Tied to a Boss

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Tied to a Boss Page 8

by J. L Rose

  Turning and heading to the bathroom, looking back over her shoulder at Miguel, she saw him watching her caressing his already hardened print through his boxers.

  Feeling his heart continue to beat faster, hyped the hell up, Miguel couldn’t believe he was actually about to get Alinna to give up the pussy after chasing her from behind for way to long.

  Wondering what was taking her so long after five minutes in the bathroom, Miguel was just about to call out to her when he heard the bathroom door open and then close only to see Alinna walk back out into the bed area fully dressed. “What the hell? Why aren’t you naked?”

  “I’ve changed my mind,” Alinna told Miguel, watching his facial expression change. “Relax though, I bought something for you.”

  “What the hell are you…” seeing Alinna as well as Amber and Harmony, but quickly noticed the weapon in all three of their hands. Miguel made a dive for his sidepiece over the bedside night table just as heard the blast start from one of the three guns. He felt the bullets slam into his back just a second before the room was lit up the sounds of the three different gun’s ringing out inside the room.

  Watching Miguel’s body jump and jerk all over the bed as bullets slammed into him, Alinna tapped first and then Amber. Harmony got their attention and said, “Let’s get out of here.”

  * * *

  Hearing about the murder of both the hotel worker, Amber Hill and Narcotics sergeant, Miguel Ruiz, Dante sat listening to the broadcast news about a cop killing in Miami all the way in Alabama. Recognizing the cops name instantly but keeping it to himself, he decided not to mention it to Dre or Tony T.

  Deciding against calling home to Alinna and finding out what the deal was with Miguel, Dante focused back on getting ready for the night’s mission.

  Finishing dressing in the metallic black jeans, white and black Prada short sleeve shirt, all white air max and a leather jacket, Dante grabbed his two .40’s and tucked one in front of his jeans and the other in his back. He was startled at the knocking at his motel room door.

  Grabbing his room key and then walking over to his room door, Dante opened the door and saw Dre and Tony T dressed and waiting for him outside his room door.

  “Fam, you seen the news?” Dre asked Dante as he was locking the room door.

  “Yeah,” Dante answered taking the joint that Tony T held out to him. “I just saw that shit just now.”

  “Whoever did the boy gave it to his ass,” Tony T said as they headed out to the parking lot. “Dude took more than fifty-something bullets, that’s some real live mafia shit right there.”

  “Fuck that cracker,” Dante said, stepping in the passenger door to the rented navigator.

  Dante sat in the front seat next to Dre with Tony T in the back.

  Dante pulled out his blacks while asking Dre if he had the package they were supposed to have sent to Big Daddy.

  Patting his right pocket Dre said “everything ready fam,” nodding his head as he blew the cigar smoke towards the ceiling of the truck. Dante allowed his mind to focus on his plan’s preparing himself.

  * * *

  By the time Dre pulled on the strip that the nightclub was on, it was nearly midnight. Dante had Dre let Tony T out in front of the club, telling Tony T to pay their way inside.

  Dre found a place to park a block from the club. Both Dante and Dre headed up the street towards the club, ignoring the calls from the girls they passed.

  Ignoring the large crowd as they walked to the front door of the club, Dante allowed Dre to step forward in front of him, making an opening through the crowd, hearing and ignoring the people complaining, Dre pushed out of the way.

  Hearing the loud whistle and seeing Tony T standing at the front door of Club Ebony, Dante felt a hand grab his arm just as he was getting ready to step up to the front door. Looking down at the hand on his arm, he recognized the woman’s hand as he looked up to meet the owner hands.

  “Damn, daddy, you just gonna walk right past me and not say anything?” the female said, looking Dante over loving what she was seeing.

  Smirking, Dante simply nodded his head, saying, “Come on, shorty. You’re with me.”

  “What about my girls?” she asked him while pointing back to her girls.

  Looking from the cute-but-thick, dark brown-skinned shorty to the two girls that she was with, Dante nodded and looked back to shorty with the banging body. “Bring ya girls, come on.”

