Tiva Boon: Royal Guardian

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Tiva Boon: Royal Guardian Page 30

by Jenn Nixon

  “They are too young to fight in a war,” she glowered.

  “We are not!” they both said.

  “Look what happened to Nex? He was only seventeen, I do not…” She stopped and pulled her hand from Tespor’s grasp and stared out into the night.

  “You will keep them safe, Tiva, and we are not moving into the midst of combat we are attacking from afar. The king is hoping this counterstrike will thin out the Rebel faction.”

  “And if it does not?” she said, looking back at him, her voice full of anger.

  “I don’t know.”

  Six hundred protectors marched toward the border of Degort proper. If they were skilled enough with the new weapons to take out a quarter of the Rebel forces they would still have thousands more to deal with. Tiva tried to ignore her negative thoughts, but with all that had happened in recent days, she was unsure this outcome would be in their favor. Questions filled her mind. What if the Rebels were making new detonators? What if those who spoke of her, found her; what would her fate be?

  Hutt Ispek ordered the groups to spread out along the border, and sent two scouts to find the Rebels. When they returned with word of a mass near the main bridge into Degort proper, Hutt called for the advance.

  Tiva gripped the blaster in one hand, and placed her Timbur on the other as a precaution. Her siblings were nervous, but seemed ready to fight. Tespor stayed near, along with Jex, Skky, and Loloa. They stalked through trees and brush, nearing the bridge. Hutt’s voice blared through the PCD’s and the guardians and legionnaires began their assault on the Rebels.

  Tiva and her group emerged from the safety of the trees and fired at the group. The green blasts from the weapons scorched the air. The Rebels scattered. East of her location, a detonator went off. She glanced to Tespor and pulled her siblings behind a large rock.

  A mass of weapons fire streaked through the sky toward the guardians. The Rebels did have alien weapons aside from the detonators. More explosions rocked the ground around her, but she continued to fire at the group as ordered, injuring, or killing as many as she could to thin the forces. Her siblings, Tespor, and the others did the same.

  The exchange continued until the suns began to rise. No longer able to hide in the darkness, Hutt recalled the group to the hovers. Without a second thought, Tiva and Tespor pulled their group back, thankfully all uninjured. However, others were not as fortunate. Almost a hundred guardians and legionnaires were injured or dead. Though seething, she forced herself to remain calm, their attack was coordinated and harsh, she was certain the Rebels fared worse.

  As the hovers sped across the land, back to the palace, Tiva’s PCD beeped and Kevler’s voice resounded inside the vehicle.

  “Is everyone safe, dearest one?”

  She raised the device to her mouth. “Our team is unharmed, Father.”

  “Hurry back to the marketplace, the Rebels are moving in, we have to regroup.”

  “We will be there shortly.”

  “Send all injured to the palace, the rest of you spread out. Cover every building, entrance, and path,” Devler said through the PCD. Tiva saw him running into the marketplace. “Move the hovers back to the facility quickly, they are coming!”

  “Stop!” Tiva said to Tespor and the vehicle jerked back. She jumped out, pulling her siblings with her. “Hurry, Tespor, we will need you.”

  He nodded and drove toward the palace. Tiva ran to her uncle with Remock and Bintu in tow.

  “Come with me,” he said.

  The group darted to the end of the market place, entered a building, and climbed to the roof. Tiva looked out to see the mass of Rebels approaching. It seemed as if their strike hurt the numbers some, but still, thousands of traitors were closing in around them.

  “The weapons we have are almost out of power, we are going to have to fight them face to face, Uncle.”

  “We will do what we must.”

  “Tiva, I’m scared,” Bintu said, her voice quivering. Tiva drew her sister close and held her. Fighting back her own fear, she pulled Remock to her and kissed them both then knelt before them.

  “We are all afraid, elder and younger alike. There is no shame in fear, but you must not let it guide you. You have been trained well; do not forget all you have learned.”

  “We won’t,” Remock said and Bintu nodded.

