Beyond the Odyssey

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Beyond the Odyssey Page 22

by Maz Evans

  ‘You were right, of course,’ conceded the Daemon of Death. ‘We’re ready. The Elementals are ready to fight. The Titans are free from their bonds. The boy will find the Fire Stone and then . . .’

  Thanatos allowed his satisfied smirk to say the rest. He turned to Hypnos.

  ‘And so, brother dearest. You need to take the boy to the Fire Stone and make sure he gets it. After that, I want him gone. He dares to think he can barter with me, the King of the Daemons? No one defies me. You’d better remember that too. And you’d better be abundantly clear which side you’re on.’

  ‘The winning one,’ grinned Hypnos. ‘Always.’

  ‘We start tomorrow,’ said Dave. ‘The Gods are in disarray and the boy is still vulnerable. We need to act fast. We need to—’

  ‘Oh, will you sort yourself out?’ snapped Thanatos. ‘I can’t take you seriously looking like that.’

  Hypnos stared into Dave Hooper’s dark green eyes. Thanatos snorted as the realization hit his brother.

  ‘Y-you mean . . . ? the Daemon of Sleep stut -tered.

  ‘Oh, all right,’ said Dave. ‘Although I was getting rather used to it . . .’

  He stood up and clicked his fingers. Immediately, his body was enveloped by a thick black plume of smoke, from his feet to his head. Thanatos laughed at his brother’s stunned face.

  Because when the smoke cleared, Dave Hooper was gone. And, standing in his place, was his true form, stripped of the disguise worn ever since Dave Hooper set foot in Home Farm.

  ‘And that, my boys,’ said Nyx, unfurling her long black wings, ‘is why you should always listen to your mother.’

  34. Dave Who?

  All the worlds were Josie Hooper’s to explore now that she was no longer constrained by a single one. There were no more boundaries, no bonds, nothing she couldn’t see. Everything was clear to her now. Her soul could fly wherever it wanted. At last, she was truly free.

  First she flew down to the Underworld, where she watched her son sob himself into a broken sleep. She wrapped her golden form around him. She knew in time he’d understand that this was the least painful path for them both. But he wasn’t going to see that tonight. The way ahead was so complicated, it was no wonder he’d taken a wrong turn. But he’d find his way back, she knew he would.

  ‘I will always be with you, Elliot,’ she whispered into his sleeping ear. ‘But you are going to need all your strength for the journey ahead. My love will feed your spirit. Sleep well.’

  She kissed his sleeping head and floated away, sinking downwards, through the very essence of the Earth until she found Virgo, deep within the darkest confines of Tartarus. Virgo wasn’t sleeping. She was looking for the way out. And Josie knew she wouldn’t rest until she found it.

  ‘Keep searching, my little star,’ she said. ‘Josie-Mum is with you and I know you’ll find the way. My boy needs you to light his path. Keep fighting, brilliant girl.’

  Josie gave her son’s friend a golden hug, then floated up, high up through the clouds and beyond the bounds of mortal understanding. She flew to the very peak of Mount Olympus, soaring through the night until she saw them. The Gods were there. They were armed. They were ready for battle. They took five places at a table meant for fourteen. Above them was a giant beacon, to which every head was turned. Zeus looked at his family.

  ‘Ready?’ he asked them.

  They all nodded their silent assent.

  Dressed in the robes of Olympian royalty, Zeus unsheathed a thunderbolt and took aim at the heart of the beacon. With a strong and true arm, he hurled it, exploding the beacon into golden flame. A light burst into the sky, shattering the dark night. A sign, a golden thunderbolt burnished the darkness. It was a signal – a call to arms, a cry for help. But who was it for? Would it be answered? The Gods looked unsure. And Josie couldn’t linger to find out.

  Because she had to return home. To Earth. To Home Farm. To watch over the one person she knew for certain could save Elliot. The only other person who loved him like she did. The person who was even then wiping away painful, angry tears for them both.

  He gathered his breath and knocked at the door.

  Josie watched as Patricia Horse’s-Bum strolled to the door – the door of Josie’s home. It was all so clear now. Patricia’s wickedness hung around her like a swarm of flies. What Josie wouldn’t have given for one more hour in her body. What she wouldn’t have done to that evil old pig-faced hag . . .

  Patricia opened the door, a FOR SALE sign in her hand.

  ‘Sorry, we’re not interest—’ she started, then took in the face before her. ‘Oh, it’s you again. What do you want?’

  Josie watched as Dave Hooper – the true Dave, the husband she’d lost, the love of her life, her Elly’s wonderful, loving father – looked this devil in the eye.

  ‘I want to know what you’ve done with my son,’ he said, jamming his foot in the door. ‘I want to know what you did to my wife.’

  ‘I . . . I . . . I . . .’

  Patricia was lost for words. It was a welcome sight. Dave forced the door open further.

