Billionaires On the Beach: The Anderson Brothers

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Billionaires On the Beach: The Anderson Brothers Page 32

by Elizabeth Lennox

  “I thought you live in Greece now.” She flushed again, “not that I’d asked or anything, it just came up in conversation.” She would rather eat scorpions than admit that Maria had updated her on all of her youngest brother-in-law’s work and romantic adventures until last year. When Sofia DeLongi had come into Alexander’s life, something had changed within Olivia. Tall, stick-thin with glossy black hair that touched that pert derrière, she admitted that Sofia was the perfect mate for Alexander. Clamping down, Olivia had finally stopped her best friend from elaborating on anything to do with him.

  If not for her unavoidable surgery three and a half years ago, Olivia was certain she would have witnessed him with one of his earlier gorgeous girlfriends at Maria and Sloan’s wedding. Only Maria knew the true reason Olivia was absent on her best friend’s special day.

  “So I suppose you’re visiting family?” Olivia focused on the present.

  “Yes.” He broke their eye contact and Olivia suddenly wondered why the secretiveness. He had always been quiet but now seemed even more so. Inexplicably enigmatic and undeniably sexy!

  No matter how attractive he was in his understated and geeky way, she would not care why Alexander was here. He would probably return to his life in Greek paradise within a few days. They were no longer stupid, romantic youths who had shared a first kiss and lost their virginities to each other. It had not been her first and only love. Now as an adult, her burgeoning career took up every waking moment and that was the way she liked her life.

  She was determined to catch up, grow her brand, and regain the industry’s trust after those few years of lost opportunities.


  Alex could not believe how strangely he felt just by looking into those large blue eyes. Olivia Moore was here, now when he needed peace and quiet and to think clearly.

  She appeared to be as gregariously colorful and full of life, with her burning red wavy hair and those huggable, sinfully delicious curves in a sensuously tight sports top, pants and over shirt.

  Well, he was going to regroup and see how he could make this gift work to his advantage. He may have been a coward all those years ago, he should have sought her out on the day of the gala and demanded answers from his first love.

  But like his brothers had always teased him, he had turned chicken and run.

  Unable to take his eyes off her, he heard her repeat how busy her life was, but all he could think about was the night before the gala, when their kisses had turned from explorative to explosive passion. How alive he felt just remembering that time. Ah, that large, warm hotel linen closet. Ever since that day, the lemony, lavender scents of fresh linens transported him back to their first time.

  Even at eighteen, her generous spirit had attracted him to her. Then he could not resist that voluptuous body and those delicious breasts, which had driven him—and other guys—crazy. But she had been adamant that she was an overweight geek. Even when he had tried to tell her how beautiful she was, she hadn’t heard him. She never noticed how the other boys had stared at her, but he certainly had. Instead of confessing and repeating what he really felt about her mind and her delectable body, he had determined to prove to her how desirable she was. But as a naïve and shy nearly twenty-one-year-old he had gotten carried away and done everything wrong.

  Now he was at the right place at the right time, here at the beach, where the fun-loving Aunt Jenny had first befriended him. Who would have guessed that Aunt Jenny’s granddaughter, Maria, would become his first sister-in-law?

  Now seeing Olivia, he was glad to be back here. His gut, which had helped and saved him many times in business over the past decade, told him that Maria—and somehow Aunt Jenny—were the reasons why he was here. If his romantic sister-in-law had engineered his return to Wrightsville Beach to rekindle a romance with her best friend, he hoped it meant that Olivia was unattached.

  But he seemed propelled by a force he could not resist.

  He would utilize all his business acumen and perhaps ask some of his happily married brothers and their wives for some overdue advice about how he could get to know Olivia once more without screwing it up again.

  Chapter 2

  “Why didn’t you tell me that Alexander was in town?” Olivia asked Maria as she entered the Ellis cottage she was in charge of redesigning and renovating. The cool, white, two-bedroom beach house was now extended to have three-bedrooms and two bathrooms.

