Beach Blonde

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Beach Blonde Page 5

by Alyson Belle

  She licked her lips and ran her hands down her belly, feeling the soft hairs and the gentle lines of muscle and feminine fat, and even the light brush of her fingertips and her nails on her skin got her excited. She touched her hips, her thighs, and swallowed a lump in her throat. Chris wasn’t going to let the sea sprite rule her life more than she already had. She crawled into bed and put her phone on silent so she could focus on herself. Still a little nervous, she spread her legs and ran her hands up her inner thighs, stroking the pads of her fingers all around her sex. She had explored herself like this when she was a teenager, but her nerves hadn’t lit up like lightning like they were now.

  Chris bit her lip and slid her fingers across her sex, shivering at how brightly the pleasure coursed through her. The angles were wrong, but she remembered how she touched her girlfriends; she pulled her knees up and rested her back on the headboard so she could see herself better and tried those touches on herself. She swept her fingers over her sex in slow swipes and circles and bucked her hips with a low gasp as white lightning shot up her spine, surprising a moan out of her.

  Her toes curled as her pussy throbbed. She needed something more; she couldn’t explain, but there was a need, a craving—she dipped her fingers lower and teased herself, then pushed her fingers in. Chris’ hips jumped with honest surprise, both at how it felt to have something inside her, but also at how good it felt. She brought her other hand to knead her breast as she leaned her head back and slid her fingers back in, the pleasure building as she tested out what speed she liked. Her touch got her squirming and breathing heavily, the hot pleasure tingling across her inner thighs and in her belly and the deeper, wholly new sensation of being filled feeling right and good in a way she couldn't describe. She thought of Jack on top of her, his cock filling her up, and she swiped her thumb over her bud—with a sharp cry, her hips jerked and her pleasure came to a head, washing over her whole body from toes to scalp so her thighs shook.

  As she breathed heavily, her toes curling and eyelashes fluttering, Chris had to admit that there was definitely something happening between her and Jack. She was going to need more help.

  Chapter 4

  I’m Every Woman

  “Don’t look now, but Jack is totally checking you out,” Sarah whispered, pretending to check shirt after shirt on the display rack. “You should go talk to him.”

  “What?” Chris blanched.

  “Shh.” Sarah touched a finger to her lips. “Calm down. I didn’t tell you to flash him, but you should at least go and talk to him. It’s obvious he likes you, and you know you like him.”

  “I’m pretty sure he’s only looking at me because of the makeover,” Chris muttered.

  Over the last few days, Sarah and Lisa had been touching her, measuring her, and making her model different outfits for them. They each had their own tips for makeup and how to dress, but Sarah ended up deferring to Lisa’s expertise on most of the issues. As much as she'd felt like their doll to play dress-up with, Chris really came to love the way she bonded with them. Their touch went from strange but not unwelcome to a source of comfort. Even with how tender her skin felt compared to before, their warm, reassuring hands and casual contact was really nice. She’d miss it.

  “No, it’s because of you,” Sarah said, nudging Chris’s shoulder with hers. “Now go, before I go and ask him out for you.”

  Chris hesitated, fear written all over her face. “You wouldn’t.”

  “I would,” Sarah chirped. She wheeled around and waved Jack over. “You’re a baby bird, honey, and you need a little push. You’ll thank me for this someday.” She gave Jack a smile as he approached. “It’s funny how we keep running into you,” Sarah said. “You remember Christina?”

  “Of course. It’s nice to see you again. You ladies shopping or something?”

  “Just helping Christina get settled in,” Sarah said. “She was just telling me that she would love to try out that new Chinese place on Fourth. Weren’t you?”

  Chris cleared her throat. “Yeah, I was.”

  “But I’m a little busy over the next few days…” Sarah trailed off.

  Chris gave Jack a sheepish look. “So, yeah, maybe if you like Chinese food, we could, you know…”

  “Sure,” Jack agreed, flashing a row of white teeth. “You still staying with Andre and Paul?”

