Billionaires On the Beach: The Anderson Brothers

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Billionaires On the Beach: The Anderson Brothers Page 36

by Elizabeth Lennox

  He couldn’t help feeling like a complete fool that he was. “What can I tell you? I’m an idiot.” He tried to lighten the mood, but it seemed to incite her further. Was she going to smack him upside the head? He couldn’t blame her.

  “Get away from me and don’t come near me again. I mean it.” She pushed past him and left the room.

  As he followed her down the hall, she turned for a moment and said, “I’m here for another two weeks, just stay away from me. Better still, go back—escape—to your Greek paradise for another decade and grow up.” Her open disappointment made him wonder why he had come up with such a pathetic, convoluted plan when all Olivia needed was simple honesty.

  Touvlo! He uttered under his breath as he watched her disappear out of his life. His Greek father would have probably called him thick as a brick as well as a stubborn mule.

  Chapter 7

  “It’s very kind of you to offer to babysit Jordan.” Gemma kissed Alex on his cheek. “And very nice wardrobe and designer stubble you’ve got there.” His latest sister-in-law smiled. “Trying to impress someone?”

  He could see from Gemma’s laughing blue eyes that she saw right through his plan.

  “Of course I’ll babysit one of my very favorite nephews in the whole wide world.” Alex cooed at his chubby, blond seven-month-old nephew his brother Grey unloaded into his waiting arms.

  “As his Godfather and my youngest brother you’d better look after him, Xander.” Grey grinned and added, “At least all that experience with all those gazillion cousins back in Greece give us a free babysitter while you’re in town. Okay, we’re off. So, no girls allowed, unless they’re pretty.”

  Grey’s wife jabbed her husband playfully in the ribs and said, “You have our numbers and they’re also on the fridge, and Jordan won’t need anything after his seven-thirty bottle.”

  “I know, you said that already.” Alex pushed his brother towards the door.

  As Gemma followed her husband, still smiling, she said, “I also left some turkey sandwiches enough for two with plenty of your favorite kale, spinach and blue cheese salad, with extra fig and balsamic dressing.”

  Was Gemma trying to delay leaving just to play on his nerves? “Great, thanks. Just go.”

  Now for the “Grow up and earn Olivia’s trust” mission. He prayed that Olivia wouldn’t see through his ruse again.


  “What do you mean you’re in trouble? Why did you agree to babysit Jordan if you don’t know what you’re doing?” Her heart was palpitating, shocked at Alexander’s sheepish admission over the phone. “I’m too busy, I’m sorry. Just call your mother and she’ll be right there.”

  “No,” Alexander said urgently. “I don’t want anyone to know, I’ll never hear the end of it. They’ll laugh and taunt me.”

  “Serves you right if they do, but don’t be ridiculous—”

  “Please Olivia, I know you’re still upset with me, but I need your help.” He begged her.

  She sighed, frustration and something else warred within her. “I’ll be there in ten minutes.” Yet the anticipation of seeing the insufferable fool grew within her. So much for staying away from him!

  As she entered Gemma’s and Grey’s lovely new beach home she scanned the area and saw nothing out of the ordinary. Then Alexander strode towards her with the chubby, delicious seven-month-old Jordan in his strong arms. The blond baby seemed in good spirits as usual. But Alexander appeared relieved to see her. “You’re a life saver, Olivia! Thank you for coming. We have to feed him and change his diaper.”

  “We?” She rolled her eyes and then gave the brightest smile to the baby. “Only ignorant or chauvinist men think that all females are born with the nurturing gene. Don’t they, Jordan?” She wanted to reach for the adorable dimple-cheeked baby and play peek-a-boo with him, but wouldn’t make it too easy on the grown-up fool who had got himself into this mess.

  She peeked sideways at the said handsome fool who now looked like a buff movie star with his toned muscles clearly outlined through the beautiful pale blue dress shirt and dark hip-hugging pants, and asked, “What makes you think I know how to look after a baby?”