  “I thought you didn’t care to hear anything about him ever again.” Maria’s smirk and sparkling eyes were too perceptive for Olivia.

  “I still don’t care, I’d have just liked a bit of notice. I bumped into him—literally—on the beach. Like in those cliché movies. I must look such a sight.” Cringing, she shared what happened earlier.

  “I’m sure it wasn’t all that bad. And anyway, you’ve always loved J-Lo in ‘The Wedding Planner,’” Maria was almost laughing now. “So how did you feel seeing your first love after…how long?”

  “Nine and half years. And he was nothing more than a silly crush.”

  Glancing behind her at the various workers around them Maria almost whispered, “You did lose your virginity to him, and they say the first one is always special.”

  “Not true.” Olivia turned away in the large, open-plan living area to study the workmanship and progress of one of the men painstakingly priming the original ship lap on the ceilings and the wainscoting. “What do you think about my suggested fabrics for Aunt Jenny’s armchair and ottoman? And you have to decide on the wallpaper today, please, Maria.”

  “Yes, let’s change the subject and jump straight into work, like always.” Maria’s amusement was getting too much for her now.

  With her fists on her hips Olivia said slowly, “Maria, you know so much more than anyone has a right to know about me and my past, but I’d really appreciate you helping me stay on track with this house. You gave me the July 31 deadline, remember? And please help me find a way to stop thinking about—being distracted by anything other than my work.” At Maria’s arch look she added in a defensive tone, “Alexander and I don’t belong in each other’s worlds, and he may well be married or with another Sofia DeLongi, for all I know.”

  Maria burst out laughing, “Kid yourself, everyone, but not me. You know he’s single since Sofia left him for his third cousin last year.” Olivia had known that but perhaps some new models had sprouted on to the scene since then, and from what she’d seen at the beach, he was way hotter than he had been at nearly twenty-one. He had broadened and become a real man’s man, even in unflattering baggy clothes. Her imagination wondered what they were hiding. She felt that warmth all over her body and gripped the sample books tighter within her hands.

  “Maybe this is a good opportunity to revisit what you had together. I want you to be as happy as I am with Sloan, and the rest of the Anderson brothers—”

  “I don’t have the time or inclination for any of that, Maria.” Olivia blinked and forced her imagination to stop running away with itself. She felt ashamed at how easily she was already distracted and how tempting her friend’s suggestion sounded. She shook her head. “As I say, let’s get this project done. Let’s stage the beach house, add the fantabulous photos and videos of it to my portfolio and my website, and let me move on to my next adventure.”

  “Don’t worry, Liv.” Maria neared her and put her arms around her. Her eyes weren’t sparkling like they had a moment ago. “I promise you that you’ll be even more successful than you were before. It wasn’t your fault you had to fight and conquer…all the stuff you went through. But you can still have some fun. You deserve happiness and I know you’ll get it, including your business success. You’re one strong girl and you’re the most talented designer in the whole world.”

  Trying to push the sudden tears away, Olivia dropped the sample books on the nearby table and hugged Maria hard, saying, “Not that you’re biased or trying to get the best discount you can out of me.”

  Staring at each other, O
livia gave Maria a tremulous smile. “Yep, that’s what I’m all about,” said the friend who was married to one of the biggest and sexiest billionaires in the country. “You’ll be absolutely fine, Liv, I promise you’ll never feel alone.”

  At this, Olivia didn’t stop her tears. She knew she was still reeling from seeing the damned geek. She was so attracted to his enigmatic air and inner strength, and how he had transformed into a broad-chested god from the shy young man she remembered.

  She would have to forget all about her silly schoolgirl crush, that was all, and concentrate on her work at hand. “I’m so lucky to have you, Maria, so now earn your friendship and help me. I cannot be distracted.” Then once again picking up the fabric and wallpaper samples, she entered into her favorite world of design. “And this time, you have to make your choice. This is your project. The extension is almost done and our timely decisions will keep us on track. You can’t keep telling me, ‘what would you like to see here if you lived here?’ Because it’s your home—no, don’t remind me that you’re selling it.” Olivia pointed at her friend, and within a few moments they were once again laughing and enjoying themselves and the project.


