Sara's Soul

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Sara's Soul Page 8

by Deanna Kahler

“The Council of Elders has called a meeting,” he began. “I am to bring you both there to discuss a very important matter. This one is huge, so I need you both to work your magic.”

  “Of course,” said Celeste assuredly.

  “We’re ready,” Connor added.

  “Okay. Come now. I will take you there,” Jorge said, suddenly standing.

  The three stood together in a circle. Jorge reached out to Connor and Celeste, and they all joined hands and closed their eyes. A current of air encircled them and within seconds they had arrived at the meeting.

  Connor, Celeste, and Jorge were standing in the front of a room that resembled the kind you would find in a typical courthouse. Many elderly men and women were seated at long wooden benches, wearing either light gray or white robes. Some of the white garments were trimmed in gold, just like the one Jorge wore. At the front of the room sat a podium. A group of five beings—three male and two female—stood at the sides of the podium. They appeared very wise and benevolent, wearing robes in shades of purple and deep violet. A tall, slender elder with long white hair and glowing green eyes approached the podium and rang a tiny silver bell that sounded like a bird chirping. A shiny platinum medallion around his neck lit up with a vibrant magenta glow.

  “We’re ready to begin,” he announced.

  Everyone took their seats and sat silently in anticipation. “I’ve called this meeting to discuss a very important matter. My fellow wise ones and I have decided that intervention into a situation on Earth is not only necessary but vital to the greater good and to our ultimate mission. As you know, Connor and Celeste, although not yet advanced beings, have performed some amazing work since their arrival in the afterlife. We are very pleased with their spiritual progress and their accomplishments, so we have chosen them for this special assignment.”

  A short, stocky man with brown eyes and a bald head quickly raised his hand.

  “Yes, Herbert. What is your question?” the leader asked.

  “Are you sure this is wise, your honor? Shouldn’t we choose a team with more experience? No offense, but they’re still rookies. There are so many of us who are better equipped to handle delicate situations. I would surely volunteer for this mission.”

  “I am quite certain that this is the right decision,” the leader replied confidently. “You see, this mission involves someone that Connor and Celeste can reach and impact far more than any of you could, regardless of experience. This situation involves Chip.”

  Celeste gasped. “What’s wrong? Is Chip okay?” Connor immediately absorbed her fear and distress. He lovingly put his arm around her and gently stroked her shoulder. As his fingertips glided over her body, he felt her relax under his touch.

  “Chip is fine, Celeste,” the leader said. “However, he needs your help in order to prevent a catastrophe that would sabotage the mission he was destined to carry out.”

  “What kind of mission are we talking about here?” asked Connor protectively.

  “As you know, Chip has been working as a therapist to help others with their problems. After he receives his advanced degree, he is supposed to open up a suicide prevention center. This center will provide counseling and support to those who have given up on life and are about to kill themselves. Chip will be a powerful force, saving many lives and giving hope to those in despair. We need him to accomplish this task.”

  “Sounds like an important job,” agreed Celeste. “I’m sure Chip is up for the challenge.”

  “Of course he is,” said Connor, smiling proudly at Celeste. “Look who he has for a mother.”

  “So what’s the problem here? What is threatening to interfere with Chip’s work?” Celeste asked.

  “It’s not what, but who,” the wise man replied. “There is a woman who will attempt suicide many times. In fact, she has already tried more than once. The problem is that she isn’t just any woman. She is the love of Chip’s life. She is the one who was chosen to help him with his mission. Together, they can create a strong, positive, life-altering energy that the world desperately needs. But if they are separated, if she is successful in her attempts to kill herself, it will destroy Chip. Without her, he will no longer be able to carry out his mission, and many lives will be senselessly lost to suicide. Connor and Celeste, you need to help him save her.”

  “Oh my gosh, it’s Sara. She’s Chip’s new girlfriend, such a lovely girl,” Celeste said. “What can we do to help?”

