Born of Embers: Phoenix Rising Book One

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Born of Embers: Phoenix Rising Book One Page 6

by Harper Wylde

  Her eyes were round and unsure as she studied us. “Shift. Show me more.” There was authority ringing in her tone. I assumed that a part of her still thought of this as a trick. I simply nodded, lowering the vine I had created to rest on the floor.

  “We have safe spaces on campus that allow shifters to turn. It may be easiest if Rini will shift for you, if she’s willing.” I glanced over my shoulder to meet Rini’s eyes. She smiled and nodded, accepting my request.

  “I’ll shift for you, Nix. My bear is small, and I won’t feel as strong to you as Barrett or Hiro would. Though, I’m sure you’d prefer looking at them naked rather than me.” She sent Nix a wink and a soft smile.

  Nix tilted her head, considering all of us. Taking a deep breath, she nodded. “Fine. This may not be my smartest move, but I want answers. Take me to wherever you can shift. I want proof, and then I have questions.” I nodded, holding out my hand for hers. She shook her head and wrapped her arms around herself, stepping to the side instead and indicating that I should lead. I shot Rini a meaningful look and she gave an almost imperceptible nod, reaching into her pocket for her cell. Theo would be meeting us there if he was available. I wouldn’t be surprised if the others came as well.

  Chapter Eight


  I followed Hiro from our room as he took us down a back staircase and behind our dorm building. If this was a trick, it was far more elaborate than it had any reason to be. I had seen the flowers grow up his arm. I had felt the soft petals against my fingertip and breathed in their heady fragrance. They had grown in his hand. I didn’t understand how it had happened, and I was still cautious. I kept an eye on my surroundings as he led me into the wooded area that surrounded the campus. “This may feel a little weird.” His smile was sweet and his hands stretched out to me, asking if I wanted to hold them. He was very odd, but very sweet.

  “What will feel weird?” It was so hard to keep the suspicion out of my tone as I stayed where I stood.

  He sighed and ran a hand through his hair, knotting a few of the black threads around his glasses. “Different shifters have different powers. We’ve created safe areas for us to shift in. Someone gifted in boundaries, possibly a celestial kitsune, has put a boundary around this area to prevent anyone human from crossing. It won’t hurt the humans, nor will it hurt a shifter. The human will just get distracted and leave the area. Shifters feel anything from a pressure to a tickling sensation when they cross it.” As if to emphasize that I wouldn’t come to any harm he strode forward through the trees. For a moment I thought I saw a flash of sparkles but then he turned back to face me. “Come on. Rini and Barrett will wait until you get through.”

  Honestly, I had been so focused on where Hiro was that I had completely forgotten the other two. Stupid mistake, Nix, I thought to myself as I glanced behind me. Rini and Barrett were a few paces back, his arm wrapped tightly around her waist as he stroked his fingers up and down her side. They really did seem sweet together. I took a deep breath and turned back to face Hiro. None of this made any sense, but it was time to sink or swim. If Hiro was telling the truth I’d finally get some answers. I wouldn’t be a freak all by myself. If this was some insanely elaborate hoax, what’s the worst that could be at the end of it? Michael? He’d never go through all this trouble—he wasn’t smart enough or motivated enough to set this up. Them laughing at me? Well, been there, done that.

  I met Hiro’s deep chocolate eyes and stepped across the line he had indicated. It was like being wrapped in a soft blanket. The feeling whirled around me and then eased as I took another step forward. I glanced back over my shoulder, there had definitely not been anything there when I stepped through and there was still nothing visible there now. Rini and Barrett quickly followed us and, now more curious than I could ever remember being, I eagerly followed Hiro’s steady strides into the wooded area. We came to a large, round clearing amongst the trees. I would never have guessed that a clearing large enough to fit half a football field was hidden back behind the dorm building. Luckily, the dorms weren’t tall enough to see over the treetops, making the entire area private thanks to the magical barrier. Hiro motioned for me to stand to the side of the clearing and allow Rini and Barrett to pass me.