  ‘Listen to me, Patricia Poshley-Plum,’ he said, his eyes ablaze with anger. ‘I want my son back. I want my home back. I want my life back. And make no mistake, you malevolent witch. I’m not going anywhere until I have them.’


  (Nearly . . . )

  What’s What


  Category: Mortal

  Realm: Earth

  Powers: 1) Current guardian of Earth and Air Stones

  2) Hygiene avoidance

  This thirteen-year-old mortal male has defied all probability to acquire two CHAOS STONES. The son of David and Josie Hooper, his Wiltshire farm is the present HQ for the Olympians. Scent: worryingly sub-optimal.


  Category: Constellation (suspended)/Mortal (temporary?)

  Realm: Earth (formerly Elysium)

  Powers: 1) Constellation travel (suspended) 2) Stationery supplies After a failed attempt to regain her kardia, Virgo remains trapped as a mortal. Determined to return to her former position on the Zodiac Council, Virgo is attempting to understand life on EARTH. And her companion, ELLIOT.


  Category: Olympian, King of the Gods (retired)

  Realm: Earth (wherever licensed for weddings)

  Powers: 1) Omnipotent former ruler of creation 2) Wedding planning and cancellation

  His Majesty the King of the Gods has been enjoying retirement, and multiple marriages, for over 2,000 years. Previously believed to have vanquished THANATOS, recent information suggests that his pants are, in fact, on fire.


  Category: Olympian, Messenger God

  Realm: Various (excl. Underworld)

  Powers: None at present. In coma from poison arrow wound.

  One of few working Olympians, Hermes has retained his role delivering information around the immortal community. His responsibilities include communication, transformation and style icon (self-appointed).


  Category: Olympian, Goddess of Wisdom

  Realm: Earth

  Powers: 1) Vast knowledge 2) Transformational powers 3) Handicrafts Currently working as an esteemed Professor at St Brainiac College, Oxford, Athene has also enjoyed success on several mortal TV quiz shows. Can create any substance from another, but refuses to work with loom bands.


  Category: Olympian, Goddess of Love

  Realm: Earth

  Powers: 1) Ability to make anyone fall in love 2) She’s just lovely . . .

  The proprietor of Eros dating agency, Aphrodite exerts a powerful draw over everyone who meets her. This may be due to her immortal powers, or possibly the fact she’s a drop-dead gorgeous hottie. I love you, Aphrodite.


  Category: Olympian, God of the Forge Realm: Earth

  Powers: Invention (esp. swear words)

  The Gods’ go-to man for gadgets and gizmos
, Hephaestus can fix or build anything. A man of few words, most of them ‘Snordlesnot’.


  Category: Elemental, but considers himself Olympian

  Realm: Earth (usually above)

  Powers: 1) Flight 2) Crosswords

  The transport of choice for ZEUS, Pegasus is a flying horse with a sky-high opinion of himself.


  Category: Daemon (of Death), King of Daemons

  Realm: Underworld

  Powers: 1) Strength 2) Touch of death (mortals only)

  Previously believed dead, Thanatos recently escaped from his prison beneath Stonehenge. Determined to regain his CHAOS STONES, Thanatos intends to cull mortalkind with natural disasters, then rule over them. Enjoys golf.


  Category: Daemon (of Sleep)

  Realm: Earth

  Powers: 1) Sleep, nightmares, insomnia, sleepwalking (with ivory trumpet) 2) Gambling

  Older twin of THANATOS, Hypnos evaded imprisonment with all other DAEMONS by betraying his brother to ZEUS. Only being who knows location of CHAOS STONES, which he hid at Zeus’s behest. Currently under enchantment of his own sleep trumpet.


  Category: Goddess (of the Night); Daemon by marriage and affinity

  Realm: Underworld

  Powers: 1) Power over the night sky 2) Dissembling 3) Flight

  Mother of THANATOS and HYPNOS, Nyx went missing upon the death of her husband Erebus. Believed to have now reunited with her sons, Nyx’s precise whereabouts are currently unknown.


  Category: Neutral, immortal ferryman

  Realm: All

  Powers: 1) Transport 2) Entrepreneur

  The founder of Quick Styx Cabs, Charon can transport immortals to any realm (restrictions allowing) via the Ship of Death on the RIVER STYX. Also available for grocery delivery, courier work and children’s parties.


  Category: Elemental

  Realm: Underworld

  Powers: Security

  The three-headed hound of hell is responsible for security in Tartarus. Also, for financing his extensive family.


  Category: Mortal

  Realm: Earth (whereabouts unknown)

  Powers: 1) Deception 2) Lying 3) Fraud 4) Theft 5) Embezzlement 6) Arson 7) Twinsets

  Former neighbour of ELLIOT, Mrs Porshley-Plum is determined to acquire his abode of Home Farm to develop the land for personal profit. Seems untroubled by usual mortal concerns of kindness, generosity and not being a horse’s bum.