  Alex discovered through Sloan, who knew through Maria, that Olivia usually took her morning run through the early, quieter hours along the beach path hugging the long shore.

  He zigzagged his way to jog beside Olivia who nearly tripped at his sudden appearance. “Hope you don’t mind the company,” he said, even though her body language and the frown over her huge sunglasses confirmed that she disliked the idea immensely. He kept his eyes focused on the sandy path ahead of them, but was too aware of how Olivia’s perfect breasts danced within their constrained, sky blue sports-top. And how her glorious, thick red ponytail bobbed from side to side across her shoulder blades. Although her flushed cheeks told him she may have been running for a while, she didn’t seem out of breath.

  “Actually, this is my morning time when I like to think and brainstorm. I don’t mean to be rude.” Olivia said staring ahead, her chin rising slightly. He didn’t like her sunglasses covering her expressive eyes.

  “No offense taken. But I need your help. Perhaps we can set up a short meeting as soon as possible. It’s a personal, sensitive subject.”

  “Why me?” Flashing him a sideways glance she then focused on the path ahead.

  Her soft rhythmical breathing made him wonder what she would sound like when making love. He couldn’t remember that part from their first time, damn it. Stop being so crass, you’re no animal.

  He focused on his mission. “I can explain it in private, when you have a few minutes.”

  Was that curiosity or her searching for a way to get rid of him?

  “Okay, I’ll bite, let’s take a few minutes now. Shoot.” She stopped at a bench by some big pink flowering bushes. He stood next to her as she stretched, admiring her curves and suppleness. When she faced him, he was about to reach for her sunglasses when she took them off.

  “I’m listening.” She arched a light eyebrow. Staring into her blue eyes, he nearly forgot his plan. Would she see through him? Although he was very close to all of his four brothers, despite not being biologically related, their bond was indestructible, and it still amazed him how the biggest playboy like his brother, Grey, who was ten months older than him, had fallen so completely and deeply for Gemma. Not only did Alex trust Grey’s business skills, he knew he could divulge anything to him and Grey would keep their secret and help whichever way he could.

  But talking with him last night had not helped.

  Sure, Grey hadn’t laughed at Alex’s clumsiness in the romance department, but he realized that he had to find his own way forward. That, just like he knew the ever-protective Sloan would have, Grey challenged him to get a grip and grow up, and go for it. He loved his brothers to death, but a fat lot of good they were telling him what he already knew! And no doubt his mother would flat out tell him to stop hiding behind his work and settle with the right girl just like the rest of his siblings had.

  While here he was unable to openly ask Olivia out for coffee, never mind a date.

  Shaking himself inwardly, he said, “I’d like your help. I really like this woman, but I’ve not had the guts to approach her. Before you ask, my brothers and their well-meaning spouses would not get what my issue really is. You knew me back when and know what I was like. You’re the only person I trust to understand who I am inside.”

  She shook her head, “But your ex-girl-friend—” He couldn’t help interrupting her, not wanting to hear anything about Sofia or any other girls.

  “Please hear me out, Olivia. I’m not talking about giving me a makeover like a suit, or contact lenses—I don’t ever want to try those again—but the whole package, starting on the inside.”

  Olivia’s eyes darkened, she stiffened and then the flush on her cheeks grew to her whole face and seeped towards her cleavage.

  Oh no! What had he said?

  “You believe that I’m the only other geek, an overweight one at that, who’ll be a good pal and show you how to win over another one of those . . . .” With fists by her thighs she seemed like she was about to be launched out of a cannon.

  “You’re not overweight, you’re beau—”

  “Not anymore but you probably still see me the same way.”

  Was that pain he saw through the anger sparkling in her eyes? She started to turn away from him.

  “No, not at all. I never saw you that way . . . . Let me explain properly. Please.” He waited while his heart beat like he was the idiot who was about to lose Olivia again. Although she did not sit, at least she was still listening to him, biting her lower lip like she used to when under pressure.

