Mutant Academy (The Fundamental Society Book 1)

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Mutant Academy (The Fundamental Society Book 1) Page 11

by Yumoyori Wilson

  I cringed. I hated when those vivid childhood memories came back to haunt me. Sometimes I felt like there was no escape and that I would be subjected to the torture and pain of my past for the rest of my life.

  “Right in here.” Headmaster Atticus motioned as he moved out of the way to grant us access to his office.

  There was a little plaque on the wall that stated his name and gave the tidbit underneath the name that he was an esteemed member of the school. I was impressed to learn that he had almost twenty-five years of dedicated service to the students and staff.

  Upon entrance to the room, the first thing I noticed was that there was an exorbitant number of computers, monitors, security cameras, and technologically advanced gadgets placed on walls, on shelves, and otherwise scattered all about the room.

  “Wow,” I whispered to Jude and Pete, who stood beside me.

  “Impressive, huh?” Pete said. He still looked a little pale with nerves.

  “Yeah…” I trailed off as I continued to glance around at the feast of techie objects. In my opinion, they caused a bit sensory overload.

  Headmaster Atticus drifted past the group of us and walked over to his tempered glass, completely transparent desk. He pressed a black button underneath the desk and the door behind us automatically sealed shut.

  I glanced over my shoulder and raised my eyebrows. “That’s cool,” I whispered to Pete and Jude.

  “Yeah,” both of them answered and nodded in unison but they seemed distracted.

  I was just trying to focus on anything other than the fact that I had already been sent to the headmaster’s office before I was even enrolled as a student. If this little snafu was any testament to how my years here would go, then I wasn’t exactly off to the best start.

  Who was to say I would even get past admissions? I was nervous, but I was trying to play it cool and collected on the surface so that no one would be able to see how much I was internally trembling like a leaf.

  As soon as the door was shut, Headmaster Atticus glanced up and gave us each a polite and professional smile.

  “I don’t believe I have formally introduced myself,” he said. “I am Headmaster Atticus of this fine institution called Mutant Academy.” He was addressing me more than the others. “And you are?”

  I shifted my weight and cleared my throat. “My…my name is Tara.”

  “Tara.” The headmaster nodded as if he accepted that as my answer to his question.

  “Now, Tara,” he began. “What brings you here?”

  I glanced over at the guys, who each gave me a subtle nod and bowed their heads respectfully in the direction of the headmaster, as if it were in my best interest to appease him with answers.

  “I…uh…” I stammered and trailed off, fidgeting to keep my hands busy.

  “Tara,” Atticus said and narrowed his eyes at me. “I expect nothing but the truth.”

  “Of course.” I chuckled nervously.

  “She escaped from a Home Base camp,” Gabriel interjected for me.

  I gave him a look of astonishment. He was brave to speak out of turn. He quickly flicked his gaze at Atticus and then looked back at me with a sheepish smile.

  Atticus raised his eyebrows with curious alarm. “Is this true?”

  “Yes.” I scratched my elbow. “It’s true. There was a security breach in the middle of the night. My friend and I raced out of our cells and past the gates around the perimeter of the property. Once the security system had been reinstated, I passed out after receiving the electric shock from my tracker.” I pointed to my wrist.

  “Hmm.” Atticus furrowed his eyebrows with concern. “We will have to do something about that tracker.”

  “Yes.” I nodded in agreement.

  “So where is your friend, then?” Atticus peered around the group as if he expected her to pop out of nowhere.

  I exchanged a look with the guys. “I don’t know where she is.”

  Gabriel spoke up again. “We lost the friend, sir. She came back around before Tara did. When she saw us, she screamed and ran away. We didn’t want to leave Tara because we weren’t sure whether or not she was seriously injured.”

  Atticus nodded as if he were imagining the circumstances and trying to place himself there. “I see.”

  “I think she is still in the woods,” I said.

  “We brought Tara into the Safe House,” Jude explained. “So that she could recover. Then we brought her back to school with us. We were shot at by the Fundamental Society guards until we made it to the water.”

  “There are a few Mutant tests she will have to pass if she enrolls,” Atticus mentioned.

  “Of course,” I said. “Whatever is necessary.” I wanted to make myself appear as enthusiastic as possible.

  “That’s not an approval yet, though,” Atticus stated with a light chuckle.

  “Oh.” I felt my shoulders start to sag a little.

  “Which Home Base camp were you at?” Atticus pried.

  “I was at the N-407 location,” I answered quickly.

  “Okay.” Atticus seemed satisfied that I wasn’t lying about that. “And you say you have a tracker in your arm?”

  “Yes.” I nodded with slight reservation. “But these fine gentlemen here tell me that the humans can’t enter the water without dying…”

  “That is correct,” Atticus stated. “So, congratulations, you’ve passed the first test already.”

  “Really?” I asked.

  “Yes.” He nodded with a gleam in his eye. “It is true, any human who enters the water, whether on a boat or not, will suffer greatly. Their blood will boil. An enchantment resides over the ocean put in place by myself and my associate brothers.”

  “Yep.” Pete nodded and smiled. “I read all about it in the books from the library.”

