Love Songs

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Love Songs Page 4

by Constance Bretes

  “Just coffee, please,” he said, smiling at the waitress. Turning his attention back to Jennifer, he said, “You seem kind of familiar to me, but I’ll be darn if I can place you.”

  “I’m sure you recognize her from the hit song Maybe Later,” Anna answered, smiling at Joe.

  “Really? That Jennifer Summers?” Joe asked in amazement.

  “That would be me,” Jennifer replied.

  “Well, I’ll be. You have a beautiful voice, Jennifer.”

  “Thank you.” Jennifer paused, slightly embarrassed.

  “Jennifer is going to take my place for a few weeks as lead singer for Jake’s band. At least until she sorts out what she wants to do with her parents’ ranch. So you can come to the casino and listen to her sing.”

  “That’s great. I’ll have to drop by.” He smiled broadly.

  Jennifer noticed how handsome Joe was. He stood about six foot with blue eyes and blond hair. She imagined all the ladies were probably swooning around him.

  Jake walked into the café with Kaitlin and saw Anna, Joe, and Jennifer sitting in the corner of the restaurant. He walked over. “Good morning, Anna, Joe.” Then he looked at Jennifer. “Jenn.”

  “Good morning, Jake. Kaitlin.” Anna smiled at her brother.

  “Hello, Kaitlin. How’s it going, Jake?” Joe asked.

  Jennifer didn’t say anything.

  “Hi,” Kaitlin said.

  “Everything is going good, Joe.” Jake looked over at Jennifer. “Is there anything wrong, Jenn?”

  “No, nothing’s wrong.” Jennifer looked up at him, and then at Kaitlin standing at his side. She noticed Kaitlin watching her with keen interest.

  “I didn’t keep you up too late last night, did I?” Jake asked, searching her eyes.


  “So, Jake, I hear Jennifer is going to sing with your band for a while. How did you manage that?” Joe asked teasingly.

  “Anna came up with the suggestion and brought Jenn over to the studio to see if it would work.”

  “I’m sure it will be a wild, smashing success.”

  “Yeah, I’m sure it will be too. Which reminds me...Joe, I need to talk to you about extra security outside the casino. I think things are going to get a little bit crazy once the word gets out that Jenn is here.”

  “Sure. Stop by my office later today and we’ll discuss it.”

  “Okay, I’ll do that. I’m going to sit down now. See you later, Jenn.”

  Jennifer nodded at him as he walked away. Kaitlin looked back at Jennifer before following Jake to a table.

  “Jake is a good guy. I like him,” Joe said.

  “Yeah. He is a pain in the butt as a brother, but I love him.”

  Jennifer smiled sadly but didn’t say anything.

  * * * *

  Jake sat staring at Jennifer, wondering why she was so standoffish. She’d hardly acknowledged him. But she seemed to be having a good time with Joe. He wasn’t sure he liked the idea that Joe, being single, was paying so much attention to her. Jake knew that he was being irrational. She certainly had the right to date anyone she wanted to. He wondered if her and Joe might start up a relationship. Irrational or not, he definitely didn’t like that idea.

  From the moment he had seen Jenn last week, he knew he was in a heap of trouble emotionally. He still felt a strong attraction to her. He’d never found anyone as beautiful, inside and out, as Jennifer.

  He sensed that she was unhappy. She seemed...withdrawn. She looked insecure and almost nervous. Did something happen to her while she was in Africa? It’s so hard to go to another country anymore with all the instability and turmoil going on around the world. Did she get caught up in some sort of situation?

  He stared at her from across the room for the longest time, feeling the strongest urge to kiss her until the sadness disappeared.

  * * * *

  “So you must have traveled around the world, Jennifer.” Joe looked at her and smiled.

  “Yes, I have traveled to a lot of places.” She smiled sweetly.

  “What was your favorite place?”

  “Oh, I love it here. This is home, and I’m just glad to be here.”

  “Is there a place you wouldn’t want to go to again?”