  “I know that you think I’ve had all sorts of girlfriends, but they had either been casual dates for special occasions. . . . And Sofia actually approached me and it went on from there. I no longer want to be reactive, but proactive. I want to choose and get to know the woman I’m interested in.” He pointed to himself and added, “I believe, in those couple of months nearly ten years ago, you really got to know the real me, that we had something that some friends and lovers don’t ever get.”

  “I’ve grown up. How do you know that I haven’t changed and become untrustworthy?” Her blush now seemed to hold a tinge of warmth without the anger of moments ago.

  “Have you?”

  She didn’t reply but looked away from him. “Sorry. I’d help if I thought I was capable, but I don’t have the time or . . . the inclination.”

  “Olivia, I just want to have a trusted friend who can show me what a woman really wants and not what my family thinks I should or shouldn’t say or do. I have every faith that you can help me. Please consider it, it would mean a lot to me. Here’s my offer; I’ll pay you well and you can do with it what you want, put it towards your business, or towards charity like you always like to do.” At this Olivia’s widened eyes focused on his face.

  “But,” he continued, “you must promise that you’ll be honest with me on all counts and that this arrangement will stay solely between us two.”

  He handed her his business card with his private cell number handwritten on it, and left her before she could refuse again. He started a slow jog in the opposite direction from her, saying over his shoulder, “I’ll be in touch tomorrow, Olivia.”

  Chapter 3

  “Thanks for sharing all sorts of things about me with Alexander.” Olivia couldn’t help sounding hurt. She absently rubbed the adorable dog’s ears, as Ollie, the large mutt gave her a most friendly and welcoming greeting. The lovable dog seemed to know she needed extra reassurance and nuzzles from her namesake. Especially after the completely opposite reaction of the huge, black-curly canine that had nearly trampled Olivia yesterday on the beach.

  “What kinds of things? Just because he’s my brother-in-law, I’d never divulge any personal information, Liv.” Maria’s frown confirmed to Olivia that she had overreacted.

>   “Sorry. Would Sloan by any chance know about my work with charity or about my business?”

  “Ah, yes, I’ve talked with Sloan about your various work. But remember, you met Alexander while you were both volunteering for a charity. And I’m sure he’s also looked you up online.” Then the sparkle in Maria’s darker blue eyes returned, “So, how’s it going with him?”

  “Alexander wants to hire me . . . for some consultation work.” But before Maria could ask anything else, Olivia changed the subject. “But anyway, that doesn’t matter. The electrician is due at eleven o’clock, and then the plumber will be finished with the bathroom and the new shower room. I’ll keep an eye on him so he doesn’t delay anymore. Otherwise . . .”

  “Vittorio wouldn’t dare let you down after you had a ‘word’ with him the other day. Anyway, about Alexander and you.” Maria wouldn’t let her interrupt, “What exactly would he like your help with?”

  “It’s confidential, and I’m not sure I’ll be able to—”

  “Don’t let your pride get in the way of business. With so much talent at his disposal, if he’s asking you for help, I’d consider accepting his offer. We both know the extra income will be a godsend to you right now. God knows I wouldn’t dream of offering to help you financially after you nearly threatened me bodily harm at the suggestion.”

  “Thank you for your opinion. Now, let’s get back to work.” Olivia said, feeling less sure about her decision to decline his strange offer for the sake of keeping away from him. When she saw him, memories of her own ‘slightly’ overweight-self drew out her melancholy side. Only reminding herself of her new friend, Gemma’s helpful encouragement over the past couple of weeks helped her get a grip. Her best friend’s latest sister-in-law was becoming her own good friend to whom she had divulged about her past health challenges. Gemma’s openness, warmth and passion for helping people had broken down many of Olivia’s barriers from the moment they had met. Loving Zumba as much as Maria and Gemma did, she joined them whenever she had a chance. Gemma’s thriving gym was a local hub renowned for many a-blossomed friendship.


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