Beach Blonde

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Beach Blonde Page 1

by Alyson Belle



  Alyson Belle

  Copyright © 2020 Alyson Belle

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  All characters in this book are over the age of 18 (18+ only). All characters, locations, and situations are entirely fictional representations and any resemblance to real world scenarios are entirely coincidental.

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  Chapter 1

  Beachy encounter

  “Are you planning on getting up from there, or are you going to sit around tanning all day?”

  Chris lifted his sunglasses and squinted with annoyance at the shadowed outline of his friend Andre standing before him. If Andre really didn’t want him to tan, he was doing a good job of stopping it. He was blocking out the sun.

  “I’m trying to enjoy my beer, man. What’s your problem?”

  Andre nodded at a group of women jogging past in their swimsuits and let out a long exhale. “That’s my problem. Those chicks won’t give me the time of day. I need to find a way to impress them.”

  Chris raised an eyebrow and took a long sip of beer. “How’s that my problem?”

  “You’re just sitting here, lounging around, instead of being a bro and helping me impress these girls,” Andre said with a grimace. “Some of us actually want to get laid on this vacation, Chris. Man, you’re a shit wingman.”

  Chris’s lips curved into a half-smile. “I’m sure you’ll survive. Anyway, why can’t you ask Paul to help you out?”

  “Paul?” Andre gestured to the ocean, where Paul did the backstroke in lazy circles to show off for a group of pretty women playing in the shallow waves not far from where they’d set their beach chairs and towels. “Have you seen him? He’s got worse game than you, and honestly? It’s just sad.”

  Paul tried to get a little closer to the girls and gave them a half-wave. As one, they shook their heads and erupted into giggles as they turned their backs on him. To his credit, Paul didn’t seem deterred by their cold rejection. He just dove back in, pretending it hadn’t even happened.

  Chris shook his head.

  Andre scowled in Paul’s direction and dug his feet into the sand. “He’s an idiot. They won’t give him the time of day.”

  “Maybe you should go help him,” Chris suggested. “Between the two of you, maybe you’ll make it halfway to actually get laid.”

  “You’re a jackass.”

  Chris raised his beer in salute and took another long drink. “I’ll be here all week.”

  “Asshole.” Andre kicked off his flip flops and strode to the water with renewed purpose. He dove into an oncoming wave, sinking into the surf until he popped back up by Paul. Andre jumped on Paul’s back, trying to drag him down under the water in an obvious bid for attention. If Andre couldn’t get any, no one could, right?

  Chris almost felt sorry for the women nearby—almost.

  But with Andre distracted, he was free to relax again. Tired of how high-maintenance Andre and Paul could be, he dragged his chair back and angled himself out of the sun. He wasn’t here to babysit a couple of asses, he was here to decompress. And maybe get some ass. He took another long pull of his beer to cool his heated, sun-kissed skin. He wanted to avoid getting in the water with his friends horsing around like a couple of teenagers if he could. Beer was better company.

  It was a beautiful day on the beach, and not just because of all the attractive women around. The sun had baked the pale sand so even in the shade, Chris was sweating. The gentle breeze flowing off the warm water over the light sheen of sweat on his body was heaven. The water was crystal-clear like something out of a travel brochure: it glistened and shone like a thousand diamonds in the dancing sunlight. He dug his toes deeper into the sand to get at the cooler temperatures.

  He had really needed this vacation.

  After months of being hunched over an office desk, steadily working through piles of paperwork, he was in desperate need of some time in the sun. Paul and Andre weren’t bad friends, even if they could be a little… annoying sometimes. They had sensed his pent up frustration and surprised him with this trip and the promise of booze, women, and absolutely no talk of responsibilities. He put up a fight at first, but as soon as they twisted his arm about it, he relented. The burnout was real, and this was the cure.

  No, he didn’t regret it, not one bit.

  After all, as of a month ago, Chris Cooper was officially the youngest marketing executive in the history of the firm, and it was all because of his hard work. He’d poured blood, sweat, and tears into several of their most successful marketing campaigns, and he’d made the firm a bundle in the process. Marketing was a ruthless and demanding business, but he’d blown by even some of the older and more experienced partners. They should have paid for him to lounge on the beach just so they’d have a chance to catch up.

  He swore to banish any thoughts about work for the week and enjoy everything the high-end resort had to offer, from its sandy beaches and tropical mixed drinks to the plethora of nearly naked women playing in the water. Despite Andre’s taunts, Chris was definitely planning to take advantage of being surrounded by beauty—he was just a little more discriminating about it than his friends were.

  He adjusted his sunglasses as he noticed one young woman in particular. Her pale skin hadn’t been kissed by the sun yet, but her long black hair hung heavily across her neck and shoulders as she waded out of the water onto the warm beach. Her whole body glistened in the sunshine like a fantasy. His eyes ran slowly down her body from behind the safety of his sunglasses, and he felt his pulse quicken as beads of water from her swim rolled down her neckline and disappeared underneath her bikini top and in between her breasts.