  “Oh yes, I went to Africa and worked as a volunteer for the World Hunger Organization. I spent two years there, and I don’t think I want to go back there again. There is so much suffering and so much war going on. It’s awful!”

  “I bet they were sorry to see you leave,” Anna commented.

  “They asked me to stay longer. I almost decided to stay, but I knew I had a lot of stuff to take care of here. My attorney, or rather, my parents’ attorney, wanted to get the estates settled, so I came back. I take it you’re fairly new around here, Joe?”

  “Yeah. About four years ago, while I was unemployed, I came here to visit my relatives, and they recommended that I apply for a deputy position here. So I did, and I got the job. Then I had an opportunity to become sheriff. Anna, along with a few others, campaigned for me and I was elected. Well, ladies, as wonderful as it is sitting here with you, I have to go. But before I leave, I was wondering, Jennifer, if you would possibly...I mean, would you consider having dinner with me sometime?”

  “Um, yeah, I think I’d enjoy that, Joe.” Jennifer smiled, surprised at the question. She flicked a gaze over at Jake sitting at the table across the room and noticed that he was staring right at her.

  “Would tonight be too soon?” Joe asked as he got up to leave.

  “Tonight would be great. I have rehearsal with the band until about seven or eight. How about I just meet you somewhere?”

  “There’s a nice little restaurant just down the street called Ye Olde Steakhouse. It serves really good food.”

  “Right down the street from here?” Jennifer asked.

  “Yes. You can’t see the name of the restaurant until you get up on it, because the name is only in the window. Before you get to the end of this block, the restaurant is right there on the left.”

  “Sounds good. I’ll meet you there around seven-thirty, but don’t be alarmed if I’m running a little late. I don’t know how long Jake will keep the band practicing.”

  “That’s fine. I’ll see you tonight.” Joe smiled and looked at Anna. “Anna, it’s always a pleasure.”

  “See you, Joe. Have fun tonight.” She smiled.

  “Goodbye, Joe. See you later,” Jennifer said as Joe put his hat on.

  He walked up to the register and paid his ticket. He stopped by Jake’s table to talk to him for a second and then walked out.

  Chapter 7

  Jake came to the studio alone, in a foul mood. He had learned that Jennifer was going out on a date with Joe tonight, and he did not like it. She arrived for practice as the rest of the band began piling in and getting their instruments ready. Jake looked her over and noticed she was wearing a fancy outfit with stilettos. He wondered what she would tell him if he asked her about being dressed up.

  “What’s the occasion for the dress up, Jenn?” Jake asked.

  “I’m going out tonight.”

  “Where are you going?” He held her gaze captive.

  “Well really, Jake, is it any of your business?” Jennifer asked with her eyebrows raised.

  “No, guess not. I just wondered. That’s all.” He looked at her glumly.

  Jennifer turned her attention to the part of the music they had rehearsed the day before. She requested that they go over it again to be sure she had it down.

  Jake tried his best to keep the band rehearsing as long as he could. But at seven-thirty, Jennifer finally said, “I really have to go, Jake. We can go over this tomorrow.”

  “All right. You can go if you want. The rest of us will stay and work out the music.” He looked at Jennifer before she turned and walked to the door. He saw a flicker of longing in her eyes that disappeared in a flash—but he’d seen it.

  * * * *

  Jennifer made it to
the restaurant at seven-fifty that evening and rushed inside. She saw Joe sitting at a corner table and she walked over and sat down with him. “I’m so sorry to be this late. Jake, for some reason, decided tonight he’d keep us longer.”

  “Not a problem, Jennifer. You said you might be running late, so I wasn’t worried. Would you like a drink?” he asked as the waitress approached the table.

  “No, I don’t drink. Could you bring me a large glass of ice water with a lemon in it?”

  The waitress nodded and left the area. When she brought the drinks back to the table, several other waitresses came along with her, all giggling, wanting to know if they could get Jennifer’s autograph. Joe smiled as Jennifer took a pen and wrote her name on the pieces of paper they gave her.

  “I bet you get that a lot, huh?” Joe asked once they’d left.

