Stolen Moments

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Stolen Moments Page 26

by Stolen Moments [FF] (retail) (epub)


  Sarah could not think, she could only feel, as soft fingers caressed her hot flesh and the now-warm shaft filled her body. Even with the edge taken from her need, she could feel her orgasm approaching fast and hard, and it took every single shred of control to pull her body away from Dillon once more. She wanted this powerfully, but she wanted it face-to-face. Wanted to be able to watch Dillon as the woman made her come. Placing hasty fingers over lips opened in protest, Sarah guided Dillon backward and down onto the bed. When she took her in, her knees nearly buckled at the sight. Dillon sat slightly slouched against the headboard, her leather pants open and riding low, her eyes hooded and dark with lust as she looked back at Sarah.

  “Come here, baby. I got something for you,” she said as she grasped the base of the silicone shaft, grinding it against her clit. Sarah’s body turned liquid at the sight of Dillon’s obvious pleasure from the silicone cock rising up out of her pants, and she climbed onto the bed to straddle Dillon’s knees. She gasped as strong hands grabbed her hips and guided her down into Dillon’s lap.

  Sarah cried out as Dillon pulled her forward and took a hard nipple into her mouth. The shaft, still wet and warm from her body, came to rest once more hard against her clit. Sarah rocked against it convulsively; a mutual cry of pleasure rang through the room as silicone slid into hot wet flesh. For a moment, neither woman moved—two heads thrown back, fingers gripping—and then finally Sarah began a slow grinding movement of her hips.


  Dillon managed to pry her eyes open—she simply had to see the moment this beautiful woman blasted over the edge—and was rewarded by the view of the lithe body arched bowstring tight above her. She knew it was only moments before Sarah exploded into orgasm, and a sudden wicked smile crossed her face as she forced a halt to all movement. Sarah’s eyes snapped open and silently pleaded with the woman inside her to continue, she was so close. Dillon leaned forward and felt Sarah’s body spasm slightly as she spoke close to her ear.


  With gentle strength Dillon moved Sarah off her body and laid her on the bed before sliding across and standing up. Never taking her eyes from Sarah’s, she removed the last barrier of clothing and moved to the foot of the bed.

  “Do you want this?” she asked indicating the silicone appendage. “Or do you want me?”

  “Why can’t I have both?”

  “Absolutely no reason at all.”

  Dillon reached out and Sarah pulled her onto her body. Dillon groaned as the shaft slid slowly home once more. She rested on her hands above Sarah, and with their eyes locked, resumed the slow grind of hips. Almost instantly, she was rewarded with the most exquisite of sights as bright blue eyes suddenly glazed and darkened. Sarah’s legs locked around her hips and Dillon felt the golden body go rigid with the strength of Sarah’s orgasm. When a sudden sheen of sweat appeared on fine skin, the sight was enough to finally send Dillon over the edge; her eyes closed and an inarticulate cry ripped from her throat as she came.


  Sarah felt dazed, her body almost floating in boneless bliss. She awoke slowly, rolling over and reaching blindly across the bed. The sound of water running in the bathroom cut through her sudden disappointment at finding the empty space beside her. Sliding from between the sheets, she padded quietly to the door of the bathroom and watched as Dillon ran a washcloth over her shoulders and neck. Sarah’s body began to ache once again as she watched the ripple of back and shoulder muscles moving under sleek skin.


  Dillon gasped when her back met the cool tiles of the bathroom wall and Sarah’s warm full lips descended on hers. She groaned again when Sarah closed her lips, then her teeth, over a rock-hard nipple.

  “Oh, God, Sarah,” Dillon cried out as the soft hands continued their exploration of her heated skin and Sarah’s mouth began an agonizingly slow descent down her body. She buried her hands into thick blond hair, her head falling back against the tiled wall as Sarah drew her nails up the backs of her thighs and over her behind. Her breathing echoed harsh around the white tiled walls as her legs began to shake with the effort to keep her body upright.

