Tequila Nights

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Tequila Nights Page 3

by Melissa Jane

  A handsome, determined, chiseled face that promised to haunt me in my dreams.

  And every morning for the week that passed, I found myself begging for an extra hour of sleep so I could be haunted some more.


  Tuesday class rolled around again and instead of being excited, I was filled with anxiety.

  “Put this on,” Nicole threw a short red dress at me.

  “I’m going for salsa, not to spend my night on a street corner.”

  “You’re going to a salsa class that just happens to be led by a hot Spaniard who you have already seen naked, and who by your account, has a big peen that likes to touch your limbs. You are wearing something sexy!”

  Ignoring her demands, I opened my wardrobe and selected one of my favorite dresses. It was a printed dress but showed all the right amount of bits. “What about this one?”

  Nicole’s eyes darted from the dress on the hanger, to me, and back again. “I’m sorry, are you planning on milking a cow tonight? Cos that dress screams it.”


  “What! Should I call you Daisy?”

  “Nicole! This is nothing like a milkmaid’s outfit. And you’ve seen me wear this plenty of times and have said nothing.”

  “All I’m saying is if you want to score with the hot guy maybe reconsider your options.”

  Feeling determined and somewhat stubborn, I ripped the dress off I was currently wearing and slid on the ‘milkmaid’ one. “I’m wearing it coz it makes me feel sexy and it’s one of my favourites.”

  Nicole and I shared vastly different fashion styles. She was sophisticated and elegant, right down to her polished nails and silky red hair. I, on the other hand, was lucky if I could go a day without having specks of oil paint on me. After a day at art college, I often smelled like mineral turpentine and my dress sense was more ‘cute’ than sophisticated.

  “It does show your boobs nicely,” she finally conceded.

  “Thank you,” I replied gratefully eyeing my reflection in the mirror. Confident with how I looked, I sprayed my neck with perfume, yet as I took a steadying breath my stomach churned, the butterflies offering no peace.

  I’m not sure why I felt so nervous. It wasn’t rational, but something told me my life had taken a sudden turn the night a hot Spaniard posed for me.

  For good or bad, I was yet to find out.


  The back end of the restaurant was already buzzing when Nicole and I arrived. Ben, the bartender, was shining a wine glass when he looked to where Leo was standing and then back to me. When he offered a wink of encouragement, I just about turned on my heel and ran back through the front door.

  “Would you just relax, woman!” Nicole’s voice carried a stern warning.

  Wiping my sweaty palms on my dress, I steadied my breath. Joining the others who were still socializing with each other before the class started, I waited anxiously next to Nicole, who was approached by IT man. Instantly, her body language changed and she was openly flirting with the shy guy she’d met a week ago. It was nice to see her finding her confidence again and I didn’t want to do anything to discourage it.

  “You left.” A familiar husky voice from behind sent a quiver through my body. Turning slightly to meet his face, I was instantly captivated.

  “Yes, I…I had to leave,” the words stammered incoherently from my mouth.

  His eyes narrowed, lips twitching as he studied me.

  When he leaned in, mouth grazing my ear, my heart caught in my throat. “That dress is perfect on you.” The heat from his breath tickled my skin and I closed my eyes to enjoy the sensation. “In every way.”

  And as quick as he came, he was gone, leaving a void between us I desperately wanted to fill. For a moment longer, I remained frozen to the spot, Nicole’s voice the only thing bringing me back to the land of the living.

  “Holy shit!” she began, eyes wide. “If that isn’t sex on two legs, then nothing is. Did you see the way he looked at you? Girl, that man wants you for entrée, main and dessert. And he liked your dress! Who would’ve thought?”

  Before I could respond to Nicole’s energetic observations, the music changed and Curvy took to the floor to begin class. Numbly and albeit a bit shaky, I followed the others and partnered up with Jimmy. We didn’t bother verbally greeting, his was in the way of looking way too excited for what was actually happening.

