Team Tomás (The Saints team series)

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Team Tomás (The Saints team series) Page 5

by Ally Adams

  I picked up the phone and my heart stopped. The text was from Tomás. I took a deep breath before thumbing across the screen to open it... just in case I wouldn’t be able to get my breath after reading it.

  Tomás: “Hey bella, how is the new job?”

  That was it. Wow, I could make a lot from this. Tomás is texting me because he heard I got the job, and he knows I’ve started, and he’s thinking of me, and he’s not with another woman at the moment so he’s got time to text me, and he thinks I’m beautiful. I wonder if he’s lying on his bed with his phone. He could be lying there with no clothes on—no he’d be cold... don’t want to think about shrinkage. He could be lying there with underwear on, and his muscles bulging and his dick bulging. He could be...

  I then remembered I had to answer the text. Cassie had said to play it cool, yeah, cool, that’s me, super cool, I thought. Who am I kidding? I’m a twenty-one year old virgin who is surrounded by gorgeous guys and the inner voice keeps telling me to wait for a romantic, meaningful encounter to give it up. I suck big time.

  I thought about the text, and thought about it some more, and then I realized if I didn’t text him back soon he’d be asleep. Here goes. You go Alice, I coached myself.

  Me: I luv it, thx 4 remembering. All good with U?

  Done. Right then, breathe again and wait. I wonder what Tomás’s middle name is. Mm, maybe super-gorgeous. Well, Tomás ‘super-gorgeous’ Carrera was obviously well practiced on the phone texting as a message pinged back to my phone only moments later.

  Tomás: Plsed 4 U. Been thinking of U.

  Yes! He’d been thinking of me, this was so good. Hang on... you know I try really hard not to swear too much but sometimes you’ve just got to give in to it... for fuck’s sake Tomás, I thought, stop thinking about me and do something about it. Saints preserve us, why was it so hard to find a romantic guy who would remove my virginity?

  Right, a response, let me think here. I looked to the clock; a bit late to text Cassie, I was on my own. I can do this, I continued to coach myself. I could tell him I miss him too but I bet every chick on the planet would miss Tomás Carrera, I took a different tack—I’d follow on from his comment.

  Me: Wot have U been thinking about me?

  Yeah, that was good. Good job me. He shot back a text.

  Tomás: When I can C U again?

  You’re killing me Tomás Carrera. KILLING ME. No, I didn’t text that, but I wanted to. Okay, think, Alice, think.

  Me: U can walk past my office every day & spot me hard @ it. Workin gal

  God that was good, I surprised myself and hit the send button. Tomás volleyed a text back to me seconds later.

  Tomás: Luv that cream dress 2day

  Fuck, he had seen me. But he didn’t come in and say hello. Where was he? Did he see me leaving in the parking lot maybe? Never mind, keep it light and fun. I can do light and fun.

  Me: Were U hiding behind the photocopier?

  Tomás: Sprung me Cookie. I'd like 2 hide under your desk

  Okay, I was going to have to take matters into my own hands shortly. I reached down into my panties. Oh yes, I was wet, wet enough for Tomás to slide right in. Why couldn’t I be a slutty girl or a promiscuous girl, or hell, any girl that wasn’t a virgin? I shot back a reply about work.

  Me: As Mae said, cum up & C me sometime, top of desk

  Tomás: Who is Mae? I'm up already. Will I just cum?

  Ah there it was. I stopped to think about this one. Kind of figured we’d get there, God knows I want to get there in the flesh.

  Tomás: Bella?

  And then my phone battery died.

  No! Fuck, seriously. I plugged it in, trying to get it to turn on again but there wasn’t enough charge to even open the screen yet. My life was hell. Tomás was going to think I was offended—crap, shit, fuck. It hadn’t been a good day with the guys; I was truly screwed but not, if you know what I mean?

  Whatever, just give it up and become a nun. Are there any nuns left in the world? On the bright side, at least I was following Cassie’s advice and playing hard to get… accidentally.

  Chapter 11

  “Looking good,” Sasha Saxon of the Santa Ana Saints said, as I walked into the office in a red tartan skirt, black boots and a black knit top.