  “Yup,” Sarah said. “Pick her up Wednesday at seven?”

  Jack smiled. He was looking at Chris like he was interested in eating more than just some Chinese food, so he hadn’t realized that Sarah was the one doing all the talking. “I’ll pick you up at seven.”


  “You should not have done that,” Chris complained. “I don’t want things to get weird with Jack, and I have no idea what to wear.”

  “Yes, you do.” Sarah tossed a black dress at her. “I told you that every woman needs to have an outfit for unexpected occasions.”

  After a long discussion, they settled on a knee-length strapless black floral-print dress, pairing it with open-toed silver heels, a summer-weight denim top, and a light dusting of eyeshadow. Chris even practiced walking in the heels with Sarah’s help so she wouldn't end up with a broken ankle. Her body might heal, but the blow to her pride if she ate shit in front of Jack probably never would.

  Sarah took a few minutes to admire her handiwork before she jumped off the bed and raced to answer the knock at the door. Jack’s deep, masculine voice filling the hotel room sent butterflies racing through her stomach.

  Oh, get a grip, Chris. You’re not some lovestruck teenager; you’re a grown-ass woman. Besides, he’s your best friend.

  He is Chris’s best friend, another voice argued. So, there’s no shame in ogling him. You’re Christina, not Chris. Not anymore.

  “Tina,” Sarah called out in a singsong voice. “There’s someone here to see you.”

  After one last glance in the mirror, Chris forced one foot in front of the other until she was in front of Jack standing in the doorway. He was dressed in a pair of dark jeans and with a button-down shirt, and his unruly brown hair stood in soft waves and curls. It looked as if he’d spent hours raking his hands through it to get it perfectly messy.

  Chris took a deep breath and swallowed past the lump in her throat; if she wasn’t in a room with other people, she would have jumped him there and then. “Hi,” Chris greeted a little too enthusiastically.

  Jack blinked. “Hi, wow. You look great!”

  Chris blushed. “Thanks.”

  “These are for you.” Jack brought his hands out from behind his back and held out a bouquet of fresh flowers; Chris had no idea what the flowers were except the hydrangeas, but the potent scent made her toes curl when she buried her face in and breathed deeply.

  She handed the flowers to Sarah, who shoved the bouquet in her face and gave Chris an approving glance.

  “Are you ready to go?” Jack asked, holding his hand out.

  Chris hiked her purse up her shoulder. “Yeah, I’m ready.”

  “Have a great time,” Sarah yelled after them. “Don’t bring her home too late.”

  Chris cringed as she tucked her hand into Jack’s elbow. “Ignore her. She just thinks she’s being funny.”

  “I’m not kidding!” Sarah yelled in reply.

  Jack raised an eyebrow. “You’ve certainly left quite an impression on everyone.”

  Chris shrugged.

  “You didn’t mention that you and Chris knew each other for so long,” Jack said, leading her down the stairwell and into the balmy night air. He paused in front of his car and held the door open for Chris to get in. “I don’t want to get between you.”

  “There isn’t any history between us, so you have nothing to worry about.” Chris offered him a smile as she slid into the car’s black leather seats. The leather smelled amazing, but Jack’s scent of pine and sandalwood had sunk in. Chris inhaled it as she watched Jack hurry around to the driver’s side.

  Jack turned the radio down as the
y pulled out onto the main road. “So, how long have you and Chris known each other?”

  “My whole life,” Chris said, watching as the world outside turned into a blur of shapes and colors. “We were never that close but we reconnected recently.”

  Even with the windows down to let in the warm beachside air, night had cooled down to a comfortable temperature. The leather wasn’t burning her skin and she wasn’t sweaty and sticking; she could imagine with a jolt in her low belly actually being skin-to-skin with Jack. Jack kept one hand on the wheel, and the other next to him, his fingers flexing as they inched closer.

  “That’s cool,” Jack said. “And you work in marketing too?”

  “Well, I’ve been working online.” The lie tasted bad in her mouth. “Just until I could get my own place and figure some things out.”