  Tiva looked up at her uncle. His face filled with sadness. He handed his blaster to Remock, Tiva knew what he was planning, and she gave hers to Bintu.

  “Remain here, fire on the group until you are out of power, then retreat to the palace. There are enough guardians here to fight any who break through,” Devler said.

  Tiva touched Bintu’s cheek then followed her uncle back to the main path.

  The strength of the guardians converged at the gate while the younger ones held the rooftops with the blasters. They waited until midday arrived and the Rebels crossed into Degort proper and neared the marketplace two thousand strong.

  Tiva felt a presence approach from behind and turned to see Darlew and her father. Overjoyed, yet focused on the pending mission, she remained in place, but smiled at them. The elite formed the front line, and as the first group approached, Devler ordered the blaster teams to fire.

  Breaking through the gate, the Rebels rushed the guardians and the battle erupted. Tiva slashed her way through the group, hacking, breaking, stabbing, and crushing. She held nothing back. Overhead the sky filled with green blaze, surprisingly there was no return fire.

  One after another, she struck down the enemy circling around the masses. Her friends doing much the same, while her father, uncle, and elder guardians congregated in the middle of the group. The stench of blood surrounded her. Bodies fell at her feet. It was coming naturally to her now, a quick-paced rhythm of moves. Swing, dodge, kick, and thrust, everything happened with little thought. Spinning and weaving through the crowd, Tiva kept her focus, not allowing the anger to take over. Her control intact, her will strong, and her mind set on one thing only, averting the threat, and protecting her king and family.

  The blasts above her ceased and she grinned knowing her siblings would be safe in the palace. The smile faded when the ground beneath her feet rumbled. Two large fireballs erupted inside the marketplace. Tiva gasped and turned. A bladed staff pieced her forearm. Screaming in pain, she twisted around and swung her sword across her adversary’s chest. He fell to the ground and took his last gasp of air. She looked down. His young face contorted with horror and fear, his markings dark with anger. The boy was no more than a cycle older than her siblings. Looking closer, the features of the boy seemed familiar. Her eyes widened and she stepped back. These were the children of Solun’s faction. Young men and women who joined a cause all those cycles ago were falling dead at her feet.

  They chose their path, as did she, only Tiva knew her side was just. Saddened, but unyielding, she fought alongside her family and friends until the Rebels began a slow retreat. She took notice, barreled through the thinning masses, and moved toward her father and uncle.

  “They are pulling back, we should think of doing the same. Help our injured, and reinforce the market with fresh guardians from the palace,” Tiva said.

  Rebels closed in around them.

  Devler threw a dagger past Tiva, hitting a nearby man in the chest. Tiva spun around and slashed a second across the stomach. Kevler sliced another across the leg then stabbed him in the side with a long knife. The others ran away.

  “I agree,” Devler finally said.

  “I will contact Harer. Regroup near the palace gates.” Kevler squeezed his daughter’s arm and rushed away.

  “Having the younger guardians on the roof was a wise plan, Uncle.”

  “Thank you.” He smiled as he glanced around the area. “You are doing well, Tiva. You have become a fine guardian. We are blessed to have the strength of you and your peers in this battle.”

  “I only wish to keep my siblings safe, I fear I have not the strength to stop their will.” />
  “You were much the same, Tiva. You always did as you deemed necessary, and you have yet to falter.”

  “But this is no mission or altercation, this is war,” she said. “They are too young, just…just like these children.” She looked around at the bodies lying motionless on the grass.

  “War knows nothing of age. Its victims and aggressors are young and old, its scars timeless. War knows nothing of understanding. It stems from the blindness in the hearts and minds of people. Something they don’t understand or accept shields them from peace.”

  “War solves nothing,” she spat. “Life is wasted and ruined, yet we cannot seem to escape it.”

  “One day we may, Tiva. War is an inevitable course that must be taken to achieve peace. But when people learn true acceptance and love, war will be unnecessary.”

  “I pray for the day, Uncle.”

  “As do we all, dear niece, as do we all.”