  Kneeling on the floor between spread feet, Sarah laid a soft kiss on each hipbone. When Dillon’s legs began to tremble, Sarah wrapped a strong arm around her left hip and drew her right leg over one shoulder, bracing Dillon against the wall. Dillon tried to form a coherent sentence, but it was reduced to a sharp cry as Sarah stole her first taste of sweet, swollen flesh.

  Dillon twisted her hands in Sarah’s hair, trying to pull her mouth into closer contact. Resisting, Sarah tightened her hold on tawny skin and teased the slick folds.

  “God…please…Sarah, now,” Dillon pleaded, her voice cracking on the last word.

  Sarah looked up, catching Dillon’s eyes as she slowly pushed her tongue into direct contact with a very swollen clit. “Is this what you want?” she asked as she pulled away.

  “Yes, yes…please.”

  With excruciating slowness Sarah lowered her mouth to the waiting heat and sucked the aching flesh into her mouth. Dillon’s body convulsed with pleasure and Sarah had to readjust her hold as she increased the pressure.

  Dillon’s head fell back against the tile once again. She could feel the cool slick tile against her back, the thick silk of the kneeling woman’s hair wrapped in her hands, and the light caress of fingertips against her abdominal muscles. All of this warred for supremacy with the incredible sensation of Sarah sucking on her swollen clit and as she focused, the sensations flooding her nervous system began a sharp upward spiral.


  Sarah tried to absorb every sensation—the silky feel and sweet taste of the flesh under her tongue; the heady aroma of the woman’s arousal. With her right hand braced against Dillon’s abdomen, she could feel the orgasm building with each ripple of her taut muscles, and her own body began to tighten in return. Then the muscles beneath Sarah’s hands went rigid, hips jolted forward, and she held on tight as Dillon called out to a host of deities. With great care, Sarah kept up the pressure, drawing out her orgasm as it peaked, then slowly began to ebb. When it finally abated, Dillon sagged and Sarah helped her sit, a leg on either side of Sarah’s hips.


  Dillon wrapped her arms around Sarah and buried her face in Sarah’s neck, inhaling the sweet scent of her skin.

  “Damn. I could get used to this,” she said quietly and then stiffened when she realized what she had said. “Come on, let’s go back to bed.”

  Dillon watched Sarah climb into bed and settle against the pillows, her eyes feasting over the gorgeous expanse of flesh.

  “You’re not tired, I take it,” Sarah said with a chuckle.

  “Well, you did ask me earlier if you could have both.”

  Dillon smiled, realizing the hungry look must have been evident on her face, and slid her body over Sarah’s, eliciting a groan of pleasure as their legs tangled together. She wasted no time, sensing how ready the woman below her was from the evidence against her thigh. She pulled Sarah’s leg over her hip, her own center coming in contact with the other thigh as she ran her free hand over Sarah’s body.

  “Oh God. Please don’t tease me…I’m ready now,” Sarah said in a tight voice.

  “I know.”

  Sarah captured the hand responsible for the exquisite torture and placed Dillon’s fingers firmly against her sex, leaving her lover with no doubt as to what she thought of her earlier teasing.

  “Yes, my lady,” Dillon whispered and captured Sarah’s lips in a slow, burning kiss.


  Sarah was roused from dreamless, sated sleep by a knock on her door. Sitting up, she surveyed the room and sighed with resignation, realizing the only clothing she could see belonged to her.

  “Oh, well,” she thought. “The memory is worth it.”

  “Room service, ma’am. Your breakfast.”

  With a puzzled frown, Sarah pulled on her robe and answered the door. “I didn’t order

  “It’s definitely for your room, ma’am. I was also asked to make sure you received this,” he said, handing her a cream envelope bearing the hotel’s logo. Thanking him, Sarah opened the envelope and drew out a single sheet of thick cream paper and a business card.

  “I thought you might need the energy. Dillon.”

  Sarah smiled as she examined the business card. On the front was “Butler Design, Integrated IT Solutions. Dillon Butler, Software Designer.” Handwritten on the back were a mobile phone number and the words, “Only if you want to.”

  Sarah’s smile grew as, breakfast forgotten, she reached for the phone.