  “It hasn’t been too bad. I don’t mind it really.” Jennifer smiled back at Joe.

  She looked over the menu and decided on a six ounce New York strip steak with wedge potatoes and a salad. Joe ordered a twelve ounce New York strip steak with a baked potato and a salad.

  “You obviously like pop music, do you ever sing country music?” Joe asked.

  “No, I’ve never sung any country music. Although, there are some good singers I enjoy listening to in that genre.”

  “I pretty much grew up listening to nothing but country music. My father wouldn’t allow any other music in the house. One thing I never could get the hang of was orchestra music.”

  Jennifer smiled. “You know, most people don’t realize this, but on some live performances and studio recordings, pop singers use an orchestra to enhance their music. And I don’t think it’s limited to just pop music.”

  “Really? I didn’t know that.”

  “For example, did you happen to watch Mariah Carey’s holiday special?”

  “Yes, I did see that.”

  “Well, if you had watched closely, while she was singing she not only had her band in the background, she also had an orchestra playing.”

  “I didn’t notice that. I bet you rubbed shoulders with a lot of stars, didn’t you?”

  “I met quite a few,” Jennifer admitted.

  “Is there anyone in particular that you like?”

  “Yes, Jessica Carpenter. We became friends during my touring days.”

  “She’s another one with a great voice.”

  “I agree,” Jennifer said.

  The food was brought out to their table. After they ate their dinner, they shared a piece of chocolate cake, and Joe commented that it was the best on this side of the US.

  “Jennifer, are you involved with anyone?” Joe asked.

  “No. How about you?”

  “No, I’m not in a relationship. I was interested in someone, but she has eyes for Jake.”

  “You mean Kaitlin?”

  Joe nodded.

  Well, isn’t that interesting?

  When Joe asked for the bill, the waitress said, “It’s on the house. We’re so glad to have Jennifer Summers in our humble little restaurant that Duncan, the owner, decided to pay for it.”

  “Tell Duncan we appreciate it!” Joe said.

  They left and Joe walked Jennifer to her car. “Wow! A Corvette, huh? Guess when you’re a big star, you can afford cars like this.”

  “I love Corvettes.” Jennifer gave him a megawatt smile.

  “I enjoyed having dinner with you tonight, Jennifer. I hope we can do it again soon.”

  “I enjoyed it too. And I’d love to do it again.” She opened the car door and got in.

  “Good night, Jennifer. Don’t make me have to pull you over driving this big machine, okay?”

  They both laughed.

  “I won’t, Sheriff. Have a good evening,” she said with a wink.

  Chapter 8

  Jennifer was pulled out of a sound sleep by an insistent banging at her front door. She looked at the clock on her nightstand. Two AM. Who would be knocking on her door at this hour?

  She got out of bed and put a robe on. She walked into the living room in the dark toward the door. She looked through the peephole and saw that it was Jake.

  “Jennifer, wake up!” Jake hollered.

  Jennifer opened the door partway to peek out.

  “It’s me, Jenn.” Jake slurred his speech as he leaned on the door frame. He smelled strongly of alcohol.

  “Jake, what do you want?” she asked. She refused to open the door any wider.

  “I’m here to be with you,” Jake slurred. He brought a bottle of beer up to his mouth and took a swig.

  “It’s two in the morning!” Jennifer exclaimed.

  “Come on, Jenn. I drove all the way over here to be with the woman I love.”

  The woman he loved?

  She knew he didn’t love her—it was just the booze talking.

  Jennifer didn’t know what to do with him. Finally, thinking he shouldn’t drink and drive, she opened the door to let him in.

  He walked in, staggering. “Do you have any beer in the frig?” he asked.

  “No, and you’re not drinking the rest of this either,” she retorted, grabbing the beer from his hand. She went to the kitchen sink and dumped it down the drain.

  He staggered into the kitchen behind her.

  “Do you want some coffee to sober up, or do you just want to sleep it off?” Jennifer asked.

  “Oh, baby! I want to sleep it off with you.” He slurred his speech again, reaching out to grab Jennifer. She eluded his hands, and he almost fell forward.

