Take A Chance (Running Into Love)

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Take A Chance (Running Into Love) Page 12

by Nicole, Annalisa

  Eyeing the rose, I explain, “I was just thinking about how lucky I am to have found the love of my life. I love Olivia, she will always hold a special place in my heart, and I love you. Please don’t ever shut me out again. I was so worried about you. I was devastated to even think that I hurt you. When Olivia died I never thought I would love again. She told me to open my heart, that there was enough room in there to love again, but I didn’t think that was possible. When I let go of the anger and sadness, she was right. I love you so much, Willow.”

  “There is plenty of room for the both of us, and I would never want you to ever forget about Olivia. In a way, she has a special place in my own heart too. I owe her so much for sharing with me what she did.”

  “We should probably get going. You have a big day this morning.” I swat her playfully on the ass, while getting up to go take a shower. Standing in the hot water I let the past few weeks wash over me. Willow steps in behind me and wraps me in a tight warm embrace. She rains feather light kisses all over my back. I turn to face her, fisting my hands in her hair, we kiss slowly, running my hands up and down her back. I lift her leg over my hip, and press her up against the tile wall. Kissing down her throat, between her breasts, then down her stomach, she places her hands on my shoulders and moans softly. Lifting one leg over my shoulder, I love Willow with my mouth until she shudders and shouts my name with her release. Kissing my way back up her body, I plant a searing kiss on her lips, allowing our tongues to mate. Lifting her legs, I slowly enter her making love to her, sweetly pouring every bit of love I feel for her into this moment. Finding my own release moments later, we just stand there holding each other, showered in the warm water and our love for each other.

  After dressing, I leave Willow to finish getting ready. I head downstairs to make us breakfast. First making sure to take Lucy for a quick walk and then feed her. I shake my head as I look around at the mess, all over the floors in every room from Willow ransacking the place, looking for a photo of Olivia. My housekeeper is going to wonder if I’ve finally lost it. Making us egg white omelets with spinach and onions sprinkled with a little cheese, Willow sits at the bar wearing a pink cashmere sweater and faded blue jeans. “I think your sisters picked up on the whole pink theme. That seems to be the only color of clothing in the bags.”

  “They aim to please. So, are you nervous about today?”

  “I am. Although not as much as I was last night. I was really scared to go there by myself. I have grown so attached to you being there by my side. I was dreading having to go alone.”

  “I hope you know it was killing me thinking about not being there for you. I asked Amelia to try to find out where you needed to go, so she could go with you if you were still upset at me.”

  “I cannot tell you how much I appreciate everything you did last night. From dinner, to even having your mom text me. Speaking of, we should probably let everyone know that everything is OK now. I hate to think that everyone is still worried about us.”

  “I texted my mom and Amelia already this morning while you were getting ready. They both send their love and are thinking positive thoughts for you.”

  “That’s sweet, I’ll have to text them later myself.”

  “I think it’s time to get going, we don’t want to be late.”

  Dear Lord, please be with Willow today, please let her be cancer free. I love her so much. She has already been through more than most people her age. And I don’t know if I can handle losing someone else that I hold so close to my heart. Thank you for the many blessings in my life, and for allowing me to feel true love again. I know Olivia is with you, keep her safe, tell her I love her. Please let Willow be completely healthy.

  “OK, I’m all ready. Oh wait, I forgot something upstairs, I’ll be right back.”

  Chapter 20


  Rushing back upstairs, I grab the yellow rose. Placing it under my nose I smell the sweet fragrance. I place it in my purse, needing a little piece of heaven with me today at my appointment.

  “OK, all set, let’s do this thing.” Looping my arm through his, we make our way to Simon and the waiting car. Getting in the back, there is a bouquet of pink roses sitting on the seat.

  “Someone has been busy this morning.”