  Aunt Fanny

  I was on my way to the sea lion exhibit when she swerved into my path, causing me to pull back suddenly. The pail I was carrying sloshed violently. I accidentally splashed her with half a bucket of fish. She took it well, considering.

  It was the evening of the Zooscapade, a late summer fund-raising event during which socialites paid large amounts of money to attend a fancy-dress ball that took place on the zoo grounds. I’d spent weeks scrubbing every nook and cranny, every exhibit and shelter until they gleamed. For the last three days I’d strung lights around the trunk of every palm tree in the zoo, so that once the sun set, the place would twinkle like a virgin’s eyes. The orchestra was setting up in the bandstand, and our wealthy patrons were slowly beginning to arrive.

  The pretty woman whose pink silk ball gown now reeked of raw fish just stared at me. Now, I’m the first to admit I’m not much to look at, but she took it beyond a casual glance. She absorbed my six-foot frame, beakish nose, dung-brown eyes, and short dark hair on the sweep up; my wide, sensuous lips, boyish shape, and middle-aged, masculine bearing on the way down. Her blue eyes registered the stitched name on the pocket of my zookeeper’s uniform. Bud. Her eyes lingered on my crotch before she suddenly brought them back up to mine, verifying. Yes, I’m a woman.

  As I apologized profusely, I drank her in. She looked to be in her early twenties. Her blond hair was swept up into an intricate twist, tendrils curled delicately against both cheeks. Her long, slender neck was draped in a single strand of expensive pearls, with matching earrings dangling from delicate ears. Porcelain skin blushed rose-petal soft, caressing her eyelashes whenever she blinked. Pouty lips, darkened and lined, pursed as she decided how to respond to her sudden drenching.

  “I need to change, Bud.”

  Surprised, I raised my eyebrows, set my lips, and nodded. Beautiful and sensible. My kind of woman. “This way.” I waved her before me and smiled to myself as I led her to the zoo office, empty now for the evening. I unlocked the door and showed her to the employees’ bathroom, then gave her an old zookeeper jumpsuit and worn-out old tennis shoes, figuring it was the least the zoo could do for her.

  “I’ll have to leave you here. Can you manage?” I asked, looking at my wristwatch and taking the opportunity to flex my biceps. She noticed. “I have a show to do.”

  “Sure.” She turned around and presented me with her back. I took it as a dismissal and turned to leave. “If, Bud,” she tossed over her shoulder, causing me to turn back to her, “you’ll help me with my zipper, first?”

  I felt heat rise to my face. One step brought me up close to her back, and I grasped the delicate fabric between my thick fingers. The scent of her perfume had gotten lost in the smell of fish, so I bent close to her neck and inhaled deeply of her fragrance while pulling the zipper tab slowly down the back of her dress. She caught the front of the strapless gown before it fell away from her body, but her pink bra caught my eye, its lacy front quickly covered back up. A set of impressive breasts rose and fell with each breath. I felt her interest, and she felt mine.

  “Thanks,” she said, shutting the door of the bathroom in my face. A glance at the clock on the wall forced me to turn and flee.

  For the next thirty minutes I put Sammy through his paces, the same barking, horn-honking, flipper-slapping act I worked out with him two years ago. He’s an old pro at entertaining and drew loud applause as we ended the set. Exactly on time, the public address system announced the next scheduled performance at the predator birds display. As the elegantly dressed guests drifted away, I finished feeding Sammy and his mate, Sally. They’re a friendly pair of sea lions, and we played catch and toss for a few minutes, unaware anyone was watching.

  A lone clapping made me look up, and there she was, standing in my old navy blue uniform, legs and sleeves rolled up neatly, her bare feet thrust into my cast-off tennis shoes, which were clearly too big for her. Her jewelry was gone and her hair had been loosened into a curled ponytail. The uniform hugged her curvaceous body in all the right places. A cool breeze kicked up as the lowering sun began to blaze.

  “I’m going to be your assistant tonight,” she told me, grinning wickedly. “Whatever you do, I’m going to help you.” So she’d decided to dump her own kind and go slumming. Game playing? That could be interesting.

