Angel In Blue

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Angel In Blue Page 2

by Mary Suzanne

  Mack rose and faced Ike. When their bodies touched, heat radiated between them; electrical charges quickly raced through Mack as his mouth met Ike’s in a kiss that sent his mind spiraling.

  The beep of Mack’s pager ruined their moment. A groaning sigh left him as he loosened his grip on Ike and turned to the nightstand. He read the pager; he was needed at a fire across town.

  Mack switched into his firefighter mode. Even though he hated leaving Ike after discovering how sexually compatible they were, he knew he had to go. He could have spent all night making love to Ike. The need filled him, but he pushed it down until later. When he slipped on his shirt, he turned and glanced at Ike who had been watching him.

  “What’s going on?” Ike asked, reaching for his jeans.

  “It’s a fire,” Mack pushed his feet into his shoes. “I’m not sure how long I’ll be, but stay as long as you want. There’s plenty to drink and eat in the fridge. Take this extra key of mine and lock up if you decide to leave.” Mack removed the spare from the hook on the wall and handed it to Ike.

  “I’ll stay for a while,” Ike said, “but you know how that goes, it’s our jobs, it’s what we do. If I don’t see you again tonight, give me a call and we can hook up again. I’ll catch a cab back to the club to pick up my car.”

  “I still have your number,” Mack said, heading for the door. “See you later.”

  Ike listened to Mack’s car leave. Damn, I didn’t get much of a chance with Mack tonight, but I’m sure going to wait for his call so that we can really get it on. I definitely want to make that tight ass of his, mine.

  He walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge. Just as Mack had said, there was beer and plenty of food. Ike made a sandwich and carried it over to the table.

  As he ate, his thoughts drifted to his family. There was no way he could ever take Mack, or any other guy for that matter, to meet his parents and brother. They were too strait-laced and didn’t have a clue to his sexual orientation. His mother endlessly set him up with different women, but after the first date, he’d find an excuse to end any relationship. There were times he thought his brother had suspicions, but he didn’t ask questions.

  The men he worked with often bragged about their sexual conquests. Ike wondered what their thoughts were when he didn’t have any stories to share. He didn’t want anyone finding out what he did in his personal life so he didn’t say anything. The department frowned on anything other than a heterosexual relationship, although they couldn’t say it in words; that would have been discrimination. If they did suspect, they could make life a living hell for a person. So why did I make a move so fast on Mack? There’s just something about him.

  Ike decided to finish dressing and leave. He’d wait for Mack’s call at his own apartment across town. I hope he calls soon, though. I can’t wait to get in his jeans again. He walked to the phone and called for a cab.


  Mack was bone weary when he returned to his apartment the following morning. Just as he’d thought, the fire took all night to put out. He hadn’t expected to find Ike here when he got home, but he still felt disappointed at finding an empty house. By the time he finished showering, he was exhausted, fell into his bed, and within a few minutes he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.

  He thought he was dreaming; Mack felt something rubbing warmly against his body and then moving to his cock. I must be dreaming.

  He felt a moist tongue licking long strokes across his thighs and traveling to the front of his body. If this is a dream, I hope it doesn’t stop.

  Dream or no dream, Mack had to find out what was going on beneath the thin cover. He looked down and slowly opened his eyes. The sight of Ike lying next to his muscular thigh excited him and made his heart race.

  “When did you get here?” Mack’s voice was heavy from sleep. “Although, I can say this is a nice way to wake up.”

  “I thought you’d like it,” Ike grinned, moving closer to Mack. “So, ready for lesson number two?”

  Mack’s eyes grew wide, “Which is?”

  “Restraint,” Ike lifted his hand to display the handcuffs, “and trust.”

  Mack eyed the handcuffs and smiled, “I’m going to be your prisoner tonight.” He stretched out on the bed with his arms raised to the bedpost. The sound of the clicking handcuffs and their scraping on the wood filled the room. He nervously watched Ike, “Now what?”

  “Since you’re my prisoner,” Ike’s finger’s grazed Mack’s cock, “I’m going to search you, roll over.”