  “This old thing.” I grinned at her. “You’re looking pretty hot there yourself.” I took in her full-skirt, ankle length, navy velvet dress set off by the bleached blonde hair. On her desk was a velvet fedora in the same color—very bohemian.

  “I made this; I make a lot of my own stuff.” She stood and did a twirl before plonking herself back on her chair behind the desk. “I sell my fashions online and at the markets. I’ll send you the link.”

  “Please,” I said. “I love shopping, did I mention that?”

  Kay entered in a hurry, flustered from the school run, and Jim walked in from his office.

  “Alice!” he exclaimed. “You’ve come back for day two; well this is a good sign.”

  I laughed but no-one else did. I noted Jim’s pin-striped suit should have been retired last century.

  “Umm, don’t they usually come back?” I asked Jim. The three exchanged looks. “No, really?” I asked again.

  “Jim’s scared a few away,” Kay said with a grin in his direction.

  He put his hands up in surrender.

  “I did no such thing, but there is a bit of a mice and rat problem in the office, and sometimes the reality sinks in that they are not going to meet the players, and they are pretty much working seven days a week on home match days.”

  “How exciting though—not meeting the players—the being involved on match days,” I said, “but not so excited about the mice and rats.” I lifted my feet a little higher off the ground onto the chair frame and thanked the Lord I had boots on.

  Kay addressed me. “Don’t you worry Alice, I’ve put bait around... although it is a terrible way to die,” she said, and sighed.

  That killed the mood, until we turned at the sound of someone walking towards our department. My eyes grew huge as Tomás Carrera, my Tomás, walked into our area.

  “Ah the most beautiful women in the most important department, and Jim,” Tomás said, entering our area.

  Jim laughed. “Yes, thank you Tomás. Are you well?”

  “Very well,” he said, hitting Jim on the shoulder and towering over him. Jim seemed to know everyone; he definitely was a fixture.

  Tomás looked so edible in jeans which hung perfectly on his slim, muscular hips, a light black pullover and white T-shirt underneath. His hair was a bit of a spiky mess as if he had just got up and forgot about it but it looked so cute. I wanted to run my hands through it.

  He looked to me. “I came to see how Al...iss was settling in.”

  I felt them all looking at me. If, according to Jim, players rarely came into our part of the office, I was going to have absolutely no credibility left after this. First of all the Santa Ana Saints Captain visits me on day one; now the best boot in the country drops in on day two. It looks like I’ve slept my way to the job.

  “Settling in just fine thanks, Tomás.” I smiled, awkwardly.

  “You know each other?” Sasha said, her eyes huge.

  “Ah, would you believe we’re cousins?” I asked.

  “No,” Kay said, smiling sweetly at Tomás.

  “Kissing cousins,” Tomás said and leaned over to kiss me on the cheek.

  “So…” I tried to restore some sanity to the situation even though I was sure my cheeks were burning red. “Tomás you’ve obviously met Jim, and you know Sasha and Kay?”

  “I have not had the pleasure of meeting Kaa...hh, but Sass…sha and I have done a few media interviews together,” he said in his smooth Spanish tongue, accentuating the ‘a’s and softening the rest. He turned his gaze to them and gave them a smile that pretty much melted them to their seats. They both returned a smile, looking much sweeter than I knew they were… ah the effect a gorgeous man can have on a w
oman, shameful really.

  “Ah, a short but sweet visit,” he looked to his watch. “I have a meeting with Shayne.” He turned to me. “I’ll see you before I leave.”

  “I’m really busy today,” I said, shaking my head and trying to tell him not to get me fired on day two.

  “Nonsense.” Jim stepped in. “Player management is important and I’m sure there’s a few player appearance requests in that folder for Tomás.”

  Tomás grimaced. “Ah, I might be busy after all.”

  Everyone laughed and he departed, not before stopping and whispering in my ear.

  “Are you mad at me, Cookie?”

  I shook my head. “Definitely not.”

  “Good,” he said, and with that he was gone. There was never going to be a dull moment in this office.


  Jim answered a few of my questions and disappeared back into his office. As soon as he was gone, Sasha began on me.