  “I’m pleased,” I answered, figuring this spoiled little rich girl would disappear back into her crowd in a moment. “Surprised, but pleased. I’m feeding the lions next.”

  Her eyebrows rose, but she stuck with me as I walked into the big cat exhibit. I drew the line at letting her into the back area where I’d be doing the feeding, and left her happily standing before the large glass display windows in the front. As the back panel opened and I slipped meat inside with a long-handled pan, I saw her watching me with rapt attention.

  Showing off a little, but telling myself it was to help with the fund-raising, I entered the area that Larry and the three females shared. Linda, Lisa, and Lilly were in good moods, and the crowd that gathered got a good view of the lionesses playing gently with the ball I gave them. Her eyes never left me.

  “Very impressive, Bud,” she told me when I rejoined her.

  “What do I call you?” She’d piqued my curiosity. The sunset was beginning, and the breeze sent the various scents of wild animals scurrying around us.

  Grinning at me she answered, “Just call me Kitty,” and nodded back at the lions.

  I shrugged, and nodded. “Let’s go, pretty Kitty.”

  Next I thought I’d enjoy watching her do a little of the dirty work that goes into tending a zoo, so I took her with me to sweep out the camel display. I spread out the special food I’d prepared earlier in the manger at the back of the outdoor exhibit. As our three camels ambled to their dinner, I motioned for my new friend to come join me. I handed her a large shovel and a bucket, took another set for myself, and set off to sweep up the camel dung. She just laughed and raced me to the piles. We finished in record time. The wealthy patrons enjoying the evening who saw us must have assumed she was on the zoo payroll.

  “You’re a good sport.”

  “It’s fun. I think I’d like to have your life,” she answered ingenuously.

  “You have to work hard to get to my status in life.” I laughed and plucked at my zoo blue jumpsuit. “Don’t you want to rejoin your friends?”

  “Not particularly. When do you go off duty?”

  I looked at my wristwatch and grinned. “Actually, an hour ago.” I looked at her speculatively. “I don’t have to be anywhere for at least another hour.”

  She grinned at me and looked down at herself ruefully. “I need to clean up again.” Her even white teeth gleamed in the glow of the strings of tiny lights winking on all around us. The sun had finally set. “Take me back to the office, will you? I need to pick up my things anyway.”

  Back in the zoo office I left the lights off, navigating through long practice the dark rooms to the big back office. Opening the door of the private bathroom, I flicked the light on and entered first, then quickly washed my hands. As the hot water ran over my hands, she pooled liquid lather from the porcelain dispenser in her hands and started massaging the soap into mine. Our hands worked together under the streaming water as I looked up and saw her beautiful young face next to my hom
ely, middle-aged one in the mirror. As if to reassure me, she leaned over and kissed my neck.

  I turned around just as Miss Kitty stepped back and grabbed the front of her blue jumpsuit and yanked. The dozen snaps popped open to below her crotch. She was naked beneath it, revealing large breasts tipped with dark pink nipples and a thatch of curly blond pubic hair. Involuntarily, I sucked in my breath. She was stunning. The strains of “The Blue Danube” danced through the window in the office behind us, the orchestra sounding fine.

  Looking directly in my eyes, she reached past me and shut the bathroom light off. We stumbled back in the darkness as she shrugged her shoulders out of the jumpsuit and let it fall to her ankles. She reached out to steady herself on me, and I took her arm, swiftly wrapping my other one around her waist. Since she was bent over trying to kick her feet free, my hand filled with her full, naked breast. My thumb strummed her nipple. I let go of her as she straightened and stepped out of the crumpled jumpsuit, turning to me. Both of my hands dropped to her hips and around to her bottom. I cupped her cheeks and pulled her naked body against me.

  My lips found hers, pulling her tongue into my mouth as I patted, lifted, and caressed her bottom. I lowered one hand to the narrow space between her thighs, then brought it swiftly around to her front. My fingers took control of the moment, twirled and tugged at her blond curls, then pushed her fleshy lips apart, quickly finding and circling her clit. She was already wet, so my first finger slid easily into her, making her gasp into my ear. My other arm still cupped her bottom, ready to hold her up if she went slack.


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