  With a half grin on his face, I kiss him on the lips and get in the car. I tell Simon where to go, clutching the roses in my lap. With my hand on my purse, I pull courage from the rose inside. The drive seems to take forever, but at the same time I feel like I just need a little bit more time. This is the result of everything I have been through, the lumpectomy and the six chemo treatments. Today I will either be free of cancer or I will be crushed with bad news. I just don’t know if I could recover from bad news. Asher has been my rock through this, I couldn’t ask him to carry me through more. He deserves to be happy and carefree, not worried all the time about how I feel. I don’t know if I could do that to him. He has so much love to offer, he deserves to give that to someone who is whole and healthy.

  Pulling up outside the medical office, Asher takes my hand, walking in the building he squeezes my hand tight, never letting it go. Sitting in the waiting room with loud silence ringing in my ears, I don’t even hear my name being called. Asher tugs on my hand. Looking up at him he offers a sweet smile.

  Making our way to the doctor’s office, we sit holding hands, opposite an empty chair behind the desk. Still clutching my purse in one hand and Asher’s in the other, the door opens and in walks my doctor. Funny how weeks ago I thought he was the most handsome man I’d ever seen. Compared to Asher sitting next to me the doc never had a chance. I nervously giggle. With a concerned look on his face and a squeeze of his hand, I shake my head telling him I’m alright. My doctor takes a seat behind the desk, opening the file and reads over the reports. This is it, this is the moment. I reach my free hand in my purse, feeling for the rose. I squeeze Asher’s hand in one and the rose in the other.

  “Willow, we have all your test results back from your scans and your blood work.” I can hear the blood pounding in my ears, closing my eyes I imagine him telling me the worst.

  “Everything is clean, congratulations, you are cancer free.”

  With a huge sigh of relief, I open my eyes and look at Asher who has tears streaming down his face, only to realize so do I. Setting my purse on the desk, we stand and he hugs me, both silently crying. After a few minutes the doctor clears his throat, “If you are ready, Willow, we can go into the procedure room and I will remove your port.”

  I break away from the hug, wiping my eyes. “That sounds like a fabulous idea.”

  “Your friend can wait in the waiting room. We’ll just be a few minutes.” I look at the doctor sad, I was hoping Asher could be there holding my hand.

  Seeing my reaction, the doctor says, “It will only be a few minutes, I promise you’ll be out in no time at all.”

  With a kiss and another hug, Asher walks back out to the waiting room. Grabbing my purse, the doctor and I walk into another room. Sitting on the examination table, a nurse instructs me to remove my clothes from the waist up and put on the familiar blue paper top, opening in the front. Reaching in my purse I take out the yellow rose and I sit on the table waiting for the doctor to come back in.

  With a knock on the door, he and the nurse return. After explaining exactly what he will do, I lay down holding the rose in both hands setting them in my lap. Seeing the look the doctor gives me, with a shrug he sets to work. After only a few minutes the port is out and only a few stitches remain. Bandaged up, I head back out to the waiting room to Asher on his phone. With an appointment in three months for regular testing, we head back out to Simon.

  “Are you alright?” he asks.

  With a huge smile and the weight of the world lifted off my shoulders, I say, “I’m more than fine. So should we head back to the office?”

  “No, I have something else in mind.”


  While Willow was having her port rem
oved, I immediately got on the phone to call my mom and dad and all my brothers and sisters to tell them the good news. We all decided to meet at our parent’s house and surprise Willow with a congratulation’s party. Leaving my sisters to all the planning, I have no doubt they will do a spectacular job.

  I ask Simon to make a quick stop at home first. I need to get a little special something I bought just a few days ago. It’s a little sooner than I expected, but it is absolutely the right time. I know Willow and I haven’t been together all that long, but I’m positive that I want to spend the rest of my life with her. I didn’t tell my family what I plan on doing, so it will be as much of a surprise to her as it will be to them.

  With a confused look on Willow’s face, I run in quickly and get the little pink velvet box from the safe. Jogging back to the car I’m even more sure that this is the exact right time.

  “Where are we going?”

  “You’ll see.”

  “OK, always so full of surprises aren’t you?”

  Pulling up in my parent’s driveway, Willow looks pleased to be here. Taking her hand, we walk to the front door, and my whole family yells, “Congratulations!”