  Rini turned to face me, a small smile on her face. “Ok, so, it’s easiest if I undress to do this. Shifters are casual about nudity, so you’ll get used to that. I’m probably going to be the smallest bear you’ll ever see. I’m a sun bear. We’re very rare as far as bear shifters go.” Her eyes sparkled as she watched me. Barrett stepped a few feet to the side, giving her more room. I couldn’t help but blush as she removed her clothing. I quickly glanced at Hiro who had gentlemanly shielded his eyes. He really did seem like a sweetheart. Barrett was studying her with frank appreciation, a wicked smile curving his lips. Rini shot him an exasperated look before meeting my eyes. “Don’t worry, it doesn’t hurt.” With that and a shimmer of light, a small black bear with an elongated snout and a golden sunburst on her chest was standing right where Rini had been.

  A strangled laugh escaped my lips right before I felt my legs give out and I began to crumple to the ground. I couldn’t justify my reaction. In the back of my mind, I knew it was reasonable that there were other—let's say unique—people in the world. It wouldn’t make sense if I was the only one, but I just saw a girl turn into a fucking bear! Hiro was faster—and stronger—than I had given him credit for. He may have been slender but he had arms like corded steel that wrapped around me and kept me upright, saving me before I’d even had a chance to hit the ground. I found myself quickly pressed back into a rock-hard chest and thighs. Wow, okay, new distraction. I wasn’t used to being touched though and I couldn’t stop my body from seizing up and freezing from the contact as his body aligned with mine. This was ridiculous! There were more important things to focus on right now. Oh well, old habits and all that.

  “I apologize. I wouldn’t have grabbed you without your permission but I didn’t want you to injure yourself.” Hiro gently released me and made sure I was steady on my feet. I glanced back at his face and could see that he was genuinely sorry. I felt a small crack form in the shield I had placed around my heart. I didn’t know what to make of this guy. He had done nothing but try to gain my trust and he had an ease of manner that I found soothing. As much as I tried to warn myself against letting anyone in, another part of me was desperate to have someone in my corner for once.

  Deciding to figure him out later, I focused instead on Rini. “Can you understand me when you’re like this?” I asked quietly, studying where the bear had sat back on her heels. The bear nodded her head and lifted a paw, tilting her head playfully.

  Hiro spoke up, his tone soothing and calm. “Her bear is separate from her, and yet a part of her. She can hear you in this form and understands that you’re a friend. She’s no threat to you, don’t worry.”

  I took small steps closer to her and she rolled onto her back, waving her paws into the air above her as she let her tongue hang out of her mouth. I couldn’t hold back the laugh that broke from me. She was nice, showing me the goofy side of her bear to make me comfortable.

  “May I pet you?” I glanced around the clearing, worried that I had broken some kind of rule. Hiro just smiled, Barrett nodded at me.

  “She’s soft. She’ll let you pet her. Of course, never try it with a real bear.” I rolled my eyes at Barrett’s warning.

  “Dude, I may not have much knowledge of the shifter world, but I do have at least some basic common sense. I get that things in the shifter world won’t necessarily transfer to the human world.” I sunk my fingers into Rini’s thick dark fur and glanced over my shoulder at Hiro, who was watching me with a smile on his face. “So you’re a kitsune?” At his nod, I waved my hand. “Show me.” To my delight and amusement a light flush worked its way up Hiro’s neck to coat his cheeks.

  “But, I’d have to…” Hiro trailed off, waving a hand up and down himself to indicate his clothes.

I raised my eyebrow and studied him. “You said that shifters don’t care about nudity. So, get nude, dude.” I smirked at him, my eyes holding a dare.

  Hiro sighed and the red blush still infused his cheeks as he slid his square, dark-framed glasses off. “This is all new to you and I didn’t want to offend. However, if you need to see to believe, I can show you.” I watched with my hands still stroking through fur as Hiro shrugged out of his jacket and began to unbutton the plaid shirt he’d been wearing. Oh yeah, I had definitely been right when he had pulled me against him. He was slender but each muscle was well defined. His skin was a burnished gold and nearly hairless except the trail that led down his hard, flat stomach into his jeans. He toed off the shoes he was wearing and reached for the button of his jeans. When he undid the button I lost my confidence and looked back to where Rini still sat next to me. His chuckle rolled over me as I heard the hiss of a zipper followed by fabric falling to the ground.