  Progressing through the steps, my heart rose higher in my throat the closer I got to dancing with Leo. He caught my eye a few times and while I did my best to avert contact, I could see the corners of his mouth turn up every time we met.

  I felt like a school girl. Giddy with excitement and nervous with anticipation. It was a far cry from being the mature twenty-five-year-old I thought I was.

  When the last partner passed me to Leo, I opted to stare at his shoes. His large hands took hold of mine, and my knees grew weak. Moving me through the steps, he paused before we could complete the last run through. Releasing me, he bent at the knees, his hand gently circling my foot.

  “Lift,” he said, staring up at me. I did so, placing my hands on his shoulders for balance. He moved my foot back not even half a step before placing it on the ground. “If you take smaller steps, you’ll move to the music a lot better.”

  Swallowing my heart, I nodded, my teeth nervously biting my lower lip. Returning to position, we finished the last run through before I was both happy and regretful about having to go to the end of the line.

  When the class eventually finished, I tapped Nicole on the shoulder. “I need a drink, bad.”

  “I would too if were you.”

  Leaving her to mingle, I made my way over to the bar. Between making customers their drinks, Ben spotted me walking and before I could reach him, he placed a shot of tequila on the counter for me.

  “For you.”

  “I didn’t order it,” I politely responded.

  “I know,” he replied with a small smile while looking over my shoulder.

  “I ordered it for you,” came Leo’s voice from behind.

  Ben placed another on the counter and Leo handed me mine. “Salud,” he said. Gently clinking so as not to spill a drop, we swallowed simultaneously. Tears prickled my eyes from the burn, but at the same time, it felt magical as it coursed through my body.

  My lips parted, a small sigh escaping them. His sweet-spice cologne was intoxicating, my head light on the unexplainable need for the man who plagued my every thought. Leo’s right hand snaked over the top of mine, fingers lacing together.

  It felt so good.

  So right.

  Without saying anything, he took a step back turning me at the same time. We walked hand in hand, him leading me to the dance floor. It was crowded now, a seemingly popular song encouraging some hot and heavy moves. Drawing me to the middle, he turned, pulling me forward until we were wrapped in each other's arms. Heat passed between our connected bodies, chest against chest, pelvis against pelvis, the points of contact only heightening my desire. Leo’s cheek pressed against mine, and it took all the resolve I could muster to refrain from running my lips along his caramel neck.

  “Close your eyes,” he whispered next to my ear.

  I did as he said.

  Taking my right hand in his left, he placed the other on my hip, his thumb gently stroking in time to the music. On a floor surrounded by others performing twists and turns, we stood motionless.

  “Feel it,” Leo murmured again, his breath on my ear causing a ripple effect of tingles. “You need to feel it in order to move to it.” His thumb tapped on my hip, its rhythm falling in time with the beat of the music. “Can you hear?”

  I nodded against his cheek.

  “That’s called clave. The beat. Once you hear it, it will never leave you.”

  After a few counts had passed, Leo’s hips began to move in time. Because he was holding me so close, mine moved with his. It was incredibly intimate yet it felt so natural. Taking the lead, he guide
d me through the basic steps learned in class. Whereas, I’d been taught with at least half a meter between us, Leo held me close, our points of contact never separating. It was delicious. Tantalizing. A tease having our bodies so intimately connected.

  “Ella tiene la magia de un instante de amor,” Leo began signing.

  There it was, like silk through the veins again.

  “Y su mirada un toque de misterio, cuando ella llega siempre suelo perder el control.”

  “That sounds so beautiful,” I said, moving my mouth closer to his ear, lips grazing his skin.

  Do not kiss him, you tart! Have some class.

  “What is he singing about?”

  “The woman he adores,” Leo answered, his own lips now grazing my temple. “She has the same magic as a moment of love and her look has a touch of mystery. When she arrives, he always loses control.”

  Releasing my hand, he cupped my cheek. Face to face so close, lips brushing against mine, the song faded to an end. The need for him to kiss me was overwhelming. My body was screaming for it, begging.