  “Congratulations, sweetheart.” I kiss her on the cheek, and I can see the tears in her eyes threatening to spill down her face. “Don’t cry, this is a happy day.”

  “I’m not going to cry.” Waving her hands in her face trying to get her emotions under control, she looks around at my family and smiles. My sisters did a great job with such short notice. There are pink balloons hanging from the ceiling and a cake on the table with white frosting and a pink breast cancer ribbon in the center. Written on the top is, ‘Congratulations Willow.’

  Each person stands in a line waiting to hug Willow. She gets to Amelia, and the tears spill down her cheek. Amelia whispers something in her ear and she laughs. Last to hug her is my mom and she says, “Oh my dear, we’re so happy for you.”

  “Thank you, everyone. I’m just so happy. I never thought my life would turn out to have a wonderful man by my side and his entire family as well. I feel so loved, my heart is truly bursting. Thank you.”

  Adrian eyes the cake, “Let’s eat some cake, we all got out of work early. I think we should dig into the cake.”

  “Before everyone digs in, I wanted to say something.” Patting my pants pocket, I take Willow’s hand. “Willow, I’m so proud of you for getting through this, you are an amazing woman. You are unbelievably strong, and so loving. Your courage is truly an inspiration. After Olivia died, I thought I could never find anything close to the kind of love she and I shared. I’ve been given a second chance and now so have you.” Bending down on one knee in front of her, I reach in my pocket, removing the box, I open it, taking one of her hands in mine. “Willow Emery, I love you with all that I am, please make me the happiest man in the world. Will you marry me?”

  Both of my sisters are standing next to Willow crying. My mom has her hand over her mouth softly crying as well. Each of my brothers has grins from ear to ear. I look in Willow’s eyes and I can see the love she has for me. Kneeling down in front of me, she places each of her hands on my face.

  “Asher Wellington, you have made me the happiest woman in the world, I love that I can share your love and your heart with Olivia. Yes, I will marry you.”

  Wrapping her in a hug, both of us kneeling on the floor, everyone starts clapping and patting me on the back.

  “Cake, I need cake, all this sappy mumbo jumbo. This is supposed to be a celebration, let’s eat cake!” Adrian says as he makes his way over to the cake.

  Removing the one karat princess cut pink diamond with clear diamonds cascading down the sides, I slip it on her finger. It’s a perfect fit.

  “Asher, it’s beautiful, I love it.” My sisters and mother push me out of the way to get a closer look at it.

  “Move out of the way son, it’s our turn, go eat cake.” My mother grabs Willow’s hand to inspect her ring.

  Sending me a smile, Willow is engulfed by my sisters and mother. Heading over to Adrian, not only have they cut the cake, but they have eaten half of it too.

  “Congratulations, son.” My dad shakes my hand and gives me a man hug. “I know you miss, Olivia, we all do. I can see how happy you are, and I’m just so happy for you.”

  “Thanks Dad, that means a lot to me.”

  The rest of the afternoon is filled with food and laughter. I think it’s time to take my fiancé home. “Sorry to break up the party, but I think Willow needs to get home and rest for a bit.”

  Saying our goodbyes, everyone gives congratulations to Willow for being cancer free and for our engagement, we head out the door. Willow walks ahead of me and whispers in Simon’s ear. With a smile, she takes my hand, and we get in the car.

  “What was that all about?”

  “You’ll see. You’re not the only one who gets to make secret plans.”

  Pulling up in front of my florist, she turns to me, “I’ll be right back.” With a kiss on the lips, she heads inside. She returns a few minutes later with an arrangement of yellow roses. With a smile, I think I know where this is headed.

  Chapter 21


  After asking Simon to take me to Asher’s florist and to go to the cemetery where Olivia is buried, I am the happiest I have ever felt in my entire life. Pulling up next to a row of beautiful headstones, we get out. I hold the roses in my hand as Asher takes my other, and he leads me over to her grave.