  “Tough childhood?”

  “Tough parents,” Chris corrected. “The strict Catholic kind.”

  Jack let out a low whistle. “Damn, that’s rough. I’m sorry.”

  Chris turned to face him. “What about you?”

  “Grew up in the suburbs with two sisters and a dog. My mom was a teacher, and my dad was an engineer.”

  “So, in other words, you had a really nice life,” Chris teased.

  “Oh, of course, I did,” Jack said, turning his head to give her a brief smile. “Do you have any siblings?”

  “No, I’m an only child.”

  Jack nodded, his hand inching closer and closer to Chris’ bare thigh, to her hand resting on top. Chris pretended to study the display screen’s bright colors and showed no reaction whatsoever. Jack’s hand touched hers, and her heart skipped a beat, a flush stealing across her cheeks and in between her thighs.

  “I’m guessing you haven’t been touched often,” Jack murmured.

  Chris’s head turned in his direction. “What makes you say that?”

  “You blush whenever I touch you,” Jack said, a smile hidden in his voice.

  She twisted to look at him. By the light of the silver moon outside, she was able to make out the curve of his lips and the glint in his eyes.

  She swallowed. “Yeah, I guess you might be right. Or maybe I just like the way you touch me.”

  Jack used his thumb to rub circles on the inside of her hand, sending delicious shivers racing up and down her spine. She shifted closer, the leather creaking beneath her, and sighed, her entire body alive and thrumming with energy. All too soon, Jack drew his hand back to the steering wheel to pull into the restaurant’s parking lot.

  As she got out of the car, Chris adjusted her top and smoothed down her skirt, frowning at the restaurant. The sign was written in a cursive font that looked more appropriate for a French restaurant. But maybe that meant they’d be a little more upscale than the place on the corner that kept you stuffed with egg rolls when you were drunk. The curtains in the windows didn’t fill her with any confidence that was the case, however.

  “Think they’re trying to hide something?” Jack asked, touching the middle of her back with his fingertips. “Why else would they be using curtains?”

  “Ambiance?” Chris suggested. “I don’t know. I think it’s romantic.”

  “I hope the food is good because I am starving,” Jack said, opening the door for her.

  The curtains were misleading. Inside, the dimmed lights and the fragrant smells of earthy spices and peppers filled the air and got Chris’ mouth watering. The low instrumental music complemented the comfortable energy of the space. She paused in front of the head waiter and gave their names.

  They were led inside an airy, spacious room with low tables and cushions to sit on the floor. This wasn't what Chris expected, but it was just one of many new experiences she was getting to go through this week. She shared a quick look with Jack and sat across from him, looking over the delicately painted flowers and birds on the walls. The staff spoke in low tones so even in this big dining area, it was cozy and intimate.

  Jack tucked his legs under the table and smiled at her. “Well, this is off to a great start.”

  Chris laughed. “Yeah, hopefully you can keep up with the bar they set.”


  “How is your sweet and sour chicken?” Jack asked, pausing to swallow a noodle. “Because my orange chicken is awesome.”

  Chris brought her hand up to cover her mouth. “It’s pretty good, but I think it should be a little less sweet and a little more sour.”

  “Did you want to order something else instead?” Jack asked, eyeing her from across the table. “You seemed hungrier than I was, and I’m not sharing.” He pulled his plate close with a wink, protecting it with his arms. “I don’t care if this makes me a bad date. But you’ve already hogged the egg rolls and the dumplings.”

  “You weren’t eating them,” Chris pointed out. “I’m not about to let perfectly good food go to waste.”

  Jack grinned. “Alright, I guess you do have a point. Besides, it’s refreshing to go out with someone who has an appetite.”

  “Me too.” Chris paused with the chopsticks halfway to her mouth. “I mean, that you’re not giving me a hard time about it.”

  Phew, that was a close one. Okay, talk about something else. Choose a random topic.

  “So.” Jack reached for his soda and took a large sip. “Are you looking for a new job right now?”