  Seeing the smile upon all three girls face, Dante allowed Ms. Thick to hold onto his arm as he headed straight up to the front door, receiving nods from both security at the front door.

  Once inside the night club that was even more crowded then it was outside, Dante led the group over to the bar while searching the club for Big Daddy. He looked for the same picture of the fat muthafucker that was inside of Rachel’s cell phone.

  “You and ya girls want something to drink?” Dante asked Ms. Thick, who eagerly bobbed her head up and down.

  Having Tony T order each of the girls what they wanted, Dante continued looking around for Big Daddy when he felt the tap on his shoulder. He looked to Dre on his right only to see his boy nod upwards.

  Looking in the direction Dre nodded, Dante found himself staring straight through the glass window into the V.I.P. section up on the second level, and saw the fat motherfucker he was looking for.

  Nodding his head as he continued watching Big Daddy, Dante shifted his eye’s over to Ms. Thick as she walked up on him smiling.

  “You good, shorty?”

  “I’m doing fine so far,” she answered, and then asked, “Where you and your boy’s from? You don’t sound like you from here.”

  Ignoring her question, Dante asked, “You and your girls wanna make two hundred a piece?”

  “Damn, you don’t waste no time do you sexy?” she asked Dante, smiling at him. “What it’s gonna be? Us and you, or all six of us?”

  Shaking his head smirking, Dante said, “You misunderstanding me, shorty, I just need you and your girl to deliver something to someone for me.”

  “Deliver what?” she asked him, staring at Dante with a funny look on her face. Calling over to Dre, telling him to give him the envelope, Dante took the envelope from Dre and handed it over to Ms. Thick.

  “Where’s the money?” she asked, holding out her left hand while hiding the envelope in her right hand.

  “I’ll throw in an extra hundred if you keep what’s inside this closed and inside,” Dante told her, pulling a knot from his pocket, counting out seven hundred dollars in all hundreds, and handing the money over to the girl.

  Watching Ms. Thick and her girls walk off together, Dante followed Ms. Thick with his eyes, hearing Dre ask, “You think she’ll be able to get past the security at the stairs?”

  Still watching as all three girls stopped at the steps that led up into the V.I.P. section, seeing words being exchanged a few moments, Dante allowed a small smile at seeing Ms. Thick kiss both security men on their cheeks then led her girls up the steps into V.I.P.

  * * *

  Finding out who was up inside the V.I.P. section from the security downstairs, recognizing Big Daddy’s name, and meeting him once before when he came through the strip club she worked at, Brittany lead her girls inside of the packed V.I.P. section, smiling. The room was filled with weed smoke with over ten different opened bottles and even more on top of the table.

  Barely making it fully inside the V.I.P. section before her and her girl was rushed by a group of niggas grabbing and feeling all over them, Brittany took a minute to make her way over to where Big Daddy was seated with a thick white girl on his lap, his hand under her skirt as she rubbed between his legs.

  “What’s up, baby?” Brittany heard as she stopped in front of Big Daddy’s table. She recognized the dark skinned guy that was slightly smaller than the big dude that was with Mr. Sexy who got her and her girls inside the club.

  “I got something for Big Daddy,” Brittany told the guy, seeing the big ass
gun on his waist.

  “Let me get it,” he told her. “I’ma get it to Big Daddy.

  She said, “Fuck it,” after only agreeing to get the envelope to Big Daddy, Brittany gave the letter to the guy and turned and walked off.

  Watching the thick as hell female walk away, Dave shook his head as he looked down at the envelope and opening it, seeing it was full of pictures.

  Pulling out the seven pictures, Dave looked at the first two, seeing a beat up and bloodied female. As he looked at the third one, he almost dropped the pictures recognizing Big Daddy’s baby sister, Rachel.

  “Shit,” Dave said as he finished looking through the pictures only to see a letter with only a phone number two words on it. ‘Call me,’ it read.

  Walking over to Big Daddy, Dave got his boss attention saying, “You may wanna see this.”