  Placing the yellow roses on the top of her grave stone, I bend over and clean away fallen leaves. I run my hand over the inscription on the headstone, “Olivia Wellington, beloved wife, daughter and sister. May you rest in peace for eternity.” In a soft whisper so Asher can’t hear, I say, “Thank you Olivia, for everything, I will love him with all of my heart, I won’t let you down. Rest in peace knowing he is loved with every fiber of my being.” Standing, I squeeze Asher’s hand and walk back to the car.

  Asher stays behind for a few minutes, I can see he’s talking to her, and with a kiss on his hand, he places it just over her name, smiles, and walks back over to me. Giving him a hug, we get back in the car and head home.

  Returning to Asher’s house, everything has been picked up off the floors, and put back where it belongs.

  “So, my fiancé, what should we do for the rest of the day? We could stay in and order take-out if you’re tired or go out to celebrate. We have so much to celebrate today.”

  Grabbing his hand, I say, “I have something else in mind first.” Leading him to his bedroom, he leans me against the wall kissing down my neck. With a moan, I pull his shirt over his head. I reach for his fly, unzipping it as we walk to the bed. Gently, he pulls my shirt over my head and tosses it on the floor. Slowly, he removes the white bandage from just under my collarbone, revealing the small stitches. He gently kisses just below them. Stepping out of his pants and boxer briefs, I turn him around and push him on the bed. He lands with a few soft bounces.

  Lying on top of him, I kiss his lips and his jaw, I love the feeling of his stubble on my lips. Trailing my lips down his chest and hard stomach to his oh so happy trail, I take him in my mouth, I love the smell and taste of him that is only Asher.

  He moans my name as he fists my hair in his hand. As he starts to tense he pulls me up to kiss my mouth, rolling me on my back. Hitching both my legs over his shoulders, he takes me in his mouth. Inhaling deeply, he inserts two fingers while rolling his tongue, as I move beneath him. Pulling him up by his hair to my mouth, I can taste myself on his lips and tongue. Gently, he fills me, loving me like only he can. “Come with me, Willow.” At his words, I come undone, a powerful orgasm rips through me, followed immediately by another less intense one. He stills with his own release, whispering my name in my ear.

  Lying in our ‘morning position,’ he’s absently drawing circles on my arm. “That was nice what you did today for Olivia.”

  “I wanted to, I owe her so much. From helping you pick up the pi
eces and showing you the way to love again. For showing me the man that I know you are. She will always be a part of both our lives.”

  Lucy jumps on the bed reminding us that it’s dinner time. Getting dressed, we make our way downstairs. “So, in or out? You feel well enough to go out and celebrate?”

  “I do, but nothing fancy. How about we just go to the deli for sandwiches and soup?”

  “That sound like a wonderful idea.”

  Grabbing our coats, the evenings are so cold in the winter, my pink diamond engagement ring sparkles in the light. The symbol of an engagement ring in itself is a powerful statement of love and commitment. But adding in the fact that it’s pink brings an even deeper meaning. Smiling down at my hand, he places a kiss over the ring. “Are you ready to go?”

  After dinner Asher heads to his home office to check e-mails and messages. I had a thought earlier, but I need to talk to Ava about it. Picking up my cell phone, I dial her number.

  “Hey future sister-in-law, how’s it going?” she asks.

  “I like the sound of that, everything is just fine. Listen I wanted to ask your opinion about something. Asher told me you packed up all of the photos of Olivia and him and had them put in storage. Do you think it’s possible you could get me a few? I think after everything that’s happened, he’s ready to have a few in the house again. She is a big part of both of our lives. I’m not sure if he would do it on his own, he might think it would hurt my feelings. But I want to bring her back in this house.”

  “Willow, I think that’s a wonderful idea, I know just the ones to get too. I’ll go tomorrow after work and get them to you as soon as I can.”

  “Thanks Ava, and don’t mention it to him, OK?”

  “Sure thing, I’ll see you soon, bye.”

  Feeling good about the plan, I head into his office. It’s getting late. He’s sitting at his desk typing on his laptop. He lifts his eyes and watches me walk in. Standing in front of him without a word, I take his hand and lead him in the bedroom.


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