Tame: A High School Bully Romance (Savannah Heirs Book 2)

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Tame: A High School Bully Romance (Savannah Heirs Book 2) Page 11

by Coralee June

  Stephanie flipped her blonde hair over her shoulder and started talking about herself again. It was something she did a lot. I was half listening, half imagining shoving my dick in her mouth just to shut her up and wondering if that would make my Rachel-induced hard-on finally retreat, when the rumble of a motorcycle sounded in the distance. I drew a lazy eye in that direction, frowning when I saw that dumbass Beau was driving it, and he wore no helmet, so his brown hair flapped in the damn wind like he belonged on the cover of one of my mother’s trashy romance novels.

  What the fuck was he doing here?

  He pulled up beside my car and gave me a sneer, showing off the breakfast still in his teeth. Dumbass. I was too busy scowling at how ridiculous he looked to notice the long-legged chick sitting behind him at first. But when he shifted, I noticed thin arms wrapped tightly around his waist, and my eyes travelled down to the plaid skirt that was hiked so far up her thigh, I was certain that anyone riding down the highway this morning had probably gotten a good view of her ass. Beside me, Bonham seemed to come to attention too and forgot about brooding long enough to check her out.

  I frowned and was about to ask Beau which Smith Academy chick he’d managed to roofie, when the girl reached up to take off the black helmet that covered her face. At the movement, her crop top rode up, showing off her navel. The girl had a tight little body, that was for sure. Blonde hair came tumbling down in waves once the helmet was removed, and I nearly choked on the lust climbing up my throat when I realized who it was.


  She swung her leg over the back of the bike and steadied herself on the ground. She was wearing a pair of high top shoes with a bit of heel to them, making her already long legs seem longer. She looked like a wet dream, donned in a short plaid skirt and a black crop top that said “trouble” on it. Hell yeah, she was trouble with a fucking capital T.

  “Hey, Godfrey,” she said over her shoulder, before leaning over to kiss Beau on the cheek.

  As she bent over, I let out a hiss at the sight of her ass cheek hanging out from her short skirt. “Thanks for the ride. Be safe,” she said softly to Beau, before strolling over to me.

  He and I had a minor stare down. I could feel him sizing me up, so I gave him the best nonchalant smirk I could muster just because I knew it would piss him off. He took everything so seriously. Maybe he needed to stop acting like he cared so damn much and Rachel would actually give him a chance. Rachel didn’t want someone to baby her. She wanted someone who would challenge her. Someone who wouldn’t try to tame her. Once Rachel stood beside me, Beau revved his engine and peeled out of the parking lot, giving me an “I fucking hate you” look as a parting gift.

  The feeling’s mutual, asshole.

  “What are you doing here?” I asked her after Beau was long gone and we could no longer hear his loud ass engine.

  I couldn’t stop looking her up and down. I wasn’t expecting to see her so soon after last night, especially not riding up on the back of a motorcycle to my school. Normally, I’d cringe at the idea of a stage-five clinger, but my body was humming at the opportunity to have her close again. Beside me, Stephanie had gone so rigid that I was certain her bones could cut ice.

  “Dad says it isn’t safe at home. I needed a babysitter,” she replied in a quiet, husky voice while returning my stare down with her own sensual perusal.

  I knew the effect that our school uniforms had on the girls. I looked like a tortured prep-school prince with my slacks, button up, and blazer, and the way she kept licking her lips made me wonder what dirty little fantasies were live-streaming in her head.

  “Think I’ll blend in at your school for the day?” she asked, her eyes taking in the brick-faced buildings before landing back on me.

  Thank fuck I was wearing my aviators. I didn’t want her to see me checking her out, and make no mistake, I was checking her the fuck out. I didn’t know where to stop looking. Her tight, toned stomach or her long, toned legs. Her crop top was falling off her shoulder, and I wanted to place a kiss there then trail my tongue along her collarbone. All I could think about was how accessible that damn short little skirt looked. If I wanted, I could have her pressed against the hood of my car and dripping for me again.