  I felt a tingle in the air, like an increase in static electricity, and I looked to where Hiro had been standing moments ago. In his place was a gorgeous white fox. It was larger than a normal fox, but not by much. As he stretched, I could see that he had multiple tails. His fur gleamed a pure white in the sunlight that filtered through the trees. His eyes were the deep green of the evergreen trees that surrounded us. The tips of his ears and all of his paws were covered in the same dark green. More green swirled from the tip of each of his seven tails in intricate designs, twisting and arching around the white fur in waves.

  I looked to Rini for confirmation, who nodded at me. I couldn’t stop the smile. She looked just like the teddy bear I had had as a small child. Straightening my shoulders I walked towards Hiro. As I got closer I noticed something that I hadn’t felt when I had gotten close to Rini. The static electricity that seemed to fill the air when she and Hiro had changed had dissipated by the time I had advanced toward her. Now it still hung in the air, stroking over my skin in a way that tickled and seemed to stir something inside of me. I hesitated, unsure how close I wanted to get to the energy that seemed to be radiating off of him.

  “It’s okay, Nix,” Rini spoke from behind me. I glanced behind me to see her pulling her shirt over her head. “One of the other reasons we had me shift first was because I’m animal, not mythological. Your inner beast wouldn’t see me as a threat as I don’t give off power the way that other mythologicals do. What you’re feeling is his energy. It’s how he’s able to manipulate his powers. The stronger the magic, the stronger the energy he’ll give off.”

  I turned back to studying Hiro, who had sat down gracefully, wrapping his tails around his dainty legs. “May I touch you, Hiro?” In some ways, this was so much more than touching Rini in her bear form. Bears, even sun bears, were animals I had experienced before. Kitsune, no matter that he looked similar to a fox, were creatures that weren’t supposed to exist. I would truly be touching magic if he let me touch him.

  He stood and came close to me, then brushed his soft head against my hands. As I began to stroke the silky fur at the sides of his neck he let out a low rumbling noise and closed his eyes. “Like that, huh?” I whispered. Suddenly I felt another wave of static energy and I whirled, facing toward the edge of the forest that surrounded us. I knew that it would have to be another shifter, but I had no idea what it would be—or if it would be friendly for that matter.

  I staggered as I saw it step from the trees. Its coat was pure black, shining with strands of blue and indigo. Huge, dark wings folded across its back. My eyes tracked up its flanks, trailing up the lush mane that draped like silk across its neck. On its forehead, glowing a brilliant, ethereal silver, was a foot long horn. “Holy shit, it’s a fucking unicorn!” The words exploded from me without my permission. I glanced down at my hand, where Hiro’s Kitsune was still rubbing his neck against my hand, although he was now glaring at the unicorn that entered the clearing.

  “Hey, Ryder,” Rini called casually as she leaned back against Barrett’s chest.

  Ryder. It must be another one of their group. Unable to stop myself, I felt like I had to point out the obvious. Why was I the only one freaking out here? “He’s a freaking unicorn, guys! How is this normal for you?” My voice was awed and unbelieving.

  Barrett and Rini laughed. “Ryder is good friends with Theo. His breed is extremely rare and he’s actually the only one I know of, but I’ve seen him shifted for years now so a lot of the shock value has worn off. You’ll see. Soon, it will all be normal to you, too.”

  Hiro pulled his head from my hand and ran over to his pile of clothing. Grabbing his jeans in his mouth he hauled them with him behind a tree. He was back out a moment later, reaching down to grab his shirt. “Ryder’s a bit of an ass, but he wouldn’t hurt you. You can touch him if you want.” My eyes were huge in my face as I studied him. I could touch a unicorn? This was like every third-grade girl’s dream come true.

  The unicorn, it was still weird to think of him as Ryder since I’d never actually met him, bowed his head, pawing at the soft ground in front of him. I stepped forward, reaching out to stroke my hand over his silky mane and coat.

  “He feels like velvet.” My voice was quiet, awestruck. This was incredible. I was touching a unicorn. The whirl of static energy was my only warning and I whirled, turning my back to the naked man now standing behind me. I’d gotten the impression of lots of hard muscle and deeply tanned skin in the glance I had gotten.

  A deep, amused chuckle rumbled up from behind me. “Oh now, what’s this? You were quite happy to stroke my Cerapter. Don’t you want to stroke me in this form? I assure you, I’m quite velvety in my human form, too. You won’t be disappointed.”

