in D. R. Kelly, ‘The Conscience of “The King’s Good Servant” ’, 294
15 Yale, vol. 10, 37
16 Roper, ed. Sylvester and Harding, 221
17 Ives, The Common Lawyers, 37
18 Ibid.
19 Quoted in Foss, 114
20 Quoted in D. R. Kelly, ‘The Conscience of “The King’s Good Servant” ’, 294
21 Quoted in R. J. Schoeck, ‘More, Sallust and Fortune’, Moreana, vol. 17 (65–6), 108
22 Quoted in D. R. Kelly, ‘The Conscience of “The King’s Good Servant’ ”, 64
23 Quoted in Pickthorn, vol. 1, 135
24 Quoted in John Headley, ‘More Against Luther: On Laws and Magistrates’, Moreana, vol. 4 (15–16), 215–16
25 Yale, vol. 5, 280
VII: Most Holy Father
1 Quoted in Sneyd, 77
2 John B. Gleason, 28
3 Cresacre More, 21
4 Yale, vol. 7, Supplication of Souls, 200
5 The Correspondence of Sir Thomas More, 545
6 Ibid., 150
7 Yale, vol. 6, 86 and 92
8 Yale, vol. 4, 216
9 Yale, vol. 15, Letter to a Monk, 212
10 Quoted in Roper, ed. Hitchcock, 87
11 Yale, vol. 8, 1011
12 Quoted in Charles Baudelaire, Selected Writings on Art and Literature (1972), 191
13 Ralph Keen and Daniel Kinney, ‘Thomas More and the Classics’, Moreana, vol. 22 (86), 154 and 151
14 1 Kings 15:22
15 Yale, vol. 3 (2), 276
16 Erasmus, Epistolae, vol. 4, 17
17 Yale, vol. 3 (2), 278
18 Stapleton, 8
19 Cresacre More, 27
20 Quoted in Stevens, 240
VIII: We Talk of Letters
1 Yale, vol. 3 (2), 294
2 Erasmus, Epistolae, vol. 1, 274
3 The Correspondence of Sir Thomas More, 9
4 Erasmus, Epistolae, vol. 2, 331
5 Quoted in Maddison, Pelling and Webster, xxv
6 Yale, vol. 12, 121
7 Quoted in Maddison, Pelling and Webster, xvii
8 All quotations from Erasmus, Colloquies, trans. Roger L’Estrange
9 Ibid., 57–8
10 Ibid., 135
11 Erasmus, Epistolae, vol. 2, 34
12 Stapleton, 11
13 Romans 3:28
14 Quoted in Jane, 49
15 D. Wilson, 2
16 Quoted in Brooks, 10
17 Erasmus, Letters, vol. 1, 26
18 Ibid., 20
19 Quoted in Halkin, 5
20 Ibid., 6
21 Erasmus, Epistolae, vol. 4, 14
22 Quoted by Halkin, 47
23 Yale, vol. 8, 177
24 Translated by Halkin, 26
25 Erasmus, Epistolae, vol. 1, 266
26 I am indebted for this suggestion to Dr David Starkey
IX: If You Want to Laugh
1 Erasmus, Epistolae, vol. 1, 296
2 Yale, vol. 15, Letter to the University of Oxford, 132
3 Ibid., 136
4 Erasmus, Adages, 183
5 Boswell, 52
6 Yale, vol. 3 (2), 252
7 Ibid., 202
8 Boswell, 153
9 Ibid.
10 Erasmus, Epistolae, vol. 1, 425
11 Erasmus, Epistolae, vol. 2, 483
12 Yale, vol. 3 (2), 166
13 Thomas a Kempis, 243
X: The Wine of Angels
1 Roper, ed. Hitc
hcock, 6
2 Cresacre More, 29
3 Erasmus, Epistolae, vol. 3, 17
4 Stow, 392
5 Ibid., 391
6 Yale, vol. 4, 232
7 Boutrais, 19
8 Chauncey, 40
9 Ibid., 44
10 Ibid., 45
11 Yale, vol. 8, 37
12 Thomas à Kempis, 212
13 Ibid., 287
14 Ibid., 90
15 Ibid., 249
16 Yale, vol. 4, 98
17 Erasmus, Epistolae, vol. 4, 18
18 Augustine, 213
19 Yale, vol. 15, Letter to a Monk, 302
20 Hilton, Scale of Perfection, 95
21 Hilton, Minor Works, 19
22 Ibid., 28
23 The Correspondence of Sir Thomas More, 4
24 Augustine, 761
25 Ibid., 597
26 Pico della Mirandola, 15, 16 and 24
27 Cresacre More, 32–2
28 Pico della Mirandola, 11
29 Ibid.
30 Ibid., 53
31 The works of Sir Thomas More, ed. Rastell
32 Quoted by Cassier, ‘Pico Delia Mirandola’, 38
33 Yale, vol. 9, 159
34 The Correspondence of Sir Thomas More, 523
35 Willow, 22; Ames, 184
36 The works of Sir Thomas More, ed. Rastell
37 The Correspondence of Sir Thomas More, 4
38 The works of Sir Thomas More, ed. Rastell
39 Roper, ed. Sylvester and Harding, 199
40 The Correspondence of Sir Thomas More, 7
41 Ibid.
XI: Holy, Holy, Holy!