  “Dinner with me tomorrow night.”

  It wasn’t a question.

  “Where?” my quaky voice was betraying me.


  His hands fell from my cheek and hip, an immediate sense of loss plaguing me as he walked away.

  I was caught between couples kissing and thanking each other for the dance and yet I couldn’t even will my body to move.

  I hated to admit it, but I needed more of this man who had bombarded his way into my life.


  “Na ah! Don’t even think about it! What are you do—”

  “For goodness sake, can you just keep still?”

  “Nicole, stop grabbing at them, they’re not stress balls.”

  “I wouldn’t have to grab them if you didn’t keep them hidden like the world’s greatest mystery. Release the beasts.”

  “He’s into me, not my boobs.”

  “Said no man ever.”


  “All right! I give up.” Raising her hands in defeat, she took a step back allowing my tormented breasts a moment's reprieve. Huffing a, well…huff, I studied my reflection in the bathroom mirror. With a tea-length black skirt and a black blouse, I felt confident and ready for a night with Leo.

  “Here,” Nicole ruffled through her jewelry box and handed me a pair earrings that would set my outfit off perfectly. Lapis Lazuli coloured teardrops.

  “Thank you,” I said, letting them fall into my hand. “So what are you doing tonight? Any steamy plans with Brett?”

  “Don’t redirect. You hear about my exploits all the time. You, on the other hand, are about to go on a date with Antonio Banderas Jnr, and you don’t look a quarter as pumped as what you should be.”

  That was a lie. I genuinely was excited. That excitement though was currently being over-ruled by my galloping heart and churning stomach. I was nervous. And scared. And a little untrustworthy of myself.

  “Just don’t jump him when he sings to you in Spanish again.”

  “I do possess control, Nicole.”

  “Ah ha. Sure you do. That must’ve been someone else looking like a lust crazed ho last night.”

  And that there was my problem. My friend was right. Disguising my true feelings was not an easy feat for someone like me. The whole room would have seen how much I wanted to crash tackle Leo and take him every which way I knew how.


  I couldn’t have fallen any harder if I’d have been lassoed.

  Leo looked simply divine. Wearing dark jeans, ones that he wore far too well, and a crisp white double cuffed shirt that hugged his muscular frame, he was every bit as delicious as he was naked.

  “Josie,” he said my name for the first time while reaching for my hand, “you look exquisite.” Bringing my hand to his mouth he kissed it lightly. This man was not doing himself any favors. If he wanted to remain unharmed, he had to stop making me feel like I was going to explode on the inside.

  “You look pretty spectacular yourself.” His thumb stroked my fingers at my compliment, his eyes shining.

  Without releasing my hand, he pulled a chair out for me to sit. It was then I noticed that we were the only ones in the restaurant. All the table candles were lit, yet only two people were here to enjoy the ambiance.

  “I hope the food is safe here,” I joked as he took his chair opposite me, “there doesn’t seem to be a rush of diners.”

  Leo bit his lip restraining his smile. “I can assure you the food is more than safe.”

  I paused, assessing his strange reaction. “You know the owner don’t you?” I was quick to concede defeat.

  This time, Leo didn’t hold back, his gorgeous megawatt smile illuminating his handsome face.

  “I know him fairly well, Bella.”

  There was that pang between my legs again. Why did my vagina betray me so?

  “So,” I began, wanting to distract him from noticing my horny radiant glow, “how do you know my name? I don’t recall making it that far in conversation.”

  “Your pencil case in class read ‘Josie.’ I assumed that was your name. There was always the possibility it was stolen, but you don’t strike me as that kind of girl.”

  He was teasing me and I liked it.

  “My mum. She ah…still thinks I’m in school. It was a gift. But since you brought it up…” Immediately I regretted my choice of words. The images of Monday night’s class semi-erection playing before my eyes. Clearing my throat, I continued, “Is this modeling gig of yours a regular thing?” This time, I saw colour warm his cheeks. He drummed his fingers on the table, eyes looking shyly away.