  Mack did as ordered and immediately felt Ike’s hands trace a line along his body until reaching his buttocks. Mack felt Ike’s warm breath caress his inner thighs as Mack spread his legs apart.

  “Yes,” Ike’s fingers probed at Mack’s puckered opening and he smiled as Mack shivered. In fear? In anticipation? “Since you’re my prisoner, I intend to fuck you senseless.” Ike filled his fingers with lubricant and prepared his captive, “Are you up to it?”

  “I can’t wait.” Mack lurched at the cool gel and began squirming in anticipation of giving himself to Ike. The thought that he couldn’t get away heightened Mack’s excitement.

  Slowly, Ike slipped in first one finger, and then two.

  Mack buried his head into a pillow and groaned; his arms went limp, and his legs opened.

  Ike slowly rubbed his hand down the length of Mack’s back. “That’s it, relax and breathe. I want you to open yourself for me. Ike’s strong hand opened Mack’s buttocks further and the tip of Ike’s penis now nudged at Mack’s entry. The tantalizing maneuver made Mack raise his butt for the expected capture.

  Ike slapped Mack’s ass, a resounding slap that filled the room, “Mmm, eager aren’t we? You’ll get it; you’ll take it all.” Slowly Ike pushed forward, felt resistance and pulled back. He added more lube and pushed forward again; this time he only paused at the resistance and then pushed forward once more.

  Mack felt the first thrust, the pain, and the release when Ike pulled back. The second time Ike pushed through, and Mack felt the pain as the sphincter muscle stretched and allowed passage. The pain was only momentary, and was quickly replaced by that wonderful feeling of being filled, the size and warmth of Ike’s cock filled him, and he gave himself over to it.

  Mack’s body language and reaction wasn’t lost on Ike. He pulled back, but not out, and thrust forward again. His hands held Mack’s ass as he pulled his cock in and out again. “You’re restrained, can’t get away, so you have to submit, give yourself over to it. Feels good yes?”

  “Ohhh, yessss,” Mack gasped.

  Ike playfully slapped Mack’s ass, “Don’t make me do all the work. Remember, you’re the prisoner.”

  Mack began to rock back, pulling himself up on his elbows for more leverage.

  “Yea, that’s it,” Ike slipped a hand around and pinched one of Mack’s nipples. “Fuck me back.”

  Both men settled into a rhythm and Ike began to lengthen his strokes. When Ike pulled completely out, Mack’s ass humped the air, desperately searching for that glorious cock to fill it once again.

  Ike drove it back home, “You are eager.” Ike was near his peak and grabbed Mack’s hips as he impaled him for a final time, shooting his heated cum into Mack’s most willing orifice.

  Ike fell away and lay alongside Mack, both men breathing heavily. Sweat coated Ike’s face as he reached up and released Mack’s hand from the bedpost.

  Both men lay silent, and then Ike spread Mack’s legs and lowered his head between Mack’s muscular thighs. Ike’s mouth slowly enveloped Mack’s penis. For several seconds, Ike tantalized Mack with his oral skills: licking, sucking, nibbling, until Mack was shaking on the edge of coming.

  The enticing pleasure continued for Mack as Ike ran his other hand to his balls. He cupped them in his palm, slowly squeezing and caressing. Ike continued the foreplay, slowly and deliberately, until he felt spasms rock Mack’s body.

  “God, Ike, I have to cum,” Mack groaned,
releasing his hot seed into Ike’s mouth. After several spurts, he collapsed, spent and used up. Ike joined him cradling, him close.

  Mack turned to face Ike. “You know how to give a blowjob,” he mumbled, feeling exhaustion sweeping through him, but he wasn’t tired enough to sleep.

  “I’ll accommodate you anytime,” Ike said.

  “How about a shower and breakfast? I’m cooking,” Mack offered, rolling off the side of the bed. “I get a lot of practice at the fire house when were on rotation.”

  “You’ve got a deal.” Ike hesitated, “Does anyone know about your sexual preference at your job?” He stood and gathered up his handcuffs.

  I’m not sure,” Mack walked to the bathroom. “Maybe they know and just haven’t said anything. Since I’m the only one left in my family, I don’t have any worries on that score.”

