Love Song

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Love Song Page 2

by S. L. Carpenter

  "Hmm.” Going to a fan's house isn't the best idea in the world—in fact most times it's a nightmare.

  "I'm harmless. I'm just happy to help."

  "Okay.” She nodded. “I accept. Take me to your place. I really don't want to go back just yet. I don't have any more shows to do for a while, but the fucking radio promos, magazine shoots, not to mention the constant bitching with lawyers about money and investments and endorsement crap is driving me insane. Everywhere I go people are taking pictures and writing shit about me. I need something to make me feel normal again."

  "Well ... um ... I'm honored. I haven't taken a woman to my home in a long time."

  "I'll pay your parents to let me stay for a few days or a week. They just can't tell anyone who I am. I'll make a few phone calls so people won't go on some wild missing person's hunt.” She took another bite of her pie and leaned back against the padded booth chair. “Edward, thanks for this offer. I really appreciate it."

  Edward felt suddenly shy. Here was the fantasy woman he dreamed about asking him to take her home. To his home.

  Maybe they would go to his place, and she'd want more from him. Maybe some tender loving care. Maybe a night of passion with all the trimmings like whips and handcuffs and hand puppets. Or perhaps she'd want him to fuck her like a rabid fan, but then she'd call the cops and say he raped her. He'd end up on trial as a stalker-rapist and go to prison where the guys in the cells would see him as fresh meat and a celebrity and rape him as an example.

  Or, he could take her home and she could spend a few days relaxing and regrouping like a normal person. “Can I ask why you're willing to trust me like this?"

  "Because you didn't turn your back on me, you didn't try to fuck me when I passed out and there's ... I don't know ... there's something about you, Edward, that I trust."

  "Good thing you couldn't read my mind about the carnal adventure I wanted to have with you when you were sleeping next to me in the car", the little voice between his legs spoke out again.

  As they drove up the winding road to Edward's house, Ami rolled down the window and took a deep breath. “Ahhh, fresh air."

  "Welcome to my humble abode.” They drove across a small gravel area, and Edward parked the car. “My parents are probably asleep now. It's late."

  "I'm usually just getting up about now.” Ami looked across the darkness. There were no bright city lights, no tall buildings cramming people into a huddled mass. It was dark, really dark. The moon was the only light. She turned toward a small porch where Edward was heading.

  Part of Ami knew this was every woman's worst scenario. She was setting herself up for a “situation". Going to a man's house, not knowing why, not understanding how she got here. Of course she did have a small two-shot pistol and a can of pepper spray in her bag. If her female intuition wasn't tugging at her like this, she would have stayed at the restaurant.

  Going inside, Ami glanced around the small house. It was no bigger than some hotels she had stayed in. There was a couch and loveseat by a large brick fireplace and on the far wall was an enormous TV screen. Men and their toys, she thought.

  "Cable went out yesterday, but they'll have it rewired later in the week. Sorry about that.” Edward shrugged.

  "It's all right. I don't watch too much TV anyway."

  Edward pointed out different things in the place, but Ami was oblivious and just nodded. She was exhausted, confused and in that little zone between the now and the end. She needed sleep. Then she looked to her left where she assumed a dining area was and gasped.

  "That ... that is beautiful.” She was staring at a pristine baby grand piano resting in the center of the small room. “I haven't seen one of these in such good shape for a long time. Do you play, Edward?"

  "No, my mom did. She still does every now and then, but she used to all the time when I was growing up."

  Ami brushed her hand along the edge of the piano and smiled at the comforting feel. As a child she'd found solace at the keyboard of a piano. Her emotional outlet through the awkwardness of being a teen was the music and the words she sang. Music was the one constant in her life. No matter what else happened around her, good or bad, the echoing sound from a piano would comfort her mood. She was in a nice state of mind now. Her worries were more in control and with a deep breath, she let herself feel at peace.

  "The bathroom is right there and has a door to the bedroom too. You want to see the bedroom?"

  "Not so fast, mister.” Ami wasn't ready for him to take her to bed for some cheap sex. She might consider a good fucking but she was going to be the one to say when, not him.

