The Glimmer Steel Saga, Boxed Set, Books 1 - 4

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The Glimmer Steel Saga, Boxed Set, Books 1 - 4 Page 107

by Spencer Pierson

  “What are they doing?” Chari asked softly, concern for their friends clear in her voice. “What are they going to do with those people?”

  “I don’t know,” Daka rumbled. “Except to say this is bad. See those tents?” Daka said, pointing toward several large, elaborate tents set up near the other, more normal ones. “Those are commander’s tents. What the hell are the leaders of their army doing this far out? Do you think they’re looking for you and your sister?”

  Ashrak shrugged and peered closer at the tents. From this distance, it was difficult to make out details though the colors were clear. “Those are Count Stavix’s colors. Why would he need to bring his entire army out here, though? It doesn’t make sense, but it looks like he’s sending most of his troops east. What is that way?”

  Chari ran over to Nilesh’s packs and rummaged through them until she pulled out one of his maps. She opened it up and looked at it for a few minutes before bringing it over to the two men. “They are headed in this direction. Isn’t this the black spire?”

  Daka and Ashrak both looked to where she was pointing and nodded. “Yes, that’s the direction they’re going but why take an army there?” Daka asked. “Are they going to lay siege to the tower of assassins?”

  “I don’t know,” Ashrak said grimly. “My guess is they’re going to use these townspeople for fodder of some sort. That’s where they will be taking Ellian, Fallon, and Nilesh. Our only hope to get them back is to break them out here or wait for an opportunity once they start marching them.”

  “You’ll be killed a day into the wastes,” a strange voice said from behind them. They whirled in surprise, drawing their weapons at the strange voice, but instead of seeing several armed men, they saw one leaning heavily against a boulder. He was holding his hand to his side, and they could see blood pooling on the ground next to his left foot. It was an older man with black hair and gray at his temples with his features marred with pain. “The Brotherhood won’t take kindly to trespassers, and they’ll be harassing this army all the way into the Spire. They certainly won’t make an exception for you three.”

  “Who the hell are you?” Daka growled.

  The man chuckled softly to himself and closed his eyes for a moment, breathing deeply before speaking. “Why, I’m the man you came to see, and for the record, your only hope to get into the Black Spire alive. My name is Riken Marsh, and I head up this outpost of the assassins, or at least I did until an hour ago. Now if you don’t mind, I think I’ll pass out.” At that, the figure slumped forward and slipped to the ground.

  Ashrak and Chari raced for the figure while Daka began rummaging around in one of their packs. He quickly came back with bandages and other salves while Ashrak cut the man shirt open. It was about an hour later when they leaned back and looked at each other over the man’s resting form.

  “His wound wasn’t as serious as I thought it was,” Daka said somberly. “Though he lost quite a lot of blood getting here. I suspect he’ll we’ll be stuck here for the rest of the day. If he is the head of this local band of the Assassins, we’ll need him to get through to the Spire if that’s even possible.”

  The three of them took turns between watching what was going on in the distant town and keeping an eye on their unexpected guest. It was just turning to dusk by the time Riken sputtered and coughed, croaking out a request for water. Chari moved to the man, handing him a water skin and watching him closely as he took a long drink.

  When he finished, he lay his head back down and looked over at the pretty girl. “I recognize Ashrak, and you with your silver eyes must be Chari Silvencor, but I am unsure who the large man is. There was no mention of him in our contract. Someone you picked up after you left the city?”

  Chari eyed him closely and frowned, thinking hard.

  Riken laughed softly and then groaned, holding his side. “Come now, I wouldn’t have told you about the contract if I planned on doing anything about it. Trust me, things have changed. I would be a fool to try to collect from a man who is taking an army to my home. That and I am injured. No, you are safe from me.”

  “I hope so, but what about our friends?” Chari asked. “What happened to them?”

  Riken frowned unhappily. “Taken, like everyone else in town, unless Ellian tried to fight her way through a hundred soldiers. I hope my niece stopped her though at this moment, I suspect they are all being held in that camp. I was not able to verify it since I was injured escaping. I hope that is where they are.”