  “I don’t think you fit in at all. Legs like that were meant to stand out,” Bonham replied with a confident grin.

  My eyes flashed to hers to see how she’d respond, and I watched in awe as her white teeth sunk into her plush lips. I had half a mind to knee him in the balls. She made her motives clear last night, she wanted one time only with me, and I’d said the same. I just wasn’t expecting her to flirt with my best friend the next morning. A possessive grunt vibrated within my chest before I could stop it, and I knew then that this was dangerous. Bonham was like family to me, so why the fuck did I suddenly want to poke his eyes out for looking at Rachel?

  “You look like a walking school girl porno,” I grunted while shrugging off my jacket. I put it over her shoulders and slowly buttoned it up, making sure to brush my fingers along the bare skin between her skirt and her shirt. She felt so warm. Did pressing up against Beau on her ride over here get her rocks off? Was her pussy still vibrating from the bike?

  Maybe I needed to get one. It sure as fuck would be bigger and louder than his.

  Rachel shivered at my touch, her blue eyes looking up at me through her lashes. “Thank you,” she said quietly.

  “Who are you?” Stephanie asked, ruining the moment. Her voice carried the sneer that was on her face.

  Rachel opened her mouth to answer, but I cut her off. “Don’t you have someone to blow before first period?” I drawled.

  “I would if there were any good dicks around,” she snapped back before turning and stalking off towards the school.

  Stephanie wasn’t the sort to hang around when she wasn’t the center of attention. I bet she was thinking she had a chance since Scarlett wasn’t showing up, but Rachel had the same sort of allure as Scar. You couldn’t help but look at her when she walked into the room—or rode up on her asshole biker boy’s bike.

  Now that my jacket was secured around her, I took another step back and watched as she put her hair back up in a bun on top of her head, but not before she twirled a stray strand around her finger. She froze while watching it, and I wondered what her deal was with her hair. Yesterday when I’d made her take it down, it looked like she was on the verge of a panic attack. Everything about this girl perplexed me, and I knew I could get her the fuck out of my system if I could just figure her out. At least, I sure as hell hoped so.

  Her eyes went back to Bonham, and she sauntered over to him to introduce herself. “Hey, I’m Rachel,” she said, while holding out her hand. Bonham, being the polite and well-bred Savannah boy his mother raised him to be, took her outstretched hand and brought it to his lips.

  “We’ve met,” he whispered over her skin. “But I don’t mind having an excuse to reintroduce myself.”

  I nearly dropped my mouth open in shock. Bonham had been a sulking asshole since the accident, and I thought for sure that seeing Rachel would send his mind right back to his week in the hospital. But instead, he was like a kid in a toy store, staring at something sparkly in the window that caught his eye.

  I wrapped my arm around her waist and gave him a pointed look. I wasn’t quite sure why I felt the need to mark my territory, especially with all the shit Bonham was going through, but I did. It irritated me because it made me no better than the biker bitch, lifting my leg up to piss on the girl that perplexed me. At the movement, Bonham’s grin grew wider, like he’d caught me in a trap. Fucker was baiting me.

  “Luis told me all about you last night. He said that you play a damn good game of poker,” Bonham said before grabbing his crutches and propelling off the car with a slight wobble. My chest swelled with pride when Rachel’s eyes didn’t widen at the sight of him limping to the front door.

  “I’m alright,” she said with a wink. She was about as humble as I w
as. Which was to say she wasn’t humble at all.

  “You gave Godfrey a run for his money, and that’s impressive,” Bonham replied. He was a charmer. He knew how to make a person feel good about themselves, but it had been a trait that he’d been missing lately. It was kind of a relief to see a glimpse of his old self, to be honest. I was distracted, still thinking about how I could inch my hand up Rachel’s skirt without anyone seeing, while also enjoying having my best friend back, so it wasn’t until we got to the front door of the school that I realized Rachel was attempting to actually go to class with us.