  Chapter Twenty

  Kevler returned to the marketplace with a hundred legionnaires and thirty guardians. Many of her cousins were in the group, along with the elder level two and three guardians. Having no time for greetings, Darlew, Devler, and her father took charge of groups and spread out to cover the market and surrounding areas around the palace. Tiva, her father, Rux, and Tespor, guarded the left side of the forest along the marketplace.

  The suns began their decent back toward the horizon. Bright colors of gold, orange, and purple lit the sky. Another beautiful day as far as nature was concerned, but nothing more than a day of bloodshed and death to Tiva. Noticing, yet unable to enjoy the scenery, she remained focused on her task. Her senses were fully receptive, but nothing caught her attention.

  They waited and waited. A darkening sky enveloped them. Tiva pulled her cloak tight around her shoulders as a cold wind rushed through the trees. Night approached and still nothing from the Rebels. This worried her more than an immediate attack; they were planning or waiting for something. With the threat of a night assault lessening the darker the sky grew, Kevler ordered Tespor and Tiva to rest, while he and Rux stood guard and contacted the others.

  Tespor found a large log in a small clearing a few feet from the others. He curled up on the ground next to it and immediately fell asleep. Tiva however, lay back against a rock and stared at the sky. She would not sleep, though her body desired it. Her ability to keep safe those she loved rested on her quick reflexes. If she was asleep, and something happened, she needed to be ready. Staying awake was more important under the circumstances.

  Eventually, she allowed herself to relax and rest her eyes. Her sword tight within her hands, she tried to clear her mind. Tespor’s gentle breathing and the soft cold gush of wind eased her spirit. The scent of fresh air comforted her; no longer did it bring death. Thoughts of war and blood, battle and death floated away. She carried the sensation for a while, letting all her troubles go. A rustling in the trees broke her from the inner solace and she jumped to her feet, weapon ready.

  “Hold, it’s just me.” Rux raised his hands and stepped back.

  “Sorry, cousin.” Tiva lowered her sword to her side.

  “I have news,” he said, stepping closer. “The captured traitors have talked. They told the king an attack is planned for first light; their final two groups have arrived.”

  “So, tomorrow will bring the fate of Degort.” She grabbed a braid and pulled on it gently. “What are our orders now?”

  “We remain here for the first wave.”

  The first group struck as the sky started to lighten. All along the border of the marketplace, the sound of fighting erupted. Tiva and the others fought their way through a small cluster moving toward the center of the market, as the masses of Rebels began to focus their strength. The guardians and legionnaires began to merge slowly as the Rebels pushed forward.

  Tiva, side by side with her uncle and father, noticed movement out of the corner of her eye. Too quick to be fighting, and not running away from the battle, she recognized the man.

  “Father! Pethor…” She pointed to the figure.

  “Are you sure?” he said.


  Kevler ran after him and Tiva continued to fight. Tespor and Rux moved near to help with the overbearing Rebels.

  In the distance, she heard yelling. A soft rumble began at her feet. Through the mass of enemies, a couple hundred legionnaires stampeded toward them.

  Rux slapped Tespor on the shoulder. “Look, these scum stand no chance now.”

  Tiva’s eyes widened as the regiment ran through the Rebels, heading straight for the guardians.

  “They are not here to help,” Tiva said, her worst fears confirmed. The legionnaires were against the king. “Uncle Devler, alert the remaining guardians from the palace, we need reinforcements!”

  Darlew called for a retreat to the marketplace. Tiva fought as they fell back to the palace. Midway up the path, guardians and loyal legionnaires came to their aid, and fighting erupted all around.

  Tiva spotted her father running back as she fought two young Rebels. He slashed through the traitors and ran to her side. “Did you catch Pethor?”

  “No, Tiva, he got away.”

  “We are outnumbered, Father, we cannot win this battle,” she said, her eyes full of worry. “It is becoming hard to separate the loyal Legions from the traitors. What can we do?”

  “I do not know, we must keep fighting, and we cannot allow the palace to be breached.” Kevler dodged, kicked a man to his knees, and slashed his chest.