  "I just want to show you where..."

  She interrupted Edward mid-sentence, holding up her hand and shaking her finger like a mother. “I knew this was a bad idea. You're going to kidnap me or something. At first we'll kiss and hug, then you'll want me to blow you. After that you'll expect some fast and furious fucking. Then you'll tie me up in your bedroom and rape me repeatedly. You'll act out all your sick perverted fantasies on my naked body. Is that what you're planning? Is it?” She smirked and squinted at him.

  "No. I'm not like that."

  "Why not? You don't like women? I'm not attractive? Are you gay?"

  "No, I'm not gay either. Look, I asked you to stay here so you can sleep in my room. I'll crash on the couch after I start a fire. There's a lock on the door if you're worried. Just try to get some sleep and we'll figure out what you want to do tomorrow morning."

  "Oh, all right.” She smiled tiredly and winked at him. “I was all up for some sex but since you aren't, I'll just get some sleep. Goodnight Edward.” She stepped into the bedroom and slowly closed the door.

  Edward lit the fire and lay back on the couch. He looked up and saw a dim figure in the darkness. It moved closer, out of the shadows and Edward could see it was Ami wearing one of the concert shirts he'd bought.

  Funny, the shirt had Ami's face on it. She reached along the hem and slowly peeled it off over her head.

  She stood naked before him, her perfect breasts swaying, her nipples tight and erect. His eyes moved down to her abdomen and the glittery diamond jewel in her bellybutton. A perfect place for his tongue to play later. His hunger grew as his gaze continued downward, and he saw the outline of her shaved pussy. The labia were slightly parted and a glisten of wetness reflected the flames.

  "You changed your mind?” he asked.

  "Oh yes, Edward. I couldn't control my desire for you. Is it okay for me to be forward? For too long I have been unsatisfied. I need a man that can fuck me all ... night ... long.” Her hand lowered down her body, between her legs and she softly moaned as she rubbed herself. “I've been saving myself for someone like you. I'm not sure my pussy can handle a man with such a large cock. Take me, Edward. I want you...” She reached her hands to him.

  Edward reached up from the couch. Further and further he reached until he felt himself falling.


  Edward awoke on the hard floor, rubbing his head after falling off the couch. He'd been dreaming. Maybe the whole night was a dream. Maybe Ami wasn't even really here. He'd fantasized so many times about her that he wasn't sure what was real anymore.

  He walked into his bedroom and saw every man's dream. Ami lay stretched across his bed wearing only a T-shirt. Bare ass, sexy lower back with nice tattoo, thighs, calves, smooth pale skin, all a feast for his eyes. His penis sprung awake and agreed.

  Should I wake her? he thought.

  Should I fuck her? his penis thought.

  Maybe I should wake her, then fuck her, they both chimed in.

  She looked absolutely peaceful. Her body gently rose and fell as she breathed in her sleep. With a smile, Edward backed out of the room to give her more time to rest. Besides, he couldn't just stand there staring at her.

  Fifteen minutes later he turned away to walk out.

  Ami rolled over and smacked her lips together as if she'd been eating and was now on her back.

  Edward f
roze, his mind racing.

  On either side of his mind, he saw the evil Edward and the angelic Edward.

  "No you can't look. You're a gentleman,” the angel said.

  The devil piped in, “Don't be gay. You might finally get a snatch shot. It's been a long time since you looked at some real pussy. Magazines and porno movies don't count. Except that movie with the midget woman and the buffalo. That was whack!"

  "That wasn't whack, that was just wrong. Besides, Edward, if you look now, you won't have anything to look forward to later."

  Edward thought for a moment and decided he would be respectful. Pausing he gazed at the mirror above the dresser. He bit his lip, thanking the heavens for this gift. He saw Ami in all her glory lying half-naked on the bed, his bed. Her curves, her bare pussy, the erotic nature of her body all exposed to his gaze.

  He smiled and walked out of the room, closing the door behind him. Now he felt the urge to rush to the bathroom and shake hands with his little one-eyed wonder worm.