  “Wait, what are you doing here?” I asked, shaking my head to clear it. This girl was definitely catching me off my game. I didn't like that her unpredictability was starting to bleed over into my life and my friendships. This was why I liked to have my thumb on every pulse in Savannah. I couldn’t do random developments.

  “I told you. Things aren’t safe. Dad told me to spend the day with you, so I thought I’d see what a few billion dollars looks like and attend Smith. It’s been a while since I got to watch some good high school drama play out.” She was smirking at me, trying to see if I’d turn her down. In fact, I think a part of her was hoping that I would. She came here on the back of Beau’s bike knowing that I’d tell her to go away. Which made me curious as to what she actually wanted to be doing today. “But if you want me to go, I’m sure I can find somewhere else to be,” she said, lowering her voice as she looked up at me innocently.

  There it was. She was showing her hand. She was also showing all the other prep student assholes an excellent view of her ass every time the breeze picked up. I glared over my shoulder at anyone who dared to check her out, and when they caught my eye, they quickly averted their gazes and darted inside.

  I could feel Bonham watching our back and forth in amusement as the bell for first period rang. Fuck this.

  Meeting her eyes again, I shrugged. “It’s not a problem at all,” I replied with a wild grin. “You’re in luck. It’s bring a princess to class day.”

  I opened the door for Bonham and pretended to be oblivious to the way her cocky smile slipped off her face as the three of us filed inside. Once we cleared the door, I flung my arm around her shoulders, tugging her tiny body closer to mine. Her breasts were pressed against my chest, and fuck if it didn’t make me want to pull her into an empty room and fuck her senseless. She looked shocked that I was actually going through with this, which was exactly the reaction I wanted.

  “Umm...Y-you sure?” she asked, while looking around. It was easy to climb off a bike wearing practically nothing, but let's see how she held her own when she had to walk the halls with wolves. I was a bit of a celebrity here, so walking in with my arm around a girl would bring out a few barks and a hell of a lot of bites. I grinned.

  “Absolutely. My dad just donated enough money to expand the science wing. Nobody will say shit to me.” I looked at Bonham, who was struggling with his leather messenger bag. I wanted to offer to carry it for him, but I knew it would just piss him off. He didn’t want to look weak, especially in front of Rachel, and I couldn’t figure out how to approach it without bruising his sensitive ego.

  “Oh. Okay, umm…” she trailed off and looked around at all the vultures staring at her, no doubt wanting to get to the nearest exit and escape. “I’ll just...stay then?” she said, her voice going up to make it sound more like a question. I had to swallow down a chuckle. She thought just because she won a few hands of poker that she could take me in every game, and she was dead wrong. This one? This one I was going to win.

  “Great,” Bonham said, surprising me. “Why don’t you come to first period with me? I’ve got English first and need someone to practice reading Romeo and Juliet with,” he offered her while casting her a heated look. “Godfrey isn’t the only untouchable Heir here.”


  “No, she’ll come with—”

  Rachel cut me off and slipped out from under my arm. “Sure! Sounds good to me,” she replied while batting her eyes.

  She didn’t even falter, just stepped forward and plucked his bag out of his hand, slipping it around her shoulder before he knew what hit him. When it was situated, she blinked innocently up at him. Damn. She was good. “So I can fit in,” she explained to Bonham with a shrug. He studied her for a moment with a bit of awe, before breaking out into another smile. “I can think of a few places you can fit.”

  She giggled. She fucking giggled at him while I growled like a damn werewolf in a lame ass teen movie.

  “See you at lunch,” Bonham said before he started leading her away with a shit-eating grin on his face.

  My eye twitched as I watched them walk, but since Bonham was finally in a good mood, I didn’t chase after her and demand she come to geometry with me instead. I thought for sure I was going to win this round, but I was pretty sure I just fucking lost. Again.

  “Three to two, goddammit,” I muttered under my breath, before stalking in the other direction.

  Chapter Thirteen


  This school was insane. Abso-fucking-lutely insane.