  I ignored the blush I could feel building and strode closer to Hiro, who was scowling at his friend. Hiro tossed the jacket he had been wearing across the clearing toward Ryder. Ryder scoffed, but at Hiro’s arched brow he apparently acquiesced and Hiro shot me a smile. “It’s alright,” Hiro stated, “the important bits are covered. Like I said, Ryder can be a bit of an ass. He really is a good guy under all of that though.” I studied Hiro, trying to decide if I could trust him. He hadn’t given me any reason not to, and honestly, if Ryder looked anything like his friend, I doubt I’d complain if I saw him naked. I turned back to study the man now standing in the clearing with Hiro’s jacket wrapped around his waist like a towel. He was tall, at least six feet, with burnished olive skin covering every inch that I could see. His eyes were hazel and full of laughter as he studied me. His lips were full and wickedly quirked. His hair was shaved close on the sides and hung long on the top and it was—purple? I studied him, trying to figure out if that was due to his being a supernatural or if it was a personal choice.

  “I’m naturally a blonde. Want to see?” He winked at me as he loosened his grip on the jacket. I whirled back to face Hiro, who was glaring over my shoulder.

  “Well, ‘ass’ definitely defines your friend. I wouldn’t think a unicorn would be such a perv.” I kept my voice calm and conversational as I addressed Hiro.

  “Hey!” snapped Ryder from behind me. “I’m not a fucking unicorn! I’m a Cerapter! It’s Greek!”

  I snorted, keeping my eyes on Hiro to hide my mischievous smirk. “Oh honey, you have a horn. You’re totally a unicorn.”

  Ryder growled. “It’s not that hard, new girl. Say it with me. Cerapter. Ryder is a strong, hot, sexy, Cerapter.” His voice turned silky and I could hear him striding closer to me. “Come on, sweetheart. I’ll make it worth your while.”

  “You’re right, Ryder.” I let my voice get husky as I turned to face him, reaching out to smooth my fingers over the smooth skin of his collarbone. Damn, it really was like velvet. He smirked at Hiro, reaching out as if he were going to pull me into an embrace. “I forgot you had wings. You’re not a unicorn. You’re an alicorn! Maybe I’ll just call you My Little Pony.” I stepped away from where his fingers hung frozen in mid-air and blew him a kiss. Rini was doubled over with laughter, Barrett keeping her
from falling in a heap on the ground at his feet.

  Chapter Nine



  She was fucking beautiful but it was her smart mouth and teasing comments that had me standing up and taking notice of her. Holy hot damn but she gave as good as she got—and unfortunately I wasn’t referring to anything sexual. Yet.

  Smirking at her, I narrowed my eyes, ready with a comeback. “Well, that’s not a nice way to talk about my…” pausing, I looked down to make my dirty innuendo clear, “… horn.” I saw her eyes widen as she took in my meaning. “I can assure you, that pony’s not little.” I winked as I turned and walked back toward the treeline where I had left my clothing.

  Once I was out of sight I had to shake my head to clear my thoughts. Verbally sparring with her was entertaining but something about her unnerved me. Everything about her was surprising. Kill hadn’t explained just how gorgeous she was. Fucking alluring. And then there was that mouth and her quick wit. The way her eyes lit up when she saw my Cerapter. He would have been fucking prancing around the clearing to impress her if I hadn’t kept close control over him. He liked it when she touched him. Hell, so did I. I could already tell she was smart and independent. How had she gotten under everyone’s radar for so long? It was a damn mystery.

  Finding my black jeans, I untied Hiro’s jacket from my waist and stepped into them before pulling on a black t-shirt and a brown leather jacket that was fitted to my figure. I put on my brown leather Vans last. I’d had to special order them and have them shipped to Alaska. Eh, clothes were kind of my thing.

  Running my hands through my hair, I eavesdropped on Hiro’s conversation with Rini, Barrett, and Nix. I had heard her name through Theo, who was waiting for us with Killian just outside of the spelled area. We were afraid that having all of us in the clearing at the same time might be too much for the new girl. I was skeptical, at first, as to why she had Killian all worked up, but after laying eyes on her myself I understood.


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