  [Back to Table of Contents]

  Chapter Three

  The next morning Ami woke up and stumbled down the hallway, her hair a matted mess and the baggy shirt hanging loose over her small frame. She yawned and scratched under her breasts as she walked into the kitchen. On the small table was a note.

  Have a few errands to run. Be back soon,


  Ami rubbed her eyes. She couldn't remember the last time she slept that good. She decided to peek around a little. Not to be nosey but just look around a bit to get the lay of the house.

  There were photos on the wall of a couple with a few kids. She assumed it was Edward's parents and the family. Beside them was a photo of Edward with a pretty woman at a park or something. Smiling, Ami saw that they looked happy.

  She didn't see any kid's toys or anything like that so she figured there weren't any around. She found the little kitchenette area and a coffeemaker. “Thank God."

  She made a small pot of coffee and grabbed a small laptop computer she saw resting on an end table. Hopefully, they have the Internet.

  Ami sat with her legs pulled against her chest sipping a cup of coffee. The sun shone through the kitchen window across the table. Warmth crept through the room, and Ami sighed with pleasure.

  As she opened the computer and did a little surfing she saw a small flashing icon at the bottom. It was a pop-up.

  Clicking it, she found herself at a porn site.

  "Aha, somebody has been naughty."

  Edward must have still been logged on because it read, “Welcome back Eddie Z".

  She browsed around a little and laughed at the photos and streaming porn.

  "What do men see in all this ... Holy shit! That guy is deformed.” She sat up a little to get a better look. “That can't be ... I guess it is."

  "Knock, knock. Anyone home?” Ami looked up and saw an elderly woman at the door. She was the woman she had seen in the photos.

  "Come on in."

  Startled the woman looked around. “Um, Edward isn't back yet?"

  "He said he was running some errands. I'm Ami, his, um, friend.” Ami figured she was probably quite an odd sight, wearing not much clothing and sitting in a man's kitchen.

  "Hello, I'm Ellen, Edward's mom. He mentioned he had a guest this morning. He had to run into town to get some groceries for me. I come over every now and then to give Edward some breakfast. He can't cook an egg without messing it up. Just like his father."

  "Yeah, I got his note."

  "You are his, ummm, how do I put this?"

  "I'm just a friend. He let me stay here last night. I apologize. He offered me a place to crash for a couple days. I can leave if you want."

  "Well if my little Eddie said you can stay it's fine with me. It'll be nice to have someone around to chat to instead of just Eddie and his dad."

  Ami nodded. “Thank you."

  "You hungry?"

  Ami shrugged. “I'm okay. I usually just have an energy bar and some cappuccino in the morning."

  "Don't be silly. You'll wither away without a decent breakfast. I brought over some muffins I'd made for his father. Help yourself.” Ellen put a small basket on the table and the fresh smell of the muffins filled the room.

  "Oh wow. Okay, thank you.” She took a warm muffin and broke it in half. Taking a bite she smiled ear to ear. Ami was used to people waiting on her but this was a genuine act of kindness. It felt great to have someone be nice with no ulterior motive, no other reason than to be kind.

  Ellen stood and walked to the sink. “Well I'll let you get ready. I'll be next door if you ... Jesus Christ, look at the size of that man's penis!"

  Ellen stepped back. “I haven't seen anything that big since we took the horses out to stud."

  Ami laughed. “I was just surfing and this silly porn site popped up. I saw this and wanted to, um, do a little research."

  "Well, ahem, have fun with your research. I need to go cock some—I mean cook some stew.” Laughing, Ellen walked out the back door.

  The hot water cascaded down Ami's body washing away the last of her muscle aches and pains. It seemed weeks since she'd had the chance to enjoy a relaxing shower and next time she wanted a bath.

  She reached down between her legs and scratched her pussy. Sometimes an itch could only be scratched personally. That's why God invented massaging showerheads with that little pulsing action. Of course if she had a man, he could scratch it for her ... from the inside out. Edward could have at least offered.