  “Why do you hope that?” Ashrak asked, coming over and squatting down next to Chari.

  The man grunted, studying Ashrak for a moment before answering. “Because if not, they are either dead or identified and in Count Stavix’s clutches. They did not seem to be looking for your friends in particular, so I suspect they were simply rounding everyone up for their army.”

  “We have to go rescue them,” Ashrak stated, beginning to stand as if he were going to go do that this very instant, but a firm grip stopped him.

  “No,” Riken said grimly. Weak though he was, he held frightening strength in his grip. “You’re friends told me that you need to get into the Black Spire and find a guide. I need to get there and warn them so they can get their defenses ready. I can’t go through the desert by myself and bleeding. I need you to take me.”

  Ashrak began to protest, shaking his head but Riken continued. “If you do this for me, I can guarantee your passage. Even Assassins are grateful for those that do us service. If you do that, than I promise you we will help rescue your friends and try to help find whoever this guide is you are looking for. As long as Stavix doesn’t know who they are, your sister and my niece will be safe enough, as long as your sister can keep her mouth shut. It won’t be pleasant, but no one will be hunting them. If you don’t help me, I can guarantee you, you’ll never get into the black spire, especially if it’s surrounded by an army.”

  “What about Nilesh?” Chari asked.

  Riken scoffed, matching Daka’s snort. “Walls mean nothing to that one. He’ll be in and out of that camp with ease. I’m counting on him giving us information when he finally finds us. We will need it.”

  Ashrak looked over at Chari, both of them communicating silently before he turned back to the Assassin. “Very well, but if any of them die due to this delay. I’ll kill you myself.”

  “You can try,” Riken grinned. “You can certainly try. Until then, I’ll be ready to ride tomorrow morning.”



  Ahnarad Riften-Terek, the Duchess: Duchess of Terek and married to Duke Valeran Terek. Ahnarad is a strong, hard working person who loves her husband and her Duchy. She was originally the heir to the Duchy of Riften but gave up her claim so she could marry Valeran. She is a formidable negotiator and trader.

  Aiden Finn-Wilthorn: An Orphan at the School of Breen who, after discovering he has special powers, goes on several desperate adventures. He is adopted by Dame Tenadine Wilthorn, which makes him a Lord and saves him from death.

  Ashrak Brun: Third remaining son of Duke Brun. Ashrak found himself a political hostage in Terek to keep Duke Brun in line. Ashrak was promised in marriage to Chari Silvencor. Disgruntled and hostile in the beginning, Ashrak eventually becomes close friends with Aiden, Gavin, and Chari.

  Bandari, Nurse: Nurse at the School of Breen Infirmary.

  Belor Brun, Lord: Duke Bruns second oldest brother. He has abdicated to Rekmar to avoid being killed by him.

  Carol Analil Reid: Leader of the Naiadens. Carol, along with all of her people, was the original settlers of Reid Island.

  Charissen ‘Chari’ Silvencor, Lady: Chari’s family is an influential trading and shipping concern in the city of Terek and she is its only daughter. Chari attends the School of Breen and is the first to befriend Aiden. Chari was promised to Ashrak Brun for a political marriage.

  Corenthus Viridian, Count: The Count is one of two known Glimmer Men living in Terek. The Count assists the Dukes of Terek by pl
aying as a false opposition in the House of Lords and controlling the darker political side of their city.

  Crean Wilthorn, Baron: Baron Crean is currently seven years old and a mute. Despite these issues, he is under the excellent tutelage of Dame Tenadine to take over the family when he reaches his majority.

  Daka: One of Ellian’s Bandits and a huge man. Fights with an Axe and is a solid companion on the search for the Golden Bands.

  Dihya Ge’ez, Oya: Oya Dihya has served as weapon master for both the House of Terek and the School of Breen for five-hundred years. She is an Exemplar and through genetics has one of the Naiaden’s warbodies.