  “Okay, Alice, spill it, how do you know the Latin lover?” She crossed her arms in front of her and gave me a look that spelled an interrogation was coming.

  “I don’t know him that well.” I tried to play it down. “I met him a few times and we’ve hung out in the same circles, that’s all.” Meanwhile I could feel his kiss on my cheek still and blushed every time I thought about it.

  “It seems to me he likes you a little more than friends,” Kay said, and gave me a knowing look.

  “Right then.” I looked at my computer. “I’ve got heaps to do.”

  “Mm, we’ll continue this later,” Sasha said, and waggled a finger at me. “You know I’m a qualified journalist, Alice. I don’t give up on my interview subjects that easily.”

  I grimaced at her. Lunchtime with Sasha was going to be hell but for now I was saved by The Russian walking past to his desk.

  “Morning ladies,” he said, and we answered in unison, all three of us silently watching like clown heads in a sideshow carnival—our mouths opened, our heads turned—as the six-foot-five vision passed us.

  Then the text messages started on my phone. I was lucky it was on silent and Kay and Sasha were hidden behind their computer screens.

  Tomás: U look gorgeous, bella.

  Me: Aren’t U in a meeting?

  Tomás: Yes, but Shayne is on d fone. Were U mad @ me last nyt 4 being up?

  Me: No my battery went dead.

  Tomás: On your vibrator?

  Me: Eww. On my phone.

  Then there was blessed silence for a short while and I got to work. Ten minutes later, the text messages started up again. I took a deep breath to calm myself because all I could think about was Tomás, and I didn’t want to think about Tomás at work.

  Tomás: Did U think of me all night?

  Me: Big head, I’m not telling U

  Tomás: Cookie, that’s not nice

  Me: Okay, maybe I thought of U a few times

  Tomás: More than 10, less than 50

  Me: Are U still in that meeting?

  Tomás: Yes but Russian interrupted & is talkin 2 Shayne. So?

  Me: Sigh. 10+. Did U think of me?

  Tomás: No

  Me: Thanks

  Tomás: Kidding. Of course, I told U I wz up & U helped with that

  Me: So U thought of me while...

  Tomás: Aren’t U flattered?

  Me: Maybe. I have 2 work, you’ll get me fired

  Tomás: I want 2 take U out

  Me: Good

  Tomás: I will call

  Me: Gr8

  Tomás: Bye 4 now, Cookie

  Me: Bye Tomás

  Tomás: Did I tell U that U R cute?

  Me: Bye Tomás

  Chapter 12

  Cassie was on my case to move out with her now that I had a job—a job I had for three days mind you. Dad knew I was going to do my own thing as soon as I finished college and got a job; I had done one of the two at least. He joked it would be a bachelor pad now with him and Ryan, and he’d be able to bring a few ladies home at last. I knew Dad had had dates since Mom died but no one serious. My aunty said it was too easy for him just to come home to Ryan and me every night and not get on with meeting someone, but eventually he had to. It helped making the move out a little less painful knowing he might date—I worried about him. Ryan on the other hand pretty much lived in his room.

  Cassie and I had always talked about flatting together. Actually we talked about the three of us flatting together—Mia, Cassie, and me—but Mia had gone straight to first class, moving in with Lucas in his posh beach mansion as she called it. Cassie had a great apartment; it belonged to her family, which meant her rent was way less than the industry standard. Up to a few weeks ago she had shared it with another student until they graduated and she hadn’t found another housemate yet. It had three good size rooms and two bathrooms—luxury, I would have my own bathroom. Only one car park but Cassie didn’t have a car so that worked out just fine and I could afford half the rent now with my new job.

  We’d put it off until Monday week because I had to work for my first weekend at the Saints and anyway, I could move in one car load—I only had clothes. Cassie’s place was fully furnished and Dad wanted to keep my room the same in case I ever needed to come back. So, as well as the new job and moving out on the cards, I was saving the best until last… I had an official date with Tomás on Wednesday night. Big news!


  Wednesday at last... I never thought it would arrive. It was the night of the great date. Seriously, that’s what Tomás called it when he texted me on Monday night to say he wanted to take me on a date and I should dress for all things. What does that mean? Am I wearing heels or running up a mountain? Sipping champagne or playing soccer? Men, they just don’t get it.