  She slicked back her wet hair with both hands, arching her back deliciously. As she toweled off, she glanced up at him as though she could feel the weight of his hungry stare, her hazel eyes alight with amusement. Chris raised his beer and tilted it towards her in appreciation, earning him a wry smirk in response.

  She shook her head, wrapped the towel around her tall, willowy frame, and sauntered off with a bit of extra sway in her hips, probably just for his benefit. He sighed as he watched her go, his eyes lingering on the easy way her body moved.

  Damn, what I wouldn’t give for a body like that. Maybe I really do need to work on my game.

  A burst of water hitting his face startled him out of his spiral of dirty thoughts, and he whipped around to see Paul and Andre laughing at him. Andre held a small plastic bucket that he must have stolen from some poor kid who couldn’t even finish their sandcastle.

  “What the hell?” Chris demanded, yanking off his sunglasses and reaching for a towel to dry his face.

  “We saw you talking to that hottie and thought you could use some cooling off.”

  Chris sat up straighter and gestured toward the girl he’d been watching. “We were having a moment.”

  “What kind?” Andre asked. “Did she ask you for tanning tips?”

  Chris scowled and set down his beer. “Not exactly.”

  Paul snorted spread his towel out and drop
ped onto it, shaking out his hair to send water flying into Chris’s face again. Chris gave them both a long, withering look and rubbed his hands over his face in exasperation.

  “Here.” He reached into the cooler, pulled out two cans of beer, and tossed them in their general direction. “Chill out, guys. We’ve got plenty of time. We’re on vacation.”

  “Chill out? Dude, if you don’t hit that, I will,” Andre said between sips of beer. He was staring at Red Bikini.

  “You don’t stand a chance,” Chris told him, rising to his feet. “Why don’t you both watch and learn from the master at work?”

  With that, he pulled off his shirt and tossed it at Paul, who slapped it away with a laugh. The sun felt nice on Chris’s shoulders after spending all that time under the umbrella. He stretched his arms over his head to loosen up and flex his abs for any other girls who might be watching. With a smug grin at Andre and Paul, headed toward the group of girls that his new friend had settled down with.

  “Hi ladies,” Chris said, although it was pretty obvious which one of them he was talking to. But he knew girls like this could close ranks if you ignored the rest of the group. “I’m Chris. I saw you swimming over there. You’re beautiful.”

  “I’m Lenaya,” she replied. Her watchful friends got quiet. Deciding their next move, probably—whether to cockblock or let her go.

  “I was just wondering if you want to go for a swim with me?” Chris asked, flashing her his most winning smile.

  Lenaya looked him over and giggled. “Sure, why not?”

  Like a real gentleman, Chris helped her up from the sand. It also gave him a chance to check out the swell of her full tits and how her bikini hugged the curve of her ass when he followed her to the water’s edge. It was easy to talk to her as they swam out; soon, it was impossible to tell his friends from the other people on the beach. They were just shapes and colorful swimsuits blending in with the sand.

  They splashed and laughed and used the privacy to talk more openly than they could when they were surrounded by their friends. They weren’t out so deep they were in danger, but Chris was starting to get a little tired from treading the water when Lenaya frowned in the direction of the shore. She squinted against the sunlight on the water and shielded her eyes. “Oh, shit. I’m sorry, Chris, but it looks like I have to head back.”

  “Now?” Chris asked. “But we were having so much fun.”

  “Yeah, sorry, but it looks like my friends are leaving… they’re my ride.” Lenaya offered him an apologetic smile. Without saying goodbye, she slipped under the water and emerged a few feet away, their time together already a distant memory.

  Chris watched her go, allowing the water to keep him afloat. He closed his eyes, tilted his head back, enjoying the peace and quiet of being so far out. It was quiet out here with just the sound of his own heartbeat and the gentle push and pull of the tide. He could breathe deep and soak in the sunshine and the warmth.

  He couldn’t breathe.

  His mouth and nose filled with water as a wave surged over him and shoved him down like a fist. A riptide?

  Something caught around his ankle and sucked him down further, deep into the water until the light was swallowed up. It couldn’t possibly be this deep or this cold, but the shock cramped his arms and legs.

  He twisted and flailed, ice shooting through his locked-up muscle as he was pulled deeper and deeper. He couldn’t see in the dark water and the salt burned his eyes. He squeezed them shut against the fear flooding his system. His lungs screamed for air.

  This can’t be happening. Is drowning really how it ends for me?

  He was trying to remember a prayer to beg for a quick end when he felt an ice-cold hand wrap around his ankle and tug. His eyes flew open. It was too dark to see anything, but there was something ghosting across his vision. Was that a woman? She had sunshine-gold hair and nearly translucent skin, kind of like a jellyfish. At first, he thought he was hallucinating, in the last throes of consciousness, but when she waved her long, webbed fingers in front of his face, he jerked back as a fresh wave of panic washed over him.