  Ellian Brun (nominally titled Lady but she’d punch you for calling her that): Ashrak’s sister and one of his companions on his quest for the Golden Bands. She is hot headed and has been leading a small group of bandits helping the poor and stealing from the rich. With an Attitude.

  Emraldi Riften, Duchess: Duchess of the Riften and Sister to Duchess Ahnarad. She is a terrifyingly cool and controlled leader over a city of merchants. She has numerous spouses but rules the city alone.

  Erasmus Terek, Lord: Duke Valeran’s oldest son and heir to the Duchy of Terek.

  Fallon: One of Ellian’s bandits and also her lover. Fallon is quiet and deadly with a bow.

  Gavin Terek, Lord: Third son to Duke Valeran Terek and Duchess Ahnarad Riften-Terek. Gavin attends the School of Breen and becomes one of Aiden’s companions.

  Gerevat Terek, Duke: An ancestor of Valeran and Gavin who first set foot on the Island of Reid and made contact with the Naiadens (and lived to tell the tale). He negotiated the yearly blood-debt agreement with the tall Amazons. The flagship of the Terek navy is named after this Duke.

  Glowby: A mysterious ball of light that only Aiden can see. Glowby has been friends with Aiden since his earliest memories and has provided as much moral guidance as a silent, flickering ball of well-meaning light can do. Glowby’s ability to sense impending threats to Aiden and his friends have saved them on more than one occasion, but what is his secret and why does he not wish anyone to know about him.

  Heken, Doctor: Head Doctor at Terek Castle. He is able to use the Medibed in the castle.

  Jessop Burken: Afflicted with a mental condition that makes him slower than others, Jessop was paired with Aiden when they were seven so Aiden could help Jessop through daily life. Since then they have been fast friends and after Aiden’s trial, Dame Tenadine adopted Jessop, making him Aiden’s brother in truth.

  Jiada, Ontaya: Exemplar and Naiaden, she is one of the primary opposition to Oya Dihya’s plan to rejoin the world.

  Jumin Carsh, Ambassador: Ambassador from Caitrel who is known for his strong-arm tactics. First appears in Book 3.

  Kelman “Kel” Terek, Leutenant: Second son of Duke Valeran Terek and third officer on the T.S. Gerevat.

  Lachlan: A Bookseller in Brun who deals in rare tomes. He has leprosy and is wrapped from head to toe in bandages.

  Maris Onyxine, Professor: Glimmer Steel Engineer and teacher at the School of Breen.

  Markam Jex, Lord: Markam is the assigned Vecter, or protector, to Gavin Terek. Silent and competent, he is rarely heard but always watching out for his charge.

  Mendor Bathom, Lord and Ambassador: Lord Mendor is the Ambassador from Terek to Brun. He is a calm, collected man who once served Valeran’s father and continues to help his son.

  Mikel Bing, Headmaster: Headmaster at the School of Breen. Headmaster Bing always has a morose air about him and usually carries an old gnarled Garcat which he pets obsessively.

  Nilesh Perekh: Nilesh accompanies Ashrak and Chari on their quest for the golden bands. A younger man trained in the Spy Academy or Riften, he has been in Brun for several years. A master of disguise, stealth, poison and assassination.

  Nellun, Master: A Feldar merchant and spy.

  Ornten Grell, Captain: Captain of the Flagship of the Terek Fleet. The T.S. Gerevat.

  Paven Rhendu, General: Count Stavix’s chief rival for the Ducal Crown of Brun. He commands the Brunish Army.

  Reivus, Professor: Professor Reivus is one of the two known Glimmer Man that lives in Terek. He teaches at the School of Breen and befriends Aiden early in his life. When Aiden discovers his powers, Professor Reivus becomes his mentor.

  Rekmar Brun, Lord: Duke Bruns oldest son. He is cruel and killed most of the other contenders for the Brunish Duchy.