  Nick and Liam chuckled. “You and those books.”

  Pete glowered at them.

  Headmaster Atticus continued on. “You didn’t know it at the time, but you also completed another test to prove you are a Mutant with remarkable abilities.”

  “What might that be?” I asked.

  “Well for starters, I watched you take every one of them down.” He pointed to the guys and gave them a patronizing snicker.

  The guys each cleared their throats and tried to behave in a macho way by puffing out their chests with pride.

  “We let her do that, sir,” Nick said.

  “Oh, really?” Headmaster Atticus pitched a doubtful eyebrow. “You two, who are training to be Brutes, let this girl who is only half your size take you down like that?”

  Nick’s and Liam’s cheeks turned a noticeable shade of crimson. They ducked their heads down. “No, sir,” the mumbled in unison.

  The edges of Atticus’s lips curled into a playful smile. He stared at me for so long that I wasn’t sure what to do or how to react. He was making me uncomfortable.

  He knew how to keep me on the edge of my seat, that was for sure.

  “You seem to have talent and you certainly have the feisty spirit to keep up with the rest of the Mutants here at the school,” Atticus admitted.

  I beamed. Every time he gave me a compliment, no matter how big or small, I absorbed it like a sponge and my heart swelled with excitement.

  “Thank you, Headmaster.” I cast him a little bow.

  He leaned back at his desk, contemplative. I glanced at the guys. They appeared to be on pins and needles, just as I was.

  “You have potential.” Atticus patted his chin with his forefinger. “But you must know, the challenges you will face here at the school will be exceptional. It’s not for the weak-hearted.”

  “I understand,” I said with a confident nod. “I think I have what it takes.”

  Atticus left me hanging in suspense for a substantial amount of time. My heart drummed in my chest. My ears burned and I felt like I was going to spontaneously combust if he didn’t say something soon. Even if the answer was no, I would rather just figure it out now rather than

  Out of nowhere, Pete snatched up my hand and held it in his. It was as if he were mentally and physically trying to prepare himself for the results too. I looked at him and noticed he was holding his breath. I appreciated his theatrical investment in my future.

  I didn’t pull away, enjoying the comfort of his hand in mine. His touch was warm, and it was exactly what I needed to get through whatever was going to be thrown my way in the next few seconds. I had been resilient all my life. I could handle anything, or so I thought.

  I suddenly felt faint, as if the room was spinning. I tried to hold myself together so that I wouldn’t pass out in front of all these men.

  For the first time in what had felt like an eternity, I was flooded with a sensation of warmth and unity. I realized then that the guys who had brought me here really did have good intentions for my future and wellbeing after all.

  I smiled at Pete and squeezed his hand. I could tell by the way his eyes brightened that he was touched by my gesture. He must have been feeling overwhelmed about the whole situation, just as I was.

  My emotions ebbed and flowed like the very tide outside of these school perimeters. I couldn’t explain it, but I felt like I belonged here, like after all these years I was finally ‘home.’

  “All right,” Headmaster Atticus said with an affirmative nod. “I have thought on it, and I will allow you to register as a first-year student here at Mutant Academy.”

  I was beyond elated. I didn’t let go of Pete’s hand until Atticus said the magical, beautiful words, and even then, I felt like I was living in a dream cloud. I was certain that someone was going to pop my bubble of bliss at any second. It seemed too good to be true, but here I was, hugging the guys and giving them high-fives as we celebrated the wonderful news.

  I turned around to Headmaster Atticus and gave him the most enthusiastic smile I possessed.

  I extended my hand and pumped it with his. “Thank you so much, Headmaster. I promise, you won’t regret this decision. I will do my best to prove to you all that I belong here. I am so humbled and grateful for the opportunity.”

  It was the honest truth. Things were finally looking up for me. I’d never thought this moment would ever come, but here I was, living in a fantasy. There was a lot of work to be done, but as long as I applied myself, I could live up to the potential that I knew was now expected of me.



  Headmaster Atticus glanced down at his watch. “The registration office is getting ready to close for the day. I’ll send them word that you are on the way there now to get yourself enrolled. If you hurry, you can make it in time.”

  I beamed at him. “Thank you, sir.”

  “We will take her over there,” Jude offered. “As well as give her a more comprehensive tour of the campus.”

  The kindness they were showing me was making my heart overflow with appreciation and gratitude.

  “Sounds good to me,” I said with an eager grin as we walked out of Headmaster Atticus’s office and down a short hallway in the direction of the registration office.

  We arrived to find a flustered and slightly chubby Mutant, her silver hair cut in a chic bob. She was standing behind the front desk, riffling through documents and blinking, bleary-eyed, at a computer screen. She looked worn out and ready to go home, but she still attempted to be kind and patient with me.

  I answered a series of questions and filled out a few forms on a kiosk computer in order to complete the registration process and be assigned to a dormitory room. After the long process, I was extra tired. The guys must have noticed because Jude gave me a sympathetic glance.

  “I promise it won’t always be this grueling.”

  I chuckled. “I know. Trust me. From the nightmare that I just emerged from, this is a piece of cake. Seriously.” I gave him a heartfelt smile. “This is nothing short of heaven.”