  “Sorry, my bad. But I quickly searched it online and I think I can manage the diaper but I couldn’t trust myself not to pinch his baby skin.”

  She cringed away and then reached for Jordan, who readily obliged by hugging her as she held him. As he nuzzled his blond head into her throat his soft fine hair tickled her. She inhaled his talcum fresh baby smell. “Let’s do it together, shall we?”

  As they cleaned up Jordan’s wet diaper, Olivia said, “Thank goodness it’s not number two, you’d have been on your own then. Sorry, baby, you know I love you but there’s a limit to what I’ll do even for you.” She tickled his tummy and resisted grabbing his toes and kissing them. “You’re so adorable I want to eat your tootsies,” she cooed. But seeing Alexander staring at her with that strange almost star-struck expression she cleared her throat. “Right, so let’s see how we can heat that milk bottle and feed him before he starts to get irritable.”

  “You see, you are a natural.” Alexander grinned at her and she was tempted once again to smack the Greek Adonis across that handsome face. She knew her frustration was also due to her distraction by his physique. She wished he would revert to wearing those oversize clothes so she wouldn’t be tempted to stare at his pecs and abs and wonder how they felt . . . .

  “You say that again and I’ll whack you and tell your family I gave you the black eye.”

  This seemed to increase his amusement which he obviously tried to control—unsuccessfully.

  He raised his hands as if offering a truce, and then said, “I’d like you to try. See how fast you are.” But his frank gaze was challenging her to a different kind of duel.

  Balling her fists she stopped herself from getting closer to him.

  “Don’t tempt me.” She tried to even her breathing and then she smiled, “Or I can just leave.”

  That erased his smug gorgeous smirk. “No fair.” He grumbled like an overgrown, naughty boy, reminding Olivia of Tyler, when the two-year-old accidently knocked over his toy trains off their tracks.

  “You just can’t help it, you’re a natural chauvinist.” She gently laid Jordan in his uncle’s arms and exited the nursery. She had to make sure to leave as much physical space as possible between the tall man who had haunted her every waking and sleeping moment of the last few days. No matter how busy she was at the beach house her wayward mind veered back to how she had felt in his arms against her hotel door….

  Stop that and concentrate on feeding baby Jordan.

  Leaving the nursery she practiced her calming deep breathing exercises. As she entered the kitchen she heated a saucepan of water. She then dunked Jordan’s bottle in it, and kept checking its temperature. Then like she had seen in movies, she shook a couple of the drops of milk on her inner wrist and nodded. Hearing Alexander behind her she swivelled round and offered Jordan’s bottle to the uncle. “Here you go. Now you sit and feed Jordan and then don’t forget to burp him. That’s important.”

  He smiled and raised an eyebrow, “You’re really something, you know that? Is there anything that you can’t do?”

  “Lots and lots of things.” She nearly said, including resisting you, you big gorilla, but instead added, “No flattery needed. You don’t need me anymore. And I have to go.”

  “Oh, no.” Alexander said urgently and at Jordan’s surprised stare he smiled and said softly, “We’d very much like your company while we watch anything you choose on the TV. Even a chick flick.” His eagerness—or was it his fear of being left alone with Jordan—was laughable, if not cute.

  “Very magnanimous of you, but I have to go.”

  “Olivia, I need you—I mean we need supervision. I’ll never forgive myself if I don’t burp him properly. Give me a start-up company with hundreds of unhappy employees and I’ll get it all into shape, but a baby?” He widened his eyes jus
t for comic effect, she was sure.

  “I don’t believe you, but for Jordan’s sake, I’ll stay until he’s finished his bottle.” She tried not to grin at his patent relief.

  His smile tempted her so badly to snuggle into those big strong arms and pretend the blond baby was their own. “You’re my hero, Olivia.”

  And you were mine all those years ago. But she clamped her lips shut and grabbed the remote control fully intending to make Alexander suffer through the sappiest romantic movie she could find.

  An hour later well into the film, The Notebook, Olivia realised her big mistake. What had she been thinking? Her silly, impulsive revenge plan backfired, as now she could not stop the movie without looking like coward.