  I was going on a date with Tomás Carrera, pause, I was just letting that sink in—okay, now I was too nervous to form a sentence and he’d be here in fifteen minutes.

  I re-read his text again; thank God text messages don’t fade from wear and tear or this one would have disappeared two nights ago. I kept studying it, looking for meaning between the lines, words within the words, picturing Tomás texting it and looking at the screen with his gorgeous eyes and kissable mouth, turning up in a smile as he fired off the text messages. Sigh.

  Tomás: Bella, pls allow me 2 take U on a D8.

  Me: Tomás, that would b gr8

  Tomás: U R right, it will be a gr8 D8

  Me: When, where, wot shall I wear?

  Tomás: Wednesday, I’ll pick U up @ 7

  Me: It’s in my diary

  Tomás: R U that popular that U mite forget?

  Me: I’m very busy & important Tomás

  Tomás: Ha. Then I’d better make it a gr8 D8

  Me: A hint? Do I wear heels or runners?

  Tomás: Dress 4 all things.

  Me: Want me 2 meet U?

  Tomás: No I'm picking U up. I won't bring bike

  Me: I look 4ward 2 it

  Tomás: Me 2. C U then, Cookie.

  I hardly slept since getting that text on Monday night and when I did my sleep was full of lustful dreams of Tomás and his hands, body, lips, tongue and other parts. Let’s face it; I was exhausted; I was running on pure adrenalin here. With the pressure of starting a new job and now my first date with Tomás, who only a few weeks ago left me hanging after an uneventful night in his bed... I was so wired I was bound to orgasm if he held my hand. I wondered if his sister Valentina told him to pull his head in. I wondered if he was sick of beautiful women... ah yeah, that must be it.

  “Ten minutes love, are you ready in there?” my dad asked from the other side of the door. I couldn’t look at myself any longer or I would change clothes again, so I took a deep breath and opened the door to Dad.

  “You look lovely, absolutely lovely,” he said.

  “Thanks Dad, but you’re only a little biased,” I teased him.

  My brother Ryan walked past. “You scrub up all right.”

  Yep, that’s more like it.

  “Now do I need to have a word to this boy?” I knew Dad was teasing but really! I was wound tight enough. I rolled my eyes at him.

  “No Dad, and he’s not a boy, he’s twenty-three and—”

  “And he has the best foot in the country,” Ryan finished.

  “I don’t think your sister is too enamored by his foot,” Dad said.

  So wrong—I was enamored with every appendage belonging to Tomás. I heard a knock at the door and my heart stopped.

  “I’ll get it,” Ryan said, keen to meet another soccer legend.

  Dad squeezed my arm. “Be careful and most importantly, have fun.”

  I nodded. “Thanks Dad.” We both were thinking of Mom. How she would have loved to be here to fuss over my hair or offer some jewelry and to meet my date. It was not as though I hadn’t dated guys before but I hadn’t had many come to the house before to pick me up and none that were Tomás Carrera.

  I heard Ryan and Tomás talking as Dad and I came around the corner of the hallway to the front door and living room. Oh my God, there was a Latin model in the lounge room carrying a dozen long stemmed red roses. Red means passion, I think. At this stage it could mean smelly socks and I wouldn’t care. They were beautiful and would impress Dad too with the touch of old-fashioned charm. Tomás looked amazing in a dark suit with a white T-shirt underneath—the perfect mix of dressy and casual. I could have eaten him then and there and licked his bones clean... wow that was a weird thought... hmm I’d been watching way too many zombie programs.

  I couldn’t form words quickly enough to introduce Dad but he took care of it himself, extending his hand, and the men shook.

  Tomás gave me a breathtaking smile. “Bella, you look, well bella.” He grinned and handed me the flowers.

  “Thank you, Tomás, they are gorgeous.”

  “I’ll put them in water for you so you two young people can get away,” Dad said, taking them from me.

  “You had a great game last weekend,” Ryan said.

  “Ah thanks, sometimes it just comes together,” Tomás said with a hint of modesty. “Are you coming to the home game this weekend, Ryan?”


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