  Riken Marsh: Fallon’s Uncle and leader of the Assassin outpost in the town Copper Pits.

  Rohansen, Captain: Captain of the Skywitch.

  Romald Traf-Riften, Severen: Spymaster of Riften and one of Duchess Emraldi’s spouses. Romald also has an insatiable curiosity that reveals itself by a nervous twitch of his nose.

  Scorenton, Professor: Professor of economics at the School of Breen.

  Serilda Tomasine: Primary leader of the Denact (farmstead) that Aiden and his friends stay at for their first night on Reid Island.

  Skay Dawad: A Sea Clan girl adopted by the head of the Dawad clan. During the Cutter Fish races, she and several of her kinsmen saved Aiden and his friends from being kidnapped.

  Skeeve Dolgren, Lord: Son of Lord Dolgren, Skeeve is the one that betrays Aiden’s secret to his father.

  Skreld Dolgren, Lord: A minor lord in Terek who controls many illicit activities in the seedier areas of Terek. He is behind much of the earlier efforts to capture Aiden.

  Sohoor Dawad: One of the intelligent Cutter Fish, she and several other of her kind transported Aiden and his friends away from being kidnapped.

  Stavix Quin, Count: One of the Lords of Brun. He seeks to become the new Duke since the demise of the old one. He calls for the Occulate Raun to start the trail of the Golden Bands.

  Stelios, Captain: Captain of Duke Terek’s guard.

  Teglarek the Mad: The author and historian who wrote the Book of the Hidden World that details a two thousand year old search for the Golden Bands.

  Tenadine Wilthorn, Dame: Dame Tenadine is well into the twilight years of her life and had long ago stepped down as ruler of her house. After the death of her son, she was forced to retake the mantle and raise her grandson, Baron Crean. Due to Aiden saving her grandson from a fire, she adopted Aiden as a non-inheriting son and unwittingly saved him from death.

  Traven “Stitch” Mills: A doctor and head of the Mercenaries who tried to kidnap Aiden in book one. He eventually switches sides and saves Aiden and his friends from the pirate ship. There are still unanswered questions about this man.

  Trelakor Dawad: An Arakuul and head of Clan Dawad of the Sea Clans. He is fast friends with Duke Valeran and at the time of the Cutter Fish races was working for the Wilthorn family of Terek.

  The Eater, Minerva: One of the Mourning Lords known as The Eater for her tendency to eat any living thing, usually not dead before she begins. She is a true horror and usually kept away from the population of the planet. First seen in Book 3 where she is in the bowels of Duke Feldar’s castle making creatures. Her specialty is genetics.

  Valeran Terek, Duke: Duke of Terek and married to Duchess Ahnarad Riften-Terek. A boisterous, larger than life figure who loves his people.

  Xern, Colonel: Colonel Xern is the head of Count Stavix’s personal army.

  Zefkran Brun, Duke: Duke of Brun and Ashrak’s father. He is intolerant, intemperate and considered insane by most that know him.


  Abrakti Trees: Large sprawling trees with white trunks and broad leaves. A single grove could easily be one tree with many offshoots.

  Aidengate: A gate created from Glimmer Steel by Aiden Finn-Wilthorn. It allows one to travel from one point to another instantaneously. There are currently only three pairs of Aidengates that all have one terminus in Reid. They lead to Riften, Terek, and now Caitrel respectively.

  Anderealm: Accessible dimension where Glimmer Steel originates.

  Arakuul: A semi-aquatic race of genetically engineered humans. They were designed for water worlds and are equally at ho
me on land as they are in the shallow coastal waters where they make their homes. Arakuul range from a meter to two in height, have four arms, and range in colors from greens, blues, oranges, and reds.

  Baneworm: thirty to forty centimeters long with hundreds of legs spaced evenly along their length. Their shells along their multi-segmented bodies are dark purples and reds, designed to warn other creatures away with a long stinger on the tail. They are able to curl their bodies up and can thrust forward to strike, injecting a deadly poison. Very aggressive and terrritorial.


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