  * * *

  Watching from the front passenger’s seat outside the club within the rental car, a crowd of guys burst out the front doors of the club noticing Ms. Thick and her girls forcefully being dragged out of the club. Dante locked on Big Daddy, angrily walking with a wall of bodyguards from the club’s front door and out to the black Benz truck that pulled up in front of the club.

  Continuing to watch until the Benz drove out of the parking lot along with two black Escalades trailing behind, Dante finally spoke, saying over to Dre, “Let’s go braw.”

  Doing as he was told, Dante cranked up the rental and pulled off, only to make a U-turn, driving the opposite direction from Big Daddy and his crew.

  “What’s up, Dee? What we doing now?” Tony T asked from the back seat.

  “Wait,” Dante told Tony T only to hear the pre-paid cell phone he bought ringing from inside his pocket moments after he finish speaking.

  Knowing exactly who was calling since only one person had the pre-paid cell number; Dante pulled out the phone and answered it, “Yeah.”

  “Muthafucker what the…”

  He hung up in Big Daddy’s face in the middle his sentence, not liking the tone of his voice. Dante started to countdown the time in his head and reached a count of four when the phone started to ring again. “We trying this again, yeah?”

  “Man who the hell are you?” Big Daddy asked in an upset but calmer voice. “Where’s my sister?”

  “Listen, because I’m only saying this once, you got until tomorrow night at exactly 11:00 to have $250,000 and two bricks of that heroin you pushing. Have the shit at the Pine Hill mall on the south side parking lot. You got that?”

  “Where’s my sister?”

  You’ll see her when I get what I want,” Dante told Big Daddy, hanging up the phone just as Big Daddy was yelling something back through the phone.

  * * *

  Going about business as if nothing happen after the setup on Miguel the night before, Alinna heard talk of the cop killing with the added body of the hotel worker. Everybody was trying to figure out how the two were connected hearing that the women was married and talk of her and Miguel hooking up behind the husband’s back.

  Dealing with a new problem made her want Dante home even more now. Not hearing from him but once since Dre, Tony T, and him left for Alabama, Alinna was confused at first with the way she was feeling, only to set an appointment and find out that she was nearly a month pregnant.

  Telling Vanessa about the pregnancy expecting her to actually start tripping out about the whole thing, but was surprised to first see the huge smile and hadn’t expected her to hug her inside of a huge bear hug.

  “I’m gonna be an Auntie,” Vanessa cried excitedly still hugging Alinna.

  Pulling away from Vanessa smiling at her girl, Alinna fixed her clothes and said, “I’m happy that you’re happy, but I’m worried about what Dante’s going to say.”

  “What can he say?” Vanessa said and then added, “He’s gonna be a daddy, he’ll be happy, Alinna.”

  “I’m hoping he is happy, but we never talked about a baby or us having one. Then look at the shit we’re into, I just hope he ready for a baby, Vanessa,” Alinna told her girl, explaining as her smiled slipped a little at a time until it was completely gone.

  Chapter 12

  Parked inside the Pine Hills mall parking lot, positioned in the opening where they could easily be seen at from the front entrance of the mall entrance, Dante first saw the Escalade, and then another Escalade pulling inside the mall parking lot, until finally seeing the Benz truck as it pulled inside the parking lot behind the two Escalades.

  Looking down at his Mickey Mouse watch and seeing Big Daddy was three minutes late, Dante looked back up in time to see all three SUV’s pulling up in front of the rental, keeping a few feet back from them.

  “Come on,” Dante told Dre, climbing out of the rental, and walking around the front end of the rental. Dante positioned himself up against the front end of the truck, watching as Big Daddy exited the Benz truck and walked through the crowd of twelve bodyguards who were all gripping burners in their hands.

  “Where the fuck is my sister?” Big Daddy asked, as he started stared at both men he didn’t know or ever saw before.

  Ignoring Big Daddy’s question, Dante calmly asked, “Where’s the stuff I said I wanted?”

  “Where the fuck is my sister you bitch ass muthafucker?” Big Daddy said repeating himself.

  “I’m starting to get upset,” Dante said, still leaning against the front of the rental truck. “Last time asking and then you won’t have to worry about where your sister’s at. She’ll be with wherever it is a bitch goes after I put a bullet in their head. Where’s my money and heroin, fat boy?”