  “Well, as you know, our laws forbid you from just telling Chip that Sara is planning to kill herself. We’re not allowed to interfere that much. However, you can use a more subtle approach—visit him, offer clues, and provide guidance. Encourage him to check in on her during her weak moments. Help him to figure out what’s going on so he can stop her.”

  “Of course,” said Connor. “We’ll do anything we can to help.”

  “Very well then,” said the wise one. “All in favor of this arrangement, please say aye.”

  “Aye!” the congregation announced in unison.

  “Connor and Celeste, do you accept the task that has been laid before you? Do you promise to carry out your duties to the best of your ability, always putting love, life, and the greater good ahead of your personal desires and wishes?”

  “We do,” they replied together.

  A golden light emanated from the audience and filled the room with acceptance and love. Connor felt strong, confident. His love for Celeste poured out of his heart, encasing the room in all-encompassing joy and beauty. With Celeste by his side, he knew he could accomplish anything.

  “Connor and Celeste,” the leader continued, “we entrust you with this important mission. Under the direction of Jorge Feliz, your trusted guide and mentor, you will begin work on this matter immediately. Any questions or concerns should be directed to Jorge. Thank you for accepting this assignment.”

  And then in a flash of explosive rainbow colors, the man and the elders throughout the room vanished. Connor, Celeste, and Jorge were left standing in the quiet, empty space.

  “Do you have any questions? Is there anything else you want to know?” Jorge asked.

  “I think we’re good,” Celeste replied.

  “Yes, we’re fine,” Connor agreed. “I have an idea and would like to visit Chip first tonight.”

  “Perfect,” said Jorge. “I always knew you were a sharp one. Good luck.”


  Crime & passion

  Sara sat alone in the shadows of her bedroom. She stared at the heart-shaped ring that Chip had given her, fear rising into her throat. She struggled to breathe. To Sara, this ring meant that someone really loved her. She had wanted this her whole life, but now that she had it, she was terrified. If she slipped up, if she allowed herself to become immersed in her visions of death again, it would be all over. She would lose the man she loved. Death would surely separate them.

  A charcoal haze filled Sara’s mind now, along with that familiar sense of impending doom. She climbed into bed and slipped into a restless sleep. Fuzzy images formed in her head and soon came into focus. A stab like a knife cut through her heart. She then saw the details of Merek’s death, just like the many deaths she had seen before. Only this time, it was personal. She had lost the love of her life, and the grief was unbearable.

  She saw the guards drag Merek through the cold, dark castle, its stone walls echoing drips of water from the leaking ceiling. She watched in horror as they threw him into a cellar and announced his sentence. “At the stroke of midnight, thou shall be put to death,” a plump man with a feathered hat declared.

  “But I assure you I’ve done nothing wrong, sir,” Merek insisted. “All I’ve done is love her.”

  “Silence!” the man ordered, as he motioned for the guards to beat and torture Merek. Heavy iron chains were whipped across his back until he collapsed into a bloody heap on the hard stone floor.

  “Thou has committed many crimes,” the man barked. “Trespassing on private property. Kidnapping the
girl. Indecently exposing thyself on castle grounds. Stealing property from the king’s garden. And because of thee, a knight has fallen to his death. Dost thou think thee can escape thy sins?”

  “Come now,” Merek said impatiently. “Thou hath misunderstood what happened. No crime was committed, sir. Quite the contrary, in fact. Lady Margaret and I are in love. I didn’t kidnap her. She came willingly to the castle grounds to rendezvous in private, so we could be alone. Yes, we had a romp or two under the apple tree, but we all have such urges. As far as the stealing, all I did was pick a flower for her. Tis not like I stole the king’s precious gold. And that man’s death was no fault of mine. His horse lost control. I’m quite certain I never laid a finger on him.”

  “But he died while chasing thee. Thou tricked him by changing course, and his horse did not have time to react. Thou corrupted an innocent young girl. Damaged her with your manhood. And thou hath the nerve to claim innocence? Thou art a traitor, an enemy of the king.”