  “The same here, I mean about the other cops,” Ike said, making his way behind Mack. “I don’t think they suspect anything. I sometimes have the feeling that my family wonders about me, but they’ve never asked questions.”

  “What would you say to them if they did ask?” Mack glanced at Ike as they stepped inside the shower.

  “I guess I’d tell the truth,” Ike said. “But it’s never come up in conversation.”

  Ike reached down and turned on the shower ending their discussion while each man lathered their body with soap and stood rinsing off beneath the warm water. When they stepped from the shower, Mack threw Ike a towel.

  As they headed to the kitchen, Mack’s phone rang. He lifted the receiver and listened to the muffled voice on the other end. The person’s voice sounded familiar, but Mack couldn’t place it. What they had to say came as a complete shock to Mack.

  “What’s wrong?” Ike asked, seeing Mack’s strained features as he slammed the receiver down.

  “Some fool on the other end let me know that you and I have a thing going,” he said with a sigh. “I’m sure whoever it is will have the word spread around town quickly.” He ran his hands through his still damp hair, “Shit! I just wanted to warn you what you might have to face when you go back to work tomorrow.”

  “I’m not going to worry about it, not now, not until I have more information,” Ike said, claiming a chair at the kitchen table. “Now, where’s that breakfast you promised me?. I want to see just how good a cook you really are.”


  When Mack checked in at the station the next day, he received a cool reception from some of his colleagues. He had a suspicion that they knew about what was going on between him and Ike. They didn’t say anything, but after the phone call, he suspected something was up.

  At the end of the shift, Mack walked into the locker room to change and all conversation ceased. Now, he knew the other firemen must have been talking about him. Not one looked him in the face or offered a greeting.

  I’m not going to kiss anyone’s ass here. If this is how they want it, this is how it will be. It didn’t take Mack long to shower and dress. He left the room and heard laughter following him into the hallway. He’d always thought most of the men at the station were honest. Boy, was I wrong about that.

  On the drive home, he tried to figure out who at the firehouse could have found out about his relationship with Ike. The only one that came to mind was Joe. Joe was the firehouse gossip and made sure he spread the word whether it was true or not.

  When he got home, he saw Ike’s car. Mack walked in the house and smelled the aroma of food cooking.

  “This is a surprise,” Mack said, coming up behind Ike and wrapping his arms around him. He kissed his neck with a feather light stroke.

  Ike turned in his arms and faced Mack. Without saying a word, his mouth lowered and Ike took possession of Mack’s waiting lips. The kiss started gently, but soon changed to one filled with a passion that each man felt for the other. Ike pulled back and looked into Mack’s face.

  “How’d your day go?” Ike eyed Mack’s face.

  “I didn’t get a warm reception, if that’s what you mean. When I walked into the locker room, everyone stopped talking, and when I left, I could hear laughter and snickers filling the room.”

  “The same here, but I wouldn’t worry about it.” Ike shrugged his broad shoulders. “It’s none of those guys business what we do in our personal time.”

  “You’re right,” Mack agreed. “Let’s forget about them. What smells so good?”

  “Have a seat and I’ll bring everything over to the table.” Mack didn’t hesitate; he walked over to a chair and sat.

  Mack couldn’t believe the amount of food Ike removed from the oven. He carried different side dishes from the refrigerator to add to the array already filling the table. “Let’s dig in, I’m starved,” Ike said, claiming a chair across from Mack.

  The meal passed pleasantly, but each man knew what was in the back of the other’s mind: what was going to take place in the bedroom once they finished the meal? They both wanted to make a meal of each other.

  After eating and cleaning up in the kitchen, Ike and Mack watched each other sending out silent messages. Mack tilted his head toward the bedroom and Ike nodded in agreement.

  Once they reached the dimly lit room, Ike slowly began unbuttoning Mack’s shirt and unzipped Mack’s jeans.

  Mack felt them fall to the floor and pushed them aside with his foot.

  Ike hooked his thumbs into Mack’s briefs and slowly slid them down his hips, revealing Mack’s cock fully.