  “I understand.”

  They battled the entire day, inching closer to the palace, and by the time the suns had set, the guardians and legionnaires fighting for the king were the only barricade between the Rebels and the gates to the Palace of Kinchar.

  The Rebels retreated and the fighting stopped at nightfall. Using the time to their advantage, the injured protectors retreated to the healing houses, and Harer met with his elite in the summit room.

  “Captain Wirto and his men will leave the grounds to gather help from the guardsmen and legionnaires in the south and west. Every available body within the palace walls will now fight.” Harer pressed his fist to his heart. “Rest now while you can, be ready for battle on the morrow.”


  Tiva stood on the stairs to the Great Hall, death all around her. She held Tespor’s sword in one hand, hers in the other. Her clothing, soiled with blood and sweat, was tattered and torn.

  So many were dead.

  Tespor, Skky, Loloa, her uncle…all gone.

  Another Rebel ran toward her. She fixed a cold gaze upon him and swung both weapons high in the air before striking him down with each blade. One slash struck his stomach, the other his neck. Easy, she thought.

  “Come to me, you traitorous scum!” she said, baiting the legionnaires and Rebels skulking through the tree lined path leading to the palace. “I will show you a wrath you will never forget!”

  Her PCD beeped.

  “Retreat to the research facility.”

  She ignored it at first, and took down two more Rebels before hearing her father’s shaky voice calling again. Running around the palace, she fought her way toward the others. Guardians rushed into the forest to the facility hidden deep within. Tiva neared to see her siblings, mother, and father—surrounded by cousins, her aunts, and the majority of the Finto family.

  “Is this all?” Tiva said as she slowed.

  “We have two dozen more inside. I don’t know where the others are.”

  Yark Finto rushed over. “Some of our legionnaires retreated to the northern Yaan and Hentor provinces. They await orders.”

  “Any word from Wirto?” Darlew asked, stepping out of the large glass and stone gray building.

  “Nothing,” Jinka said, standing near Trach, and a very shaken Zizi. “He is not responding.”

  Rux burst through the trees followed by another small group. “The forest is surrounded. They…they have more forces approaching…” He paused. “Where
is my father?”

  Tiva looked to her cousin, then to Rae who sobbed in D’laja’s arms. Rux walked to his mother. Zizi started to cry.

  “Mother?” He wrapped his arms around her and his markings turned black. Kevler squeezed Tiva’s hand, but she held back her tears. If they didn’t stay focused, they would all die at the hands of the Rebels.

  King Delos emerged from the building with a dozen guardians. Tiva, Darlew, and Kevler approached him.

  “We need to protect you and your family, my friend,” Kevler said.

  “The Rebels have surrounded us,” Yark said.

  “What of the others?” the king asked.

  “We are all that are left.” Tiva looked at the group of twenty or so guardians, more than half hers, and the Finto’s extended family.

  “By the spirits!” Harer growled.

  “We cannot win this battle. We have but two choices now.” Darlew rubbed his neck. “Fight until our dying breaths and allow the Rebels to take over, or leave, regroup elsewhere and begin planning to retake the throne.”

  “Did you not hear Rux, Father?” Yark said. “We are surrounded.”

  “We have other means of leaving, Yark.”

  Tiva glanced to the king, as did the others.

  “Indeed,” Harer said. “This is not an easy choice, but we must make it together, for it is the fate of us all that rests in the hands of the Rebels now.”

  “It hasn’t been thoroughly tested, Harer, we don’t know anything about how to operate it,” Kevler said.

  “The scientists and engineers have already agreed to go.”

  “Go where?” Tiva said.

  Kevler looked up. “Off the planet.”

  “The ship is finished, and is capable of flight. We will be able to remain in contact with the planet, and keep the king and his family safe while we decide what our next plan of action will be,” Darlew said.

  “Is that wise?” she said.

  “Either we leave, or die here and allow the Rebels to win completely. This way, we have a chance,” Darlew said.


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