  “Yes, I must apologize for that.”

  “Please don’t,” I quipped and immediately saw his shoulders relax.

  “It was a dare. I lost, and that was my punishment.”

  “Wow, tough friends.” Leo interlaced our fingers in the middle of the table, a warm shiver of delight running through my body.

  “I knew the consequences before agreeing.” His eyes became alight with a playfulness I loved. “Besides, if I had won, you would’ve been drawing some other naked man.”

  “I’m rather fond of the last we had.”

  “Is that so?”


  “Well then, I’m pleased to announce that I’m retiring from that short-lived occupation. However, should you require my services again, I would be happy to oblige.”

  “And become my muse?”

  “Lying around naked while a beautiful woman, with gorgeous long hair and stunning legs draws me? It would be a struggle, but I could never starve an artist from their needs.”

  “Excuse me, sir,” the waiter interrupted. He appeared slightly apprehensive, his hands fidgeting with a white wine cloth. “The chef sends his apologies.”

  “What for?”

  “His daughter has fallen ill again.”

  Leo sucked in a lung full of air. He wasn’t annoyed, he appeared more concerned. “Has he left?”

  “Yes, sir. Just now.”

  “I understand. You’re free to go also.” He looked at me and winked. “I think Josie and I can handle it from here.”


  The waiter looked at us both before giving a small nod and smile and backed away. He seemed like the perpetually nervous type.

  “Shall we?” Leo extended his hand for me to take and I did so with an air of suspicion. Leading me around the table, his thumb worked its usual magic caressing my skin. I followed him around the dining floor and into the kitchen. Spinning around, he placed his hands on my shoulders, a coy smile working his face.

  “So, not quite the way the evening was supposed to go but we can still make the most of it.” I watched as his eyes left mine and scanned the kitchen. “I do however need your help.”

  Now it was my time to feel nervous. “I would love to, but it’s only fair I warn you that my talent is not in cooking.”

  “That shouldn’t be a problem.” Giving me a wink, Leo stepped forward hooking his hands under my arms and lifted me with ease onto the stainless steel bench. It was like I was a featherweight and he was the Hulk. A delicious hunk of a beast!

  Hooking my ankles, I watched mesmerized as he navigated the commercial kitchen like he was at home. He appeared so comfortable in his surroundings that I quickly came to suspect that all was not as it seemed. It wasn’t until I sat straight facing the wall in front of me did I see that my suspicions were indeed correct.

  “A taste of the old comes the new trend,” I read aloud from the framed newspaper clipping on the tiled wall. The handsome face staring into the camera was the same man bringing food and utensils together next to me on the bench.

  “So, I gather you are more than just friends of the chef?” I teased. He looked up through his lashes and damn it if I didn’t swoon.

  “Jase is a very good mate of mine. Actually, he’s the one who challenged me to the dare.”

  I would have to thank him when we meet.

  “And,” he continued, “he’s also my head chef. This,” he gestured around, “is my restaurant.”

  “So you nude model, you teach salsa, and you own a restaurant. Any more tricks up your sleeve?”

  “I have a few,” his tone suggestive, “but they can wait.”

  Oh. My. God.

  Rendering me speechless he filled in the blanks. “I’ve owned this restaurant for a few years now. My mother was an excellent cook and made homely meals every night without fail. She taught me from when I was a young boy, and over the years when I was allowed freedom in the kitchen, I finessed what she’d already perfected. While everyone was making their meals smaller and fancier, I realised not everyone is looking for food like that. We are traditional in almost every sense of the word. So,” he glanced at me through those gorgeous lashes again while expertly trimming some Iberico ham, “I do hope you enjoy a good meal.”

  “Fortunately, food and me are good friends. We are well acquainted, and if it’s as good as you say it is, I’m afraid I shall have to tie you up in my kitchen so you can cook for me forever.”


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