  “Why is it taking Jordan such a long time?” She swivelled her head to see Jordan’s cherubic face in the crook of Alexander’s arm, and saw him sleeping and not suckling on the teat of the bottle. “What the heck?” She narrowed her eyes and whispered urgently. “How long has he been asleep, Alexander?”

  “I don’t know, a few minutes?” He didn’t seem too sure. But he continued studying her face. “Will he be alright, or should we burp him?”

  “No, I don’t know. I’ll call Gemma, or better still, you call her and she won’t know that I’m here.”

  He frowned and his bespectacled green eyes darkened. “Why? You don’t want to be seen with me?” He blinked a couple of times, his expression alert. “Did I interrupt your date tonight?” His serious expression turned dangerous and she saw a glimpse of the iron will he must have forged and learned to use in business.

  “Maybe. But it’s none of your business.” Then feeling like a fraud she said, “No, but should we call Gemma?”

  “No.” The playful enigmatic Alexander resurfaced. “I’ll see if this works.” He put the bottle against the baby’s pouty lips and Jordan started to suck. His eyes fluttered open slightly as his uncle said softly, “Ah, we’re in business.”

  Relieved, she wondered—or wished perhaps—if this was part of another ploy for him to spend time with her. No, don’t be so suspicious, or a hopeful romantic, she reprimanded herself.

  When Jordan finished the rest of the bottle, Alexander tried to pick him up gently, gingerly as if handling a delicate live doll. Well, he was, Olivia reminded herself in awe!

  She still couldn’t believe how brave and natural Maria and Sloan and Gemma and Grey were with their children. Maria had simply said one word when asked about how she and Sloan managed it without completely losing their sanity, worrying about every aspect of keeping kids safe and happy. “Love.”

  Olivia reminded herself to breathe and stay calm. And not tread down that wistful road of what if’s.

  Within a couple of minutes of leaning over his uncle’s broad shoulder, which was covered by a small towel, Jordan gave a gentle belch. Only then did Alexander’s large hand stop the obviously calming patting on the baby’s little back and shoulders.

  Something deep within Olivia shifted and she got up to ostensibly get herself a glass of water. She could hardly swallow through the lump of emotion wedged in her throat.

  Alexander looked so lovely and comfortable with a baby in his arms that this time she couldn’t stop herself from imagining a lucky, gorgeous Greek wife giving him curly, dark haired, beautiful babies. It was almost her undoing.

  Chapter 8

  Olivia got her bag and started towards the front door. She had to leave, now. “Well, take care and bye.”

  “Why are you in such a rush?” Alexander whispered while holding Jordan. “Am I such a bore or . . . a danger to you?”

  Without turning she said, “Neither, and I have to finish some things.”

  “I’d like to take you to dinner tomorrow night as a thank you.”

  “No, thanks. And no need, I came for Jordan’s sake, and it was a . . . learning experience.”

  “I insist, Olivia.” He was behind her. When she peeked over her shoulder Jordan was in his crib and Alexander watched her with those knowing eyes.

  “No, thanks.” She said firmly. Whether there was another girl or not, he was still as immature as she remembered, and she didn’t need any complications with any man, least of all her best friend’s and her new friend’s brother-in-law.

  He touched her arms and stopped her from turning away from him and observed her, “But I insist, and I won’t take no for an answer.”

  “You’ll just have to, this time. Sorry.”

  “I’m trying to make amends, Olivia. I really am.”

  “Only if you tell me the truth.”

  He raised an eyebrow and she asked, “Did you do this to get me here? Do you really know how to take care of a baby?”

  The silence grew as they stared at each other. “If I said yes I did and I do, will you storm out of here and away from me like you always do?”

  “I’m not the one who ran away to Greece the night before an important gala. Not even a goodbye, after we’d shared. . . .” She stared at him, annoyed to have her suspicions confirmed. “And I hope this isn’t the way you conduct business.”