  Category: Mortal

  Realm: Earth

  Powers: 1) Education (unconfirmed) 2) Weapons-grade bodily odour

  History teacher to ELLIOT, Mr Boil’s chosen career is sub-optimal due to loathing of mortal children. Exudes a powerful aroma believed to be vegetable-based.


  Category: Mortal (but you can Call Me Graham)

  Realm: Earth

  Powers: Unclear

  The headmaster of Brysmore Grammar School. It has yet to be established what Mr Sopweed’s purpose is in mortal life.



  Heavenly home of Zodiac Council. Not accessible to ELEMENTALS.


  Mortal realm. Very dirty.


  Formerly destination of aimless souls. Now shopping centre.


  DAEMON realm. Also home to Tartarus, eternal prison for the wicked. Not accessible to Gods.


  Link between realms, accessed via CHARON and the Ship of Death. Also used to swear solemn oaths which, if broken, remove immortality.



  Kardia: Precious metals: Gold (Olympians), Silver (Gods), Bronze (Heroes)

  Highest order of immortality including Olympians, Gods and Heroes. Naturally imbued with great powers.


  Kardia: Crystal

  The thirteen members of the Zodiac Council, charged with administering the immortal community.


  Kardia: Glass

  Rare immortals whose special gifts render them immune to other immortals’ powers.


  Kardia: Onyx

  Immortals with individual responsibility for human experience (e.g. Happiness, Luck, Wealth, Misery etc.). Require instruments to manifest powers. Currently imprisoned in Tartarus, except for THANATOS and HYPNOS.


  Kardia: Naturally occurring substances according to class, e.g. stone, wood, rock etc. Any immortal entity not listed above. May have human, animal or fantastical form. Often used for manual labour.



  Four elemental gems with potent powers, given by Chaos to her son Erebus, Daemon of Darkness (former King of Daemons, deceased, father to THANATOS and HYPNOS). Earth Stone (diamond), Air Stone (emerald), Water Stone (ruby) and Fire Stone (sapphire). Current whereabouts of two are unknown – Earth Stone and Air Stone protected by ELLIOT.


  Necklace worn by all immortals to denote Category and Class. Materials vary according to above, but all shaped like a heart within a flame.

  The Third Thank-yous

  I write these thanks at the end of a year that has seen the publication of my first two novels and the completion of my third. It has been a whirlwind of a voyage and there are so many heroes who have helped me to navigate my authorial Odyssey.

  I am indebted to Arts Council England, whose generous support has funded the time not only to write this book, but also to travel to groups who might not otherwise access the arts and work with them and their brilliant imaginations. I am beyond grateful for both opportunities.

  I have been overwhelmed by the response to Who Let the Gods Out? and Simply the Quest and to everyone who has written, tweeted, reviewed and recommended the books; I cannot tell you what each and every one of your messages has meant to me. I must send my huge love to Steph (@eenalol) and Layla (@readable_life) whose rooftop shouting has warmed my heart many times this year. You are Goddesses, both.

  The support of the education community for WLTGO has been humbling and it’s been wonderful to connect with so many of you this year. My huge thanks to Ashley Booth for his early enthusiasm about the book, which I know has encouraged so many other schools to take a look. As someone who sees inside many schools, I am inspired by what you all do, if outraged by what is being done to you. The Author Army has your back – you are all complete heroes.

  My wonderful publishers, Chicken House, are always on hand to navigate any stormy waters and I am for ever grateful for your brilliance. Barry, Rachel Hachel, Elinor, Anja (Mutti), Jazz, Laura S, Laura M, Kes, Esther and Sarah – thank you for everything you do for me; I would be a (ship)wreck without you.

  I’m still struggling to adequately convey my thanks to my beloved editor, Rachel Leyshon, who I love like the memory of my size-eight figure. I’m conscious I’m running out of attempts, so let’s try again: Rachel, you build me up and hold me together until I feel like nothing can get past me.

  Leysh: you are my grouting.

  My agent, Veronique – I adore you and appreciate every second of time and sanity you’ve given me this year. I just want to publicly declare that I am TOTALLY over the fact that you turned these books down in 2009. Seriously, I’m completely over it. Really wish you’d stop bringing it up . . .

  But, as ever, my heart belongs to my beautiful family, who have kept me afloat during this crazy year. Sharing a home with an author is no pleasure cruise, so thank you for not tossing me overboard when I’ve been a sea-monster. This tome is dedicated to my daughter Lili, who is one of the kindest, sweetest, most fun people I know. And I get to be your mum. Lucky me.

  I will see you all again in 2019, for the final instalment of Elliot and Virgo’s adventures. Until then, I
wish all my readers plain sailing and exciting adventures – thank you for taking me on this incredible journey.

  Love, and other things that don’t affect your statutory rights,





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