  Mack began undressing Ike in the same manner. The sensual removal of their clothing by the other made both men feel the heat in their loins.

  Mack joined Ike on the bed; fondling Ike’s erect cock with stimulating caresses.

  Ike ran his hand down Mack’s muscular thigh reciprocating the tender strokes.

  Mack slid down Ike’s body, reversing his position so he faced Ike’s hard rod that yearned for the warmth of his lips.

  Ike also now found Mack’s cock close to his mouth and the temptation was too great; he hungrily attacked it.

  It didn’t take Mack long to turn and give back to Ike the same treatment he was giving him. His tongue made soft swipes against the hard length making Ike’s legs quake with uncontrollable spasms. Mack felt the heat of Ike’s body reaching out to him and knew his must feel the same to Ike.

  The more Ike sucked Mack’s cock, the more Mack returned the favor by exciting Ike into the need to release his hot seed.

  “I can’t hold out any longer,” Ike moaned through the cock that filled his mouth. The hot come shot from him and his body shuddered with the explosion.

  Mack felt the same, unloading his heated seed into Ike’s waiting mouth. The sensation spiraled through every part of his body; he never wanted the erotic experience to end.

  Both men lay still without removing themselves from the other’s mouth. Soon, Ike found himself becoming hard again and anticipated more of the pleasure Mack had just given him before. Mack didn’t disappoint; never before had Ike experienced such a turn-on as tonight. The more Mack sucked him, the more excited he became. Again, he couldn’t stop, and didn’t want to, from shooting his load and filling Mack’s mouth.

  After several minutes Mack sat up, “How about a beer?” He stood in all his naked glory, tantalizing Ike with the sight. “Sure, I’ll take one,” Ike’s gaze remained on Mack’s muscular body.

  “I’ll bring you one.” Mack started toward the kitchen.

  “Okay,” Ike leaned back on the bed. “On second thought, I’ll join you.”

  Suddenly there was a knock on the door. “I wonder who that could be.” Mack frowned as he made his way to the bedroom to grab a robe. He heard the knock again, but when he finally opened the door, there was no one there. Someone had taped a note to the doorframe.

  “Who is it?” Ike asked.

  “Nobody, I guess, but they left a note.”

  He opened the envelope and read the contents.

  We could do without you and your gay buddy

  in our
neighborhood. Get out or else.

  Mack was shocked by the words; he couldn’t believe any of his neighbors would send him a note like this. It had to be someone from the firehouse trying to cause trouble. Again, his thoughts drifted to Joe; he’s the only one he could think of.

  “Let me have a look.” Ike reached for the paper and looked at the scrawled handwriting. “You can always check out the men at the firehouse; see if any of their handwriting matches what’s on the note.”

  “That’s a good idea. Everyone has to fill out a roster sheet once a month. It shouldn’t be hard to compare the roster to this note “What’re you going to do if you find it’s one of the men you work with?”

  “There’s only one thing I can do. I’ll have to confront him.”

  “When you find out, let me know. There are laws against this type of harassment.”

  The sound of the pager interrupted Mack and Ike’s conversation. When Mack looked down at the message, it read disregard. “It looks like someone is having a little fun at our expense.”

  “I hate to leave, but I have to go on duty in a couple of hours,” Ike said, pulling on his jeans and shirt. “I’m heading back to my apartment. If I find any notes there, I’ll call you.”

  “Thanks,” Mack said; his thoughts elsewhere.

  “Come on, cheer up, we’ll find out who’s doing this.” He reached across and brushed Mack’s lips with a light kiss. “I’ll try to get back tomorrow, but it all depends on my family. They’re having a big dinner and my mom insists I come. I’d rather be here with you, though.”

  “Okay, I understand.” Mack walked Ike to the door and stood outlined against the lighted living room watching as Ike’s car drove down the street. He looked up and down the street, but didn’t notice anyone about.

  Mack closed the door and trudged to the bathroom. He stood under a warm spray reliving the night’s events. He’d never thought he was that obvious to others about his lifestyle, but apparently someone had noticed his preferences. He finished his shower and crawled into bed.


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