  “I didn’t damage her. Just ask Lady Margaret. She wanted me just as much as I wanted her. We belong to each other. Hath thou been in love before?”

  Sara spied Margaret standing outside the castle window, peering inside. “It’s true,” she cried. “I love him more than the earth and moon. He didn’t do anything wrong. We belong together. It’s our destiny. Please, sir, I beg you. Let him go.”

  The clock struck midnight. “A crime is a crime,” the hefty man said. “And his is punishable by death. Now thee shall both pay for thy mistakes. Guards, please carry on.”

  “NO!” Margaret cried. “Please. Have mercy.”

  But the man with the feathered hat ignored her, and the guards sliced Merek’s throat like they were carving that night’s dinner.

  Margaret screamed. Sara screamed, too. And they both fell to the floor in excruciating, heart-wrenching pain. The kind that could never be healed.


  Sara dragged herself across the bedroom floor and struggled to stand to grab the phone. She needed him more than ever now. Her hand trembling, she picked up the phone and dialed Chip. He answered right away and sounded groggy, like he had been sleeping.

  “Chip?” she said, her voice a faint squeak.

  “Sara? What’s wrong, sweetheart? Are you okay?”

  Sara burst into tears, sucking in each breath frantically as she attempted to tell Chip what happened. “He… he… died. He died, Chip. They sliced his throat.”

  “Oh my God. Who died, Sara? Tell me what happened.”

  “Merek. They killed him right in front of her. In front of Margaret. She’s in a bad place right now. I don’t know if she’ll ever recover. It hurts so bad. I can’t take this anymore. These visions are just too much for me, Chip.”

  “I’m on my way, Sara,” Chip cried. “I’ll be there in ten minutes.”


  Chip quickly threw on a pair of jeans and raced to Sara’s house. When he got to her bedroom, he found her curled up in a ball on her bed, shaking. Her hair was soaked, and her face was still wet with tears. He stroked her hair.

  “It’s okay, Sara,” he said softly. “I’m here. Everything is going to be okay.”

  Chip grabbed a washcloth from the closet and ran cold water over it. He gently wiped her face, her neck, and her chest with the wet cloth. He then made her a cup of chamomile tea and silently held her until the trembling stopped.

  She finally looked up at him. “Merek,” she said. “You’re still alive. I thought I’d lost you, my darling. It’s a miracle.”

  Sara pulled him in close and began kissing him with a fierceness that she had never displayed with him. Her passion was inescapable, and Chip quickly succumbed to the moment, returning her kiss with equal fervor. He removed his shirt and then took hers off as well. Then he realized what was happening. Sara thought she was Margaret. He couldn’t let this happen. Not this way. It wasn’t right.

  “Sara,” he interrupted, pulling her off of him.

  “What?” she asked.

  “I’m not Merek. And you’re not Margaret.”

  “I know that, silly. You’re Chip, the man I love. We met at Starbucks. And even though I’m a wreck and see visions of other people’s deaths, you still love me, deeply and completely. Now are you going to make love to me or what?”

  “Are you sure you’re okay?”

  “Of course I’m okay,” she said. “I have you.”

  He kissed her neck and began planting a trail of kisses down her body. He then slowly removed the rest of her clothes and slipped inside of her. She moaned with delight as their bodies melded together in perfect harmony. They were one once again, and it seemed that nothing could keep them apart.


  Sara awoke the next morning with Chip by her side. She was so relieved to see him still there. She always felt safer when he was around. When they were together, she sometimes allowed herself to believe that death couldn’t reach her, that Chip would keep it from her.

  Chip was still sleeping, so she decided to surprise him by cooking breakfast. She quietly slipped out of bed and grabbed some eggs, cheese, and green pepper. She chopped the green pepper and whisked the eggs.

  Sunlight filtered in through the window, and as Sara gazed outside, she could see another beautiful summer day take shape. Fluffy white clouds drifted across the sky, and many varieties of birds sang their signature songs.