1 Brigden, 11
2 Yale, vol. 6, 148
3 Quoted in Marshall, 42
4 Ibid., 36
5 Yale, vol. 8, 603
6 Yale, vol. 13, Treatise on the Passion, 143
7 Yale, vol. 9, 51
8 Quoted in Sneyd, 23
9 Surtz, John Fisher, 13
10 Stow, 126–7
XII: Craft of the City
1 Roper, ed. Sylvester and Harding, 199
2 Yale, vol. 3 (2), 192
3 Ibid., 186
4 Erasmus, Epistolae, vol. 6, 18
5 Erasmus, Epistolae, vol. 1, 458
6 The Merry Wives of Windsor, III, 3, 67–8
7 Blench, 125
8 Stow, 255–6
9 Reed, ‘John Clement and his Books’
10 Quoted in Harrison, 198
11 Erasmus, Epistolae, vol. 1, 422
12 Ibid., 421
13 Lucy Smith, 106–7
14 Yale, vol. 15, Letter to a Monk, 286
15 Ibid.
16 Ibid., 288
17 Duffy, 68
18 Quoted in Medieval English Theatre, no. 1 (1979), 9
19 Quoted in Roston, 25
20 Quoted in Ames, 184
21 Quoted in Watney, Account of the Mistery of Mercers, 53
22 Lane Fox, 84
23 Unwin, 103
24 Watney, The Hospital of Saint Thomas of Acon, 77
25 This, and other citations from the Mercer records, are to be found in Acts of Court of the Mercers’ Company, ed. Lyell and Watney, 329–35
26 Erasmus, Epistolae, vol. 1, 462
XIII: Milk and Honey
1 Hall, 422
2 Duffy, ‘The Spirituality of John Fisher’, in Bradshaw and Duffy, 212
3 Hall, 507
4 Erasmus, Epistolae, vol. 1, 450
5 Castiglione, 299
6 Hall, 503
7 Yale, vol. 3 (2), 104
8 Ibid., 106
9 Ibid.
10 Erasmus, Epistolae, vol. 1, 460
11 Erasmus, Praise of Folly, 4
12 John B. Gleason, 233
13 Ibid., 221
14 The Correspondence of Sir Thomas More, 15
15 Ibid.
16 Quoted in French, 53
17 Erasmus, Epistolae, vol. 4, 517–18
18 Skelton, 294
19 Ibid., 293
20 John B. Gleason, 226
21 Ibid., 232
22 Seebohm, 162
23 Ibid., 163
24 Ibid., 170
25 Owst, 244
26 Ibid., 246
27 Sylvester and Marc’hadour, 610
28 Ames, 214
29 Roskell, 295
30 The English Works of Sir Thomas More, 94
31 Yale, vol. 5, 474
32 Erasmus, Epistolae, vol. 4, 20
33 Roper, ed. Hitchcock, 9
XIV: A Jolly Master-woman
1 Quoted in The English Works of Sir Thomas More, vol. 2, 1
2 Thomas Bailey, quoted in Sullivan, vol. 1, 40
3 Quoted in Stewart, The Life and Letters of Sir Thomas More, 21
4 Yale, vol. 8, 605
5 Ibid.
6 Quoted in Stewart, The Life and Letters of Sir Thomas More, 272
7 Yale, vol. 12, 220
8 Cresacre More, 127
9 Yale, vol. 12, 169
10 Ibid.
11 Ibid., 277
12 Ibid., 118
13 For this and other information about Alice More, I am indebted to the pioneering research within Ruth Norrington’s In the Shadow of a Saint: Lady Alice More