  What the actual fuck? Okay, calm down, Chris. She’s not real. She’s just a figment of your imagination. Too many beers, probably, or Paul spiked my drink again. I’m going to fucking murder that bastard when I see him again. If I ever see him…

  Still, somehow the burning in his chest had stopped—it was like he was suspended in the dark water, alone with this mysterious woman. He wondered if he was dying.

  “I can save your life if you ever want to see your friends again.”

  Those words ran out as clear as if someone had spoken right in front of him. Unless he was hallucinating, the only person who could have said them was the woman floating with him. He covered his ears to block it out, but she smirked at him.

  “That’s not going to help,” she said, amusement lacing her tone. “These are my waters. You have no choice but to listen to what I have to say.”

  Chris opened his mouth, but all that escaped was a flood of bubbles.

  “I can hear your thoughts if you wish to speak with me.” She swam closer so that even in the oppressive darkness, he could make out the perfectly smooth skin of her face and her huge brown and silver-flecked eyes.

  What is she? She looks like some kind of mermaid, but can she really save me?

  “What am I? You humans can be so offensive. No, I am not a mermaid; I am a sea sprite. Honestly, a mermaid? Do I look like I spend my days dreaming of being on the surface?”

  The sea sprite paused and tilted her head in his direction at his next thought. “Yes, I am serious. What would I gain from a lie? Truthfully, there is something else I would like to gain in exchange for your rescue.”

  Chris swallowed. What could a sea sprite possibly want?

  “I want your manhood.” The sea sprite grinned widely. The rows of her long fangs shimmered like the mother-of-pearl handle of a switchblade. “It’s not much to ask for. I would say it’s a… very small price to pay to save your life.”

  Chris shook his head, his hands flying to cover himself. No fucking way. I’m not letting some sea monster take my junk.

  “Of course, I could simply leave you as you were.” She turned away from him, and suddenly he was dying all over again, his chest burning and crushed under the weight of the water. He was alone, frozen, and afraid.

  Please! Wait!

  The sea sprite’s face pressed up close to his and she touched his elbows, anchoring them together with her fingertips.

  It’s not fair, but do I really have a choice?

  “You always have a choice to make.” The sea sprite’s long hair floated slowly around her like a halo of seaweed. “But what you do not have is time. Don’t waste what little you have by putting off a decision.”

  But what does that even mean… take my manhood? Is she going to like… bite it off? The idea made him feel sick and squeamish.

  “Nothing so crude, Chris. My reasons are my own and beyond your human reasoning. Rest assured that it will be painless, and I’ll leave you in a perfectly acceptable condition for a human. Some might say even an enviable one.” She swam closer and stared into his eyes. “Trust me when I say you want to take this deal. You won’t get another chance like this.”

  Chris’s heart skipped a beat. Drown or give up his most prized possession?

  “Make your decision.”

  He knew the answer in his heart, and anything was better than drowning. I accept! He thought it as hard as he could.

  The sea sprite lit up with another terrifying smile. “Come on, handsome, let’s get you back to shore.”

  Within seconds, he was being propelled through the water. His hair whipped behind him, but he could barely hear past the pounding of his own heart and the convulsions working to expel the saltwater from his burning lungs. His whole body shuddered with the force before he erupted from the water into the shallow, warm water of the resort’s beach.

  He sputtered desperat
ely, getting the last of the salty, briny water out of his mouth, and fell to his hands and knees, plunging his fingers into the wet sand. He’d never been so happy to be on dry land before. But where had the sea sprite gone? Was she going to take his manhood now? He gulped and glanced back toward the water. All he saw was a brief flash of golden hair and silvery skin, and then it was gone.

  He was still dazed and disoriented, trying to collect himself, when a familiar voice cut through the air.

  “Baby, are you from Tennessee? Because you’re the only ten I see.”

  Chris turned and found himself face-to-face with Andre. “What the fuck, man? That’s not funny. I almost drowned.”

  Andre blinked and threw his hands up in the air. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you.”

  “Who’s the hot chick?” Paul asked, coming up beside him. He paused, looking Chris over, and asked, “Are you okay?”

  “Hot chick?” Chris frowned. “What’s the matter with you two? I almost drowned out there. Help me up.”

  Paul and Andre shared a quick look before Andre held his hand out. “Um, do we know you or something?”

  Chris was surprised at how easily Andre pulled him to his feet. He felt weird and off-balance, and wet seaweed clung uncomfortably to his neck and shoulders. He blinked at his friends as he tried to clear his head.

  “Know me? I’m going to kill you for spiking that drink, Paul. I don’t know what the hell you put in there, but you won’t believe the hallucination I just had.” Why did his voice sound so funny? He didn’t sound like himself at all. He blinked and shook his head again. The seaweed stubbornly refused to let go.

  “Lady,” Paul said, throwing his hands up, “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’ve never seen you before in my life.”

  Chris’s knees felt wobbly as a wave of exhaustion suddenly rolled over him. “What do you mean you’ve never seen me before? It’s me. It’s Chris.”

  Andre raised an eyebrow, looking around as if expecting his friend to come jumping out. “Did Chris put you up to this? Okay, man, you can come out now.”


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