  He glanced down for a moment and then studied her face, “I was a coward and an idiot back then and a few days ago. I know you deserve better and the truth.” He said slowly. “I apologize again and I want to make up for it now, Olivia.”

  “I’ll think about it.”

  “You won’t make it easy for me, will you? Tell me what I have to do.”

  “See this as a business deal where the other party need more proof of your integrity.” She shrugged and waved. “Bye.”


  A happy bubble surrounded Alex, leaving him feeling elated. Olivia was here, dining with him and having a relaxed time without that thunderous expression of wanting to strangle him. He had finally risked the truth and despite his babysitting ruse of a few nights ago, the generous, forgiving woman had given him a second chance.

  He would not blow it this time. He would take every opportunity to see her at the beach house as well as spend any spare time she would give him. His business would manage without him for another short while, and for the first time since he could remember the idea of returning to Greece and to his business held no appeal.

  Fortunately for him, his corporation was a well-oiled machine with trusted, committed employees. Although his father was officially semi retired, the fifty-five-year-old Costa Kyriakou still was as active as he had always been especially while Alex was away. His father liked to make a fuss and complain that he was doing all the work, when they both knew the stocky man loved being part of the busy enterprise. His father had always dreamed Alex would one day take over the business. Alex had done that and grown it to newer heights.

  Now business was the last thing on his mind as he studied Olivia’s flushed face and wanted to lose himself in her eyes, in her arms . . . . Patience, he reminded himself, Olivia is worth it.


  Over the past few days since Olivia had given Alexander another chance, he had spent most of his time with her, including during her working hours at the beach house. Olivia found herself sharing her ideas about the decor and the style she and Maria had envisioned for the place.

  With every day they bonded over many different things, while instead of distracting her, Alexander continued to be a great asset to the nearly completed redesign project. Like his suggestion to place the perfectly reupholstered, cream jacquard antique wing chair by the large window. Aunt Jenny would have loved her favorite armchair to be used in the new reading nook, watching the world and clouds go by and the changing tides.

  Echoing Maria, Alexander also encouraged Olivia to go with her own gut and personal choices, even though the Ellis cottage was being prepared for sale.

  When the kitchen appliances were delivered, Alexander pulled up his sleeves and heaved the huge hefty oven along with the other four workers, proving to her just how physically strong he was. She tried not to stare but the hero worship which had taken hold of her after his award acceptanc
e speech now grew despite her determination not to be affected by him.

  In the style of an ever-retreating superhero after saving the day, Alexander didn’t want any gratitude or reward. As if it was no big deal and all part of who he was.

  She was even more impressed with his cool calm this morning, when Alexander had managed to salvage an otherwise difficult situation with one of the electricians who had not turned up yesterday, and had now caused some delays with the kitchen appliance installation. Without being aware of it, Alexander made a mockery of Olivia’s earlier accusation of him being a male chauvinist by calmly and firmly telling the macho electrician what Olivia needed done and by when. And that she was the boss.

  She was seeing another aspect of him that confirmed that her instincts about him were right. He was the whole package, and a very unique man.

  She found his brain as sexy and a turn-on as much as the rest of him. Especially when they jogged together early in the mornings or went swimming and he made her laugh. It seemed so effortless being together. Even when he posed questions she did not want to contemplate about life and her future. At one point when she was unnerved, afraid what she would unintentionally divulge to him, she clamped up and changed the subject. It had been an innocent question but she wouldn’t revisit anything to do with her absence at Maria’s wedding three and a half years ago. And Alexander had immediately respected her reticence and let it go.

  They were in one of the smaller bedrooms overlooking the beautiful seascape. Olivia glanced up at him and said, “The owners can instantly turn this study/guest room into a nursery by painting the room with a soft, sunny yellow and replacing the furniture with a sweet crib and…”

  Alexander’s expression stopped her thoughts and her words. He may as well have been wearing a neon sign across his chest saying, “I wish you and I were the owners, and bringing up babies here together.” As he closed the gap between them she prayed she wouldn’t faint if he touched her.


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