14 Erasmus, Epistolae, vol. 1, 476
15 Erasmus, Epistolae, vol. 4, 19
16 Ibid.
17 Erasmus, Epistolae, vol. 1, 19
18 Norrington, 138–9
19 Yale, vol. 11, 217
20 Yale, vol. 12, 169
21 Yale, vol. 13, Treatise on the Passion, 8
22 Yale, vol. 9, 83
23 Letter to Cranevelt, quoted in Moreana, vol. 31 (117), 37
24 Erasmus, Epistolae, vol. 2, 421
25 Owst, 388
26 Yale, vol. 5, 212
27 Quoted in Bernard Fish, ‘English Spiritual Writers’, in Sylvester and Marc’hadour, 519
28 Augustine, 873
29 R. Brown, vol. 2, 72
30 The Utopia of Sir Thomas More, 230
31 The Correspondence of Sir Thomas More, 121
32 Clarence H. Miller, ‘Thomas More’s Letters to Frans van Cranevelt’, Moreana, vol. 31 (120), 25
33 Carole Weinberg, ‘Thomas More and the Use of English in Early Tudor Education’, Moreana, vol. 15 (59–60), 26
34 Erasmus, Epistolae, vol. 4, 577
35 The Correspondence of Sir Thomas More, 122
36 Kenny, 18
37 Erasmus, Epistolae, vol. 4, 578
38 Yale, vol. 3 (2), 280
XV: Kings’ Games
1 Erasmus, Epistolae, vol. 1, 488
2 Ames, 186
3 Ibid., 215
4 Ibid., 187
5 Cresacre More, 50
6 Quoted in Roskell, 325
7 Quoted in Baker, vol. 2, 80
8 Yale, vol. 4, 38
9 Yale, vol. 3 (1), 100
10 Yale, vol. 9, 223–4
11 Foxe, vol. 4, 199
12 Ibid.
13 Yale, vol. 6, 318
14 Ibid., 320
15 Ibid., 321
16 Ibid., 323
17 Ibid.
18 Yale, vol. 9, 126
19 Yale, vol. 15, Letter to Martin Dorp, 12
20 Quoted in Adams, 61
21 Yale, vol. 3 (2), 256
22 Ibid., 286
23 Ibid., 600
24 Ibid., 290
25 Yale, vol. 2, 7
26 Ibid., 8
27 Ibid., 44
28 Quoted in Caxton’s preface to Higden’s Chronicle, 1482
29 Yale, vol. 2, 8
30 Ibid., 52
31 Ibid., 54
32 Peter Brown, 311
33 Quoted in R. E. Reiter, ‘On the Genre of Thomas More’s Richard III’, Moreana, vol. 7 (25), 7
34 Ibid., 30
35 Yale, vol. 2, 81
36 Ibid., 56
37 Ibid., 55
38 I am indebted for this information to Mr Nicholas Barker
39 Yale, vol.
2, 47
40 Richard III, III, 4, 31–2
XVI: The Best Condition of a Society
1 Quoted in Surtz, ‘St Thomas More’, 278
2 The Correspondence of Sir Thomas More, 20–1
3 Ibid.
4 Quoted in David Waters, The Art of Navigation in Elizabethan and Early Stuart Times (1958), 13
5 Yale, vol. 12, 301
6 Quoted in Ramsay, ‘A Saint in the City’, 287
7 Erasmus, The Education of a Christian Prince, 215
8 Erasmus, Epistolae, vol. 2, 93
9 The Correspondence of Sir Thomas More, 20–1
10 Quoted by Chambers, Thomas More, 119
11 Yale, vol. 4, 44
12 Wegg, 68
13 Surtz, ‘St Thomas More’, 293
14 Yale, vol. 4, 52
15 Ibid., 102
16 Acts 4:32
17 Plato, Republic, ed. J. Burnet, 592
18 Yale, vol. 4, 112
19 Starnes, 9
20 Yale, vol. 8 (1), 938
21 See Pohl
22 Yale, vol. 4, 50
23 Ibid., 150
24 Coleridge, The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, lines 587 and 569
25 Quoted in A. F. Kinney, 2
26 Yale, vol. 4, 195
27 Cresacre More, 235
28 Erasmus, Epistolae, vol. 4, 21
29 See Klibansky, R. (ed.), Plato’s Parmenides in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance (1943), 313ff
30 Introduction by Mary Louise Gill to Plato, Parmenides, 104 and 81
XVII: Wholly a Courtier
1 Erasmus, Epistolae, vol. 2, 200
2 Yale, vol. 3 (2), 270
3 Cavendish, 25
4 Skelton, 320 and 312
5 R. Brown, vol. 1, 110
6 Ibid., 111
7 Ibid., 267–8
8 Watney, The Hospital of Saint Thomas of Acon, 97
9 Ibid., 98
10 Yale, vol. 12, 213
11 Erasmus, Epistolae, vol. 2, 331
12 Stow, 422
13 I am indebted for this information to Dr David Starkey, particularly his ‘Court, Council and Nobility in Tudor England’ and ‘Communications: A Reply’
14 J. A. Guy, ‘The Privy Council: Revolution or Evolution?’, in Coleman and Starkey, 66
15 Erasmus, Epistolae, vol. 2, 317
16 Ibid., 430
17 The Correspondence of Sir Thomas More, 86
18 Erasmus, Epistolae, vol. 2, 504
19 Watney, The Hospital of Saint Thomas of Acon, 87
20 Erasmus, Epistolae, vol. 2, 414
21 Ibid., 259
22 Hamilton, vol. 1, 10–11
23 Erasmus, Epistolae, vol. 3, 46
24 R. Brown, vol. 2, 113
25 Quoted in C. H. Williams, 217
26 Vergil, Book XXIV, 9
27 Pickthorn, vol. 2, 38
28 Ibid., 40
29 Quoted in Brigden, 130
30 Boswell, 285
31 Shakespeare, 891–2
32 R. Brown, vol. 2, 75
33 Ibid.
34 Ramsay, 286
35 The Correspondence of Sir Thomas More, 101–10
36 I am indebted for this insight to Trapp, 68
37 Yale, vol. 3 (2), 300
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