  The soap slipped across her pale skin, and she noticed a few of her fake tattoos had faded. A little more scrubbing from the towel and soap wiped them off her skin. There were still a few tattoos artistically decorating her flesh. Those were the ones she got while drunk, and she didn't know why she did it afterward.

  Leaning her head back in the water she began to wash away all of the fake coloring and gunk from hairspray and gels they put in her hair for the shows too. She ran her fingers through the clean tangles and sighed. The washing away of her fake persona was so refreshing—cleansing mentally as well as physically. The water trickled down her neck, running over her breasts and nipples, finding every crease on her body. It was erotic as hell and Ami shivered at how much she liked it. This wasn't a tiny hotel shower with that funky smell of mildew permeating the air.

  She pulled the showerhead from the holder at the top. She aimed it between her thighs and water shot out in short bursts. The pulses caressed her pussy, deepening her arousal.

  With a giggle, she looked up and saw a disposable razor. She rubbed the soap around her pubis and grabbed the razor. Carefully she held the showerhead in one hand, the razor in the other and stood bow-legged, shaving the stubble from her pussy. The last thing she wanted was to give a guy stubble burns if he was licking the good places. A girl should never be unprepared.

  She poured a handful of shampoo into her palm and rewashed her hair, the last of the temporary dyes going down the drain.

  This was a new start. A fresh beginning. A ... a ... um, what the fuck is that sound? she thought.

  "Sorry, son, I have to take a massive piss. Been holding it all damn afternoon."

  All Ami heard was the sound of some man humming a Hank Williams Jr. song and rummaging around outside the curtain. “Well lookie here, you have the new nudie magazine. You ever notice that all these girls have those big fake titties now? Ain't nothing like the real thing in my ... Holy crap, I didn't know a woman could bend like that!"

  Ami didn't know what to do. She did know a shotgun might help kill this asshole. She left the water running and kept quiet. She figured the guy would continue to assume she was Edward.

  She could hear what sounded like a hose draining water. It was Mr. Wonderful draining his bladder. After a loud sigh he said, “Courtesy flush."

  Ami screamed as the water went from warm to scorching. She shut off the water and quickly ripped the shower curtain open, standing buck naked in front of the complete stranger who had b
een peeing. His pants fell around his ankles, and his jaw dropped.

  The man swallowed loudly as he stared at Ami's nude body. He looked down at his penis and then farted.

  She reached past him and grabbed a towel, mumbling as she scurried out of the bathroom. “Jesus Christ! You trying to cook my skin off with boiling water?"

  "God, I'm really sorry about this morning.” Edward felt bad and embarrassed his father had completely horrified Ami. “My dad pops over all the time just to talk. I didn't know he was going to be here—I'm sorry."

  When he'd gotten home he'd heard all about what had happened from his dad, complete with a thumbs-up sign and a pat on the back. As further apology, Edward had decided to take Ami out to dinner, figuring he owed her at least that much.

  "I'm no clothing expert, but I figured that dress might be okay. The lady at the store wasn't happy with me."

  "Why not?” Ami's voice echoed down the hallway from the bathroom.

  "I didn't know your size, and the lady was all prissy and asked if you were the same size as her. I said you were thinner and had bigger breasts—I mean shape.” Edward caught himself too late. “I hope I did ... Wow, looks like I did good."

  Ami stood in front of him and brushed at the skirt as he just stared.

  Her hair was pinned up away from her face and the dark goth maiden transformed into one hot woman. “What do you think?” she asked as she twirled around.

  "Tell me if I start drooling."

  "Oh stop it. I like this dress. Not too frilly but the blue is nice. You like how it hugs my ass?” She winked and turned around, wiggling a little.

  "Well that goes without saying."

  Edward stood and walked with her to the door. He let her go first and leaned back as she walked out.

  Damn, it hugs real nice.

  The restaurant was crowded as was usual on a Wednesday night. It was an all-you-can-eat-crabfest so the whole frickin’ town showed up.

  "It's fine, Edward, don't sweat it. It was just a bit awkward."

  "I am a little jealous that my dad got to see you naked, and I didn't though."


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