  They had a sushi chef in their lunchroom that made custom, fresh rolls at your request. The gym looked like it was fit for the Olympics, and every student had a MacBook to use. Gone were the days of cracking open a textbook. Now, they just logged in to their student portal and read online. Some of them had a few porn tabs open, too, and Godfrey was right. I did look like a walking school girl porno. Some guy’s internet browser proved it.

  But Bonham Brodie was kind. He politely introduced me to everyone, and it seemed like his smile was the seal of approval for anyone that questioned my presence here. Not a single person questioned why Rocco Nomar’s daughter was wandering the halls of Smith Academy or reading lines from Romeo and Juliet with Bonham Brodie, quite possibly the most well-liked Heir. It also didn’t take long for me to realize that whatever Bonham said was law. One wrong look, and a person could be kicked from their spot on the social ladder. All he had to do was simply type into his phone and make word spread. It was intimidating but entirely fascinating.

  Whenever Bonham’s back was turned, the girls that hung around him gave me curious and borderline angry sneers. They weren’t sure who I was to their charming Heir, and he didn’t do much to squash the rumors with his flirty looks and lingering touches. If anything, he seemed to give them the impression that we were involved. But I figured out why when I realized he was working hard to draw attention away from his foot. Once I recognized his motives, I made sure not to stare as he limped across campus, and I took the attention off of him whenever someone asked how he was healing. I’d interrupt with some lame ass question about them, and since people were always willing to talk about themselves, the conversation flipped on a dime.

  I pretended to have to use the bathroom after third period so that he wouldn’t have to navigate the halls with his crutches while it was crowded. I’d noticed that he waited between classes until the hallways were clear before transitioning to the next class, and I figured he’d want to do the same for lunch period. He readily waited for me as I took my time reapplying makeup in the bathroom, and I exited once it sounded like the hallways were clear.

  “I can see why Godfrey likes you,” Bonham finally said as we headed to the lunch room.

  I scoffed. “Godfrey Taylor only likes himself.”

  “I won’t deny that, Rach. But he’s loyal to the Heirs. Maybe more so than any of us. He would bleed for us. Hell, he has bled for us,” he admitted, and I looked over at him curiously. “He’s hard to handle about ninety percent of the time, but if you get past his bullshit exterior, you won’t find anyone more loyal.”

  Bonham was a bit out of breath, so I pretended to stop and tie my shoe to give him a moment to breathe, forgetting as I bent over that my stupidly short skirt was currently flashing him my ass. I didn’t know why I picked my most ridiculous outfit to come here. I was feeling drained from my dream and wanted my body to
feel like mine again. Mine to show off. Mine to cover up. Mine to move under Godfrey Taylor’s gaze and see if I could make him look at me the way he had last night. Those dark and expensive aviators he always wore hid absolutely nothing. I knew I affected him this morning.

  I stood back up and straightened myself, finding Bonham’s eyes filled with heat. It sent a tingle down my belly. “Sounds like you have high hopes of something happening between us,” I began. “I hate to burst your bubble, but he’s not exactly my type.” I was lying so hard, I was certain my slutty skirt would burst into flames.

  Bonham struggled with his crutches for a second as he shifted closer to me. Even with his dark blazer, I could see his muscles bunching up beneath the fabric. The Heirs were ridiculously hot. I hadn’t seen the fourth one in the group yet, but I was sure he was just as gorgeous as the rest of them. It was unfair, really.

  Bonham propped his crutches under his arm so he could pull at the end of my jacket to bring me close. “I usually have a good instinct about these things,” he said, his green eyes locked on my face. “But should he fuck things up, give me a call.” He smirked, and my eyes darted down to the sexy dimple in the center of his chin. “Until then, I’m thoroughly going to enjoy fucking with him. It’s been a while since I’ve seen him get jealous, and it’s hilarious to watch the asshole squirm. I haven’t enjoyed a day at school this much since I was a freshman, and the captain of the cheerleading team made me the bottom of her pyramid,” he said with a wag of his eyebrows.


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