  “Well, I’m glad to see you are enjoying yourself so far,” Jude said. “What with beating us up and all.”

  I gave him a wink. “I did what I had to do. I’m here in the registration office, aren’t I? So, hey, my physical method of getting the job done worked in my favor.”

  Jude’s eyes were twinkling. “I’d say so. You must be doing something right.”

  I nibbled on my bottom lip. “I sure hope so.”

  After we finished up getting all the digital paperwork completed, I was given my own tablet and laptop to help me with my studies and to communicate with my teachers and fellow students more easily. I would also be able to check on my grades and monitor the status of my academic and physical endurance training.

  I was excited, but I was also nervous. The whole idea of being a student was daunting. I didn’t want to admit that I felt a little overwhelmed by everything, so I just kept reminding myself that being here was worlds better than what I had been through and where I had come from. I would have to learn my way around and familiarize myself with the students, professors, and overall protocol.

  “Do you want to go check out the female housing area where you will be living?” Pete suggested.

  “Sure.” I smiled. “That sounds great, actually.” The truth of the matter was, I just wanted a warm shower and a clean bed to lie in.

  “Great.” Pete seemed excited too.

  As tired and nervous as I was, I was also elated to be enrolled as a student, living in a free society where I could roam as I pleased, and free from worrying about anyone treating me like a prisoner. I couldn’t wait to dive into the training and figure out where I fit in. I was going places, I could feel it. The possibilities were endless, and it was a thrill to know that there was so much in store for me here at the Mutant Academy.

  I glanced down at my wrist and gave Pete a worried glance. “What about my tracker?”

  He slowly exhaled. “The Fundamental Society knows that you’re here, but they can’t get to you because of the water. You are safe for now, but we will absolutely take care of getting the tracker extracted from underneath your skin.”

  I tried to relax, but there was still an intense level of paranoia pumping through my veins. I was also nervous to be around the guys in my dorm room alone. Would they try to take advantage of me?

  It was ridiculous for me to even think that. If they were going to do something harmful to me, they had already been given ample opportunity to do so.

  “It’s this way,” Gabriel said and pointed to a red brick tower that was on the west side of the campus. It was tubular shaped and was full of windows, and stretched to the sky.

  “Wow,” I observed. “That’s an exceptionally tall building.”

  “There are a lot of students to accommodate here,” Gabriel said with a smile. “That tower is the female dormitory. The one on the right side of it is for the male students.”

  “Interesting,” I said with a nod.

  The male and female dormitory towers — which were identical — were separated by a courtyard in the middle that had cobblestone walkways, fountains, and several seating areas with benches.

  Women’s Quarters, the sign on the left tower read. Naturally, the other said Men’s Quarters.

  “Are you guys allowed in here?” I asked them as we pushed through a set of glass doors at the entrance to the female dorms.

  “Yes, but not after dark,” Nick explained. “They have guards that patrol the grounds of the housing campus once the sun goes down. No one of the opposite sex can get in to either side.”

  “Oh.” I nodded, keeping my face unreadable.

  I wasn’t sure whether to feel disappointed or relieved at Nick’s revelation. Perhaps it was a mixture of both.

  “You have been assigned to room 722,” Liam said as he glanced down at the scanner that I had been given at the registration office. “Don’t lose this key card. It will grant you access to rooms all over the campus.”

  The woman at the front desk who had given me all of my gadgets had explained to me that all I had to do was place the scanner, which I wore
on a lanyard, in front of a magnetic pad in front of my dorm room door. With one swipe it would grant me safe and secure access to the room.

  “Got it,” I said with an affirmative nod.

  I was told that I would be assigned a roommate, but that until they had someone who matched with my personality and physical profile, I would have the luxury of getting the dorm to myself.

  “You are really lucky,” Jude said with a handsome smile and a mischievous twinkle in his eye. “Most people, even on their first day, don’t get to have their dorm room to themselves.”

  “Well, I have to count my blessings where I can find them,” I said as I walked inside and glanced around at my surroundings.

  I let out a contented sigh. “So, this is my new home.”

  “Do you like it?” Liam asked and gave me a concerned glance, as if he was afraid that I might find the living quarters a little underwhelming.

  I gave him the sincerest smile I had to offer. “I think it’s wonderful.” I plopped down on the twin mattress on the right side of the room. “I think I’ll take this bed.”

  “I think that’s a perfect choice.” Gabriel gave me an eager grin.

  The room was a little bland and small, but it was otherwise cozy. There weren’t any pictures or posters on the walls, or many decorative touches. There were two beds, each pushed into corner of the room, and in between sat two desks, side-by-side. At the foot of each bed was a plain-looking chest of drawers. There was also a bathroom on the left side of the room near the entrance.

  “The female Mutants have their own bathrooms,” Nick said. “But the guys aren’t as fortunate. We have to share bathrooms in clusters with other guys in particular sections of our floor.”

  “Well, that makes me feel better,” I said with a chuckle. I stretched and dangled my legs over the edge of the bed. “I suppose I’ll have to brighten the place up a little and bring in some external cheer.” I pointed to the stark walls.


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