  “You’ll sleep it off on the couch. What possessed you to go out and get drunk?”

  “You being with another man, Jenn. I can’t handle it.”

  “What made you think I went out with another man?”

  Jake stumbled onto the barstool. “Joe told me he was having dinner with you tonight.” Jake reached out again to grab Jennifer. “Jenn, let me hold you, honey.”

  “No, Jake.” Jennifer grasp his hands. “You’re going to go lie on the couch and sleep this off. We’ll talk about this in the morning,” Jennifer scolded firmly.

  “Yes, ma’am,” Jake slurred again as he stood up, almost falling over. Jennifer grabbed him and he put his arm around her as they stumbled toward the couch in the living room.

  “How did you manage to drive over here?” she asked, not really expecting an intelligent answer from him. She sat him down on the couch, then pulled some pillows from the chair and put them where he could lay his head. “Lie down, Jake.”

  “You gonna kiss me and tuck me in, sweetie?” Jake hiccupped.

  Before she could answer, he had passed out. Jennifer removed the blanket from the back of the couch and placed it over Jake. She turned off the lights and locked the door, then went back to bed.

  When Jennifer got up the next morning, she walked into the living room and found that Jake was not on the couch. She looked out the window and found his truck was gone as well. She called him on his cellphone.

  “Hello?” Jake answered in a low voice.

  “Are you recovered from your drinking binge last night?” she asked.

  “Ah, yeah. I got a hell of a headache.”

  “Well, I’m not surprised. You were very drunk. You shouldn’t drink and drive like that, Jake. Do you do this often?”

  There was silence on the other end of the line.

  “Jake, are you there?”

  “Yeah, I’m here. No, I don’t drink very often,” he whispered. The background noise sounded like he was with a group of people. “I’m sorry, Jenn, I don’t know what came over me. But I’ve got to go. I’m at work, and I’m about to go into a meeting. I’ll talk to you later.” The phone went dead.

  * * * *

  Jennifer came back to the ranch after doing some grocery shopping. She decided to pick out what she would wear for her first night’s performance with the band. Her clothes from New York had arrived that day, so she had spent part of the day sorting through and hanging them up. She picke
d out a lovely deep blue evening dress that revealed the contours of her body. It had a low neckline and a slit going up the side of her leg, stopping just above the knee. It accented her blonde hair that hung down her back in curls, almost to her waist. She matched the dress with stiletto shoes and added a sparkling necklace. She also did her nails in sparkling colors that matched everything.

  She drove to the casino and walked in the back door as Jake had told her to do in order to avoid the crowds until they were all set up and ready to play. Besides the gaming floors, the casino had a five thousand seat White Eagle Entertainment Center. It had three floors, and on each floor there was an alcove with a small dance floor and seating area that was set up for the local bands to come in and play.

  When she got to the alcove, the band worked together to set up their equipment and instruments. They’d only brought basic instruments as all their instruments wouldn’t fit on the small stage. Of all the alcoves though, they had the biggest one even though there was room only for minimal movement. It barely had room for the instruments the band brought and the special lighting. Jake programmed the lighting so he could apply different variations with only a press of his foot near the drum set.

  Jennifer hid behind the alcove until it was her cue to come out. She knew that once the crowd saw her, she would never get to the stage area to begin singing. Plus, she didn’t want to interfere with the band while they were getting their instruments set up and in working order.

  The lights dimmed and the introductions began. They introduced Jennifer Summers and the White Sands Band. The crowds stood at attention as Jennifer came out on the stage, and the band started playing the music for the first song of the night. After the song, the crowd clapped and yelled for more.

  Jennifer walked across the little stage, looked out into the crowd and said, “Welcome, everyone! I’m so glad you could be here tonight!” The crowd went crazy. “It’s a real pleasure for me to sing for you and with this wonderful band the White Sands.”

  The crowd continued to clap and roar for Jennifer and the band, as she gave the nod to Calvin on the keyboards for the next song to start.


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