  She poured the egg mixture into a frying pan and allowed it to cook. Next she placed strips of cheddar cheese on top and watched them melt. She thought about how she melted into Chip’s arms. She never expected to love someone so much. He mellowed out her moods, and she found herself lost in rapture with him.

  She folded over the eggs and waited a few more minutes for them to finish. Then she scooped out the omelet and carefully placed it on a plate. She poured two glasses of orange juice and put everything on the table. Just as she finished, Chip appeared. She had expected a smile from him, but he looked exhausted and serious.

  “Thank you for coming to my rescue last night,” she said.


  “I made you breakfast.”

  “Not hungry,” he said.

  “You can’t be serious,” she said. “Please eat something. I went through all the effort to make this for you.”

  Chip sat down quietly and grabbed a napkin. Sara walked over and planted a kiss on his cheek before taking her seat. Chip didn’t utter a word.

  The two ate their breakfast in silence, with Chip staring down at the table blankly. Sara feared she had upset him the night before.

  “Are you angry with me?” she asked.


  “Did I upset you?”


  Sara continued eating, hoping Chip would tell her what was wrong. He didn’t. Her usually upbeat boyfriend was uncharacteristically depressed today. Were her mood swings getting to him? Was her sadness rubbing off on him?

  “What wrong?” she asked finally.


  “Liar,” she said.

  “I don’t want to talk about it.”

  “But talking helps. You know that. You’re a therapist. It’s what you do.”

  “This is personal,” he said.

  “So that makes it okay to shut me out?”

  “Sara, please leave it alone.”

  “Okay. Sorry.”

  Chip was quiet through the rest of their meal. He didn’t look at Sara. He gazed out the window. He fiddled with his fork. He stared at his orange juice. But he didn’t speak. Something’s really wrong, Sara thought. Maybe he wants to end our relationship. Maybe this Merek and Margaret thing is too much for him.

  Chip rose from the table and rinsed his plate at the sink. “Thank you for breakfast,” he said finally. “That was sweet of you.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  “I’m gonna take a shower,” he mumbled.

  “Okay,” she said. “Would you like me to join you?”

  “No,” he
replied as he disappeared down the hallway.

  Sara sat in the kitchen alone, wondering what was up with him. She heard the running water of the shower. And then she heard something unexpected: Chip was sobbing.

  Her heart absorbed his sadness, and she wanted to run to him and comfort him. But she didn’t want to intrude on his private time. So she sat and waited for him to come out of the bathroom.

  When Chip finished, he headed back into the kitchen. “I need to head to the university,” he said. “I have a lot of work to do today.”

  “Okay,” Sara said quietly. “Will I see you later?”

  “Don’t know,” Chip said, as he headed for the door.

  “Chip… wait.”

  “What is it?”

  “I heard you crying,” she said. “Please tell me what’s wrong. Are you having second thoughts about our relationship?”

  “Of course not,” he said, pausing to give her a hug. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too,” she said with a sigh of relief. “I thought maybe that stuff with Merek and Margaret was bothering you.”

  “No, Sara,” he said. “You can’t help it if you have visions and feel other people’s pain. It’s just who you are. Besides, I believe Merek and Margaret were real people. What your connection is to them, I still don’t know. But feeling sad about Margaret’s loss is normal. You witnessed her boyfriend’s death, after all, and that had to be very traumatic.”

  “It was,” she agreed. “So what’s bothering you then? Is it your patient? The one who tried to commit suicide? Is she okay?”

  “She’s fine. It’s not that.”

  “Well, what then?”

  “It’s just that… things aren’t always what they seem.”

  “Are you talking about the afterlife and spirit communication again? I’m not saying they aren’t possible. I just haven’t seen enough evidence to convince me. I need more proof. I promise I’ll try to see what you see. Just give me time.”

  “No, Sara,” he said. “That’s not it either.”

  “Please, Chip,” she said. “I want to help. Please confide in me. I hate seeing you so down.”


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