  Starting at the muthafucker who spoke to him, promising himself that he would kill the muthafucker before him or the big motherfucker he was with left the parking lot, Big Daddy called out to somebody named Cole. He watched one of the bodyguards that Big Daddy called out, walk off from the group, stop over next to one of the Escalades opening the back door, and pulled out two black briefcases. Dante shifted his eyes back to Big Daddy finding the fat bastard staring straight at him. “Everything better be there.”

  “Everything’s there,” Big Daddy replied, motioning for Cole to take the briefcase to the guys.

  Watching as the bodyguards stepped forward, Dante tapped the front end of the rental truck, and Dante stepped forward to meet the guy.

  Once Dre had both briefcases and was back beside Dante, he laid both briefcases on top of the truck’s hood opening them both.

  Looking over to his left seeing the briefcase filled with money while the other had two bricks of heroin inside, Dante saw Dre check under a few of the stacks of bills just as Big Daddy called out again, asking where his sister was.

  Slowly smiling as Dre closed the briefcase, Dante looked back to Big Daddy saying, “Your sister is close by, but answer one question before I tell you exactly where’s she’s at.”

  “What the fuck now?” Big Daddy asked loudly.

  “You know someone named Tony T who used to fuck with your sister, Rachel?” Dante asked, still smiling a small smirk.

  “Who the fuck you talking about? Who the fuck is Tony T?” Big Daddy yelled starting to lose his patience.

  Shaking his head Dante laughed as he looked to his left saying. “Hey yo, Tony T. He don’t even remember you braw, crazy shit.”

  “This is fucked up,” Tony T said as he stepped into view after watching from the dark shadows at the side of the corner of the mall’s front entrance front doors.

  Hearing another voice, he turned his attention to his right just as his men’s yelled in warning. Big Daddy had enough time to see the dark brown-skinned guy with the AR-15 gripped in both hands right before the poorly lit parking lot lit up with the AR-15 he was holding.

  * * *

  After dropping Vanessa off at home feeling unwell, but feeling better than she did the previous night, Alinna told her girl to call her later as she walked up to the front door to her town house.

  Hearing her cell phone ring as she pulled her ke
ys from her purse, Alinna unlocked her front door first and turned back to wave at Vanessa, but then pulled her cell phone from her left side pocket.

  Breaking out in a huge smile at seeing Dante calling, Alinna answered as she stepped inside the house. “Hey baby, where are you? You still in Alabama? How long you planning on being there? When are you coming home? I miss you.”

  “Damn shorty, you plan on breathing?” Dante asked laughing.

  Smiling at his response, but smiling harder Alinna asked again, “When are you getting home?”

  “We should be in Miami by morning sometime around 3:00.”

  “So everything went okay there in Alabama?”

  “Everything went good, shorty?

  Smiling harder, Alinna said, “Well, I’ve gotta talk to you when you get home. It’s important.”


  “Not over the…”

  “You said it was important, shorty. Talk”

  “Dante it can wait until you get home. We’re okay and it’s all okay, alright?”

  “We’ll be there in a few hours.”

  Hearing the anger in his voice recognizing Dante was upset, she simply couldn’t tell him what she had to tell him. Alinna also noticed he didn’t catch her little clue that she gave him with the whole, “We’re okay,” thing she said. “I love you Dante.”

  “Yeah, love you too, Alinna,” Dante told her, but hung up the phone right afterwards.

  Shaking her head smiling again after Dante hung up the phone Alinna headed up to her bedroom to shower and change into something to where to bed.

  * * *

  Not sure how long she was asleep or when she fell asleep, Alinna opened her eyes, feeling someone brushing the side of her face gently with his hands, slowly smiling once she realized she was seeing Dante seated beside her on the bed. “Hey baby, you just got here?”

  “Yeah,” Dante answered, brushing back her hair from her face.

  “How you feeling?”

  “I’m good, I just miss you?” Alinna told him, sitting up and hugging Dante around the neck.

  “How’s the baby?” Dante asked, speaking into Alinna’s ear.


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