  “Yeah, I was actually going to apply to the same marketing firm you and Chris work for. I heard they’re hiring.”

  Jack made eye contact with her and smiled warmly. “I’m sure they’ll be lucky to have you. Better be careful though, because I’m a bit of a shark in the office.”

  Chris raised an eyebrow. “You don’t scare me.”

  Jack seemed taken aback. “What exactly has Chris told you about me?”

  Chris’s lips quirked up at one corner. “You don’t want to know.”

  After a while of playful chatting about anything and everything except more work, Jack moved his cushion closer to hers. The waiter gave them a little look but didn’t say anything. With the tables covering their legs, he slid his warm palm onto her knee, tracing idle circles with his thumb and tracing a path all the way up to her thighs.

  “That feels really… good,” Chris choked on the last word as his hand inched up higher, getting closer to an area she really wanted him to touch. Red-hot desire coursed through her, and a yearning for something she couldn’t quite put her finger on. She ran her hands across her bare arms, but it didn’t have the same effect as when Jack did it, sending a wave of uncertainty coursing through her.

  “I’ll be right back. I’ve just gotta go use the ladies’ room,” Chris said. She jumped up to her feet, clutched her purse before her, and hurried into the bathroom. She checked that the three other stalls were empty before she rummaged in her purse and pulled out her phone.

  Sarah answered on the first ring. “Is everything okay? Why are you calling?”

  “He’s making me feel things. I think I really like him. He’s really giving me some serious signals. What do I do?” Chris never thought she'd be on this side; she had touched some knees and thighs in her life pre-sea sprite, so it’s not that she didn’t recognize what was happening. And however different it was when she had a cock, she got what the heat and wetness between her thighs meant, even if it was difficult for her head to wrap around.

  Sarah’s laugh wasn’t unkind at all. ”Get back out there and do something about it.”

  “How will I know what to do?” Chris asked.

  “Follow his lead, and let your instincts—or at least his hands—guide you,” Sarah said.


  “I gotta go; The Voice is starting. Good luck! Have fun!”

  Chris heard the dial tone and pulled the phone away from her ear. For a few seconds, she stared at it before putting it away. She took a moment to breathe and splash cold water on her face to settle her nerves. When she was ready, she left the bathroom to see what she could do about all this, just like Sarah told her.

  But she was not prepared for the pounding in her ears or the sweat that pooled at the backs of her knees.

  Damn, she really did have it bad.

  And for Jack, of all people.

  Why couldn’t it just be some stranger in a bar?

  As if he sensed her train of thought, he looked up and grinned as he patted the spot next to him suggestively.

  Her knees were like jelly as she sank against the seat and reached for her water, gulping it down in one breath.

  “Do you need more water?” Jack asked.

  “No, I’m fine.” Chris waved his comment away.

  “There’s a food cart on this street,” Jack said, his blue eyes wide and earnest. “Do you want to try it out? It makes these great churros.”

  “Sure,” Chris agreed, setting her glass down. “Let’s go.”

  He insisted he pay for the check, and they set out hand-in-hand to the other end of the street. The cart was stationed near the edge of an alley, the smell of cinnamon and sugar wafting up and making Chris’s stomach grumble in response.

  Jack ordered two and held one up to her. “Here, you’ve got to try this.”

  Chris leaned forward and took a bite, her tongue darting out to lick the sugar on the top of his finger. “It’s delicious.”

  Jack’s eyes darkened, filling with a desire that had nothing to do with the churros. “My turn.”

  Her stomach dipping as he ran his tongue along the length of her fingers. Her knees went weak, heat building between her legs and in her cheeks at the thought of that tongue somewhere else on her body. Chris leaned into him to keep from falling over. Jack glanced around them, took her hand in his, and they ran towards his car, eager to have some privacy.

  They settled in their seats, struggling to catch their breath. He wrapped his arm around her neck and leaned in, his breath smelling of sugar and cinnamon. His eyes darted upwards, and Chris gave him a small nod, bridging the gap between them by grabbing a fistful of his shirt.


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